Thursday, February 20, 2014

Just Some Corruption Allegations

Hello and welcome to the blog   and it's summer in Australia and last week it was 40C and yesterday at 1500hrs it was 11C and raining...quite bizarre...but here's some actual news...well, some venting...

Unless I have missed it, there still has been no reportage of the Independent Commission Against Corruption alleged 'investigation' of the Mt Gambier City Council...and again, surely this is huge news given the allegations of mismanagement, malfeasance, and theft that have plagued Council over the last few years, eg, Main Corner, Library, Mayor Perryman's 'Insider Trading' re the Old Hospital Demolition, etc...and particularly huge news that the ICAC have supposedly looked at everything and found absolutely nothing and have duly "closed the file".  

And just for the record, the former Old Hospital owners SkyTowers Mt Gambier were/are suing the Receivers who sold the property to Council, and Council was allegedly under investigation from the ICAC, but the building demolition went ahead anyway...(even though it was still allegedly riddled with Asbestos in the window frames at the rear-Ed)...well quite.

It's just nonsensical that the windows on the protected front side did have waterproof Asbestos mastic and were duly smashed out of the building with all the subtlety of a Rampaging Randy Rhino on Acid, but the exposed windows at the back, facing the Southern gales, etc, supposedly did not have Asbestos and were left in for the demolition...but I alleged Court action and an alleged ICAC investigation of Insider Trading but the building comes down anyway.

Sorry, but I still haven't written to the ICAC, but tomorrow...(you like to drop these things on them on weekends don't you?-Ed)...not particularly, I just forgot...but I reference the ICAC and their farcical investigation of the City Council because I'm about to brutally eviscerate them for their rank collective corruption and I don't want anyone to be under any illusion and/or remotely uncertain as to whom and/or what I am referring.

And I have absolutely no qualms in attacking both ICAC and Council and making direct claims of their collusive corruption because that is exactly what has happened...and I don't make a habit of taunting people...(although you do enjoy the occasional mocking-Ed)...occasionally...but I challenge both Council and ICAC and whoever else wants to front up, come on, let's get funky in a Courtroom and I'll bring my scurrilous, libellous allegations and you bring what ever it is you are.

And again, I say that with the quiet confidence borne of experience, that nobody embroiled in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue wants to let me or any of the other parents involved anywhere near a Court, let alone try to deal with the litany of criminality that the ICAC has rubber-stamped with it's pathetic 'investigation' of Council...(yeah, could you be a little more specific?-Ed)...not really...

Please refer to previous posts re the extraordinary failure of the ICAC to find any 'evidence' of acts of Council corruption despite the fact that said acts are recorded in Council's own Meetings Minutes or have been on the front page of The Border Watch...

I completely reject the ICAC as having any authority or any is an institution without integrity and a wholly subservient avatar for the corrupt politicians who instigated it...and again I'm not taunting or goading anyone...(Stuart Stansfield corners that market-Ed)...careful or he'll call the police...alright yes now I'm goading a bit...(and why haven't the ABC sued you for publicly accusing them of being knowingly involved in the St Martins Abuse Cover-up?-Ed).

Because I haven't alleged anything, I have merely borne witness to the truth, to the facts, to the reality of exactly what they have knowingly done and continue to knowingly do...the ABC is knowingly, willingly, wantonly, and apparently irretrievably committed to supporting the St Martins all means please peruse my previous posts and the extraordinary treatment that has been meted out to me by the Public Broadcaster.

If the ABC's Legal Eagles are perusing the blog as they claim and still fail to act to address the extraordinary behaviours of Stuart Stansfield but rather attack me and lie to me and call me a liar, etc, and have duly perused my specific statements identifying their role in the St Martins Cover-up, then why have I not been dragged into Court and held to account...(um, because the Truth is still a fairly solid defense, even in the highly corrupted South Australian Court system-Ed)...well exactly...moving on...   

Last week the Mt Gambier City Council held a 'workshop' with a Dr Tolley, and are set to hold 3 more, and the topic?...walking and city structure and planning and such like...(this is a joke you are playing at me, yes?-Ed) sorry, they're actually doing it...(is this more of that Park and Stride crap?-Ed)...ah yeah that's part of it...and Council's new super dooper 'Plan for the Future'...(but it's too late, they've already stuffed everything with their greed, corruption, and incompetence...the damage is done...that horse ain't gettin' up again-Ed)...

Are you suggesting that it doesn't matter when one bolt's ones gate, because Council is flogging a dead horse that ain't goin' nowhere no time soon?...(absolutely...their obsession with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda has rooted planning and development issues across Mt Gambier, and now the lunacy of the Old Hospital Demolition and pointless, unnecessary Rail Lands dirt-shifting has burned millions of ratepayers money, much of it borrowed-Ed)...

A casual glance at the litany of planning and development disasters and gross nepotism and fraud and theft, etc, etc, etc, that defines the last decade of a dysfunctional and corrupt Council defines the reality of the problems they have created...again I ask that readers review my previous posts that clearly outline a series of major malfeasance issues, the vast majority of which is factual recounting of actual events.

And call me an old cynic, but I'd reckon that, given the Main Corner 'catering leasers' have assimilated the Old Town Hall facilities as well, these 'workshops' being held in the OTH would be a nice earner if they were catered...(and of course Rate-payers are subsidising every single dish prepared in the $1million commercial kitchen installed as part of the Main Corner and it's 120%, $6million cost blowout...and pay for the gas, electricity, etc-Ed)...yes, including the meals the leasers prepare there and then sell over the road at their cafe.

Recently the Forestry Industry Advisory Board chair Trevor Smith was on the ABC spruiking the wonders of various studies and strategies...(more bloody catered forums-Ed)...for the future of Forestry and industry, etc, in the South East...and again I vehemently denounce this as too little too late and from someone largely responsible for the abject bastardry of the Forestry Sale in the first instance...Mr Smith is a card-carrying Labor man and former Chair of the Forestry Round Table...(not the FRT?...splitters-Ed)...

Sorry, but I'm just starting to vent...I know it but I don't possess the motivation to control myself this evening...and I do find it quite cathartic to hurl a bit of accurate abuse once and a while...and render unto Caesar and all that...(he means give it to someone who deserves it-Ed),

Tomorrow: JSCA Part II

And yes, sorry, the Rory McEwen and Grant King stuff with the seaweed and shizzle...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my very angry blog...well today it is anyway...thanks for the feedback and I'll do some of that tomorrow too...cheers and laters...

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