Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Writs Hit The Fan

Hello and welcome to the blog Netherlands, Brazil, United Kingdom and France...and welcome all to the 2014 South Australian state election campaign as officially launched yesterday (Saturday 15th February 2014) when our illustrious leader Premier Jay Weatherill strolled across to Government House to word-up his homie Governor Kevin is still K Scarce, isn't it?...(dunno, think so-Ed)...

And Big Kev said 'yo' and the Writ was writ and so away we go and don't you know that time will show the to and fro for what it truly is...the farcical debacle of pseudo-Democracy that we are privileged to be allowed to participate in by our gracious overlords...(yay for Democracy...or, failing that, yay for whatever it is we currently experience every four years-Ed)...and I know I've been through all this before, but it bears repeating.  

And in that context I denounce what currently happens in South Australia as being Democracy in name alone...SA isn't governed for the benefit and betterment of the community, we are governed tor the benefit of a handful of politicians and their mates and supporters...(as per Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...indeed...this is the reality and fundamental root of our problems...we are 'governed' from one election to the next solely with a view to winning the next one, via a strategy of 'pork-barrelling' and 'carpet baggage'...and that's not Democracy.

And don't get me started...(too late surely?-Ed)...about the bipartisan approach to covering-up paedophilia as evidenced by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and in that context I partially apologise to City Councillor and Labor candidate Jim Maher for unloading at him in yesterday's post...I don't withdraw my criticism, but there's plenty of other people who are exponentially more responsible for the St Martins Issue and should bear the bulk of that criticism. 

It would not be unreasonable to suggest that I took a bunch of residual unhappiness from my recent chat with Liberal Rob Lucas and Rory McEwen's appearance at Don Pegler's campaign launch and dumped it all in Jim Maher's lap...I still choose to believe that Mr Maher genuinely believes that there are positives that he can achieve, but thinks that achieving requires what some might describe as 'pragmatism' and pragmatism means ignoring, and ignoring means denying, and denying the truth is lying, and there-in lies the problem.

Maybe I've failed miserably, but I have demonstrated attempts at pragmatism, eg, lamenting the loss of Councillors Maher and Byron Harfield...or allowing Nick Xenophon a latitude of behaviour that I have allowed no other...(ah, well, I think you're big-noting yourself a bit now...even for you-Ed)...fair enough...but I submit that there is a perception of Mr Xenophon's behaviour that I haven't covered before...(but you're going to now, right-Ed)...

Mr Xenophon helped establish the highly corrupted 3-4 year long Statutory Authorities Review Committee culminating in SARC Report no.54 that effectively helped officially cover-up the St Martins Issue and all involved...actually, I did mention this before, that MLC Anne Bressington, amongst others, have alleged that Mr Xenophon conspired with various Parties to herd us parents into a 'blind gully' with an Inquiry conceived and run to break us...that we would eventually give up...(exactly like the Teachers Registration Board hearing was run-Ed)...exactly...

And Mr Xenophon failed to follow through with his repeated promises to attend the SARC Inquiry with parents, and has failed to raise the St Martins Issue in Federal parliament where this matter now clearly resides given the abject failure of state authorities...(or in the media-Ed)...indeed, how many times has Mr Xenophon been on the ABC Radio Mt Gambier since the SARC Report no.54, and not mentioned St Martins or the SARC...(heaps-Ed)...exactly...

Perhaps it's a case of accepting that Mr Xenophon has done what he felt could do and now feels that there is nothing else to be done...I still choose to believe that Mr Xenophon acted to get us the Inquiry that he could and where none was likely otherwise, and that he did that with a view to help not hinder us.

(Personally, I'd like to see Liberals Rob Lucas, David Ridgway, Tony Pasin, Peter Gandolfi, Steve Perryman, et al, and all their lawyers, joining with Jay Weatherill, Mike Rann, Rory McEwen, et al, and all their lawyers...and the Crown Solicitor, and the Teachers Registration Board, and SAPol, et al...I'd love to see you take them all on-Ed)...well, actually, I have been...and throw the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Independent Commission Against Corruption in with that lot...

(Yeah, but I mean all together in one room...all together getting a factual flensing, an effervescent evisceration, a public pummelling, to be hoisted upon the crucifix of facts, to be-Ed)...yeah, yeah, you've made your point...that's not going to happen...that's why we have the blog...I'm putting everything I believe to be true right here with my name on every one, and it appears the 'taking posts down' strategy has failed so now we've entered a phase of 'acknowledgement denial'...(whaaa?-Ed)...attempted denial of the blogs very existence by not acknowledging it...(don't give it the credibility of recognising it's existence-Ed)...exactly...

But I digress because the issue is the Issuing of the Writs for the SA State Election to be held on Saturday 15th March it's official now and the various protagonists have been going each other for quite some time already...(indeed, I have Troybellitis-Ed)...Troybellitis?...(yes, it's a hallucinatory affliction where-in you see Liberal candidate Troy Bell where ever you look-Ed)...oo, it uncomfortable?...can you get an ointment or something for that?...(no, and I'm also experiencing a nasty rash of political posters from all candidates...and it's spreading-Ed)...oh nobody needs that...

Seriously though, there's one fat, furry face you won't be seeing grinning inanely at you off a stobie-pole, and that would be mine, because in the unlikely event that I do meet the grossly biased criteria and can even run, there's no likelihood that I'll be poster-bombing...besides, all the good poles are taken already...(not just the good ones, pretty much all of them-Ed)...I note that when I went up the street recently there were Troy Bell posters and no others, and then by my return a bunch of Greens posters.

And I should note another candidate for Mt Gambier in Mr Peter Heaven for the Family First that's incumbent Don Pegler (Independent), Jim Maher (Labor), Green's candidate Mr Baseley, Liberal Troy Bell, and...actually I think that's it, currently...(you still think that Grant District Council Mayor Richard Sage is going to run, don't you-Ed)...the surprise will be if he doesn't...and if it can be managed, one Large, Angry, Hippy...(yay-Ed).

I have had no dealings with Mr Baseley or Mr Heaven so I am not in a position to comment...and as for the other 3, well, I never shut-up about them...(the other 4 if you include Richard Sage-Ed)...indeed...

I apologise for not getting onto any further issues stemming from yesterday's post, but I will do it...

Tomorrow: Politics and Other Afflictions

Joking aside, there is very little chance that I'll be running as a's not a contest that I could conceivably win, and I'd need to get nearly 1,000 first preference votes to get back the extortionist and biased $3,000 Nomination fee...whilst I'm in many contexts incredibly lucky to be on the Disability Support Pension, $3k is nearly 1/4 of my yearly income...(can I have a yay for Democracy?-Ed), sorry, fresh out of yays, but I've got this wreath, will that do?

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I know I go over the same old stuff sometimes but when some of it gets resolved, I'll move on...and not before...thanks for your patience, patronage, support and even critique...I've made mistakes on occasion and offended a few people I know, but it is what it is and for all my faults and failings, at least I'm trying...cheers and laters.

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