Friday, February 14, 2014

I Blame The Liberal Party

Hello and welcome to the blog and a very, very tired blogger today so please bear with sleep last night because of a sick puppy...(I know you are but what am I?-Ed), actually a sick puppy, or dog, a sick dog that woke me up half a dozen times, kept wanting to go out...(too many green apples off the tree?-Ed)...I don't think he actually picks them, the birds knock them down, but yeah I think that's what it was...anyhoos...a short, sharp post...

Beach Reprise: re my 'holiday' the other day...and that is the closest thing I've had to a holiday in a long, long my day trip to Port MacDonnell. Whilst it remains largely a story of celebration and gratefulness, I am always struck by the planning that put the Rubbish Dump and Sewerage Works right there at Cape Northumberland...there's always crap from the Rubbish Tip blowing's an atrocious look for what is supposedly a tourist area.

How long would it take for a Council and/or 'Work for the Dole' crew and/or volunteers  to scoot around picking up that rubbish...(and have a few swims while they're down there-Ed) and chips for lunch...(lovely chubbly-Ed)...and I know that there's a clean-up in that part of the world soon, but the area around the Rubbish Tip needs weekly attention...(wouldn't it just be easier to stop the garbage blowing out of the tip in the first place?-Ed)...well there's a thought...

And I forgot the weird overcast smoke-haze conditions that made the sky a strange washed-out pastel orange and cast everything in that light, but when you got down to the water it was that brilliant turquoise blue that it often was like a toned-down version of the special effects in the David Bowie film-clip for Ashes To Ashes...(funk to funky-Ed)...that's the one...but now some actual news... 

I heard back this morning from Liberal candidate Troy Bell re the letter I had politely 'confronted' him about...(do you mean the letter from sitting member Don Pegler claiming that the Liberals are going to sling every Housing Trust tenant into the street, as recently received by yourself and other Housing Trust tenants?-Ed)...yes...(that openly attacks Liberals for things they haven't said, but fails to mention what Labor said only 6-8 months ago about 'handing' properties to Anglicare, etc?-Ed)...yes...

(The letter that says outright 'Liberal bad, don't vote Liberal' -Ed)...well it doesn't quite say that exactly, but yes...(and is clear and irrefutable further proof of the collusion between Labor and their man, alleged Independent Don-Ed)...yes that letter, as per the post 2-3 days ago...anyway, Mr Bell repeated his original position that the claims made by Mr Pegler in that letter are falsehoods and without substance...(and also are not true-Ed)...I indicated that I would post this information and Mr Bell said 'knock yourself out'...(you sure he didn't say 'print that and I'll knock you out'?-Ed)...

Yeah, yeah, that was it...but he actually said 'I'm way to busy to do it myself, so if you post that stuff could you knock yourself out'...(ahahaha-Ed)...anyhoos, Mr Bell said that there was an official statement as such that he'll forward to me today/tomorrow, and other public responses in the pipeline...he also stated that there had been 7-8 other people in his electorate office, some of them absolutely terrified that what Don was claiming was guaranteed and imminent.

Well done Don, you've caused great fear and trepidation in the community with a crass political stunt...hope you're proud champ...and it's such a low, callous thing to do that it reeks of former alleged Independent Rory McEwen...(oo,oo, that's what I meant to tell The Border Watch I saw Rory attending Don Pegler's campaign launch-Ed)...and why not, it's only fitting that Don's Campaign Manager is at the Campaign launch...(ouch-Ed)...

Ouch nothing, Rory McEwen cannot afford to lose control of the freight train of pro-paedophile corruption that he has piloted through the last decade...(do you pilot a train?-Ed)...shutup...and there's Rory at the centre of the Grant District Council/Labor web, like a big spider on a rock...(you mean like a rock spider?-Ed)...well not quite, that's actually a colloquial but specific term for a paedophile.

(But didn't you say that Rory McEwen had knowingly, willingly, repeatedly engaged in colluding with the Rann/Weatherill Labor government and the Lutheran Church to help them cover-up the gross abuse of a class of grade 2, 7 year old children in February- June 2002 by their Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier...didn't you say that?-Ed)...yes...(and that this included betraying and attacking you and other parents via TBW, the ABC Radio, phoning advocates to criticise you, etc-Ed)...yes...

(And that his behaviours were wanton and repeated and guaranteed the further abuse of children and that therefore his behaviours were on a par with those of Glyn Dorling and any person who abuses children?-Ed)...I did say that...(that you considered there to be no difference between the person who abused children and someone who protected those behaviours?-Ed)...yes I said all of that. 

But I never actually said that Rory McEwen is a paedophile...that would be defamation I'm sure...but I digress...

I'd like to thank Don for getting this alleged 'Tenants Tossing' issue out in the open, two birds with one stone...if he's correct, then the Liberals have to address it, but regardless, it's clearly anti-Liberal propaganda that defines where Mr Pegler's political allegiances lie...with the Labor Party...and then today in TBW we have Labor candidate Jim Maher praising up Don, slagging-off Troy Bell, and all done with the dutiful and bountiful coating of pro-Labor hypocrisy.

Mr Maher carefully misrepresents the realities of how the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review process has transpired, particularly the issue of increased funding...the facts are self-evident...Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling established a PATS Review that specifically ruled out any more funding for the Scheme...ever...and Don Pegler fully supported that Review.

If Mr Maher wants to get all jiggy about real petitions...(in the TRB article he has a go at Troy Bell about the PATS petition Mr Bell organised-Ed)...indeed...then he needs to go to his mate Don and get Don to explain why the 6,600 signature Flouride petition never saw the light of day after it was handed to him...explain why a relatively enormous petition went straight on the shelf, ignored by fact, I find that whole letter so offensive I'm going to make it tomorrow's deserves it...(you supporting the Liberals now?-Ed)...

Mate, the Liberals can get stuffed...and they don't need my help...    

Gnashing Of Teeth: in the Federal Liberal party as MP Fiona Nash's Chief of Staff  has gotten the official ass...(well he 'assed' himself, he resigned-Ed)...fair enough...but he has shares in a lobby group which he used to work for, as run by his wife, and that has various major food brands as clients...and then suddenly the Healthy food website was pulled without notice after only a week...and now it looks like Ms Nash's explanation for that, as being the resolution of a meeting re that site, now it looks like that's 'wrong' as well.

(She's having a bit of a shocker-Ed)...indeed...anyway, he's decided that his presence is too much of a distraction for something-or-other, and such-and-such, and blah, blah, blah...(just stopped listening?-Ed)...yep, just stopped listening, quite literally tuned-out when the bulldust got too thick and that was mighty quick...and I've seen a couple of hilarious interviews with Liberal lackeys squirming around their seats as they try to explain it all away.

There is clearly a problem given that any 'staffer' is meant to provide a 'pecuniary interests' register that should have made Deputy-Health Minister Nash absolutely aware of who and/or what she was dealing with...and then the site, that conflicts with her COS's share portfolio, and his wife's business, that gets pulled under highly dubious circumstances...stinky, very stinky.

A Pecuniary Interests Register: is what Mt Gambier City Council has just legislated to remove from their Junior Sports Fund Committee thingy...whatevs, I'll try to find it....have removed so that former Council CEO and current highly paid Council 'Consultant' Greg Muller can be on that committee without having to declare a PIR...(a PIR being a list of business interests, potential Conflict of Interests, etc-Ed)...indeed...Council removed that the same night they appointed Greg to that committee. 

Enough for today, so...

Tomorrow: The Jim Maher Letter and more Fracking stuff.

Don't ever, ever confuse me for a Liberal supporter...(alright, calm down big fella'...I know, I know-Ed).

I am Nick Fletcher...and I am a man, I am not an animal...and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(you are an animal-Ed)...down in the cheap seats...

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