Saturday, February 15, 2014

Laboring The Point About PATS

Howdy and welcome to the blog...I am very much aware of the mire of cynicism that I seem to spend most of my time trudging through, but I do always try to be objective in nature and accurate in substance...yet sometimes I do still fail...and so I do also allow a degree of 'wriggle-room' for political allegiance 'colouring' intelligent debate...and then there's this letter from Jim Maher...

Feedback In My Own Defence: nothing particularly specific, but I'd like to again make the point that I don't look for ways to twist the truth to my opinion nor do I just attack people for something to any number of the issues I've posted about it's me that's done the heavy lifting, me that's driven the issues at all, me that's become the focus of retaliation rather than furbished with response...sometimes I 'report' the news, sometimes I create the news, sometimes I am the news...

Beach Reprise Reprise: In the last couple of posts I've critiqued that most excellent essay 'A Fat Hippy Goes To The Beach', and I'd like to make the specific point that said hippy tried to have a 'day-off', eg, switched the radio off for 3 hours...(actually it was only 2hrs-Ed)...for 2 hrs, but he couldn't go to the beach without noticing planning issues, eg, the Sewerage Treatment Plant, which is also an environmental issue, as is the rubbish blowing everywhere from the adjacent Rubbish Tip, etc...the potential impacts, eg, affects tourism and/or the environment...and potential solutions, eg, 'Work For The Dolers' cleaning up.

And then it was how to structure that program, improvements to enhance the tourism experience, etc...(it's a sickness-Ed)...damn straight it is...I failed to achieve just trying to remove myself for a few hours from the Groundhog Day consistency of my current existence, eg, relentless 'media consumption'...I just saw politics...but apart from all that, it was really groovy to get down there...with the weird orange bushfire haze and crap blowing everywhere it was very post-Apocalyptic...     

Not So Groovy: is the undisguised cross-promotion between local state election candidates alleged Independent Don Pegler (Sitting Member) and Labor's Jim Maher (currently City Councillor) previous posts I have covered the gross collusion between the Grant District Council, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler, et al. and the Labor state government, and their collective strategy of running multiple candidates to net the preference votes...(say again please-Ed)...sure.

Labor knows they cannot win the seat of Mt Gambier so they have gained control of the Lower South East by establishing 'relationships' with the Grant District Council that have seen all planning decisions, etc, for the area made via the GDC...more in a bit...and at state elections have used relatively respected Labor candidates to garner the traditional Labor vote, but have then 'preferenced' those across to an alleged Independent derived from the GDC, first Rory McEwen and now Don Pegler...and look out for Richard Sage to join in at the last minute...a swathe of dodgy Labor candidates...Greens preferences also go to Labor.

By running multiple candidates Labor has ensured that one of their 'candidates' will get I've said before, Liberal candidate Troy Bell is effectively up against 3 or 4 Labor candidates, and will need to gain almost a 'first preference' lead if he hopes to win...which brings me to the latest cross-promotional Labor propaganda effort of glaring collusion courtesy of Jim Maher...

I re-iterate that I am not a Liberal supporter and I think they're lying through their teeth about opposing Fracking, but I'll be shrecked if I'm going to sit back and watch this rabid Labor corruption of the Democratic process...(don't be so falsely noble...this isn't about the higher ideals of Democracy, you just hate the bastards-Ed)...I don't think 'just hate' adequately describes what I feel for some of these people...anyhoos, please find attached below the letter from Jim Maher as printed in The Border Watch on Friday 14th February 2014.

I won't go 'date for date' with Mr Maher because it is fact that only a month ago, even less, Don Pegler fully supported the Labor Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review that specifically refused increased funding, and only 2 weeks ago, the day before the Liberals announced their $1million funding increase, Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling stated 'no more funding' more funding...

Then 2 days after the Liberals announcement suddenly it's a $2.5m increased funding from Labor...3 days after saying specifically 'no' suddenly it's 'yes'...and then a whole lot of bullshit back-tracking to try and create a chronology of events that explains and excuses the sudden contradiction...Jim Maher's letter deliberately misrepresents that chronology by mentioning the Liberal's $1m after his statement about Labor Cabinet endorsing the Review Report and $ happened the other way round.

And Labor have failed/refused to increase PATS since I had chemo and radiotherapy in 2004/05...(so they fail to make fundamental and equitable increases for a decade, wait until there's an election on the horizon then start a Review that rules out any more funding and rather is about how to deny more country patients even qualifying, then a month out from the election, 2 days after the Liberals, suddenly it's 'here's $2.5m'-Ed)...yep...offensive and basically unbelievable.  

I think we all need to sit down and talk about the repeated electoral promises for a stand alone 12 bed Mental Health Care unit, the slashing of Drug and Alcohol Services, the total absence of resident psychiatrists, the many patients going to Victoria because it's closer, cheaper, and safer than South Australian hospitals, the axing of services at Millicent, the Keith Hospital bastardry...lets talk about the  obscene amounts of money to build and then rent our own new Royal Adelaide Hospital.

I find it quite breathtaking that Mr Maher would sling accusations of malfeasance and corruption at anyone...the SA Labor government is nothing short of a criminal organisation who have pillaged the state to cater to their supporters and build pointless monuments to themselves whilst wallowing in pro-paedophile is the most ludicrous hypocrisy for anyone in the Labor Party to point elsewhere and say 'corrupt'...have a good hard look at yourselves! 

Come on Jim, let's have a public Election Forum about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and you bring Premier Jay Weatherill and Mike Rann and Rory McEwen and Jack Snelling and Michael Atkinson and all your shrecking Labor lawyers and the Crown Solicitor and the Lutherans and all their lawyers...the whole shrecking pack of you...and I will tear every one of you a new fundamental by simply stating the facts...alone and unaided I will crush you with the truth...(Crunch Time-Ed)...

The only thing I want to hear from you Jim Maher is 'I am sorry that I have chosen to be involved in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up and I beg forgiveness from the children, their families, and the general community for failing to protect you from the pro-paedophile lobby running South Australia. I am not a bad person, just a person who has made some very poor choices out of loyalty for a Labor Party that has used that loyalty against me and the community I claim to care so much about'...(I'm sensing some displeasure-Ed)...very perceptive of you.

Sorry, there is so much hypocrisy to cover here but I'm done with this today...but by shrek I'll be back looking at this and other correspondence re Fracking,

Tomorrow: A Main Course of Shredded Letters

(Aha, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...yeah, I'm not seeing the humour right now...but here's a closing effort...

Big Hats at the Summer Nats: hilarious to see footage of a bunch of bright red 'sunburnt' people swimming in a cloud of toxic tyre smoke, but every second one was wearing a large straw 'sombrero'...with all the pollution and sunburn, many were actually trying to do the right thing, even if it was only for personal is clearly not the demanding master at the Summer Nats that it is when promenading about the Blue Lake...(maybe sombreros are 'in' now, a bit like ug boots-Ed)...I had not thought of that.    

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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