Monday, February 17, 2014

Some Mo' Shredded Letters

Hello and welcome to the blog Taiwan, Aotearoa (New Zealand), China, and France...and an early apology for a late, bitsy post...been a long day of housework and appointments and other minutiae and I've stupidly got 'house-dusting hayfever' or at least the groggy, clogged head thing that immediately proceeds it...(sorry, no pity for such silly self-inflicted wounds, wear a face-bandanna thingy-Ed)...yeah, I forgot...moving on then...

Yay: Tonight on South Australian TV there is the bewildering prospect of the undignified spectacle of our illustrious leader Premier Jay Weatherill going mano et mano with Liberal leader Stephen Marshall...and
as ugly as may be every image that that conjures, I'm quietly confident that the reality will be even uglier...

I look forward to forcing myself to sit through this impending blizzard of bullshit because as much as I try to be involved informedly in politics to the point where I need to watch this, it remains my personal desire to have absolutely nothing to do with any of these people, let alone put up with them in my lounge room talking their particular brand of bare-faced bollocks at me...(take a breath dude...and a chill pill...they're not actually there, they're just on the telly-Ed)...yeah, sorry, sorry...

I choose to segue straight into the subject matter, but I'm not going to try and pick apart every letter, instead I'll stick to what I believe is the truth and let 'availees' compare this to what ever it is you all are lookin' at ya' hear...there have been many interviews about frickin' Fracking on the ABC Radio and various letters  in The Border Watch and/or other local papers, eg, Federal MP Tony Pasin saying it's a state planning issue, etc, his family has a farm, etc...or Steven Davies who has declared it is a "benign process" and he wants the revenue now to maintain his lifestyle now (a paraphrase but the overall tenet of his reasoning).

Forget Mr Davies, he's stone cold tripping, Fracking is an environmental disaster everywhere it occurs and the employment figures, etc, that he quotes, are unrealistically high. I find it fundamentally impossible to accept that any of these various players, Labor or Liberal or even Independent, are genuinely acting to stop the Fracking at Penola...and if Fracking is allowed 2kms from Penola township in the middle of prime, pristine, farmland and vineyards, straight through 2 Aquifers, then it can happen anywhere...and Adelaide has no idea and probably wouldn't care anyway...

Labor have no conscience what-so-ever and have openly supported this Penola/Beach Energy venture and there's just no way that they're suddenly going to refuse those approvals that allegedly have not yet been granted...the Liberal Party are blowing smoke where ever they can manage with a farcical promise of a parliamentary committee that will achieve nothing until well after it's too late anyway...(whaaa?-Ed)...and have openly supported Fracking, eg, Mitch Williams gross misrepresentation of the facts in supporting this specific Fracking project.

That well is being drilled is in itself a massive artificial geological anomaly that guarantees that the toxic sludge pumped into the ground, under extreme pressure, will 'escape' and pollute both Aquifers the shaft passes through.

Even Senator Nick Xenophon's proposed changes to legislation so as to protect Aquifers and therefore stop Fracking in vulnerable areas like the South East, even those changes, if they get through, are subject to state attitudes and application, and that means that you can have whatever legislation you like because it's wide open to jurisdictional control and everyone in SA wants Fracking...for shrek sake people, it's 400kms from Adelaide so who gives a rats arse?...(well I do-Ed)...and good on you champ.
Ahhh, Oooo, My Troybellitis Is Killing Me: 2 more TV ads and posters and forums and articles and'd be excused for thinking that the Liberal Party are taking Mt Gambier very seriously as a seat worth winning and that their candidate Troy Bell gives half a damn...    

Tourist Bus Attack: in the Sinai area of Egypt, the first in several years, has confirmed fears that the ongoing political instability has stirred up or re-ignited regional conflicts. Targeting tourists was/is a deliberate strategy to 1) damage the countries economy and therefore the government by driving away the Tourism dollar, and 2) move the issues outside of Egypt itself, ie, an attack on Egyptians might receive little or even no international coverage, but the deaths of tourists is guaranteed to generate news time.

Starting 10-12 months ago, I have seen/heard several reports saying that the Sinai had already been declared 'lawless' and was effectively out of bounds for tourists...why and how these tourists came to be there despite these bans/warnings has not been explained.  

Child Abuse Royal Commission: goes to Queensland to look at a 2007/08 case in a Catholic Primary School but yet again it's a case that has already been resolved and the teacher gaoled for 10 years...(can I just make the point that there were over a dozen direct victims and other children witness, so each child's suffering is worth less than a year in gaol-Ed)...yeah it's indicative of the judicial attitude to paedophiles and the rights/well being of the perpetrator...he should be doing 10 years for each victim of his abuses...

Still no word about when or even if the Commission is going to come to Mt Gambier to tackle the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and there are chilling comparisons with this case and St Martins, namely that these were 8-10 year olds who were abused across 2 years, even after parents complained in the first year, and the parents involved were attacked by other parents (who would wear ribbons indicating support for the school) and a headmaster who didn't Mandatory Notify, etc...(ya' gotta' love it when people start wearing ribbons to attack others...insidious passive aggressive arseholes-Ed)...I concur

Meanwhile in Adelaide the parents whose disabled children were abused at St Anns Catholic School in the 1990s are still fighting for compensation despite the gaoling of the perpetrator (where he died) and a 2004 public mia culpa from the then Adelaide Arch Bishop Phillip Aspinall...10 years after that and the families are quite convinced that the Catholics have no intention of ever resolving the matter but are simply waiting for the now elderly and traumatised parents to die...(yay for the Catholics-Ed)...this has just run again 5 minutes ago on the the Queensland case...

And the Leaders Debate has just finished so I'm all sworn out...enough for today and...

Tomorrow: More Council Shenanigans

And the second part of the stuff about Labor candidate Jim Maher's recent letter from TBW re PATS, etc...also some startling allegations about the Kingston/Chinese Seaweed deal...and imagine my surprise that those named as being involved include Grant King and Rory McEwen...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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