Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dentistry and Deceits and One And The Same

Hello and welcome and apologies for dodgy, late, stop-gappish, short post, but still some interesting stuff I think...(nobody's going to complain about you doing a short post, mate-Ed)...fair enough...had the unexpected pleasure of the company of my child today, and then Council meeting this evening...(get on with it-Ed)...sure...

But First: Last night I saw part of an interview on ABC TV Lateline with Tim Wilson, former Director with the Public Affairs Institute and now head of the Human Rights Commission...(ahahaha-Ed)...and he said that the Abbott Federal government should stop funding Private Schools...(say what?-Ed)...he was talking about Free Speech and discrimination, etc, and said that Private schools should be able to discriminate, but Public schools are funded by government and that's public money and therefore they should be accountable, etc...

(But Private schools also receive government fuahhhh, I get it...he didn't actually say they should stop funding-Ed)...sorry, did I say said?...what I meant was directly inferred in the one sentence...but that is exactly what he said, and obviously without realising it, he made a huge boo-boo...(hilarious-Ed)

Dentally Does It: I recently received a letter from the SA Dental Service (attached below)...I had been on a SADC waiting list from some time ago (3 years?) and subsequently had some treatment (2 appointments) at a local private clinic in October 2013...(well that's a good thing-Ed)...sure, and I think it might have been part of the program to reduce Waiting Lists as well...not sure...

Late 2012 SADC Waiting Lists in Mt Gambier had blown out to 4 years, just for an appointment, and in mid 2013 a program was implemented to reduce that wait...as per previous posts, I do take a very small measure of credit for that actioning and subsequent reduction as being a response to my attempts to address the issue via the media, but I genuinely feel that we owe a debt of gratitude to the ABC and their Late Afternoon's announcer Annette Marner and her colleagues for pursuing the issue.

And a huge thankyou and massive creditingness to the staff at the Mt Gambier Hospital Clinic because I know how hard they work to help people who do have genuine emergencies...(or have had chemo, etc-Ed)...indeed...and that cannot be easy given the gross under-funding that epitomises Country Health. and the well documented problems with attracting 'long-term dentists' (and other doctors, specialists, etc) to Mt Gambier.  

Anyway, I received partly funded treatment and that is, as Ed said, all good...except that I received the letter dated February 4th 2014, just over a week ago, some 4-5 months after the treatment, and as you can see it refers to "Today's appointment" and says I'll have to wait 12 months before getting back onto the Waiting List...the handwritten "Oct 2014" was on there and refers to my last appointment October 2013 +12 months.

It appears that this is the same strategy as has been applied to other Waiting Lists, eg, Elective Surgery, where Labor Health Minister Jack Snelling is now saying 'we've got the shortest waiting lists in Australia' by creating Waiting Lists to get on the Waiting Lists...(charming-Ed)...

Also attached the email that I received last Friday 14th October 2014 (sorry, only just checked my emails this morning on another computer...all fixed now though) from Liberal candidate Troy Bell, that refers to the letter sent to Housing Trust tenants by current member Don Pegler...this letter is self-explanatory.

Tomorrow: The Stuff I Promised Yesterday

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. These tips are really amazing. I appreciate it for sharing them.

    ABC Dental Independence
