Sunday, February 23, 2014

Just A Short Post About Stuff

Hello and welcome to the blog and sorry but today I lack any great enthusiasm, motivation, and/or inspiration because I'm feeling a bit sorry for child (young adult) has joined the thronging hordes departing Mt Gambier so as to be able to attend Tertiary Education...

Now there's a whole blog in itself, let alone a post, and I don't really need to spell out to most people the issues related to the ongoing withdrawal of services, courses, etc, and potential for further cuts as per the front page of The Border Watch just last week, etc, the TAFE job losses recently, etc, and...(I thought you were going to take a spell from spelling it out?-Ed)...fair enough...moving on...

I feel strangely 'released' from my personal commitment to 'expose' myself...(hehehe-Ed) public scrutiny by being involved in the Electoral Process...putting aside the grossly biased and deliberately discriminatory nature of the Eligibility Criteria changes (20+ nominees and $3,000) that was un-apologetically introduced in 2013 and openly defended as being necessary to stop certain people running...(people like you?-Ed)...exactly...not me specifically but like me yes, I'm strangely relieved to not be part of the whole farce...

(So if it was free, you wouldn't have run?-Ed), I would have I'm sure, but it would still have been very much as a fringe candidate unlikely to get the 4% first preference votes necessary to get the $3,000 back if I had paid...and it is not easy being involved in the public spotlight for reasons I've discussed at length in previous posts, and in some respects I've gone backward from there (March 2010), but at that stage I felt obliged to put my self up for criticism...

(Sorry, introduced to stop people running?...surely not...we live in a democracy where everyone has an equal right to participate-Ed) sorry, that's simply not the case...and no genuine Independent is ever going to win the seat of Mt Gambier...and with the St Martins Issue fully exposed and officially covered-up by the Labor government, et al, the issue that drove me to run in March 2010, I feel less obliged to put myself up for 'exposure' and to 'wear responsibility'.

Firstly, a huge part of running in the March 2010 election was that I felt driven to address the issues re myself and other parents being targetted as the only genuine problem with the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...I've covered this in previous posts and it features heavily in the 'Comments' left by anonymous coward 'Dick Stretcher.'..and there's no question that I have borne the brunt of the bulk of that character assassination...

Basically, as far as strategy goes, I was saying 'if I'm the problem then here I am and let us get it on sir!'...or something like that...with the distance of 4 long years I struggle to remember any other particular motivation...and that motivation is gone now because here I am right here, and I have problems and I cause problems no doubt, but I have irrefutably established the reality of what the problem is at St Martins...

Even if I'd managed to run at the September 2013 Federal election as an 'Anti-Wind Turbine' candidate, that would have been really only a partial motivation dwarfed by the St Martins Issue.

Feedback: Yes availee, it is strange that I can make outrageous, apparently slanderous statements about the Child Abuse Cover-up at St Martins Lutheran School over and over again and then do it a few more times, and yet no Defamation action as threatened by the Lutherans, the Crown Solicitor, Bill DeGaris, etc, and the vast majority of those posts remain...(the truth is stranger than fiction-Ed)...

Secondly, in 2010 I genuinely felt that there were no positive options for Mt Gambier, it was basically down to Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman and Grant District Council Mayor Don Pegler...and that this, coupled with the Labor strategy of 'preferencing' alleged Independents sourced from the Grant District Council, meant that there were only really one group of people running...(you're referring to the extinction of distinction between Liberal and Labor-Ed)...exactly...that and the paedophile influence immediately apparent in South Australian politics.

I am not a Liberal Party supporter, nor do I accept and/or promote their ideologies, strategies and/or policies, but for what little I know him, I do believe that Troy Bell can/will be a good advocate for Mt Gambier and Regional South Australia...for what little I know of him he seems genuinely concerned for his is entirely down to him if he then slides onto the backbench and slips it into neutral...

Mt Gambier has been all but destroyed over the last decade by a series of local and state politicians wholly focused on themselves and operating in a paradigm where the electorate and it's well-being is considered to be subservient to the wants and needs of the elected representative...and one issue looms darkly in a storm-tossed sea, poised to crash on the South East like a giant polluted wave strewn with detritus and debris...

Fracking Ho:...(dude, you can't say that-Ed)...what?...the South East is like a rudderless ship under full sail, driven by an ill wind, carried on a tide of corruption, and the cry from the crows nest is "Fracking Ho"...the SE is on a collision course with Fracking and nobody, no party, not no one is actually going to act to stop Fracking for Shale Oil Gas at Penola, as currently being drilled right can yell it all you like from the top of the mast, the problem is at the helm.

And at the other end of the map are the Labor Party, the Liberal Party, Beach Energy, the Environment Protection Agency, et al, getting all their wagons in line...(their Apple Carts?-Ed)...precisely...and then it's 'move 'em out...let's hit the road pilgrims, Fracking ho!'...but of course that ship of Apple Carts of self-interest and Adelaide obsessed politics set sail long ago...(is it a wagon-train or a ship?-Ed)...the drilling has already commenced and Fracking is one rubber-stamping away from realisation.   

Enough for today, but I'll do some collective letter-shredding re the Mahers and the Liberals and whoever else, whatevs, for tonight I sleep on new sheets, but,

Tomorrow: On A Bed Of Shredded Letters

Ahahaha...sorry, but that's what passes for humour in my world least I'm still trying...(very-Ed)...I knew you were going to say that...

Oo, I also note that current Grant District Council Mayor Richard Sage had not nominated as of late last week so unless he did and it wasn't announced or I missed it...(or he nominates before noon tomorrow-Ed)...quite...well unless one of them things is what is happening, it appears that I was wrong in predicting his candidature in a supportive role to Labor and Don Pegler as part of the preference control strategy as per previous elections...we'll see I guess...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and etc, etc...where are my slippers?

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