Thursday, February 27, 2014

Latest Labor Fracking Promo For Don Pegler

Hello Aotearoa (New Zealand), Indonesia, China, and Poland and welcome to the blog...and this morning the ABC Local Radio lurched back to the dark side and completely trashed all of the good work it has done this week, in any week, with one atrocious 'interview' about Fracking at Penola with state Labor Minister Tom Koutsontonis.

(Don't you think that you're being a little melodramatic?...I mean, 'back to the dark side'?-Ed)...well, a tad, but I believe that it's only a tad, because not only did Mr Koutsantonis grossly misrepresent the realities of Fracking without contradiction, but the insidious and glaringly obvious pro-Don Pegler sub-text went un-challenged...more later...but first...

In Fashion News: supermodel Elle McPherson is to host a new Transsexual reality program, you know, one of those 'Model Search' thingys...(I don't watch them myself...I only read them for the articles-Ed)...nice...(um, but are you sure it was Elle McPherson and Transsexuals?-Ed)...yeah, I saw the ad on TV...(you're not confusing it with that RuPaul Drag Queen show one?-Ed)...nope, it was our Elle and 'Next Top Model' something or other...and they have very strict criteria too...(strict criteria?-Ed)...yeah, no post-op models...(post-op models?-Ed)...yep, in the ad Elle says;
          "We're looking for a model with the full package."
(Shall we move on?-Ed)...I think it would be best.

Missing My Own Anniversaries: regular TMGI availees may remember that February 8th 2005 was the day of my last Chemotherapy for a 16cmx12cm Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma tumour right in the middle of my chest, eventually diagnosed on my 4th doctors visit in July 8th round of chemo over 7 I said, 'enough chemo to kill an elephant to kill a tumour big enough to kill a horse'...and February 23rd 2003 was when I moved to my current Housing Trust property, so 11 years ago...

Laughable: is the announcement from Labor Minister Gail Gago that Labor will provide $500,000 funding for tourism promotion in the Riverland, Kangaroo Island, and the Limestone Coast, if re-elected....she may even have actually mentioned Mt Gambier...(hang on, Mt Gambier has been routinely left off SA Tourism promotional material...even the latest ads are about Adelaide and the Barossa Valley and Robe...and 16 days out from a state election they're announcing $1/2m for 'Regional Tourism'?-Ed)...yep...(what a load of rot-Ed)...

Apology: that I haven't attended the 2 Mt Gambier City Council 'Public Consultation' meetings re their Long Term Financial Plan 2013/14 to 2022/23...(ahhhhhahaha-Ed)...quite...held last Tuesday and today, and if there are further I probably won't go to them either...I do reserve the right to not give a damn, but basically it is a pointless exercise and I have better things to do...(I didn't even know Tuesday's was on-Ed)...shh, me neither...but in all seriousness I didn't know about Tuesday's meeting and when it came time to go today, I had a huge rush of complete indifference...similarly I didn't do a submission...

In that respect, I genuinely do have better things to do than waste time doing a submission addressing numbers that are entirely untrustworthy, particularly when that submission is going straight in Greg Muller's shredder...I've read the LTFP and it's an absolute of suddenly, inexplicably returning to surplus 5 years down the track, and absolute nonsense about cash surpluses...the realities are undeniable, Council has doubled it's borrowing capacity, heaped the cash in a big pile and burned it...end of story.

And all the associated missing money on unnecessary and completely mis-positioned items like a new Library...(where'd all the money go?-Ed)...and the Main Corner...(well we know where a lot of that money least $340,000 straight to Greg Muller and then unaccounted for-Ed)...indeed...and $2m+ per annum just to run the Library without any return, $700k for the Main Corner, paying 30% too much for the Old Hospital and then millions more to pull down a sound building, the bizarre hole digging and dirt shifting on the Old Rail Lands, the ridiculous Lady Nelson Bus 'Shelter' (because it doesn't), the ludicrous grey pavers in the Main just goes on and on...(yes, you do don't you-Ed)...  

No covered pool, a lost International Tennis tournament, no support for public transport, reduction in services, eg, park maintenance, crap old look-outs around the Blue Lake, the bulk of which were done by service groups 30+ years ago...(no offence service groups-Ed)..nah nah, go' bless, go' bless...(go' bless-Ed)...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and associated deceits and diversions and 'Planning' decisions, eg, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, etc, etc, on and on and on...and $millions on pointless and entirely unnecessary dirt shifting.

I have covered at great length in numerous previous posts the extraordinary nepotism, rank corruption, and gross malfeasance of Mt Gambier City Council and the devastating effect it has had on Mt Gambier's development...any talk of organised, responsible Planning and Development and/or Financial Plan, is a trite reference to a reality that doesn't exist...there's clearly a plan, but it's very much about what's best for a very small number of people...and everyone else pays.

That massive hole dug in the Rail Lands that I posted about, got even bigger yesterday before Gambier Earth Movers started filling it in with dirt and carefully compacting it...(say what?-Ed) looks like either 1) Council are trying to keep GEM sweet by throwing them a big fat profitable bone of imaginary 'variances'...(oh, so they won't arc up about the gross corruption of Mayor Steve Perryman's gross Conflict of Interests re awarding the Old Hospital Demolition to McMahons?-Ed)...precisely...(the Mayor's gross COI that's in the Council Meeting Minutes, but that the Independent Commission Against Corruption apparently couldn't see-Ed)...that's the one...that or...

2) they struck a fissure or other anomaly/weakness that had to be removed and then reclaimed and underpinned to bear the weight of a very large concrete slab, say for a Shopping Centre Expansion of Centro/the Lakes Plaza...(can't build a building over a cave-Ed)...indeed...(sure it's not to bury the contaminated mat...jeez, I can't even say it without laughing-Ed)...the allegedly contaminated, that was 'buried' where they moved the easement to...(oh yeah-Ed)...whatevs, every single cent spent on moving dirt on that land, is a completely unnecessary expenditure, committed solely to pursue the Rail Lands Retail Agenda.  

But I furiously digress because today I must quickly address the blatant promoting of alleged Independent Don Pegler by Labor Minister Tom Koutsantonis...because I've left it so late in the post, a quick summary now and thorough dissecting Mr Koutsantonis stated the Labor Party was concerned because Don Pegler is opposed to Fracking and is going to be the most powerful person in the state and that this would make Mt Gambier the most powerful area...(there's so much wrong with that sentence it will take a whole post just for that one, let alone a whole interview-Ed).

Indeed, and obviously I'm paraphrasing but damn near a quote...the whole interview was one long lie about the realities of Fracking with Minister Koutsantonis also stating that Labor intends to stop making companies like Beach Energy (Penola Fracking) pay any Royalties for 5 years as a strategy to accelerate mining 'investment' and development because there's a 'paucity of supply'...the usual unsupportable justification for Fracking...

He also stated that there had never been Aquifer contamination anywhere in the world...(he's stone cold tripping-Ed), he's bare-faced lying...doesn't care, not the real purpose of the interview, and then some more doesn't care...the whole point was to ramp up the very justified fear of Fracking and then promote Don Pegler as the supposed way to stop it...'you vote for Don and he'll get the balance of power and because he's just like so opposed to Fracking and stuff, he'll stop it, nuh-huh yeah he will'...this interview is a blatant attempt to try and trick those opposed to Fracking into voting for's absolute bollocks...

I'll finish this up,

Tomorrow: Shredded Letters and Labor Promos

Just for the record, my hilarious Transssexual joke is just that, just a, straight, post-op, whatevs, don't care...well I care but I don't care, yeah?...(yeah yeah-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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