Thursday, February 6, 2014

400th Post - A Pause For Reflection

Hello and welcome to the blog...and a bit of a guesstimation, but this is roughly the 400th post on The Mount Gambier Independent, 400 posts in just over a year...and I've given up trying to monitor 'viewing numbers' because they fluctuate widely, 500 one day and 50 the next, but it's still interesting to see that there are people, albeit only a few, across the planet who are reading the blog...

I'm Really Freaking Out: again, because the current girlfriend of convicted murderer Simon Gittany has been all over the news, again, with that unsettling, blank, bat-guano crazy stare...but it's not her demeanour that's so unnerving, it's that she looks exactly like the woman Gittany has been convicted of throwing off a high-rise really makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck...but I digress.

And now a pause to reflect upon what has been achieved thus ask, what has changed if anything?...(ah, so you don't mean the usual Scorpio narcissism 'pause to check out one's reflection' thingy?-Ed), no I don't...

I have clearly established that the Lutheran Church has, for over a decade, covered-up the abuse of a class of 7 year old children by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins School, Mt Gambier...a Cover-up that has the full and unwavering support of the Labor Party including Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, then Attorney General Michael Atkinson, et al, former local member and Labor stooge Rory McEwen, Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman who has strong links with the Lutherans, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, etc...on and on.

In fact, include all of City Council for that matter, past and present CEOs, etc, Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, current Mt Gambier Member Don Pegler, etc, etc...and of course the good ol' Liberal Party...I have proven that quite literally everyone in South Australia in any position of authority and responsibility is at least aware of the St Martins Issue and is either directly complicit in stopping appropriate investigation, or complicit by a failure to act...guilty by "averting their eyes and/or acts of omission". 

Equally complicit are the media in Adelaide and particularly here in Mt Gambier because they are fully aware of the realities of the St Martins Cover-up but rather than address that, choose instead to attack me...the Lutheran Church is covering-up the abuse of dozens, potentially hundreds, of junior primary age students, and is doing so with the full support of people like Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, Don Pegler, Peter Gandolfi, Tony Pasin, etc, etc...and I'm the one who's banned out of the media and attacked and hated...

(Guilt is a terrible Master and it makes people seek succour in the faults, both real and imagined, of others...if Nick Fletcher's the problem, the only real problem, then all the rest of it politely goes away and we can go about our lives...and relative to SA politics, all our rorts and frauds and nepotism and corruption without the unfortunate inconvenience of someone holding us to account-Ed)...indeed.

And of course the Independent Commission Against Corruption is fully aware but has failed to act, and the Crown Solicitors Office is up to it's eyeballs in it, the Statutory Authorities Review Committee report no. 54...and on and on and on it goes...throw an angry dart at the Board of Responsibility and you're guaranteed to hit involvement in the St Martins Cover-up...which segues very unpleasantly into...

Labor Candidate: Supposedly retiring Mt Gambier City Councillor and South East Labor Branch president Jim Maher, has just announced he is the Labor candidate for the seat of Mt Gambier at the March 15th state election...(so he was candidate in 2002, his wife Viv Maher was Upper House candidate in 2006 and Lower House in 2010, and now he's having another go-Ed)...yep...(and their son Kyam Maher is a Labor Upper House member-Ed)...yep...(but I thought Jim was 'retiring' from Council at the November 2014 Local Government elections and moving to Adelaide-Ed) did I.

I think that the facts speak for themselves and that Jim knows that he doesn't stand a chance of winning therefore his plans to move won't be impacted by his candidacy...and he has said as much himself, well at least the bit about it being unlikely he would win.

By his own words, Jim is running 'to give Labor followers someone to vote for'...and whether he's aware of it or not, and I can't imagine he's not, he's being used as just another Labor stooge in a cluster of stooges as Labor runs their standard multiple candidate/preference shuffle strategy utilising complicit alleged Independents and respectful official candidates...I've covered this in many previous posts...

At this point, with Jim Maher as official candidate, current Member Don Pegler as a Labor supporting/backed alleged Independent, a Greens candidate Mr Baseley who's preferences will got to Labor, and Grant District Mayor Richard Sage furtively lurking in the wings and likely to announce his candidacy at the very last moment as yet another fake Independent operating on behalf of the Labor Party...with all that Labor have effectively 4 candidates running in the state election...(my turn...Oh My God, you're right-Ed).

Given the Greens will garner a small but reliable quota, as will Jim Maher...(as would Richard Sage-Ed)...indeed, their preferences will get shuffled from one to the other before likely ending up with  Don fact, it doesn't matter who ends up ahead after first preferences, when all the preferences get distributed it is highly likely if not inevitable that a Labor backed candidate will be the next Member for Mt Gambier.

At this stage Liberal candidate Troy Bell is effectively facing a 4 to 1 battle...(I like those odds-Ed)...4 to 1 against...(ah, can I have my money back?-Ed)...only if you get 4% of Primary Votes...or it isn't your $3,000 in the first instance, eg, from donations...(hey, wouldn't it be hilarious if the cross-preferencing structures that Labor have organised, see Jim gain primary votes ahead of the others and their votes then flow to him, and he is elected-Ed) it that hilarious?...

(Well it just would be...he runs purely so there's at least a Labor candidate and ends up getting elected...that's kinda' funny-Ed)...not as funny as the Liberal Party needing some loose unit to run as a Genuine Independent to try and garner a percentage of those preferences so as to have a real chance, because currently their candidate Troy Bell could win 49% of the Primary Vote and he'd still lose on preferences...(I don't see what's funny about that-Ed)...

Personally I think it's hilarious...devastating for Troy Bell, the Liberal Party, and the community of Mt Gambier, but hilarious to me because if I'm correct, the Liberals really need me to run, or at least some-one like me...(actually, in that context, it is hilarious...but I can't help feeling bad for Troy Bell who would be a good Member for Mt Gambier and is working furiously to make that happen-Ed).

Tourism Schism: Labor's Tourism Minister Leon Bignell, he of the fake/fraudulent 'Put Your Family First' how-to-vote cards and t-shirts at the 2010 election...(oh yeah, where he and his wife, who gets a fortune from WorkCover commissions, both dressed as Family First representatives in blue shirts with PYFF on them, and stood at polling booths handing out fraudulent flyers directing Family First voters to preference Labor-Ed)...yeah that's him...a fraudulent liar...perfect for the Labor Party.

He maintains that the latest piece of dross from the Tourism Board about the Limestone Coast, that again doesn't even mention Mt Gambier, will stimulate people to research it for themselves...(but he said that this ad about mainly Robe is meant to be about the South Australian end of the Great Ocean Road-Ed)...yeah apparently that starts at Robe...and when asked if Mt Gambier would feature in the next ad campaign, Leon said 'it's up to the producers of the ad'...(way to take responsibility for Tourism promotion in the South East-Ed)...I know, it's a joke.

Enough for today...there's apparently always a,

Tomorrow: More politics and assorted other stupidity.

As per usual, I hope to be wrong about the preference stuff, particularly about the outcome...only time will tell...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers, thankyou for your patronage, and laters.

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