Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don Pegler Lobbying On Behalf Of Labor

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...just more stuff today because there's just so much stuff to be done.

I hope I explained myself well enough yesterday about the politics and economics of my post title: Australia - The White Africa...I maintain that we as a nation are being routinely, expeditiously, thoroughly handicapped, scuppered, de-sailed and de-ruddered by a series of Liberal/Labor Free Trade lunatics in a political paradigm where bluster and bravado replace policy, empathy and social responsibility...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...

And to see Tony Abbott today pouring his fake sympathies and gushing his expedient catchphrases re the abject failure of any recent Federal government to do little more than talk about Aboriginal disadvantage...I'm only re-iterating what I see reported about the ongoing rise in suicide rates, alcohol abuse rates, incarceration, school absenteeism, child abuse and/or domestic violence, itself often related to alcohol abuse, etc...all of these issues continue to plague Aboriginal communities and play a part in markedly lower health outcomes and life expectancy.

Just for the record, there are plenty of problems with these exact issues throughout our society, but the impacts and consequences are greatly magnified in isolated communities...and the 'Close The Gap' catchphrase seems to be frequently referenced but barely addressed...(there's a gap I'd like to see closed, and it's that one in the front of Tony Abbott's face where all the noise comes out-Ed).

I whinge about the lack of services in Mt Gambier but I never lose sight of those that don't even get what we get...furthermore, to me Mt Gambier is a standard by which others might be compared, eg, if we can't get proper Dental Services in Mt Gambier..(that bloody waiting list has apparently blown out again to 3 years or longer-Ed)...indeed, if that's the standard of service in the largest Regional centre in SA, then how bad is it elsewhere?...(well apparently Mt Gambier is the worst in the state Dental Service wise-Ed)...true, bad example, but you get what I mean.

In fact, Tony Abbott's faked concern reminded me very much of the senior Salvation Army 'officer' who fronted the Child Abuse Royal Commission and 'we didn't realised' and 'oh gee whizzed' and 'mia culpaed' and generally bastified his way through his evidence about decades of chronic, systemic abuse in Salvation Army homes...and all served on a fresh bed of crocodile was so sickening that I lasted about 10 seconds and had to change the channel...didn't catch your name champ, but you are an absolute bloody disgrace.

Fully ASIC Maaate:...thank goodness we are protected  from corporate malfeasance in Australia by robust and austere organisations like the Australian Securities and Investment Commission...(right on-Ed)...yeah, I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of those David Jones executives who used 'Insider' information about a proposed merger offer made by Myers, to then go and purchase DJ shares immediately ahead of a share surge related to that merger offer...(yeah, look out DJ executives-Ed)...

Yeah, look out, 'cos that would be Insider Trading and that's allegedly illegal...(only if you get caught-Ed)...the DJ executives did...(oh yeah-Ed)...and look out, here comes ASIC now...and there they go...(and?-Ed)...and nothing, not nothing...(yay for work fellas-Ed)...yeah, yay for ASIC, ignoring Corporate malfeasance since...well since whenever it began.

(I reckon those ASIC fellas could get work with South Australia's Independent Commission Against Corruption-Ed)...which segues neatly into a partial apology in that I've just realised that I haven't actually responded to the ICAC 'investigation'...(nah come on, say it with out laughing-Ed)...'investig'...'investigat'...look no sorry I can't...whatevs, I out-clevered myself by addressing those letters here on the blog but not with ICAC itself...(but aren't they monitoring the blog so they'd know anyway?-Ed)...  

Yeah but I still need to 'officially' respond just so's there's no confusion about who's who and who's doing what...(well they're being the corrupted 'authority' they are, and you're being the large, angry, hippy who has clearly exposed that-Ed)...yeah, I'll put my hand up for some of much as I tried to avoid having anything to with the ICAC, and had made many of my now famous 'allegations' against them, the reality of their alleged investig...investigat...nah, I can't say it without laughing...

(Allow're scathingly sceptical about the ICAC, always have been, and their extraordinary response re Mt Gambier City Council you feel confirms everything you expressed concern about-Ed)...ta, spot on...oh, and please refer to previous posts.    

I'm Confused:...(again?-Ed)...When Mt Gambier City Councillor Jim Maher was interviewed last week on the ABC Local Radio re his candidacy as the Labor representative for the seat of Mt Gambier, he made several points about the importance of Social Inclusion...(fair enough-Ed)...including the specific observation that 'there is a great disparity in wealth distribution in Mt Gambier' (paraphrase)...(yeah, again I agree-Ed) do I...(then what's your beef?-Ed)...

My Beef is that Mr Maher has been a long-term member of City Council and City Council has demonstrated a palatable indifference for the 'Socially Excluded' and those in the lower wealth brackets...again and again and again Council has made insular, self-serving decisions that directly profit themselves or their mates...they are a bloody disgrace...(again I agree-Ed).

The abject failure to fund public bus services whilst throwing many millions at the Riddoch Gallery and Main Corner/Town Hall, the relentless parade of Forums and Workshops catered through the Main Corner, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter fiasco, no covered pool, public facilities neglected, $2million burned moving dirt around in circles at the Old Rail Lands so that a small group of mates can profit from building a shopping centre on it, millions more burned pulling down the Old Hospital, etc, etc, etc...

Please find attached the letter I received is self-explanatory...what it fails to explain is the Labor 'plan' to shift control of and responsibility for Housing Trust properties to groups like AngliCare, etc...I don't know whether 'give' actually means sell, but the way I heard it when first mooted, was that the properties would be simply handed over.

Again, I have contacted Liberal Troy Bell's electorate office requesting an explanation/clarification and am assured that I will receive one paraphrase, I believe that the Liberals deny any of these various allegations...but I'll see what's happening with that response and post asap.

Tomorrow: Just More Child Abuse Cases

Further allegations about what has happened in a local school with a teacher trying to procure a boy, more deferring to the DeBelle Inquiry from Premier Weatherill, the Family Murders back in the spotlight, etc, etc...and a sudden frenzy from SAPol about 'solving' multiple child murder cases from across decades...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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