Monday, February 24, 2014

On A Bed Of Shredded Letters

Hello and welcome to the blog...and today I'm going to just get stuck in because there's a bit of humble pie, possibly made of crow, on the away we go...(you got somethin' stuck in ya' teeth-Ed)...and a bitter taste in my mouth...(get on with it-Ed)...I'm getting...

But First: What the hell is going on with that massive 25-30 ft deep, 40ft x 60ft wide hole in the Rail Lands immediately adjacent the Old Rail Station?...(it looks like they've dug a hole just big enough to bury an Old Rail Station in-Ed)...quite...if it was a fraction closer one could argue that that hole might possibly have been conceived and constructed to 'undermine' the Old Station, rendering it architecturally unsound, and, oh dear, we have to pull it down and build, I dunno, a Shopping Centre on it...

(You are of course referring to the Mt Gambier City Council's obsession with their Rail Lands Retail Agenda for that site...referring to it in a particularly trite and facetious fashion-Ed)...moving on...  

Credit Where Credit Due: I was surprised but pleasantly to hear Stuart Stansfield on the ABC Local Radio this morning...(first cab off the rank-Ed)...indeed...raise the issue of the extraordinary attack on parent/Independent candidate Danyse Soester by rank Labor hack Amanda Blair in the 'article' from The Advertiser newspaper Saturday 22nd February 2014, as covered in my post that day...if one has not availed oneself of said post and attached article, please do.

Serendipitously, Mr Stansfield's studio guest was Liberal Shadow-Minister David Pisoni, who is mentioned by name in that article as being one of the people manipulating Ms Soester...(the other being Nick Xenophon-Ed)...and Mr Pisoni was not backward in his opinion of Amanda Blair, stating that she worked for the Education Department on occasions, as well as a series of Labor controlled Boards.

Stuart read the opening comments from the article, "shut up Danyse", etc, and I briefly missed the next bit as I scrambled for a pen, but I swear he said 'but even more offensive than that' before reading the section about Ms Soester being a "blow-up doll" for Pisoni and Xenophon...perhaps it's more about my perception and reception than the broadcasting and intent, but there was something about this interview that differed from so many I've criticised previous.

Stuart sounded genuinely shocked at the extraordinary language, the direct abuse spewed at Ms Soester with such a blatantly pro-Labor bias, and it's deeper and very insidious intent...perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but the fact that that story received any attention at all is to me an indication that there has been a shift in attitude on this issue.

I refer to the direct similarities between this attack on Ms Soester and the kind of abuse that I have been subjected to...(and other parents-Ed)...and some other families, children included...I choose to believe that this article has bought into sharp focus the reality of what I have claimed...sure, on a good day I'm having a whinge, but I have suffered so much, I have lost so much, and that trauma has cascaded through my life, into all my relationships, simply for trying to get something done about the "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection) who abused my child and dozens of other 7 year olds.    
Ms Soester has stared down the bullies and the liars, the manipulators and conspirators, and she has become such a threat that Labor has had to trot out Amanda Blair's particular brand of soulless, mindless, bigotry and vitriol...well done Amanda, you have given Ms Soester the sort of credibility and exposure that money cannot buy...well done...but I digress...

The ABC interview shifted briefly to the Naracoorte student 'framed' by a teacher for accessing pornography, as currently playing out through the media...I believe Stuart referred to him as the 'hush-money student' and Mr Pisoni directly stated that the Education Dept had "invented a position" for the teacher involved, but refused to sack him...this interview may be available at the ABC Local Radio website... 

Again, there was something different about this interview that I cannot adequately explain because I struggle to quantify it...most odd though, was my personal non-response to this interview off the back of this perception of mine, and one fed the other...(whaaa?-Ed) was my own quiet response to this interview that made me consider that there was a different attitude apparent...normally I would have been furious that the St Martins Issue was not raised, but it just didn't happen, I was genuinely pleased to hear these issues discussed at all.

I don't know whether I've just finally lost the last tattered shreds of my sanity, but it was a good interview, an excellent interview even...(oo, that hurts doesn't it?-Ed)...and followed on from a couple of good interviews with Liberal Shadow Ministers last week, including the extraordinarily crass statement from Vicki Chapman re Don Pegler's terrible loss of a child in a car accident...I will cover this at length tomorrow in more letter shredding...

And a further serendipitation in the 'just then news' report that the After School Carer Mark Harvey, gaoled for 6 years (4 with parole) for raping a young girl at the Western Suburbs School where Ms Soester was on the School Council, is facing 4 further charges of persistent sexual abuse re 4 other girls...said it before, how is it that a man can rape a young girl, let alone whilst working in a school, and get 6's a clear indication that the Judiciary consider Child Rape a negligible offence...steal a Judges Mercedes and see how many years you get. 

And then reported, the former Mt Gambier International Tennis Tournament as currently being played in Pt Pirie because Mt Gambier City Council did not keep the courts here up to standard...but are apparently looking for funding despite it not being anywhere on Council's 'planning' agenda...(didn't Mayor Steve Perryman say that the loss was no biggy because 'it didn't bring in much money'?-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, indeed he did...

Hear We Go Again: the National Health Medical Research Council yet again dances around the reality that there has been no appropriate testing of Wind Turbines by dismissing virtually all relative studies but then stating that Turbines are just's all about 'no reliable or consistent science'...but then go on to say there might be 'visual amenity' issues and/or other annoyance issues, might be both, eg, the visual may cause the annoyance, and that this might cause people stress and problems with sleep. 

Dismissing all but 7 of 3,000 public references as 'not reliable', as worthless, the NHMRCs Prof Warwick Anderson declares the all-clear on Turbines then openly acknowledges that "there might be" issues of "annoyance" and potentially "sleep deprivation"...

(Sorry? the NHMRC, despite not having done any investigation other than to review other 'studies' and then dismiss 2993 of that 3,000 as worthless, is then saying everything's fine with Turbines, but their evidence is that there is no evidence either way, nothing that proves or disproves definitively any of the 'alleged' health issues, but then recognises that there are issues of annoyance and sleep deprivation?...which is what is claimed in the first instance-Ed)...exactly...

(So, none of the science is any good, but Turbines are fine, but they do cause definable negative effects for people living near them-Ed)...exactly...(that's not even having a bet each way, that's just bare-faced self-contradiction ignored to support a pro-Turbine position-Ed)...indeed...

Penola Fracking company Beach Energy has declared a $161million first half profit off the back of oil production in the Cooper Basin...(yay for them-Ed)...indeed...

Excuse the blunt ending, but that's enough just's dinner time...num-nums served on,

Tomorrow: A Bed Of Shredded Lettuce - Part II

I'll get to the Maher's letters, etc, eventually...probably...

I am Nick Fletcher and sorry, yes I am an animal...and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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