Saturday, February 22, 2014

Society's Real Evil Resides In The Advertiser

Hello, welcome to the blog, and my most profuse apologisings for yet again bumping the promised post, but a quick teaser about a couple of recent letters in The Border Watch newspaper, Labor candidate and Mt Gambier City Councillor Jim Maher has taken issue with a petition organised by Liberal candidate Troy Bell re the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme...(was the petition about the PATS in general, or about the PATS Review?-Ed)...I don't know specifically...both?...

Anyhoos, all I know is that the Labor PATS Review strictly ruled out more funding, and was looking instead at making the same money go further by changing eligibility criteria to discount many people from even being able to apply...and current Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler fully supported that PATS Review with it's direct intent of finding ways to deny people applying.

This refusal to improve funding was re-stated directly and unequivocally by Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling right up until the Liberals announced funding, and then suddenly Labor announced $2.5million...I note that Labor never said 'we'll have to wait to see what the Review recommends', it was an absolute 'no'.

Anyhoos, Mr Maher takes great issue and much undisguised umbrage, some perceivable displeasure with the veracity of said 'PATS Petition'...(he also seems quite pissed-off-Ed)...quite...well anyway, I refer readers to the Fluoridation issue...(orhhh, jeez you're good...I remember...a 6,600 signature Formal Petition asking that the people of Mt Gambier be allowed to decide on having their water Fluoridated, all very carefully and appropriately formatted, collected and collated, etc, and formally presented to Don Pegler who had promised at the March 2010 Election Forum to represent the will of the people-Ed)...

(And then Mr Pegler just handed it to Labor, did not do the Parliamentary Grievance Debate speech to parliament that is specifically allowed for as part of the Petition process, and Labor just shoved the shreckin' thing straight in the shredder...bye bye petition-Ed)...well I think it was just 'shelved' not actually shredded...(yeah?'s only been 3 years nearly 4, but I'd like to see Labor produce that Petition now still-Ed)...indeed...

Anyhoos Part III, that Fluoridation Petition was a fully sick, fully fat, gnarly great chunk of fully functioning Petition and our alleged representative handed it over, dutifully bowed his head, and sycophantically withdrew without a whimper...and Labor just completely ignored it...perhaps Mr Maher could have a look for it...but I digress...

I don't often buy the Advertiser newspaper because it's grossly biased and wholly untrustworthy in it's reportage...(but you still buy TBW?-Ed)...that's a whinge for another day...but in today's Advertiser, everything that is so very wrong with Adelaide in a definitive essay on the morality of our alleged illuminati, penned quite by accident...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, the 'article', in it's unabashed vitriole shines more light on the mindset of the person who wrote it and those she supports than discredits the subject, which is the articles clear intent.

In today's Advertiser Saturday 22nd Febuary 2014, page 13, notorious Labor hack Amanda Blair has returned to the media with one of the most vacuous, libellous, and infuriating pieces of dross that I have personally encountered for quite some time, under the heading Blow the whistle where society's real evil resides...(what, in Mike Rann's face?...or Jay Weatherills?...hows about right in Rory McEwen's?-Ed)...point perfectly made...

I've attached the article below, so please read now and then you'll appreciate the fruitiness of the language that follows as I refer to it directly............

Congratulations Ms Soester because you have clearly hit a nerve with the soulless and corrupt elements in the Education Department and state Parliament that they feel the need to trot out this tired old horse to drag her particular brand of bigoted and biased bullshit around the track...Ms Blair either has absolutely no idea what she is talking about and is mindlessly re-iterating false information provided by those she serves, or she has deliberately misrepresented the facts to the benefit of those she serves.

This letter is an unabashed attack on Ms Soester on behalf of the Labor Party, with associated denigration of Nick Xenophon and Liberal David Pisoni...I find it hilarious that Labor's performing pony puppet would describe Ms Soester as someones " blow-up doll"...

(I'd suggest that very few thoughts cross Ms Blair's mind-Ed)...indeed, 'when I drop my kids off I don't give a damn' is a farcical dismissal of the reality that has been played out in South Australia re child abuse in the Education system and the repeated cover-up of those abuses by the Education Department and the Labor government...we've got 2 police officers running the Education Dept, Amanda, because the last CEO shot through back to Oxford, England where he was at the centre of a horrendous Child Abuse cover-up prior to his stint in SA...(sweet baby cheeses, you couldn't make this shit up-Ed)...indeed...

What shreckin' planet are you on Amanda that you can just drop your kids off at a South Australian school and not give a thought for their safety?...not caring about the welfare of your own children is your business, but most other parents who give half a damn are absolutely horrified at the levels of abuse in our schools and the Education Dept's clearly defined attitude of cover-up and self-protection.

This article is exactly the sort of desperate 'character assassination' that desperate and corrupt people resort to when they can't get any traction against the facts...ignore what doesn't suit you, dismiss the rest, and make wholly subjective critiques of the actual person...this article defines you Amanda far more than it defines Ms Soester.

Naturally I feel a degree of solidarity with Ms Soester because I was driven to the same position at the March 2010 state Election, to run as an Independent candidate based on my experience of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and I have experienced the wrath of our illustrious leaders and their various acolytes and pretty much anyone who felt it was easier to blame myself and other parents rather than acknowledge and/or do something about the St Martins Cover-up.

Because it's a longish article and I've had an absolute gutful, I'll pull up here, but I'm just listening to a discussion on the ABC/BBC about the 1500 deaths in Iraq this year already from bombings, etc, and a total of 6,000 last year, but how these acts of extreme violence have fallen out of the news cycle as Iraq slowly sinks from sight of the West...(don't you mean 'in' the West?-Ed), I mean 'of'.

Tomorrow: The Maher Manuscripts

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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