Hello Lebanon, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Italy and welcome to the blog...still trying to get to doing a post a day but them damn meeses have had their wicked way all about the spare room as well, and there's (was) half-chewed dog food and mouse pooh all through everything in the laundry...extra loads of washing, etc, etc, and much more cleaning to be done yet...(yay-Ed)...apart from that, the house is a complete mess, including 2 spare desk thingys I now don't have room for...(yay-Ed)...and whilst I'm whinging about all of that, I'd also like to acknowledge my life of extraordinary privilege witnessed by having all that stuff...
Truly though, it's already the end of another long day and blogging ain't in my heart this eve...I'll keep it real but real brief because I ain't got no humour in me tonight and none of us needs another angry St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up rant...so's I'll just mention it for good form, to maintain form, to not disappoint those whom expect me to just so predictable as indeed I just have been...(I didn't see that coming-Ed)...quite, as indeed the St Martins Cover-up has come to dominate and corrupt my life, so It is also what has ultimately driven me to this 'ere blog, and is so much a part of so much that I impart that I cannot dis-weave It from the tapestry of this narrative...nor would I even try...
(And nor should you...every day that the St Martins Cover-up remains unresolved, every day that It Is, so should It be said out loud and with passion and anger and bitter, driving resentment and brooding impending vengeance and so to the Pacifist the only right course this verbose discourse and Middle Class First World Whiteboy whinging dancing amongst the surgical scythings of the well-run pen-Ed)...albeit a keyboard, not a pen...(well yeah, obviously, that goes without saying, it just didn't suit my poetic idiom thingy I was going for there, ya know? 'the pen is mightier than the sword'? a pacifist picks up their weapon of choice, words-Ed)...
In many previous posts I've regularly acknowledged the support of the society I live in re the Disability Support Pension and Housing Trust (Housing SA), and whilst I haven't changed my genuine position, that time has passed and I feel entitled to say, passed quite some time ago...I haven't just earned the support I receive, Ive poured myself, my heart and soul, into trying to do what I consider is right, and I have paid a great price for it...after 18 years of living in Mt Gambier I feel more distant and isolated than in 1997 when I first started coming here and used to sleep in my car at the caravan park, etc...at least at that stage I could have some sense of optimism about the future, whereas now it's just a wall of abuse and vilification and bias and corruption and deeply cynical pessimism ...(yay-Ed)...
Not quite a full Rail Lands post but here's some of the latest stuff...again I've been availing people of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (as per previous posts) and explaining the truth about Council moving the Rail Easement and building the $650,000+ drainage pond, namely, that this is to clear the site for a massive expansion of the Lakes/Centro/whatevs Plaza, and provide a drainage option for the huge roof area because Mt Gamboer's drains just couldn't handle the extra flows...I explain the truth that all Council has done with the $4.2million spent on the site, is employ Gambier Earth Movers, who also have direct links to Council, to keep them sweet with $millions of entirely unnecessary earthworks...
If necessary I explain the many other issues involved that confirm the RLRA...for those people whom aren't immediately convinced by the explanation about moving the Easement and the pond, it usually don't take much more convincing than being presented with the completely neglected but iconic Old Rail Station and the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter fiasco, etc, and how these issues demonstrate that Council is keeping the site clear of any other real development and has no intentions what-so-ever of renovating the Old Rail Station...further proof? Council's putting toilets in the Old Signal Box but not renovating the large ones already part of the main Station building and accessible externally...that could be open all hours...(for the Bus Terminus that should be located there already?-Ed)...exactly...
Again I can only apologise for such a stunted version of this post re the RLRA, but there's just so much going on here...(particularly in the deceit department-Ed)...indeed, particularly there, so's this post will morph into a straight dot point post still to come tomorrow...for those locals whom have been sprayed with this bullshit at a constant volume from relatively close range, namely via The Border Watch and local ABC Radio, it doesn't take a lot of work to convince them they've been wholly and routinely lied to by Council, with the complicit support of TBW and the ABC...again again, the corruption and the deceits and the financial realities of what Council have done re the Rail Lands will take a full dot-point post, tomorrow...
You Put Ya' Funding In:...ya' pull ya' funding out...(you put ya' funding in and ya' shake it all about-Ed)...I've completely lost track of what Council is actually doing with their $100,000 budgeted for the 'Public Artwork' that's going on the Railway Tce/Bay Rd corner of the Rail Lands...first it was in of course, then they withdrew it...(I withdraw Madam Speaker, I withdraw-Ed)...indeed...then it seemed to be back in as part of expenditure explanations/costings, then it wasn't, and now I think it is again, back in I mean...gourd knows...what I does know is that Council has done some sort of decisionny thingy and coughed-up 3 designs for this 'art'...
Please find attached the letter by Peter Clarke from TBW Tuesday 24th March 2015 because, 1) it conveniently contains pictures of the concepts/designs/whatevs, and 2) it perfectly encapsulates what I think and a few opinions I've heard...putting aside discussions about 'what is art and what is crap?', Council has given Ratepayers the choice to choose from 3 choices chosen for them by Council, and in my personal perspective, none of them are any good, it's 'noughts', 'crosses', or 'lego land'...I agree with the idea of Option 4) None of the above, thanks very much, let's keep lookin'...
I'll just segue suddenly into the comparison with the recent letter/post re the 'kelp harvesting' at Beachport and the pleasant stream of public awareness re the environmental importance of that seaweed on the beach, let alone the stuff still all at sea, and hence public opposition...not so amusing, the info coming from a Flinders Uni Professor working with the Chinese company who recently bought the seaweed harvesting license, and his observations that 'there's a huge resource here to be utilised', and even when questioned about the food chain reliant on that weed, he babbled about appropriate monitoring, etc...(that's 2 letters in 2 weeks that agree with your thinking on these issues-Ed)...indeed, and I'd thank others to keep my opinions to themselves in future, or I'll have nuthin' for this 'ere damn blog...and back to...
(I believe that the issue of non-local talent being short-listed was addressed in the last Council meeting by former Mayor Steve Perryman with the not-at-all ridiculous observation that the Sydney Opera House wasn't designed by an Australian-Ed)...yes, comparing this to the Sydney Opera House, not at all ridiculous...(also, I think the $100k is Council's budgeted contribution and that there's also $250k attached to the 'Public Art' as part of the government funding agreement-Ed)...yeah, that's true...(but I don't know whether that funding money is committed to this project specifically or has been chewed up on that ridiculous 'activated play space utilising natural aspects'-Ed)...you mean the logs and rocks they've dumped on the site and called a playground?...(yeah, that's it-Ed)...
It's not even the Rail Lands specifically that is the issue here, it's the broader dysfunctionings of Council and this latest round of pseudo-consultation bullshit...there continues to be a storm of words from Council about all the 'Public Consultation' they do, eg, there's apparently to be heapsa' 'PC' re Council's alleged future plans for the Old Station, both of which are of course lies...I'll nail this one down,
Tomorrow: A Dot Point Railing
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I very much appreciate availee's patience and support as I struggle forward with some of my own issues...I don't have regular contact with many availees as such, the occasional path-crossing at most, but any feedback has been relatively positive and supportive...and twice this year people have observed to me that I'm the calmest, gentlest person they've ever met...(and that despite all of this bullshit what is here in this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Post Post Haste: Men-0 Mice-Everywhere
Profusest apologies one and all for non-postage across the weekend, and tonight's very quick (post haste) effort's not gunna' be much better (than none at all) 'cos I am Knackered with, as you can see, a capital K...been unwell for a week and then got a new desk and then there was/is a mini-mouse plague in my house...I was just crackin' wise the other day about the best laid plans of mice and men, yeah? well careful what ya' wish for...(now, when you say "a mini mouse plague", does that mean, 1) a plague of miniature mouses/meeses/mice, or 2) a plague of copyright acknowledged Mini Mouses as per Uncle Walt (Disney), or, as I suspect, 3) that it was a small/mini plague of normal sized meeses-Ed)...you suspect correctly...
And I will have a whinge thanks about being so crook I literally couldn't move...some fluey thing that really 'got into me' as it were, really sore joints, aching all over, either lying down or standing up...I really wasn't that crook overall, just hurt like 17 bastards...I believe this is in part the (possible) rheumatic-backlash that is the result of my having all that lovely Chemo a decade ago...I can't say for sure, nuthin' to compare it to really, but I understand some of the more toxic chemicals can 'residue' in your joints, etc, and then manifests later as rheumatic pain...and then that combined with a few months of poor diet and sleep patterns, etc...(I told ya', didn't I? I said, look after ya'self a bit better-Ed)...and you're not the only one...cheers...anyhoos, I haven't, and I've paid for it and no excuses but an explanation of sorts...
(Was it the Agoraphobia stuff at all? or the Depression stuff? just not eating propers?-Ed)...oh it ebbs and flows and often overlaps, but certainly and obviously, physical pain/unwellness/whatevs can impact on state of mind, and/or depressive states can affect diet/fitness/etc, and these all interweave, affecting each other...must admit, have been struggling for a few months and not eating propers, etc, and eventually it will take it's toll...
Then I was given a proper second-hand desk, which forced moving of piles of paperwork, etc, off the 2 small card-table style thingies I've been using for the last 2 years...crap everywhere, but at least I've a real desk in place now and am happily clacking away on it...(yay-Ed)...and that was today gone and a fair chunka' tomorro' too I'd wager, lookin' at this bloody mess...and then yesterday was the plague-petit de meeses...happily discovered Zantar the Wonderhound's dry food scattered about the laundry amid a healthy amount of mouse crap and spent 3 hours vacuuming and then re-bagging due to the mouse-head sized holes in the 3 large thick plastic bags...3 hours cleaning all that up and then realised that I had to 'address' the root cause of the problem...(so?-Ed)...
So I put out 2 traps and within an hour had scored 4 poor mices and bugger just remembered that I forgot to reset them traps and I'll just go do that......and I'm back...don't really enjoy this traps stuff...(you bloody ol' hippy-Ed)...I know...but anyhoos, there's my last week all but gone and much of it lost to laying about feeling sorry for myself...which brings me to this...
I've been advised, again, that I shouldn't expose my weaknesses/sufferin's/whatevs, but it's a big part of doing this 'ere blog that I, 1) choose to do this to help myself address many of the issues covered in this 'ere blog, my own Mental Health issues included obviously, and 2) because I have no choice but to address the malicious and often deliberately erroneous public discourse about my Mental Health and who I am and what I do and how I conduct myself, etc, etc...to my credit I have twice this year had people state to me that I'm the calmest most peaceful, gentle person they've ever met...(for a large angry hippy-Ed)...and that's my response, I'm a very angry person who is trying to deal with it all in a relatively peaceful and appropriate way, because that's who I am...
It also serves to offer up the realities of what it costs me personally/physically/mentally/whatevs, and take from that what you will...if people whom dislike me take pleasure in that, whatevs, I ain't having some sort of taxpayer-funded holiday, I'm fighting back, clawing my way back after a series of deeply distressing events/issues, many of them ongoing, and doing that fighting/clawing with the relative support of the Disability Support Pension and Pubic Housing (Housing SA/Housing Trust), albeit 'support' that hovers right on the poverty line (for Australia)...(right on it?-ed)...right on it...
So, if I own my failings/weaknesses/whatevs and then dismantle the realities and stigmas that do inevitably result, etc, it addresses most if not all of the scuttlebutt being spewed about town to discredit me and by association my opinions and by extension this 'ere blog...and that strong foundation allows me to hurl back the odd piece of mild gloatage, but still discuss with balance and authority what effect I consider that this ' ere blog is having, eg, Council suddenly reversing their ludicrous 'No Recording of Council Meetings' legislation, introduced only in November 2014...I am unawares of any airing of this issue that wasn't me and/or this 'ere blog...more on this laters...
I refer as example to the extraordinary recent efforts by The Border Watch newspaper re my alleged charges and associated Court appearance, etc, where they (TBW) are clearly demonstrating a desire to maintain a dialogue about how I'm a bad person and I'm the problem, etc, by knowingly failing to report the truth re those bizarre Court proceedings, even after said truth was established in the Court, with the TBW 'reporter' sitting right there..(whatta' joke-Ed)...absolutely...the truth be hanged, agenda reigns supreme...but by the Laws of Beautiful Irony, by their (TBW's) actions, all they've done is make themselves, the Court, and SAPol (police) look like idiots, and given me and this 'ere blog massive credibility...
Pulling Out All The Stops:...(Can I just say though, before we go, how truly pleased I was to see our very Catholic PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott engaging in debate in the Federal Parliament on the contentious issues of contraception, planned parenting, abortion, and population control-Ed)...what are you on about?...(although I was a bit taken aback with his rather brazen declaration on the floor of the parliament-Ed)...you've completely lost me...(you know, when he proudly stated his preference for and utilisation of the Catholic contraception method-Ed)...sorry, no idea...(you know, you've seen it, that footage of him at the Dispatch Box/microphone thingy, waving his arms about, grinning inanely-Ed)...you'll have to narrow it down a bit..(fair enough...it was just recently, and he was waving, smiling and loudly declaring,
"I withdraw...I withdraw...I withdraw Madam Speaker...I withdraw..."-Ed)
But what's even more hilarious, is that that footage, of PM Abbott grinning, gesticulating, and "I withdraw"ing repeatedly, that was in response to Labor's immediate protestations re PM Abbott's comment comparing some Labor stooge to the Nazi, Herman Goering (*April 2nd 2015-apologies, it was 'Goebbels', not 'Goering')...and availees please do go Interwebbing to find footage of this from just last week, and check-out the disingenuous smirk and the arrogance and the pantomime carry-on...what a disgraceful embarrassment...(he looked like one of those car-yard inflatable blower-people who bob and weave and wave their arms about...one of those crossed with a table-tennis ball addicted sideshow clown-head-Ed)...that sir, is exactly what he looked like...
And SNAP!: scrap another mouse for all through the house not a creature was stirring but the air was whirring with the clappy snappin' of a freshly set trap...(well, nuthin' stirrin' 'cept a hippy going to reap the dreadful harvest-Ed)...poor mouses...and that was all of 10 minutes, yeah? since I set that..(not even 10...I'd suggest this suggests further rodentation to be addressed-Ed)...indeed, back in another 5......and done again...
Just in closing, saw a bit of a doco about seabirds that tied in with a long piece on the ABC/BBC Radio re habitat destruction, eg, swamp drainage, and how that sort of development/destruction can (and does) fatally interfere with migratory bird species whom may fly 1,000kms only to find that last season's food source is now a carpark or such, and therefore cannot re-fuel and therefore perish further along their route...there was some stuff about an Irish Tern of some description that Winters on cliff faces in Southern Africa or somewheres, building up their reserves on the abundant and massive sardine shoals, before returning North to nest on the Irish West Coast beaches because the cliffs are just too precarious...they go back to Ireland to breed with security and surety, to be shorebirds, to be shorebirds...(that is just atrocious-Ed)...ta'...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, I Hope.
(And good luck with that-Ed)...fair enough...and deadset, I just kicked the power cord out and lost half the post and have just re-done it, including this bit...it's been a very long day and I'd forgotten that I had to shift where the cord sits when I moved the desk, etc, and pop! it's gone...(yay-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
And I will have a whinge thanks about being so crook I literally couldn't move...some fluey thing that really 'got into me' as it were, really sore joints, aching all over, either lying down or standing up...I really wasn't that crook overall, just hurt like 17 bastards...I believe this is in part the (possible) rheumatic-backlash that is the result of my having all that lovely Chemo a decade ago...I can't say for sure, nuthin' to compare it to really, but I understand some of the more toxic chemicals can 'residue' in your joints, etc, and then manifests later as rheumatic pain...and then that combined with a few months of poor diet and sleep patterns, etc...(I told ya', didn't I? I said, look after ya'self a bit better-Ed)...and you're not the only one...cheers...anyhoos, I haven't, and I've paid for it and no excuses but an explanation of sorts...
(Was it the Agoraphobia stuff at all? or the Depression stuff? just not eating propers?-Ed)...oh it ebbs and flows and often overlaps, but certainly and obviously, physical pain/unwellness/whatevs can impact on state of mind, and/or depressive states can affect diet/fitness/etc, and these all interweave, affecting each other...must admit, have been struggling for a few months and not eating propers, etc, and eventually it will take it's toll...
Then I was given a proper second-hand desk, which forced moving of piles of paperwork, etc, off the 2 small card-table style thingies I've been using for the last 2 years...crap everywhere, but at least I've a real desk in place now and am happily clacking away on it...(yay-Ed)...and that was today gone and a fair chunka' tomorro' too I'd wager, lookin' at this bloody mess...and then yesterday was the plague-petit de meeses...happily discovered Zantar the Wonderhound's dry food scattered about the laundry amid a healthy amount of mouse crap and spent 3 hours vacuuming and then re-bagging due to the mouse-head sized holes in the 3 large thick plastic bags...3 hours cleaning all that up and then realised that I had to 'address' the root cause of the problem...(so?-Ed)...
So I put out 2 traps and within an hour had scored 4 poor mices and bugger just remembered that I forgot to reset them traps and I'll just go do that......and I'm back...don't really enjoy this traps stuff...(you bloody ol' hippy-Ed)...I know...but anyhoos, there's my last week all but gone and much of it lost to laying about feeling sorry for myself...which brings me to this...
I've been advised, again, that I shouldn't expose my weaknesses/sufferin's/whatevs, but it's a big part of doing this 'ere blog that I, 1) choose to do this to help myself address many of the issues covered in this 'ere blog, my own Mental Health issues included obviously, and 2) because I have no choice but to address the malicious and often deliberately erroneous public discourse about my Mental Health and who I am and what I do and how I conduct myself, etc, etc...to my credit I have twice this year had people state to me that I'm the calmest most peaceful, gentle person they've ever met...(for a large angry hippy-Ed)...and that's my response, I'm a very angry person who is trying to deal with it all in a relatively peaceful and appropriate way, because that's who I am...
It also serves to offer up the realities of what it costs me personally/physically/mentally/whatevs, and take from that what you will...if people whom dislike me take pleasure in that, whatevs, I ain't having some sort of taxpayer-funded holiday, I'm fighting back, clawing my way back after a series of deeply distressing events/issues, many of them ongoing, and doing that fighting/clawing with the relative support of the Disability Support Pension and Pubic Housing (Housing SA/Housing Trust), albeit 'support' that hovers right on the poverty line (for Australia)...(right on it?-ed)...right on it...
So, if I own my failings/weaknesses/whatevs and then dismantle the realities and stigmas that do inevitably result, etc, it addresses most if not all of the scuttlebutt being spewed about town to discredit me and by association my opinions and by extension this 'ere blog...and that strong foundation allows me to hurl back the odd piece of mild gloatage, but still discuss with balance and authority what effect I consider that this ' ere blog is having, eg, Council suddenly reversing their ludicrous 'No Recording of Council Meetings' legislation, introduced only in November 2014...I am unawares of any airing of this issue that wasn't me and/or this 'ere blog...more on this laters...
I refer as example to the extraordinary recent efforts by The Border Watch newspaper re my alleged charges and associated Court appearance, etc, where they (TBW) are clearly demonstrating a desire to maintain a dialogue about how I'm a bad person and I'm the problem, etc, by knowingly failing to report the truth re those bizarre Court proceedings, even after said truth was established in the Court, with the TBW 'reporter' sitting right there..(whatta' joke-Ed)...absolutely...the truth be hanged, agenda reigns supreme...but by the Laws of Beautiful Irony, by their (TBW's) actions, all they've done is make themselves, the Court, and SAPol (police) look like idiots, and given me and this 'ere blog massive credibility...
Pulling Out All The Stops:...(Can I just say though, before we go, how truly pleased I was to see our very Catholic PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott engaging in debate in the Federal Parliament on the contentious issues of contraception, planned parenting, abortion, and population control-Ed)...what are you on about?...(although I was a bit taken aback with his rather brazen declaration on the floor of the parliament-Ed)...you've completely lost me...(you know, when he proudly stated his preference for and utilisation of the Catholic contraception method-Ed)...sorry, no idea...(you know, you've seen it, that footage of him at the Dispatch Box/microphone thingy, waving his arms about, grinning inanely-Ed)...you'll have to narrow it down a bit..(fair enough...it was just recently, and he was waving, smiling and loudly declaring,
"I withdraw...I withdraw...I withdraw Madam Speaker...I withdraw..."-Ed)
But what's even more hilarious, is that that footage, of PM Abbott grinning, gesticulating, and "I withdraw"ing repeatedly, that was in response to Labor's immediate protestations re PM Abbott's comment comparing some Labor stooge to the Nazi, Herman Goering (*April 2nd 2015-apologies, it was 'Goebbels', not 'Goering')...and availees please do go Interwebbing to find footage of this from just last week, and check-out the disingenuous smirk and the arrogance and the pantomime carry-on...what a disgraceful embarrassment...(he looked like one of those car-yard inflatable blower-people who bob and weave and wave their arms about...one of those crossed with a table-tennis ball addicted sideshow clown-head-Ed)...that sir, is exactly what he looked like...
And SNAP!: scrap another mouse for all through the house not a creature was stirring but the air was whirring with the clappy snappin' of a freshly set trap...(well, nuthin' stirrin' 'cept a hippy going to reap the dreadful harvest-Ed)...poor mouses...and that was all of 10 minutes, yeah? since I set that..(not even 10...I'd suggest this suggests further rodentation to be addressed-Ed)...indeed, back in another 5......and done again...
Just in closing, saw a bit of a doco about seabirds that tied in with a long piece on the ABC/BBC Radio re habitat destruction, eg, swamp drainage, and how that sort of development/destruction can (and does) fatally interfere with migratory bird species whom may fly 1,000kms only to find that last season's food source is now a carpark or such, and therefore cannot re-fuel and therefore perish further along their route...there was some stuff about an Irish Tern of some description that Winters on cliff faces in Southern Africa or somewheres, building up their reserves on the abundant and massive sardine shoals, before returning North to nest on the Irish West Coast beaches because the cliffs are just too precarious...they go back to Ireland to breed with security and surety, to be shorebirds, to be shorebirds...(that is just atrocious-Ed)...ta'...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, I Hope.
(And good luck with that-Ed)...fair enough...and deadset, I just kicked the power cord out and lost half the post and have just re-done it, including this bit...it's been a very long day and I'd forgotten that I had to shift where the cord sits when I moved the desk, etc, and pop! it's gone...(yay-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Meta-Data Bollocks Rates High
Howdy y'all in Singapore, Slovenia, Italy, and the United Kingdom...(what was that?!!-Ed)...what was what?...(who's there?!-Ed)...who's where?...(I feel like someone's watching us...who is that?!-Ed)...well, when it comes to being watched, I'd suggest that that is availees of this 'ere blog doin' what they do, avail themselves of said blog, which by definition involves 'watching us'...(yeah, no, I mean someone else...or something else-Ed)...ohh, that'll just be the exciting new raft of Fascism that the Abbott Liberal government are jamming through parliament in the name of 'safety from terrorism'...(oh I feel safer already-Ed)...
**apols no post yesterday...best laid plans Of Mice and Men and all that...(how surprising, not!-Ed)...and Rail Lands tomorrow...(ohh, come on!-Ed)...yeah, sorry, but from now on, promise, now there'll be a post every day...honest...trust me...I'm a pseudo-politician...**
These new 'Meta-Data Laws' include such sweeping restrictions on free speech that I cannot see that anyone doing a blog, other than a 'registered journalist', will be able to continue...(but you put your name on everything, you go to all the meetings, well some at least, when you're able...and when, for example, the cops want to find you to raid your home re this 'ere blog, they know exactly where you are, same place you are 95% of the time-Ed)...correct...regardless, my crime will be talking about criminality...
For example, with these new laws, authorities can come to me and say 'who told you that stuff about that rank institutionalised corruption?', and when I politely respond 'get stuffed', I'll be goin' to gaol for it...and not for defamation or treason or threats or anything other than merely pointing at stuff and saying 'surely that can't be as corrupt as it appears', and then not shoppin' 'n' droppin' others right in it for telling me...prove me wrong about someone else's allegations/claims/whatevs, and hold me to account for that, fair enough...but what ain't appropriate is punishing me for genuinely trying to improve my society in a relatively calm and appropriate manner, and furthermore, thus knowingly hangin' myself out to be hammered by a hail of official abuse, eg, from Council...
Go Directly To Gaol:...do not pass an opinion...do not collect fundamental 'Human Rights' to express an opinion...do not act with genuine intent because it won't matter...etc, etc, blahhhhh...I don't care what other 'bloggers' are doing and if they intentionally defame or won't name themselves or threaten someone, etc, then they should be held to account...apart from that, this new legislation is unquestionably an attempt to monitor and shut-down dissenting opinions and/or exposure of institutionalised corruption...
Please Note: that I see nuthin' much being done about any of the many deeply concerning issues I raise on this 'ere blog, other than a continuing attack on me for saying it...it would appear that the official position is that official corruption up to and including the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is officially acceptable and officially condoned...kinda' rips the rug out from under the alleged pillars of our community, shanks their collective credibility, and generally gives the populace good cause to say 'stuff you buddy, sit in judgement of me will you, I'll do whatevs I bloody want, you do'...
Again, I ain't no Constitutional lawyer with no book-learnin's or nuthin', but I do believe that this new legislation is the Capitalist Party utilising the lack of protections of personal freedoms in said Oz Constitution...there are no protections, you/I have no rights to 'freedom of speech', and that is being pushed to it's logical Fascist conclusion by the wholly socially immoral Capitalist Party...(alright, who the shreck is the Capitalist Party?-Ed)...oh yeah, just continuing on the debate as raised by the death of former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser, and the thread that his increasing recent criticisms of the Liberals were a result of the Party changing, not him...it was discussed that Labor have slewed so far to the Right that they are now effectively the Liberal Party, and the Libs are now 'the Capitalist Party'...(ok, yes, I can see that, the CP-Ed)...
And what really concerns me is the direct parallels between this 'Anti-Terrorism' legislation and the entirely Fascist legislation of our (South Australia's) version of an 'anti-corruption authority', the Independent Commission Against Corruption...as per various previous posts, the ICAC Act 2012 specifically states that no-one can ever discuss corruption because it might end-up in the ICAC...(I think that's a slight exaggeration-Ed)...really?...check it out for yourself, just Interweb 'South Australian ICAC Act 2012, section 56, and check it out...
It is effectively illegal to ever discuss corruption, and the critical word there-in is "may"...one little 3 letter word that makes it illegal to ever discuss any corruption, ever, in any context, because it (the corruption) "may" be subject to a future SA ICAC hearing...and it certainly cannot be reported via 'the media', and bloggers et al, are rooted...(but how are you meant to expose corruption and resolve it, etc, if you can't even talk about it?-Ed)...you tell me...
And that segues beautifully into the latest episode being also the inaugural...(whaaa?-Ed)...it's just the first one...(oh right, please carry on then-Ed)...certainly Matron oooooooh...(homaging the Carry-On series?-Ed)...yep, and the Shaun Micallef show, and now you've taken us right into the Dead Joke Zone, again, so's best we jump straight to our exciting new comic-strip...welcome to the birth of a legend, the dawning of a new age of public corruption and spineless self-indulgence, the rise of a new superhero, Jellyfish Man, the story of a mild mannered newspaper Editor bitten by a radio-active jellyfish, immediately gaining wondrous super-powers...more in coming issues...
Just Some Council Corruption: and it's business as usual with Councillor Des Mutton's nepotistic gravy train pullin' outta' the station again for a $10,000 romp at Ratepayers expense, namely $10,000 to a 'Consultancy group'...(more Cash for Consultancy Corruption, yeah?-Ed)...absolutely...at Mt Gambier City Council's meeting Tuesday 17th March 2015, when this matter came-up for review and voting, Cr Des Mutton gets up, mumbles something about how his 'grandson/godson/whatevs' was the Manager/Director/whatevs of one of the companies who tendered, and walks out...then the vote was taken and bingo, I think the same company won the tender as named by Des mate...(maaate-Ed)...I'll check that and get back to you...(just have-Ed)...what, already?...(yep-Ed)........and?!...(oh, yeah, Council's Minutes match your notes in saying "Quark Consulting" and "grandson"...charming-Ed)...I'll cover this in a Council meeting post soon...
Batch Of A Sun Panels: are goin' in/on all over town now apparently...(why was this all not done during the original/recent renovations/revamps?...'solar power' has been around for a few years ya' know-Ed)...I know, I know, but I don't know why these panels weren't fitted during those works...and confirmed also that 90 'solar lights' are going around the Blue Lake...to a grand total of 'approx $450,000', to be ready apparently by the end of April 2015...(wow, that's not corrupt much is it?...I thought there were 'official complaints' afoot and to hand?-Ed)...gourd knows, that's what I was told...and I believe when you say "corrupt much" you're referring to the fact that Council allowed 2 tenders from Stuckey Electrical, granted the contact at the lower, and then immediately 'negotiated' back to the higher...(said it before, wow-Ed)...
(It's the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter corruption all over again-Ed)...how so?...(well with that project, Council rejected all local tenders as being far too expensive, and then awarded the contract to a Queensland company, for what turns out to be half the project local companies bid to do-Ed)...ah yes, the Great Wall of Where The Shreck Is It?...(correct, the original plans were for a high wall right the length of the structure, providing shelter from the South, a wall that was never built-Ed)...that 'bus station' remains an absolute embarrassment for 'the second largest city in SA'...(so sick of hearing that too, 'second largest', blah blah-Ed)...yeah I'm hearing you on that...
Which reminds me, speaking of embarrassment, Council also plan to get in some 'external consultants' to tell them how to 'activate the Rail Lands' and 'utilise the precinct'...there was some other stuff, but I missed that because I was laughing so hard into my briefcase that my ears where ringin'...$4.2 million spent and now they're thinkin' about how to use it...after they've done the works...disgracefully incompetent and hilariously typical of Mt Gambier City Council...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Stuff...All Things Being Equal...And They're Not...Equal That Is.
(Ya' think ya' pretty funny don'cha?-Ed)...both actually...(both?-Ed)...I'm real perrrty and real funny too...(oh boy-ED)...which segues beautifully into this...
The Greatest Dad Joke Of All Time:...(if you do say so yourself...it is pretty funny but-Ed)...and we were driving along Jubilee Hwy (6-7 years ago) when, during a discussion about the Red vs Blue franchise (a spin-off of the very popular Halo shoot-'em up computer games) I observed to said child of mine that my favs character was a certain 'Mr Bollickwraites'...child responds, 'there ain't no such character', and I says 'yeah there is, think about it'...and this is the genius of this particular Dad joke...I could have presented the punchline, just slammed it down, like ripping off a band-aid quickly...but I didn't...(you bastard, you beautiful bastard-Ed)...ta...no, I sent the child on a journey to discover the truth...and they did...and thus...
The Grimace Of Dawning Realisation: on said child's face as they quickly mentally scroll through all the characters before finally coming to the character called, drum roll please, The Meta...(you are one sick puppy-Ed)...that look will remain with me forever...such sweet nectar to a Dad...and goodnight...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
**apols no post yesterday...best laid plans Of Mice and Men and all that...(how surprising, not!-Ed)...and Rail Lands tomorrow...(ohh, come on!-Ed)...yeah, sorry, but from now on, promise, now there'll be a post every day...honest...trust me...I'm a pseudo-politician...**
These new 'Meta-Data Laws' include such sweeping restrictions on free speech that I cannot see that anyone doing a blog, other than a 'registered journalist', will be able to continue...(but you put your name on everything, you go to all the meetings, well some at least, when you're able...and when, for example, the cops want to find you to raid your home re this 'ere blog, they know exactly where you are, same place you are 95% of the time-Ed)...correct...regardless, my crime will be talking about criminality...
For example, with these new laws, authorities can come to me and say 'who told you that stuff about that rank institutionalised corruption?', and when I politely respond 'get stuffed', I'll be goin' to gaol for it...and not for defamation or treason or threats or anything other than merely pointing at stuff and saying 'surely that can't be as corrupt as it appears', and then not shoppin' 'n' droppin' others right in it for telling me...prove me wrong about someone else's allegations/claims/whatevs, and hold me to account for that, fair enough...but what ain't appropriate is punishing me for genuinely trying to improve my society in a relatively calm and appropriate manner, and furthermore, thus knowingly hangin' myself out to be hammered by a hail of official abuse, eg, from Council...
Go Directly To Gaol:...do not pass an opinion...do not collect fundamental 'Human Rights' to express an opinion...do not act with genuine intent because it won't matter...etc, etc, blahhhhh...I don't care what other 'bloggers' are doing and if they intentionally defame or won't name themselves or threaten someone, etc, then they should be held to account...apart from that, this new legislation is unquestionably an attempt to monitor and shut-down dissenting opinions and/or exposure of institutionalised corruption...
Please Note: that I see nuthin' much being done about any of the many deeply concerning issues I raise on this 'ere blog, other than a continuing attack on me for saying it...it would appear that the official position is that official corruption up to and including the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is officially acceptable and officially condoned...kinda' rips the rug out from under the alleged pillars of our community, shanks their collective credibility, and generally gives the populace good cause to say 'stuff you buddy, sit in judgement of me will you, I'll do whatevs I bloody want, you do'...
Again, I ain't no Constitutional lawyer with no book-learnin's or nuthin', but I do believe that this new legislation is the Capitalist Party utilising the lack of protections of personal freedoms in said Oz Constitution...there are no protections, you/I have no rights to 'freedom of speech', and that is being pushed to it's logical Fascist conclusion by the wholly socially immoral Capitalist Party...(alright, who the shreck is the Capitalist Party?-Ed)...oh yeah, just continuing on the debate as raised by the death of former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser, and the thread that his increasing recent criticisms of the Liberals were a result of the Party changing, not him...it was discussed that Labor have slewed so far to the Right that they are now effectively the Liberal Party, and the Libs are now 'the Capitalist Party'...(ok, yes, I can see that, the CP-Ed)...
And what really concerns me is the direct parallels between this 'Anti-Terrorism' legislation and the entirely Fascist legislation of our (South Australia's) version of an 'anti-corruption authority', the Independent Commission Against Corruption...as per various previous posts, the ICAC Act 2012 specifically states that no-one can ever discuss corruption because it might end-up in the ICAC...(I think that's a slight exaggeration-Ed)...really?...check it out for yourself, just Interweb 'South Australian ICAC Act 2012, section 56, and check it out...
It is effectively illegal to ever discuss corruption, and the critical word there-in is "may"...one little 3 letter word that makes it illegal to ever discuss any corruption, ever, in any context, because it (the corruption) "may" be subject to a future SA ICAC hearing...and it certainly cannot be reported via 'the media', and bloggers et al, are rooted...(but how are you meant to expose corruption and resolve it, etc, if you can't even talk about it?-Ed)...you tell me...
And that segues beautifully into the latest episode being also the inaugural...(whaaa?-Ed)...it's just the first one...(oh right, please carry on then-Ed)...certainly Matron oooooooh...(homaging the Carry-On series?-Ed)...yep, and the Shaun Micallef show, and now you've taken us right into the Dead Joke Zone, again, so's best we jump straight to our exciting new comic-strip...welcome to the birth of a legend, the dawning of a new age of public corruption and spineless self-indulgence, the rise of a new superhero, Jellyfish Man, the story of a mild mannered newspaper Editor bitten by a radio-active jellyfish, immediately gaining wondrous super-powers...more in coming issues...
Just Some Council Corruption: and it's business as usual with Councillor Des Mutton's nepotistic gravy train pullin' outta' the station again for a $10,000 romp at Ratepayers expense, namely $10,000 to a 'Consultancy group'...(more Cash for Consultancy Corruption, yeah?-Ed)...absolutely...at Mt Gambier City Council's meeting Tuesday 17th March 2015, when this matter came-up for review and voting, Cr Des Mutton gets up, mumbles something about how his 'grandson/godson/whatevs' was the Manager/Director/whatevs of one of the companies who tendered, and walks out...then the vote was taken and bingo, I think the same company won the tender as named by Des mate...(maaate-Ed)...I'll check that and get back to you...(just have-Ed)...what, already?...(yep-Ed)........and?!...(oh, yeah, Council's Minutes match your notes in saying "Quark Consulting" and "grandson"...charming-Ed)...I'll cover this in a Council meeting post soon...
Batch Of A Sun Panels: are goin' in/on all over town now apparently...(why was this all not done during the original/recent renovations/revamps?...'solar power' has been around for a few years ya' know-Ed)...I know, I know, but I don't know why these panels weren't fitted during those works...and confirmed also that 90 'solar lights' are going around the Blue Lake...to a grand total of 'approx $450,000', to be ready apparently by the end of April 2015...(wow, that's not corrupt much is it?...I thought there were 'official complaints' afoot and to hand?-Ed)...gourd knows, that's what I was told...and I believe when you say "corrupt much" you're referring to the fact that Council allowed 2 tenders from Stuckey Electrical, granted the contact at the lower, and then immediately 'negotiated' back to the higher...(said it before, wow-Ed)...
(It's the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter corruption all over again-Ed)...how so?...(well with that project, Council rejected all local tenders as being far too expensive, and then awarded the contract to a Queensland company, for what turns out to be half the project local companies bid to do-Ed)...ah yes, the Great Wall of Where The Shreck Is It?...(correct, the original plans were for a high wall right the length of the structure, providing shelter from the South, a wall that was never built-Ed)...that 'bus station' remains an absolute embarrassment for 'the second largest city in SA'...(so sick of hearing that too, 'second largest', blah blah-Ed)...yeah I'm hearing you on that...
Which reminds me, speaking of embarrassment, Council also plan to get in some 'external consultants' to tell them how to 'activate the Rail Lands' and 'utilise the precinct'...there was some other stuff, but I missed that because I was laughing so hard into my briefcase that my ears where ringin'...$4.2 million spent and now they're thinkin' about how to use it...after they've done the works...disgracefully incompetent and hilariously typical of Mt Gambier City Council...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Stuff...All Things Being Equal...And They're Not...Equal That Is.
(Ya' think ya' pretty funny don'cha?-Ed)...both actually...(both?-Ed)...I'm real perrrty and real funny too...(oh boy-ED)...which segues beautifully into this...
The Greatest Dad Joke Of All Time:...(if you do say so yourself...it is pretty funny but-Ed)...and we were driving along Jubilee Hwy (6-7 years ago) when, during a discussion about the Red vs Blue franchise (a spin-off of the very popular Halo shoot-'em up computer games) I observed to said child of mine that my favs character was a certain 'Mr Bollickwraites'...child responds, 'there ain't no such character', and I says 'yeah there is, think about it'...and this is the genius of this particular Dad joke...I could have presented the punchline, just slammed it down, like ripping off a band-aid quickly...but I didn't...(you bastard, you beautiful bastard-Ed)...ta...no, I sent the child on a journey to discover the truth...and they did...and thus...
The Grimace Of Dawning Realisation: on said child's face as they quickly mentally scroll through all the characters before finally coming to the character called, drum roll please, The Meta...(you are one sick puppy-Ed)...that look will remain with me forever...such sweet nectar to a Dad...and goodnight...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Some Self Justification For The Good Of Humanity, Sort Of
Hello and welcome to the 'all-the-same' The Mount Gambier Independent...I was goin' to go with something 'all-new', but apparently I'm not capable of change...(who said that?-Ed)...no-one, it's just the way it appears it is...therefore I have decided that my li'l sortta' break I've been having for a few months...(breakdown more like it-Ed)...many a true word Ed, many a true word...(spoken in jest? fair enough-Ed)...well that break is now over, and we (that's you and I dear availee) are going back to a full-time blog with posts every day...(alright!-Ed)...is that sarcasm?...(no no, I just reckon that it's the right thing to do-Ed)...fair enough...
I acknowledge that I've been saying much the same thing for several months now, but in my own defense, it's not like the blog is the only thing I've got goin' on, and yet somewhat ironically, so much of what's goin' on is related directly to this 'ere blog...(which itself is a creation spawned from the shizzle that you've been goin' through, where that shizzle was other people's to deal with and they refused to and hence dumped it all onto you, and then of course blame and attack you when ya' actually try to do something about it, and despite the fact that you've always done that calmly and respectfully, etc, etc, then they blame you for the way they attack you...geez, no wonder you're so angry-Ed)...and trying to turn that anger to a positive outcome not just for the sake of my health...(but for the good of humanity?-Ed)...well, sort of, but mostly just because...just because it's there to be done...
Its kinda' hard to explain, but yesterday I didn't do a post and didn't feel at all bad about it, so as far as I'm concerned, now's the time to re-commit, re-focus, and re-iterate and fulfil my previous promises to continue and even expand TMGI...this also conveniently allows me to draw a line under all the issues that I've promised to cover and then forgotten/failed to do so...(dude! and ya' can't get through a post without randomly changing the subject to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, not sorry 'bout that...(fair enough-Ed)...'cos the St Martins Cover-up ain't nuthin' but The Thang...(indeed, The Thang that brings us all here today-Ed)...absolutely...
I am not a politician or an anti-corruption campaigner or a lawyer or a journalist or an accountant or a media-monitor or not nuthin'...I have no formal qualifications in anything and little if any training in anything else...for the greater part of my life I didn't give/haven't given a stuff about anything much, certainly not politics/activism/etc...(weren't you a member of Greenpeace back in the day?-Ed)...orrr yeah, sort of, but even that was a only attending a few marches, etc, nuthin' even close to what I'm doin' now, albeit doing now as a matter of necessity...(yeah, and what is it exactly that you're doin' now?-Ed)...great question...
I am just a parent doing what I'm sure any parent would do when they find themselves parent of a child whom was in a class of grade 2, 7 year old kids whom were systematically groomed and abused by their teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, only to then have the Lutherans, SAPol (the police), state Premiers Rann and Weatherill and their wholly corrupt Labor Party, the equally corrupt Liberal Party, ahh heck, the entire South Australian Parliament, the Judiciary, alleged Child Protection Services, etc, etc, etc, by their actions and/or inaction, act so as to cover-up those abuses...(oh, one of those parents-Ed)...
And the media are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, particularly the ABC, The Border Watch, and The Advertiser...the Sow Strayan media are nearly as pathetic and self-serving as the Canberra press-pack and entirely subservient to the paedophiles that clearly run South Australia...everyone me included uncomfortably accepts that there will always be paedophilia in society because that's just what we are, semi-insane, self-realised, self-aware, mutant apes with no real self-control, but I'll be shrecked if I'll live in a state that is run by child-abusers and their supporters...and that's clearly where we are now, living in SA, a state run by paedophiles for paedophiles...
It is my personal experience that every highly-paid professional in SA operates in the paradigm that you just ignore this pro-paedophile reality and go about your life, your career, etc, getting what you can for yourself and hopefully you never have to deal with any of this institutionalised paedophilia stuff...(yeah, 'cos that's a real career-killer that one, taking on the paedophiles who run SA-Ed)...indeed, and what a searing indictment of the reality of what we are in SA, spineless cowards who willingly subjugate ourselves to the rule of paedophiles, and so obviously to the detriment of our children and our society in general...
And now new rules from Labor to dump juveniles into the adult Court system, at the same time they are axing plans for a new Courts building and closing Courthouses around Adelaide...(along with hospital/ER closures-Ed)...indeed, and this change to the Courts obviously places vulnerable young people at great risk, but that's ok because that's what we do in SA, make our children vulnerable and then prey on them...I note that the entirely corrupted pro-paedophile 'system' constantly ignores/attacks the victims of high-level abuse and protects the perpetrators, for example, the St Martins case or the current local case I can't directly identify because the (schoolchild) victim is the one being harassed and intimidated by SAPol, etc, whilst the paedophile teacher remains untouched...(what a disgrace South Australia is-Ed)...indeed...think I'm just gunna' randomly change subject now...
Jazz Stuff: is popular in Mt Gambier at the moment...(and why not, said as a statement of fact-Ed)...indeed, why not, it's potentially a great thing for Mt Gambier...(potentially?-Ed)...exactly, potentially...unfortunately there's a raft of shonky half-wits involved and as their collective greed and incompetence have thus far proven so drastically damaging for Mt Gambier, so corruptly costly, that it'd be a small miracle if they don't root this up as well...(fair enough-Ed)...I mean, for gourd sake, look at the city, what a retrograde mess...
This is what can go horribly wrong when corrupt people start making promises about 'whatever you want mate', and 'nuthin''s too difficult', etc...(sounds like mouths are writing cheques that the chequebook isn't even being told about-Ed)...well quite...and so's when I hear Mr Morrison proudly stating that he's always been told by Mt Gambier officials 'whatevs you want, whenevs, no probs maaate', it immediately gives me cause for concern about just exactly whom has promised exactly what...(and at what cost to Mt Gambier Ratepayers?-Ed)...exactly, Ratepayers have been shoved out of their own Town Hall without any consultation, etc, and are financially supporting the Academy 'cos Ratepayers pay for the maintenance/running costs of that entire 'precinct', being the Old Town Hall, the Institute, and the farcical Main Corner thingy...
(At least it could be argued that at least Ratepayers get some return for their investment re the Jazz Academy 'cos of the exposure for Mt Gambier re tourism, etc, some income via the students, etc, etc, where-as the Main Corner is just a $600,000+ burden for Ratepayers, with any income largely going to the private business that has the very cheap lease-Ed)...good points Ed, and you're right re our 'off-post' chat earlier, it is important to keep a firm distance between what has proceeded the Academy, Council's decisions re that site, etc, etc, and the positives of the Academy...which brings me back to these concerns...
In my reality, Mr Morrison/the Jazz Academy have already been 1) stiffed $750,000 of promised funding, and 2) royally rooted around with their student housing...I maintain that, at the original October 2014 Adelaide press conference/launch of the Jazz Academy, Premier Jay Weatherill stated that there was "$750,000" for works to re-fit the Old Town Hall building, etc, and then, alleged Minister for the Regions (whatevs?) Geoff Brock, he stepped up and clearly said, 'and I'm chuckin' in another $500,000 from the RDA (Regional Development Australia)'...he clearly stated "another $500,000" as in extra, not as in 'and part of that $750,000 is made up of $500k from the RDA', or 'including from RDA', or whatevs...which gives us a grand total I'd reckon of $1.25m...(are you sure? 'cos all the recent reportage keeps stating/identifying only $500k-Ed)...my point exactly...
Yes I'm sure it was a like totes of $1.25m because I remember spitting chips about the Forestry Sale stuff...(wood chips?-Ed)...indeed, when our charming former (then still) Mayor Steve Perryman, when he took to the microphone and grinningly stated to Jay Weatherill. 'you promised to help the South East after the Forestry Sell-off, and with this money you've made good that promise'...(how the hell does $1.25m compensate for selling-off a multi-billion dollar industry/resource that is/was the cornerstone of the whole SE economy?-ED)...well it doesn't, obviously, not even close, and that's my point...I remember thinking exactly that, 'how does $1.25m make-up for the $billions lost? you idiot'...
There was clearly stated a total of $1.25m of state government funding for the Academy and that has dropped suddenly to only $500,000...and then there's the stuffing-about with the student accommodation that had students reportedly supposedly moving into brand new homes in one estate that would be furnished from local stores, etc, but those homes were/are actually public housing, and so then when that inevitably went pear-shaped, it was reported that Mrs Morrison was left to rush about and re-organise that accommodation and those students are now in various homes/houses around town...
Please note that I don't just lash-out randomly at people/authorities/whatevs, or at least I try very hard not to, and I offer as example 1) the rank corruption of the Main Corner Commercial Kitchen Lease that gives the leasee effective control of the entire Main Corner/Town Hall/Institute complex...(all of which is supposedly publicly owned and definitely publicly funded-Ed)...indeed...well just maybe the people running that now have absolutely no idea of the rank corruption/nepotism/whatevs that define the entire Main Corner project, not least of all how it is they came to be running it...they may just be genuinely hard-working, motivated people whom are completely unawares of the corruption that sees them possess an un-challengable perpetual lease for the Ratepayer subsidised facility...
Please further note that 2) I haven't named the realtor whose very large 'For Lease' sign was out the front of those public homes that were stated as being for Academy students, because for all I know they knew nothing about the specifics and were unwittingly caught in the middle of what looks exactly like the usual dodgy Council shenanigans...the realtors have been identified to me as the people whom 'stuffed that up', but there was no specific proof provided...(but how was there a large 'For Lease' sign out front of those homes if they were/are public housing?-Ed)...dunno, dunno, sorry...so many questions and so few actual answers...
Gourd Help Us: to get over watching that chronic betrayer former Liberal leader and now Labor Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith mouthing-off about 'the Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize' or some such bullshit, about sending '22 of our young people' to Gallipoli for the ANZAC stuff coming up in April...1) absolutely hilarious to hear Marty the Turn-Coat Moose dribbling on about 'loyalty' and 'comradeship', etc, etc, having so thoroughly betrayed his Party and the people of his electorate and the people of SA, and 2) we are the Child-Abuse State, so I always find it so very amusing to hear these pricks talk about the great work they're doing for the kiddies...(and that 'so very amusing' is said in the most furious and vengefully sarcastic tone, yeah?-Ed)...indeed...
And good ol' Back-Stabbin' Marty, just another wholly corrupted public official to whom I've personally explained the St Martins Cover-up case, only to have them turn away and either ignore or even defend that Cover-up...(and wasn't he Liberal leader at that time, when you spoke to him in the then Library carpark, when he was in the company of Member for MacKillop, Mitch Williams?-Ed)...yep, to the pair of them, and then nuthin', absolutely nuthin'...
Good Bad News: about a fire yesterday (Sunday) morning at Whiteheads Timber Sales here in Lé Mount de Gambierré sur le Coté de Many Colours...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, just bein' stupid...(well can I just say you're very good at it-Ed)...well I've never known you to 'just say' anything, but ta'...(and the news?-Ed)...oh, yeah, $200,000 damage but the business was more or less saved...so, real bad news about the fire, but hopefully increasingly good news about the saving of the main infrastructure and therefore hopefully the future of the business, etc...
Tomorrow: Rail Lands Stuff
I know I keep promising this Rail Lands Retail Agenda stuff but I've already established the reality/veracity of the RLRA, and the stuff that Council is spewing out at the moment is largely in complete self-contradiction, so's there's no real sense of rush, but come tomorrow, look out...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
I acknowledge that I've been saying much the same thing for several months now, but in my own defense, it's not like the blog is the only thing I've got goin' on, and yet somewhat ironically, so much of what's goin' on is related directly to this 'ere blog...(which itself is a creation spawned from the shizzle that you've been goin' through, where that shizzle was other people's to deal with and they refused to and hence dumped it all onto you, and then of course blame and attack you when ya' actually try to do something about it, and despite the fact that you've always done that calmly and respectfully, etc, etc, then they blame you for the way they attack you...geez, no wonder you're so angry-Ed)...and trying to turn that anger to a positive outcome not just for the sake of my health...(but for the good of humanity?-Ed)...well, sort of, but mostly just because...just because it's there to be done...
Its kinda' hard to explain, but yesterday I didn't do a post and didn't feel at all bad about it, so as far as I'm concerned, now's the time to re-commit, re-focus, and re-iterate and fulfil my previous promises to continue and even expand TMGI...this also conveniently allows me to draw a line under all the issues that I've promised to cover and then forgotten/failed to do so...(dude! and ya' can't get through a post without randomly changing the subject to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, not sorry 'bout that...(fair enough-Ed)...'cos the St Martins Cover-up ain't nuthin' but The Thang...(indeed, The Thang that brings us all here today-Ed)...absolutely...
I am not a politician or an anti-corruption campaigner or a lawyer or a journalist or an accountant or a media-monitor or not nuthin'...I have no formal qualifications in anything and little if any training in anything else...for the greater part of my life I didn't give/haven't given a stuff about anything much, certainly not politics/activism/etc...(weren't you a member of Greenpeace back in the day?-Ed)...orrr yeah, sort of, but even that was a only attending a few marches, etc, nuthin' even close to what I'm doin' now, albeit doing now as a matter of necessity...(yeah, and what is it exactly that you're doin' now?-Ed)...great question...
I am just a parent doing what I'm sure any parent would do when they find themselves parent of a child whom was in a class of grade 2, 7 year old kids whom were systematically groomed and abused by their teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, only to then have the Lutherans, SAPol (the police), state Premiers Rann and Weatherill and their wholly corrupt Labor Party, the equally corrupt Liberal Party, ahh heck, the entire South Australian Parliament, the Judiciary, alleged Child Protection Services, etc, etc, etc, by their actions and/or inaction, act so as to cover-up those abuses...(oh, one of those parents-Ed)...
And the media are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, particularly the ABC, The Border Watch, and The Advertiser...the Sow Strayan media are nearly as pathetic and self-serving as the Canberra press-pack and entirely subservient to the paedophiles that clearly run South Australia...everyone me included uncomfortably accepts that there will always be paedophilia in society because that's just what we are, semi-insane, self-realised, self-aware, mutant apes with no real self-control, but I'll be shrecked if I'll live in a state that is run by child-abusers and their supporters...and that's clearly where we are now, living in SA, a state run by paedophiles for paedophiles...
It is my personal experience that every highly-paid professional in SA operates in the paradigm that you just ignore this pro-paedophile reality and go about your life, your career, etc, getting what you can for yourself and hopefully you never have to deal with any of this institutionalised paedophilia stuff...(yeah, 'cos that's a real career-killer that one, taking on the paedophiles who run SA-Ed)...indeed, and what a searing indictment of the reality of what we are in SA, spineless cowards who willingly subjugate ourselves to the rule of paedophiles, and so obviously to the detriment of our children and our society in general...
And now new rules from Labor to dump juveniles into the adult Court system, at the same time they are axing plans for a new Courts building and closing Courthouses around Adelaide...(along with hospital/ER closures-Ed)...indeed, and this change to the Courts obviously places vulnerable young people at great risk, but that's ok because that's what we do in SA, make our children vulnerable and then prey on them...I note that the entirely corrupted pro-paedophile 'system' constantly ignores/attacks the victims of high-level abuse and protects the perpetrators, for example, the St Martins case or the current local case I can't directly identify because the (schoolchild) victim is the one being harassed and intimidated by SAPol, etc, whilst the paedophile teacher remains untouched...(what a disgrace South Australia is-Ed)...indeed...think I'm just gunna' randomly change subject now...
Jazz Stuff: is popular in Mt Gambier at the moment...(and why not, said as a statement of fact-Ed)...indeed, why not, it's potentially a great thing for Mt Gambier...(potentially?-Ed)...exactly, potentially...unfortunately there's a raft of shonky half-wits involved and as their collective greed and incompetence have thus far proven so drastically damaging for Mt Gambier, so corruptly costly, that it'd be a small miracle if they don't root this up as well...(fair enough-Ed)...I mean, for gourd sake, look at the city, what a retrograde mess...
This is what can go horribly wrong when corrupt people start making promises about 'whatever you want mate', and 'nuthin''s too difficult', etc...(sounds like mouths are writing cheques that the chequebook isn't even being told about-Ed)...well quite...and so's when I hear Mr Morrison proudly stating that he's always been told by Mt Gambier officials 'whatevs you want, whenevs, no probs maaate', it immediately gives me cause for concern about just exactly whom has promised exactly what...(and at what cost to Mt Gambier Ratepayers?-Ed)...exactly, Ratepayers have been shoved out of their own Town Hall without any consultation, etc, and are financially supporting the Academy 'cos Ratepayers pay for the maintenance/running costs of that entire 'precinct', being the Old Town Hall, the Institute, and the farcical Main Corner thingy...
(At least it could be argued that at least Ratepayers get some return for their investment re the Jazz Academy 'cos of the exposure for Mt Gambier re tourism, etc, some income via the students, etc, etc, where-as the Main Corner is just a $600,000+ burden for Ratepayers, with any income largely going to the private business that has the very cheap lease-Ed)...good points Ed, and you're right re our 'off-post' chat earlier, it is important to keep a firm distance between what has proceeded the Academy, Council's decisions re that site, etc, etc, and the positives of the Academy...which brings me back to these concerns...
In my reality, Mr Morrison/the Jazz Academy have already been 1) stiffed $750,000 of promised funding, and 2) royally rooted around with their student housing...I maintain that, at the original October 2014 Adelaide press conference/launch of the Jazz Academy, Premier Jay Weatherill stated that there was "$750,000" for works to re-fit the Old Town Hall building, etc, and then, alleged Minister for the Regions (whatevs?) Geoff Brock, he stepped up and clearly said, 'and I'm chuckin' in another $500,000 from the RDA (Regional Development Australia)'...he clearly stated "another $500,000" as in extra, not as in 'and part of that $750,000 is made up of $500k from the RDA', or 'including from RDA', or whatevs...which gives us a grand total I'd reckon of $1.25m...(are you sure? 'cos all the recent reportage keeps stating/identifying only $500k-Ed)...my point exactly...
Yes I'm sure it was a like totes of $1.25m because I remember spitting chips about the Forestry Sale stuff...(wood chips?-Ed)...indeed, when our charming former (then still) Mayor Steve Perryman, when he took to the microphone and grinningly stated to Jay Weatherill. 'you promised to help the South East after the Forestry Sell-off, and with this money you've made good that promise'...(how the hell does $1.25m compensate for selling-off a multi-billion dollar industry/resource that is/was the cornerstone of the whole SE economy?-ED)...well it doesn't, obviously, not even close, and that's my point...I remember thinking exactly that, 'how does $1.25m make-up for the $billions lost? you idiot'...
There was clearly stated a total of $1.25m of state government funding for the Academy and that has dropped suddenly to only $500,000...and then there's the stuffing-about with the student accommodation that had students reportedly supposedly moving into brand new homes in one estate that would be furnished from local stores, etc, but those homes were/are actually public housing, and so then when that inevitably went pear-shaped, it was reported that Mrs Morrison was left to rush about and re-organise that accommodation and those students are now in various homes/houses around town...
Please note that I don't just lash-out randomly at people/authorities/whatevs, or at least I try very hard not to, and I offer as example 1) the rank corruption of the Main Corner Commercial Kitchen Lease that gives the leasee effective control of the entire Main Corner/Town Hall/Institute complex...(all of which is supposedly publicly owned and definitely publicly funded-Ed)...indeed...well just maybe the people running that now have absolutely no idea of the rank corruption/nepotism/whatevs that define the entire Main Corner project, not least of all how it is they came to be running it...they may just be genuinely hard-working, motivated people whom are completely unawares of the corruption that sees them possess an un-challengable perpetual lease for the Ratepayer subsidised facility...
Please further note that 2) I haven't named the realtor whose very large 'For Lease' sign was out the front of those public homes that were stated as being for Academy students, because for all I know they knew nothing about the specifics and were unwittingly caught in the middle of what looks exactly like the usual dodgy Council shenanigans...the realtors have been identified to me as the people whom 'stuffed that up', but there was no specific proof provided...(but how was there a large 'For Lease' sign out front of those homes if they were/are public housing?-Ed)...dunno, dunno, sorry...so many questions and so few actual answers...
Gourd Help Us: to get over watching that chronic betrayer former Liberal leader and now Labor Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith mouthing-off about 'the Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize' or some such bullshit, about sending '22 of our young people' to Gallipoli for the ANZAC stuff coming up in April...1) absolutely hilarious to hear Marty the Turn-Coat Moose dribbling on about 'loyalty' and 'comradeship', etc, etc, having so thoroughly betrayed his Party and the people of his electorate and the people of SA, and 2) we are the Child-Abuse State, so I always find it so very amusing to hear these pricks talk about the great work they're doing for the kiddies...(and that 'so very amusing' is said in the most furious and vengefully sarcastic tone, yeah?-Ed)...indeed...
And good ol' Back-Stabbin' Marty, just another wholly corrupted public official to whom I've personally explained the St Martins Cover-up case, only to have them turn away and either ignore or even defend that Cover-up...(and wasn't he Liberal leader at that time, when you spoke to him in the then Library carpark, when he was in the company of Member for MacKillop, Mitch Williams?-Ed)...yep, to the pair of them, and then nuthin', absolutely nuthin'...
Good Bad News: about a fire yesterday (Sunday) morning at Whiteheads Timber Sales here in Lé Mount de Gambierré sur le Coté de Many Colours...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, just bein' stupid...(well can I just say you're very good at it-Ed)...well I've never known you to 'just say' anything, but ta'...(and the news?-Ed)...oh, yeah, $200,000 damage but the business was more or less saved...so, real bad news about the fire, but hopefully increasingly good news about the saving of the main infrastructure and therefore hopefully the future of the business, etc...
Tomorrow: Rail Lands Stuff
I know I keep promising this Rail Lands Retail Agenda stuff but I've already established the reality/veracity of the RLRA, and the stuff that Council is spewing out at the moment is largely in complete self-contradiction, so's there's no real sense of rush, but come tomorrow, look out...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Demolishing Democracy Aussie Style
Hello Malaysia, Lebanon, Poland, and Israel and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday, but still going forward and the World cup (Cricket) is on today so's I'll be watching some of that and whacking-up a coupla' posts...cheers...(**and now further apologies that that didn't happen...no Interweb yesterday, at all, and still cannot access my emails...it's not saying wrong password or anything, just won't connect...gourd knows**)...
Well Blow My Whistle: because alleged human-being Federal Liberal Attorney General George Brandis is in the news stating that "bloggers aren't journalists"...(oh, what a lovely thing to say about you, that you're not a journalist-Ed)...well indeed, but it means that therefore I won't be covered by the special new provisions for said alleged journos...(what new provisions?-Ed)...well with this ludicrous Metadata Retention shizzle that's just been rammed through federal parliament under the guise of 'anti-terrorism' laws, it's open slather on Mr Joe Average blogger, whilst the entirely complicit, pathetic, herd of self-important automaton half-wits that are the Canberra press pack, well they get 'special provisions' to 'protect their sources', etc, etc...
('A herd of halfwits'?...it's always about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with you isn't it?...always about the pathetically gutless 'roll-over to have ya' belly scratched' attitudes of Australia's media...the pathetic, immoral, sanctimonious self-serving stuff-pigs who flap about self-aggrandising because they think they know who stabbed the latest PM in the back or whatevs, but refuse to expose the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...um, I'm not exactly sure what the question is, but I'll hazard a 'yes'...
These laws are clearly about clamping down on freedoms of speech...(freedoms we don't actually have in the first instance-Ed)...well indeed, obviously said 'freedoms' are not included in our Federal Constitution as they are in the USofA, if our illustrious leaders can just introduce laws to block them...(wow, and you thought that Fascism was a peculiarly South Australian form of governance, hence the political descriptor 'Fascocracy' what you done pen to encapsulate the psuedo-democratic processes that allow us plebs to vote for which one of two pro-paedophile Partys, namely Labor or Liberal, which one will get to lord it over us with rank incompetence and institutionalised corruption-Ed)...again, is that a question or a statement?...
Fast Tracking Fascism: may well occur in other states, eg, these exciting new federal 'Get The Bloody Blogger' laws, and it's just possible that I notice it better here because here is where I is (Sow Straya), but by crikey we're royally screwed in SA because it appears that all these nasty Interweb rumours about Nazi paedophiles running the state have lived themselves large in the protective shadow of the Child Abuse Royal Commission...(and whatta' cynical piece of political posturing to present this Commission as being the picture that something is actually being done to address the institutionalised paedophile corruption that defines the political system in Australia, let alone SA-Ed)...indeed...
And as for the SA Liberal Party...entirely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, just as many paedophiles sitting there in their ranks if not more than the Labor Party, and all singin' from the same sick songbook when it comes to protecting their own best interests, and that means officially covering-up Child Abuse...and they do...and the Adelaide media are just as complicit...and when some poor idiot...(cue you-Ed)...indeed, when some idiot dares to stand-up to the vilification and police harassment and intimidation and social Pariahtisation, etc, etc, then everyone from the Premier there-on down gets on board with attacking said 'idiot'...
Now just this week, SAPol have granted themselves/been granted by parliament/whatevs, the power to force random finger-print scans for no reason, just the cop feels like it at the time...(sorry what? random instant fingerprint checks? so exactly like their own self-granted, open-ended, undated, anonymous, go anywhere, do anything wherevs/whenevs they feel like it, Search Warrants?-Ed)...so yes, exactly like that, only better...(better? than open-ended Search Warrants?-Ed)...absolutely, because you can also get gaoled for refusing to comply...(gaoled? for refusing to be randomly finger-printed in the street without having committed any crime/having been charged/arrested/whatevs?-Ed)...yep, welcome to the New Democracy...
New Democracy: of course being the company that ran the ludicrous 'Public Consultation via a Panel' process re the repair/maintenance of the South East Drainage System...why do we have government when we're doing their work for them? why aren't the Labor government simply taking responsibility for the maintenance of public utilities, namely roads, bridges, artificial drains, etc?...how many times in future will we get this ridiculous 'New Democracy' pantomime, not an exciting new age of public input but rather a case-study in political 'buck-passing'...but I digress...
Y'all will excuse me please if I feel a little bit like this legislative 'Fascocracy' stuff is aimed at me, and if not at me specifically or even with me directly in mind, then certainly at my ilk...(and you would define that as what? your ilk is...?-Ed)...just a father who was delivered the responsibility for resolving the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up by a raft of rankly corrupt, pro-paedophile public officials in SAPol (police), local and state government, official authorities, etc, etc...from Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, local Members Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, former Mayor Steve Perryman and the entire previous City Council, the Lutheran Church, the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, etc, etc, etc...
Life's A Dazy Chain: where not a day passes in my reality that I do not encounter one of these sad shrecks and they scurry away and there ain't not nuthin' good about any of that...not one day passes that the Royal Commission doesn't get pissed in my ear by the ABC or whoevs...only yesterday it was more bollocks from City Council, via the ABC, about whatevs bloody initiative that's related to Council's extraordinary Children's Charter...(it was about some works at a playground somewhere-Ed)...whatevs, the Children's Charter and the associated shreckin' catch-cry 'it takes a village to raise a child'...everyday I live with my failure to resolve the outrageous situation at St Martins...(shall we move on to something equally depressing?-Ed)...yes please...
Just A Thought: that encompasses some of the very confronting issues involved with 'illegal immigation', usually referring to travel by fishing boat via Indonesia...forget arguments about whether theses people are 'asylum seekers', or 'refugees', or 'illegal immigrants', how ever they came to be there, there has been some recent reportage re the Manus Island Detention Centre 'detainees' and the riots that occurred there only months ago...for those unawares, Australia currently either 'turns-back' theses boats, or puts those people on commercial emergency lifeboats as seen on oil tankers, container ships, etc...we take people off one shitty boat, put them in a bright orange one, then point them back in the direction of Indonesia, and give them a parting kick in the seat of the pants, 'get back whence you came'...
We have also given 2 patrol boats to the Sri Lankan navy to help them intercept any boats from there as people flee the ongoing but officially denied violence and discrimination in that country, and have already handed people back over to the Sri Lankans via 'at-sea' exchanges...leaving aside the debates about genuine refugees, our national obligations toward those seeking asylum, global population problems, etc, etc, it was the situation at Manus Island during those riots that was so bizarre...please excuse the humour inherent in this following observation because there's nothing here that I find funny, please feel free to be ill-at-ease...
The 'detainees' in the Manus Island Centre protested against conditions, the time to process 'asylum applications', etc, and did so by barricading themselves in the centre, blocking access by guards/officials/whatevs...(so they've barricaded themselves into a centre they're already locked in?-Ed)...yep, forcing the authorities to break into the centre and arrest the alleged ring-leaders...(so detainees barricaded themselves inside the detention centre, forcing authorities to break into their own centre, and then some detainees were further 'detained' as punishment?-Ed)...yep...nothing funny about any of that, just bizarre upon bizarre...
In a similar vein, I was half-watching Aljazeera News and/or other international news services whilst doing the blog the other day, and the footage was of a war-ravaged, rubble-strewn city somewhere in Syria...when I glanced up later the footage was still of a large destroyed building, but the wording at the bottom was no longer in Arabic, but looked more 'Eastern European', possibly Russian even, and with a sense of dawning disbelief, I realised that this was the shattered remnants of the Donetsk Airport in Ukraine...it was clearly the shell of an expansive 2 story building, that could have once been a shopping mall/factory/carpark/whatevs, but was otherwise unrecognisable...and this amid ongoing reports of spasmodic fighting and deaths even though yet another ceasefire is supposedly operating...again, I just don't have a commentary for this but felt it needs to be acknowledged...
Radio Rortals: apparently make half their profits from 'finance deals' set up with Social Security recipients via the Direct Pay option attached/available to some SS clients/payments...this sees people who cannot afford new stuff, eg, a fridge, taking the only finance option/deal they have access to, and then winding up taking years paying-off $1,000s more than an items actually worth (due to interest payments)...I ain't the only one suggestin' that this is yet another crass and completely inappropriate manipulation and defrauding of often very vulnerable people, as per the various dodgy Job Search/training providers whom have recently (finally) been exposed as rorting funding for training of unemployed people...
Today's Attempted Humour: is courtesy of Zantar the Wonder Hound (not his real name) whom has invented an exciting new game we play when I go to give him a treat/snack of a 1/4 handful of muesli/cereal, a game called Scatter Snacks, whereby he bunts my hand outta' the way as I put his reward/snack on the floor, thusly sending bits everywhere and leading to a quiet and now extended frenzy of snuffling and licking across the kitchen floor...(hilarious-Ed)...and to the tune of 'She Sells Seashells by The Seashore', a brief ditty that perfectly describes his latest excretionary expeditionings, namely, 'He Sits Six Shits By The Screen Door'...and this occurred to me the moment I encountered said turds neatly and expertly excreted only feet from the back step...given that this sentence happened in an instant, it is also an insightful sunning of the frightful punning running in my head throughout any given day...
Tomorrow: More Of The Rail Lands Stuff And Council Also
(Wow, you've worked really hard on that witty title haven't you?-Ed)... it's a work in progress...and still better than the other day where I forgot to title a post and then retrospectively called it 'The Post With No Title'...(clever-Ed)...more 'obvious' really, than clever...(well, you'd be surprised at just how many times just how many allegedly clever/intelligent people can miss the bleedin' obvious-Ed)...yes, but is that 'miss' or deliberately ignore because it's careerially expedient?...(hang on, are we back to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up again?-Ed)...well if you're looking for a better example of the soulless, sanctimonious, selfish, self-focussed shambles that is the South Australian Child Protection System, and how all officials involved have chosen to refuse to see the pro-paedophile corruption that they condone and perpetuate by their in-action, and just so's they can continue in their precious shreckin' jobs...(their precious shreckin' jobs they get paid a relative fortune to do-Ed)...exactly, and paid to do exactly what it is they they fail/refuse to do...
Condemned By Their Own Actions: is every single person involved in the St Martins Cover-up, from the other teachers/staff whom failed to come forward and tell authorities what they'd been telling us parents about what they'd witnessed of teacher Glyn Dorling's behaviours towards the 7 year olds in his care, many of whom still work there, right on up to the current Premier Jay Weatherill, Speaker Michael Atkinson, all of the alleged Opposition Liberals, etc, etc...(well, look, I do agree that these failures have happened, it's a bit unfair to pick on everybody in the same way, to condemn them all for different failings-Ed)...how so? whoevs did or didn't do whatevs, we are where we are and we have the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
(Yeah, fair enough, but please consider you're own previous thoughts on this...there is a world of difference between, for example, a teacher/staffer who tries to help and is immediately taken to Adelaide by/with Principal John Alexander and forced by senior Lutherans to sign a Confidentiality Agreement that directly threatens that persons employment, etc, and one whom repeatedly states to parents and SAPol (police) that they saw Dorling in the classroom with an erection, but then withdraws that statement and is duly promoted well above their abilities-Ed)...okay, when you put it like that...(I do put it like that-Ed)...
No apologies for straying onto the St Martins stuff again, because it's really only a matter of time before laws are introduced to finally shut-down this 'ere blog, and that's exactly the sort of issue that will again be buried deep...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Well Blow My Whistle: because alleged human-being Federal Liberal Attorney General George Brandis is in the news stating that "bloggers aren't journalists"...(oh, what a lovely thing to say about you, that you're not a journalist-Ed)...well indeed, but it means that therefore I won't be covered by the special new provisions for said alleged journos...(what new provisions?-Ed)...well with this ludicrous Metadata Retention shizzle that's just been rammed through federal parliament under the guise of 'anti-terrorism' laws, it's open slather on Mr Joe Average blogger, whilst the entirely complicit, pathetic, herd of self-important automaton half-wits that are the Canberra press pack, well they get 'special provisions' to 'protect their sources', etc, etc...
('A herd of halfwits'?...it's always about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with you isn't it?...always about the pathetically gutless 'roll-over to have ya' belly scratched' attitudes of Australia's media...the pathetic, immoral, sanctimonious self-serving stuff-pigs who flap about self-aggrandising because they think they know who stabbed the latest PM in the back or whatevs, but refuse to expose the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...um, I'm not exactly sure what the question is, but I'll hazard a 'yes'...
These laws are clearly about clamping down on freedoms of speech...(freedoms we don't actually have in the first instance-Ed)...well indeed, obviously said 'freedoms' are not included in our Federal Constitution as they are in the USofA, if our illustrious leaders can just introduce laws to block them...(wow, and you thought that Fascism was a peculiarly South Australian form of governance, hence the political descriptor 'Fascocracy' what you done pen to encapsulate the psuedo-democratic processes that allow us plebs to vote for which one of two pro-paedophile Partys, namely Labor or Liberal, which one will get to lord it over us with rank incompetence and institutionalised corruption-Ed)...again, is that a question or a statement?...
Fast Tracking Fascism: may well occur in other states, eg, these exciting new federal 'Get The Bloody Blogger' laws, and it's just possible that I notice it better here because here is where I is (Sow Straya), but by crikey we're royally screwed in SA because it appears that all these nasty Interweb rumours about Nazi paedophiles running the state have lived themselves large in the protective shadow of the Child Abuse Royal Commission...(and whatta' cynical piece of political posturing to present this Commission as being the picture that something is actually being done to address the institutionalised paedophile corruption that defines the political system in Australia, let alone SA-Ed)...indeed...
And as for the SA Liberal Party...entirely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, just as many paedophiles sitting there in their ranks if not more than the Labor Party, and all singin' from the same sick songbook when it comes to protecting their own best interests, and that means officially covering-up Child Abuse...and they do...and the Adelaide media are just as complicit...and when some poor idiot...(cue you-Ed)...indeed, when some idiot dares to stand-up to the vilification and police harassment and intimidation and social Pariahtisation, etc, etc, then everyone from the Premier there-on down gets on board with attacking said 'idiot'...
Now just this week, SAPol have granted themselves/been granted by parliament/whatevs, the power to force random finger-print scans for no reason, just the cop feels like it at the time...(sorry what? random instant fingerprint checks? so exactly like their own self-granted, open-ended, undated, anonymous, go anywhere, do anything wherevs/whenevs they feel like it, Search Warrants?-Ed)...so yes, exactly like that, only better...(better? than open-ended Search Warrants?-Ed)...absolutely, because you can also get gaoled for refusing to comply...(gaoled? for refusing to be randomly finger-printed in the street without having committed any crime/having been charged/arrested/whatevs?-Ed)...yep, welcome to the New Democracy...
New Democracy: of course being the company that ran the ludicrous 'Public Consultation via a Panel' process re the repair/maintenance of the South East Drainage System...why do we have government when we're doing their work for them? why aren't the Labor government simply taking responsibility for the maintenance of public utilities, namely roads, bridges, artificial drains, etc?...how many times in future will we get this ridiculous 'New Democracy' pantomime, not an exciting new age of public input but rather a case-study in political 'buck-passing'...but I digress...
Y'all will excuse me please if I feel a little bit like this legislative 'Fascocracy' stuff is aimed at me, and if not at me specifically or even with me directly in mind, then certainly at my ilk...(and you would define that as what? your ilk is...?-Ed)...just a father who was delivered the responsibility for resolving the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up by a raft of rankly corrupt, pro-paedophile public officials in SAPol (police), local and state government, official authorities, etc, etc...from Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, local Members Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, former Mayor Steve Perryman and the entire previous City Council, the Lutheran Church, the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, etc, etc, etc...
Life's A Dazy Chain: where not a day passes in my reality that I do not encounter one of these sad shrecks and they scurry away and there ain't not nuthin' good about any of that...not one day passes that the Royal Commission doesn't get pissed in my ear by the ABC or whoevs...only yesterday it was more bollocks from City Council, via the ABC, about whatevs bloody initiative that's related to Council's extraordinary Children's Charter...(it was about some works at a playground somewhere-Ed)...whatevs, the Children's Charter and the associated shreckin' catch-cry 'it takes a village to raise a child'...everyday I live with my failure to resolve the outrageous situation at St Martins...(shall we move on to something equally depressing?-Ed)...yes please...
Just A Thought: that encompasses some of the very confronting issues involved with 'illegal immigation', usually referring to travel by fishing boat via Indonesia...forget arguments about whether theses people are 'asylum seekers', or 'refugees', or 'illegal immigrants', how ever they came to be there, there has been some recent reportage re the Manus Island Detention Centre 'detainees' and the riots that occurred there only months ago...for those unawares, Australia currently either 'turns-back' theses boats, or puts those people on commercial emergency lifeboats as seen on oil tankers, container ships, etc...we take people off one shitty boat, put them in a bright orange one, then point them back in the direction of Indonesia, and give them a parting kick in the seat of the pants, 'get back whence you came'...
We have also given 2 patrol boats to the Sri Lankan navy to help them intercept any boats from there as people flee the ongoing but officially denied violence and discrimination in that country, and have already handed people back over to the Sri Lankans via 'at-sea' exchanges...leaving aside the debates about genuine refugees, our national obligations toward those seeking asylum, global population problems, etc, etc, it was the situation at Manus Island during those riots that was so bizarre...please excuse the humour inherent in this following observation because there's nothing here that I find funny, please feel free to be ill-at-ease...
The 'detainees' in the Manus Island Centre protested against conditions, the time to process 'asylum applications', etc, and did so by barricading themselves in the centre, blocking access by guards/officials/whatevs...(so they've barricaded themselves into a centre they're already locked in?-Ed)...yep, forcing the authorities to break into the centre and arrest the alleged ring-leaders...(so detainees barricaded themselves inside the detention centre, forcing authorities to break into their own centre, and then some detainees were further 'detained' as punishment?-Ed)...yep...nothing funny about any of that, just bizarre upon bizarre...
In a similar vein, I was half-watching Aljazeera News and/or other international news services whilst doing the blog the other day, and the footage was of a war-ravaged, rubble-strewn city somewhere in Syria...when I glanced up later the footage was still of a large destroyed building, but the wording at the bottom was no longer in Arabic, but looked more 'Eastern European', possibly Russian even, and with a sense of dawning disbelief, I realised that this was the shattered remnants of the Donetsk Airport in Ukraine...it was clearly the shell of an expansive 2 story building, that could have once been a shopping mall/factory/carpark/whatevs, but was otherwise unrecognisable...and this amid ongoing reports of spasmodic fighting and deaths even though yet another ceasefire is supposedly operating...again, I just don't have a commentary for this but felt it needs to be acknowledged...
Radio Rortals: apparently make half their profits from 'finance deals' set up with Social Security recipients via the Direct Pay option attached/available to some SS clients/payments...this sees people who cannot afford new stuff, eg, a fridge, taking the only finance option/deal they have access to, and then winding up taking years paying-off $1,000s more than an items actually worth (due to interest payments)...I ain't the only one suggestin' that this is yet another crass and completely inappropriate manipulation and defrauding of often very vulnerable people, as per the various dodgy Job Search/training providers whom have recently (finally) been exposed as rorting funding for training of unemployed people...
Today's Attempted Humour: is courtesy of Zantar the Wonder Hound (not his real name) whom has invented an exciting new game we play when I go to give him a treat/snack of a 1/4 handful of muesli/cereal, a game called Scatter Snacks, whereby he bunts my hand outta' the way as I put his reward/snack on the floor, thusly sending bits everywhere and leading to a quiet and now extended frenzy of snuffling and licking across the kitchen floor...(hilarious-Ed)...and to the tune of 'She Sells Seashells by The Seashore', a brief ditty that perfectly describes his latest excretionary expeditionings, namely, 'He Sits Six Shits By The Screen Door'...and this occurred to me the moment I encountered said turds neatly and expertly excreted only feet from the back step...given that this sentence happened in an instant, it is also an insightful sunning of the frightful punning running in my head throughout any given day...
Tomorrow: More Of The Rail Lands Stuff And Council Also
(Wow, you've worked really hard on that witty title haven't you?-Ed)... it's a work in progress...and still better than the other day where I forgot to title a post and then retrospectively called it 'The Post With No Title'...(clever-Ed)...more 'obvious' really, than clever...(well, you'd be surprised at just how many times just how many allegedly clever/intelligent people can miss the bleedin' obvious-Ed)...yes, but is that 'miss' or deliberately ignore because it's careerially expedient?...(hang on, are we back to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up again?-Ed)...well if you're looking for a better example of the soulless, sanctimonious, selfish, self-focussed shambles that is the South Australian Child Protection System, and how all officials involved have chosen to refuse to see the pro-paedophile corruption that they condone and perpetuate by their in-action, and just so's they can continue in their precious shreckin' jobs...(their precious shreckin' jobs they get paid a relative fortune to do-Ed)...exactly, and paid to do exactly what it is they they fail/refuse to do...
Condemned By Their Own Actions: is every single person involved in the St Martins Cover-up, from the other teachers/staff whom failed to come forward and tell authorities what they'd been telling us parents about what they'd witnessed of teacher Glyn Dorling's behaviours towards the 7 year olds in his care, many of whom still work there, right on up to the current Premier Jay Weatherill, Speaker Michael Atkinson, all of the alleged Opposition Liberals, etc, etc...(well, look, I do agree that these failures have happened, it's a bit unfair to pick on everybody in the same way, to condemn them all for different failings-Ed)...how so? whoevs did or didn't do whatevs, we are where we are and we have the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
(Yeah, fair enough, but please consider you're own previous thoughts on this...there is a world of difference between, for example, a teacher/staffer who tries to help and is immediately taken to Adelaide by/with Principal John Alexander and forced by senior Lutherans to sign a Confidentiality Agreement that directly threatens that persons employment, etc, and one whom repeatedly states to parents and SAPol (police) that they saw Dorling in the classroom with an erection, but then withdraws that statement and is duly promoted well above their abilities-Ed)...okay, when you put it like that...(I do put it like that-Ed)...
No apologies for straying onto the St Martins stuff again, because it's really only a matter of time before laws are introduced to finally shut-down this 'ere blog, and that's exactly the sort of issue that will again be buried deep...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Kelp Me, Kelp Me Now!
Hello and welcome to the blog...**apologies for 2 missed days therefore some sync problems in this post written across 3 days...Council meeting last evening and I nearly forgot to go, but all the usual hilarity, eg, mysteriously reversing their November 2014 decision to ban electronic recording of Council meetings...post tomorrow, probably**...a bittuva' stop-gap, cut-and-paste, revisionary post dealing with stuff both old and new...and as always it's constructed under a blizzard of Child Abuse stories in the media re the Royal Commission, the charging of Adelaide Catholic Arch-Bishop Phillip Wilson by New South Wales police, etc...
That title is what I think it would sound like if the valuable marine ecosystem around Beachport/Kingston ways had a ways of/a means by to which be/a voice/whatevs for expressing their collective concerns re this latest assault on them, them being our environment...(you've lost me already-Ed)...please, then let me explain...(no no, I understand, I just don't care, I'm outta' here-Ed)...oh hilarious...(yeah, you lost me at hello-Ed)...and like you haven't used that joke like 5 times in the last 5 minutes...(or at least once just then-Ed)...........(hello?-Ed).........
Anyhoos, the title refers of course to the plans to "harvest kelp" from the area by a Chinese company for the Chinese market and the state/Labor support for 'industrialising this resource'...(still don't understand the title and/or care-Ed)...well, if the ecosystems/environment around Beachport/whatevs were capable of 1) being aware of what was headed their way via this 'industrialised harveting', and then 2) of saying, 'hang on that looks like trouble, will someone please help us to be stoppin' this, please', then they probably would be speaking out...(fair enough-Ed)...
And having found their voice, it is to everyone's immense surprise, not least their own, that they sound exactly like gospel/blues/soul/all round legend James Brown...(oh dear, wow, that's a very long-winded lead into a very average joke-Ed)...yes, but it is also a very effective illustrator for defining the reality that if the environment has any voice it is a human one, it needs to be a human one, and one that's shouting passionately...whilst wearing a cape...(so why not James Brown-Ed)...exactly, or failing that, me...(and of course 'the Redmans' of Southport-Ed)...absolutely, good point, and hopefully we all are soon to be found amongst many others...(owww I feel good-Ed)...just like I knew that you would now...
In a recent previous post/s I have cut crook about the looming environmental threat/disaster that 'seaweed harvesting' presents to the invaluable ecosystems that it is both 1) a critical part of, and 2) a critical creator of...that is, 1) live seaweeds provide shelter, safety, food, etc, for marine creatures, and 2) the banks of drift-weed washed-up along the coastline is itself awash with invertebrates, etc, that provide food for birds, fish, etc, indeed all the nutrients and other food sources/bugs/whatevs are a critical part of that food chain...(weren't you just goin' to defer to that letter below?-Ed)...ah indeed, I happily defer to the letter attached below...please availees to be reading and meet you back 'ere shortly.......
....and I concur...I don't know whom these people are what done writ this, but being from Southport there's a goodly chance they are fisher-persons, or were, whatevs, and what they say is 100% correct, even if I'd have personally gone a bit harder about the realities of 'harvesting kelp', particularly highlighting the difference between this and 'collecting' off the beach...in happily deferring to the attached letter I can only apologise that I've not been as thorough in explaining/posting the multiplier effects of removing any weed, dead or alive...this letter makes-up for my failures...(yay-Ed)...yay...
Don't care who's doing it, we must say 'No' to "harvesting kelp" being the removal of any live seaweeds, and there must be proper acknowledgement, recording, monitoring, etc, etc, of the very valuable 'resource' that that seaweed is when left lying exactly where it washes up...(aren't these areas now in Labor's much celebrated, by them, Marine Parks plan thingy and therefore protected from such 'Ãndustrialisation'?-Ed)...dunno', but I'm gunna' go not really that far out on the Limb of Personal Experience and have a wild guess and suggest that those areas most suitable for "harvesting kelp" coincidentally lie outside defined Marine Parks, and/or there are vague provisions that allow the government to just over-ride whatevs legislation if it suits them...(and this project does, suit them that is?-Ed)...exactly...
The Rail Lands stuff is old news on this 'ere blog...I have frequently identified and addressed the various issues at play, and I have called it Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(please insert fanfare here)...and it is my squishy, and I love it...the RLRA refers to the undeniable Mt Gambier City Council agenda/plans for expanding the Lakes/Centro/Whatevs Plaza across the Rail Lands site, an agenda/plan resplendent in a field of Council lies, as assisted by the The Border Watch, whom are perfectly aware of the RLRA but refuse to acknowledge it, etc, etc...sorry, but this gets bumped to tomorrow as being something that 1) ain't goin' nowhere fast, and 2) ain't gunna' get fixed anyways, the damage is largely done...
Great News: because I'm confident the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is about to be resolved...(really? what's happened? has teacher Glyn Dorling been charged with the gross abuses he committed against 7 year old, grade 2 students whilst their teacher at St Martins in 2002?-Ed)...well no, but...(has the entirely complicit South Australian media decided to grow some moral fibre in the shape of a pair of testicles and report the realities of the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...nope, but very nicely put...(ta', I'd like to think it's just the right fusion of rabid contempt, seething fury, and all-encompassing gender-based abuse-Ed)...it's hilarious yes, but look, slow down, maybe I've jumped the gun a bit on that 'it's resolved'...perhaps what I should have said was, 'I'm sure that something will happen now to resolve the St Martins/Lutherans case now that one of my SAPol (police) besties, Grant Stevens, well now that he's the new SAPol Commissioner'...that's what I should've said...(well how the hell is that gunna' help?-Ed)...
(Didn't you post previously that you spoke to him when he was head honcho at the Paedophile Taskforce, as per his glowing CV in today's** The Advertiser newspaper, namely 'Grant was the head of the SAPol Paedophile TaskForce back in 2004'...and it was in that capacity and at that time that you spoke to him over the phone (twice) and he indicated that he'd been 'told to drop it (St Martins)' by his superiors? is it that Grant Stevens?-Ed)...well yes it is he as you noted, and yes I did talk to him in 2004 and he did say 'nuh, not allowed to', but I just thought that now he's the boss...(you thought what? that because he's Commissioner now and he knows all about the St Martins/Dorling Cover-up, that he's suddenly going to turn around and resolve the St Martins case?-Ed)...
Well I thought, maybe...(maybe nuthin'...he's where he is because he's demonstrated the ability to look the other way when necessary, eg, when you're head of the Paedophile Taskforce but you refuse to do anything about St Martins-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, sorry, I was just trying to be optimistic, ya' know?...(I know mate, I know...nobody blames you...tell you what, let's pretend that this whole bit about GS is just yet another one of your hilariously scything, politically insightful, sarcastically satirical pieces of observationing, not a naive insanity flying in the face of reality, and just move on-Ed)...okay, but do you think we'll get away with that?...(probably not-Ed)...
The Serious Paragraph: about this stuff is redundant because I've covered all of the critical issues above...
Tomorrow: The Latest Rail Lands
(Osbc-Ed)...oh, you've seen this stuff already then, yeah?...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...I'll take that as a yes then...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
That title is what I think it would sound like if the valuable marine ecosystem around Beachport/Kingston ways had a ways of/a means by to which be/a voice/whatevs for expressing their collective concerns re this latest assault on them, them being our environment...(you've lost me already-Ed)...please, then let me explain...(no no, I understand, I just don't care, I'm outta' here-Ed)...oh hilarious...(yeah, you lost me at hello-Ed)...and like you haven't used that joke like 5 times in the last 5 minutes...(or at least once just then-Ed)...........(hello?-Ed).........
Anyhoos, the title refers of course to the plans to "harvest kelp" from the area by a Chinese company for the Chinese market and the state/Labor support for 'industrialising this resource'...(still don't understand the title and/or care-Ed)...well, if the ecosystems/environment around Beachport/whatevs were capable of 1) being aware of what was headed their way via this 'industrialised harveting', and then 2) of saying, 'hang on that looks like trouble, will someone please help us to be stoppin' this, please', then they probably would be speaking out...(fair enough-Ed)...
And having found their voice, it is to everyone's immense surprise, not least their own, that they sound exactly like gospel/blues/soul/all round legend James Brown...(oh dear, wow, that's a very long-winded lead into a very average joke-Ed)...yes, but it is also a very effective illustrator for defining the reality that if the environment has any voice it is a human one, it needs to be a human one, and one that's shouting passionately...whilst wearing a cape...(so why not James Brown-Ed)...exactly, or failing that, me...(and of course 'the Redmans' of Southport-Ed)...absolutely, good point, and hopefully we all are soon to be found amongst many others...(owww I feel good-Ed)...just like I knew that you would now...
In a recent previous post/s I have cut crook about the looming environmental threat/disaster that 'seaweed harvesting' presents to the invaluable ecosystems that it is both 1) a critical part of, and 2) a critical creator of...that is, 1) live seaweeds provide shelter, safety, food, etc, for marine creatures, and 2) the banks of drift-weed washed-up along the coastline is itself awash with invertebrates, etc, that provide food for birds, fish, etc, indeed all the nutrients and other food sources/bugs/whatevs are a critical part of that food chain...(weren't you just goin' to defer to that letter below?-Ed)...ah indeed, I happily defer to the letter attached below...please availees to be reading and meet you back 'ere shortly.......
....and I concur...I don't know whom these people are what done writ this, but being from Southport there's a goodly chance they are fisher-persons, or were, whatevs, and what they say is 100% correct, even if I'd have personally gone a bit harder about the realities of 'harvesting kelp', particularly highlighting the difference between this and 'collecting' off the beach...in happily deferring to the attached letter I can only apologise that I've not been as thorough in explaining/posting the multiplier effects of removing any weed, dead or alive...this letter makes-up for my failures...(yay-Ed)...yay...
Don't care who's doing it, we must say 'No' to "harvesting kelp" being the removal of any live seaweeds, and there must be proper acknowledgement, recording, monitoring, etc, etc, of the very valuable 'resource' that that seaweed is when left lying exactly where it washes up...(aren't these areas now in Labor's much celebrated, by them, Marine Parks plan thingy and therefore protected from such 'Ãndustrialisation'?-Ed)...dunno', but I'm gunna' go not really that far out on the Limb of Personal Experience and have a wild guess and suggest that those areas most suitable for "harvesting kelp" coincidentally lie outside defined Marine Parks, and/or there are vague provisions that allow the government to just over-ride whatevs legislation if it suits them...(and this project does, suit them that is?-Ed)...exactly...
The Rail Lands stuff is old news on this 'ere blog...I have frequently identified and addressed the various issues at play, and I have called it Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(please insert fanfare here)...and it is my squishy, and I love it...the RLRA refers to the undeniable Mt Gambier City Council agenda/plans for expanding the Lakes/Centro/Whatevs Plaza across the Rail Lands site, an agenda/plan resplendent in a field of Council lies, as assisted by the The Border Watch, whom are perfectly aware of the RLRA but refuse to acknowledge it, etc, etc...sorry, but this gets bumped to tomorrow as being something that 1) ain't goin' nowhere fast, and 2) ain't gunna' get fixed anyways, the damage is largely done...
Great News: because I'm confident the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is about to be resolved...(really? what's happened? has teacher Glyn Dorling been charged with the gross abuses he committed against 7 year old, grade 2 students whilst their teacher at St Martins in 2002?-Ed)...well no, but...(has the entirely complicit South Australian media decided to grow some moral fibre in the shape of a pair of testicles and report the realities of the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...nope, but very nicely put...(ta', I'd like to think it's just the right fusion of rabid contempt, seething fury, and all-encompassing gender-based abuse-Ed)...it's hilarious yes, but look, slow down, maybe I've jumped the gun a bit on that 'it's resolved'...perhaps what I should have said was, 'I'm sure that something will happen now to resolve the St Martins/Lutherans case now that one of my SAPol (police) besties, Grant Stevens, well now that he's the new SAPol Commissioner'...that's what I should've said...(well how the hell is that gunna' help?-Ed)...
(Didn't you post previously that you spoke to him when he was head honcho at the Paedophile Taskforce, as per his glowing CV in today's** The Advertiser newspaper, namely 'Grant was the head of the SAPol Paedophile TaskForce back in 2004'...and it was in that capacity and at that time that you spoke to him over the phone (twice) and he indicated that he'd been 'told to drop it (St Martins)' by his superiors? is it that Grant Stevens?-Ed)...well yes it is he as you noted, and yes I did talk to him in 2004 and he did say 'nuh, not allowed to', but I just thought that now he's the boss...(you thought what? that because he's Commissioner now and he knows all about the St Martins/Dorling Cover-up, that he's suddenly going to turn around and resolve the St Martins case?-Ed)...
Well I thought, maybe...(maybe nuthin'...he's where he is because he's demonstrated the ability to look the other way when necessary, eg, when you're head of the Paedophile Taskforce but you refuse to do anything about St Martins-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, sorry, I was just trying to be optimistic, ya' know?...(I know mate, I know...nobody blames you...tell you what, let's pretend that this whole bit about GS is just yet another one of your hilariously scything, politically insightful, sarcastically satirical pieces of observationing, not a naive insanity flying in the face of reality, and just move on-Ed)...okay, but do you think we'll get away with that?...(probably not-Ed)...
The Serious Paragraph: about this stuff is redundant because I've covered all of the critical issues above...
Tomorrow: The Latest Rail Lands
(Osbc-Ed)...oh, you've seen this stuff already then, yeah?...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...I'll take that as a yes then...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Gray-Gray Goes Cray-Cray Saying Say Nay To The Nay-sayers
Hello Israel, Philippines, Taiwan, and Ukraine...howdy y'all and welcome to the blog for this Sunday the 15th day of March...(oo look out, watch ya back Julius-Ed)...sorry?...(watch your back-Ed)...watch my back? what, more than usual?..(.no no, well yes, probably, but I was just pointing out that after various religious observances, that March 15th is 'literally' one of the most famous dates on the calendar-Ed)...ah yes, the Ides of March, beware the Ides of March...is that Shakespeare?...(I reckon that the Ides of March is/was a festival/observance thingy back in JC's day, but that line 'beware', yeah, I think it's the quote from the play by Billy S-Ed)...
(Oh, and that 'JC' is Julius Caesar the Roman Emperor, not 'JC' as in Jesus Christ-Ed)...oh thanks, really? I thought Shakespeare wrote Jesus Christ Superstar...(nnno, I don't think so, don't think he did any musicals as such-Ed)...and what happened to JC, Julius that is, on The Ides of March?...(repeatedly stabbed, right in the back, right in the rotunda-Ed)...taboomtish?...(taboomtish-Ed)...
High Time And Highly Ironic: that the reality of Medicinal Marijuana as being Cathartic Chronic received the media attention that a recent/current prosecution of a dealer has generated...in his defense, the evidence presented/claimed that he deals 1/2 price grass to several adjacent hospitals to be used for treating patients, particularly re Chemo stuff, etc...(I hear it's also good for joint pain...get it? 'joint pain'-Ed)...you'll be gettin' some pain in a minute...(what? talking to you isn't pain enough?-Ed)...sorry?...(just saying, walking for you is often pain enough-Ed)...well yes, my knees do hurt quite a bit some times, but I'm talking about these very serious claims made in a Court hearing in New South Wales that, if true, are yet further albeit anecdotal evidence of the effectiveness of MM/CC...
Obviously the hospitals involved have jumped right on the claim that they score...(they didn't pause to mull it over?-Ed)...no, they were on it, riiight on it...(no no, I said 'mull' it over, 'mull' as in 'cut up grass for smoking'-Ed)...yes thankyou, I get it, just ignoring it...and an official NSW Health Service spokes-Rastafarian said, "nooo mon, (puff) dar's no sweet gunga 'ere mon (puff) nooo sweet gunga 'ere (cough)"...so that must like be true, ya' know, 'cos he was an official spokes-Rasta...oh, and we can cross now live to that press conference, are you there Trish?...(ahahaaa, ooo there's chocolate cake, they brought caaaaake, ahhhhhhhaahaa, gimme' that...haahahaaaa.........)...yes, well, we appear to be having some technical problems there...(she's wasted dude-Ed)...ok thankyou...(wasted as-Ed)...alright, thanks...we'll get back to Trish later...(yeah, when she's mellowed out a bit-Ed)...indeed...(man, I'll say one thing though for NSW Health, they really know how to throw a press conference-Ed)...double indeed...
Even more obviously, the truth lies roughly around the reality that the dude wasn't dealing directly to the hospitals, but instead directly to patients via 'word of mouth' from other patients...but, and it's a very big but...(I...like...big...butts and I cannot lie-Ed)...settle, but it is a big ol' but that this dealing was/is a practise well known and tolerated by staff, because the staff/clinicians/doctors/etc understand/believe that MM/CC works in countering many of the most taxing aspects of treatments like Chemotherapy, eg, nausea, loss of appetite, even stress...
Bakin' Grannies: for their own best interests sake because for gourd sake Cathartic Chronic works, we all know it does...so let's get over this Judeo-Christian 'all drugs are bad, mmmkayyy?' bullshit about the Evil Weed and let's get those li'l ol' ladies gettin Chemo and shizzle, let's get them 'baked' with a coupla' home-baked Oatmeal cookies and a nice cuppa' warm milky tea...(right on-Ed)...what have you got there?...(chocolate cake-Ed)...where'd you get that?...(your fridge-Ed)...my cake! is there any left?...(ummm, here, have this bit-Ed)...dude, I am not eating that now, it isn't even on a plate...
50 Shades Of Gray-Gray: and all of them blandly, blithely bullshit...(wow, now say what you really think-Ed)...no, mate, if I'm gunna' have Graham Greenwood repeatedly shoved all up in my grill and shizzle as being the doyen of Mt Gambier journalism, and he is clearly more than happy to churn out this propaganda-soaked dross and bask in this ludicrously unjustified adulation, then I have a right to write what's right...and when I say 'I'm right' when writing about stuff, regular availees know that I write lots of stuff I believe to be true, full well hoping that it isn't...(fair enough-Ed)...
Please find attached below the article from The Border Watch Friday 6th March 2015, meet you back here in a minute...........so there you go...again, I hope that the Jazz Academy is even half as successful as it's being touted, and most people feel the same way...some don't give a damn...that's just people...and like me, many I've spoken to don't believe the hype about how this Academy is the saviour of the South East's economy...as great as it will be in certain areas, eg, some tourism, it simply isn't going to provide anywhere near the number of full-time jobs that are needed to underpin a resilient/confident local economy...
Perhaps broader negative publicity (that is, outside of Mt Gambier) about the deplorable pausity of Public Services in Mt Gambier, eg, Health, be it Dental/Mental/whatevs, the lack of an MRI scanning machine has been big news during PM Tony Abbott's recent visit...(how's about public transport?-Ed)...well exactly...any of the 45-50 full-time public service jobs lost due to the 'Shared Services' fiasco? and so it goes on...will the Jazz Academy bring any improvement to/replacement of these services?...(probably not-Ed)...unfortunately, probably not...as good as it will be in some areas, how will these things be improved by the Academy?...
But I'd like to skip to the stuff about, "Slowly it is drowning out the "nay-sayers"", referring to various concerns people have about the future of the Jazz Academy...(some people have said to me that they believe that it's just a political stunt by Labor to try and win back the seat of Mt Gambier, a seat they have previously controlled via a series of Labor stooges masquerading as Independents until Troy Bell won in March 2014, and that the Academy will be in Mt Gambier until the next state election and no longer-Ed)...yeah, I've heard that a bit...and again, that's nuthin' about James Morrison and what he says or does, that's entirely about the people he's dealing with in Mt Gambier City Council and Labor...
And people have every right to be concerned when they look at the perpetual debasco (debacle meets fiasco) that is governance in South Australia...why wouldn't Ratepayers be at least a bit paranoid that their elected officials are possibly going to rort this situation stupid?...(and potentially root it up for all concerned-Ed)...exactly...and all the danger signs are there...(and all the social manipulation-Ed)...exactly, particularly the social manipulation...ooo, here comes a nay-sayer, getcha' torches and ya' pitchforks...
The Ratepayers of Mt Gambier have every right to question what their Council does, and they would be definably, fundamentally insane to believe that the Labor party of South Australia is doing anything that isn't entirely about the Labor Party...and describing/denigrating anyone whom expresses an opinion or concern or questions in any way, as being a "nay-sayer"...(even put in quotations to emphasise it-Ed)...indeed...it is yet another attempt to Pariahtise anyone whom may have a dissenting voice, heaven forbid uncomfortable questions...
I don't understand the stuff about the Academy having to be rushed forward by a year because of the 'termination' of the Tennyson Woods Year 13 course...I swear I heard it reported that the course was taken off Tennyson to be made part of the Academy, not the other way around, and with little if any notification to Tennyson...and across various interviews I've heard those involved saying that this has been years in the planning already...(that paragraph looks like a flaccid attempt to justify and/or distract from the secretive dealings and sudden announcement of the Academy-Ed)...indeed it is...
We all hope that the Academy is alive and too-boppity-wah-skidooing it's little heart out in 10, then 20, then 30 years, ad infinitum...but who knows...and there are clearly some very problematic things that have occurred already...and Graham mentions but fails to conclude/resolve one of them, the issue of this student housing in Harrald St, "...but that venture fell through dramatically...", but there's no explanation of what happened exactly...this was briefly mentioned during the ABC Radio coverage of the Academy's opening day during an interview with James Morrison, but I was in the car and missed the exact details if there were any discussed...
Excuse me if I take no pride what-so-ever as being potentially the 'dramatic' thing that happened to cock-up this accommodation stuff...(you mean us? do you think that posting stuff about how those houses were possibly/supposedly/allegedly meant to be Public Housing for the Housing Trust/Anglicare/whatevs, led to a withdrawl from/of an inappropriate contract/agreement?-Ed)...the timing's exactly right, but even if it's true it potentially could well be coincidence...(but there was also a large land agent's 'To Lease' sign out the front as well-Ed)...I know, it's like so confusing...
Bottomline, something went very wrong with that housing stuff and I doubt very much that it's James Morrison's fault...it very much concerns me that this is the sort of thing that can go wrong when people say 'no problems, how can we make it happen', and they start writin' cheques their chequebook can't cash...there's some other stuff that concerns me re the Jazz Academy, but that's for another post...
Tomorrow: Latest Rail Lands Malarchy
Check Out My Guns: said a flexing PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott as he recently stated that Australia is going to start dealing black-market fire-arms, dealing in "illegal guns"...(rubbish, he never-Ed)...he sure did, I heard him, plain as day he stated, "...dealing in illegal guns, people can count on this government to do that."...unquote..(yeah, but he had prefaced that with '...cracking down on those who are....'...dealing in illegal guns, etc-Ed)...are you suggesting that this paragraph is yet another illustrative illiteration as to the power of words, both those acknowledged and those ignored, for example The Border Watch thrice reporting that I 'failed to appear' at a recent alleged Court hearing, and neglecting to report that the Magistrate had responded "yes" when put to him that I hadn't actually been Summonsed (by SAPol-police)...(sure, that's what I was doing-Ed)...
Oh, and Ed, re this alleged punch-up on the set of car show Top Gear, as an ABC/BBC announcer asked his guests, "where do you stand on Jeremy Clarkson?"...(the scrotum-Ed)...mmmokay, I'll have the throat then...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
(Oh, and that 'JC' is Julius Caesar the Roman Emperor, not 'JC' as in Jesus Christ-Ed)...oh thanks, really? I thought Shakespeare wrote Jesus Christ Superstar...(nnno, I don't think so, don't think he did any musicals as such-Ed)...and what happened to JC, Julius that is, on The Ides of March?...(repeatedly stabbed, right in the back, right in the rotunda-Ed)...taboomtish?...(taboomtish-Ed)...
High Time And Highly Ironic: that the reality of Medicinal Marijuana as being Cathartic Chronic received the media attention that a recent/current prosecution of a dealer has generated...in his defense, the evidence presented/claimed that he deals 1/2 price grass to several adjacent hospitals to be used for treating patients, particularly re Chemo stuff, etc...(I hear it's also good for joint pain...get it? 'joint pain'-Ed)...you'll be gettin' some pain in a minute...(what? talking to you isn't pain enough?-Ed)...sorry?...(just saying, walking for you is often pain enough-Ed)...well yes, my knees do hurt quite a bit some times, but I'm talking about these very serious claims made in a Court hearing in New South Wales that, if true, are yet further albeit anecdotal evidence of the effectiveness of MM/CC...
Obviously the hospitals involved have jumped right on the claim that they score...(they didn't pause to mull it over?-Ed)...no, they were on it, riiight on it...(no no, I said 'mull' it over, 'mull' as in 'cut up grass for smoking'-Ed)...yes thankyou, I get it, just ignoring it...and an official NSW Health Service spokes-Rastafarian said, "nooo mon, (puff) dar's no sweet gunga 'ere mon (puff) nooo sweet gunga 'ere (cough)"...so that must like be true, ya' know, 'cos he was an official spokes-Rasta...oh, and we can cross now live to that press conference, are you there Trish?...(ahahaaa, ooo there's chocolate cake, they brought caaaaake, ahhhhhhhaahaa, gimme' that...haahahaaaa.........)...yes, well, we appear to be having some technical problems there...(she's wasted dude-Ed)...ok thankyou...(wasted as-Ed)...alright, thanks...we'll get back to Trish later...(yeah, when she's mellowed out a bit-Ed)...indeed...(man, I'll say one thing though for NSW Health, they really know how to throw a press conference-Ed)...double indeed...
Even more obviously, the truth lies roughly around the reality that the dude wasn't dealing directly to the hospitals, but instead directly to patients via 'word of mouth' from other patients...but, and it's a very big but...(I...like...big...butts and I cannot lie-Ed)...settle, but it is a big ol' but that this dealing was/is a practise well known and tolerated by staff, because the staff/clinicians/doctors/etc understand/believe that MM/CC works in countering many of the most taxing aspects of treatments like Chemotherapy, eg, nausea, loss of appetite, even stress...
Bakin' Grannies: for their own best interests sake because for gourd sake Cathartic Chronic works, we all know it does...so let's get over this Judeo-Christian 'all drugs are bad, mmmkayyy?' bullshit about the Evil Weed and let's get those li'l ol' ladies gettin Chemo and shizzle, let's get them 'baked' with a coupla' home-baked Oatmeal cookies and a nice cuppa' warm milky tea...(right on-Ed)...what have you got there?...(chocolate cake-Ed)...where'd you get that?...(your fridge-Ed)...my cake! is there any left?...(ummm, here, have this bit-Ed)...dude, I am not eating that now, it isn't even on a plate...
50 Shades Of Gray-Gray: and all of them blandly, blithely bullshit...(wow, now say what you really think-Ed)...no, mate, if I'm gunna' have Graham Greenwood repeatedly shoved all up in my grill and shizzle as being the doyen of Mt Gambier journalism, and he is clearly more than happy to churn out this propaganda-soaked dross and bask in this ludicrously unjustified adulation, then I have a right to write what's right...and when I say 'I'm right' when writing about stuff, regular availees know that I write lots of stuff I believe to be true, full well hoping that it isn't...(fair enough-Ed)...
Please find attached below the article from The Border Watch Friday 6th March 2015, meet you back here in a minute...........so there you go...again, I hope that the Jazz Academy is even half as successful as it's being touted, and most people feel the same way...some don't give a damn...that's just people...and like me, many I've spoken to don't believe the hype about how this Academy is the saviour of the South East's economy...as great as it will be in certain areas, eg, some tourism, it simply isn't going to provide anywhere near the number of full-time jobs that are needed to underpin a resilient/confident local economy...
Perhaps broader negative publicity (that is, outside of Mt Gambier) about the deplorable pausity of Public Services in Mt Gambier, eg, Health, be it Dental/Mental/whatevs, the lack of an MRI scanning machine has been big news during PM Tony Abbott's recent visit...(how's about public transport?-Ed)...well exactly...any of the 45-50 full-time public service jobs lost due to the 'Shared Services' fiasco? and so it goes on...will the Jazz Academy bring any improvement to/replacement of these services?...(probably not-Ed)...unfortunately, probably not...as good as it will be in some areas, how will these things be improved by the Academy?...
But I'd like to skip to the stuff about, "Slowly it is drowning out the "nay-sayers"", referring to various concerns people have about the future of the Jazz Academy...(some people have said to me that they believe that it's just a political stunt by Labor to try and win back the seat of Mt Gambier, a seat they have previously controlled via a series of Labor stooges masquerading as Independents until Troy Bell won in March 2014, and that the Academy will be in Mt Gambier until the next state election and no longer-Ed)...yeah, I've heard that a bit...and again, that's nuthin' about James Morrison and what he says or does, that's entirely about the people he's dealing with in Mt Gambier City Council and Labor...
And people have every right to be concerned when they look at the perpetual debasco (debacle meets fiasco) that is governance in South Australia...why wouldn't Ratepayers be at least a bit paranoid that their elected officials are possibly going to rort this situation stupid?...(and potentially root it up for all concerned-Ed)...exactly...and all the danger signs are there...(and all the social manipulation-Ed)...exactly, particularly the social manipulation...ooo, here comes a nay-sayer, getcha' torches and ya' pitchforks...
The Ratepayers of Mt Gambier have every right to question what their Council does, and they would be definably, fundamentally insane to believe that the Labor party of South Australia is doing anything that isn't entirely about the Labor Party...and describing/denigrating anyone whom expresses an opinion or concern or questions in any way, as being a "nay-sayer"...(even put in quotations to emphasise it-Ed)...indeed...it is yet another attempt to Pariahtise anyone whom may have a dissenting voice, heaven forbid uncomfortable questions...
I don't understand the stuff about the Academy having to be rushed forward by a year because of the 'termination' of the Tennyson Woods Year 13 course...I swear I heard it reported that the course was taken off Tennyson to be made part of the Academy, not the other way around, and with little if any notification to Tennyson...and across various interviews I've heard those involved saying that this has been years in the planning already...(that paragraph looks like a flaccid attempt to justify and/or distract from the secretive dealings and sudden announcement of the Academy-Ed)...indeed it is...
We all hope that the Academy is alive and too-boppity-wah-skidooing it's little heart out in 10, then 20, then 30 years, ad infinitum...but who knows...and there are clearly some very problematic things that have occurred already...and Graham mentions but fails to conclude/resolve one of them, the issue of this student housing in Harrald St, "...but that venture fell through dramatically...", but there's no explanation of what happened exactly...this was briefly mentioned during the ABC Radio coverage of the Academy's opening day during an interview with James Morrison, but I was in the car and missed the exact details if there were any discussed...
Excuse me if I take no pride what-so-ever as being potentially the 'dramatic' thing that happened to cock-up this accommodation stuff...(you mean us? do you think that posting stuff about how those houses were possibly/supposedly/allegedly meant to be Public Housing for the Housing Trust/Anglicare/whatevs, led to a withdrawl from/of an inappropriate contract/agreement?-Ed)...the timing's exactly right, but even if it's true it potentially could well be coincidence...(but there was also a large land agent's 'To Lease' sign out the front as well-Ed)...I know, it's like so confusing...
Bottomline, something went very wrong with that housing stuff and I doubt very much that it's James Morrison's fault...it very much concerns me that this is the sort of thing that can go wrong when people say 'no problems, how can we make it happen', and they start writin' cheques their chequebook can't cash...there's some other stuff that concerns me re the Jazz Academy, but that's for another post...
Tomorrow: Latest Rail Lands Malarchy
Check Out My Guns: said a flexing PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott as he recently stated that Australia is going to start dealing black-market fire-arms, dealing in "illegal guns"...(rubbish, he never-Ed)...he sure did, I heard him, plain as day he stated, "...dealing in illegal guns, people can count on this government to do that."...unquote..(yeah, but he had prefaced that with '...cracking down on those who are....'...dealing in illegal guns, etc-Ed)...are you suggesting that this paragraph is yet another illustrative illiteration as to the power of words, both those acknowledged and those ignored, for example The Border Watch thrice reporting that I 'failed to appear' at a recent alleged Court hearing, and neglecting to report that the Magistrate had responded "yes" when put to him that I hadn't actually been Summonsed (by SAPol-police)...(sure, that's what I was doing-Ed)...
Oh, and Ed, re this alleged punch-up on the set of car show Top Gear, as an ABC/BBC announcer asked his guests, "where do you stand on Jeremy Clarkson?"...(the scrotum-Ed)...mmmokay, I'll have the throat then...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Friday, March 13, 2015
The Post With No Name
Hello Italy, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Germany, and the USofA, and welcome to the blog...this post follows directly on from yesterday's post re the alleged charges I'm facing for talking about a state government authority allegedly doing what it's allegedly supposed to do, concluding with the alleged complete exoneration of all involved...(allegedly-Ed)...so everyone else exonerated, but me facing charges for talking about it, charges that even my legal advice cannot explain (all due respect) because the legislation is so vast, so all-encompassing, yet so fundamentally undefined...
(Sorry, but I have to run through that again-Ed)...sure, which bit?...(all of it-Ed)...fair enough...(you're facing charges for talking about how a state government authority has appropriately exercised it's duty with no findings of fault against anyone involved?-Ed)...yep...(so no problems, everything's fine?-Ed)...apparently, just fine...(just fine, and then you get charged for merely talking about it, well posting about it?-Ed)...well it could be both, and that's another issue...(another issue? the whole bloody thing's a bloody issue...this stinks of rampant Fascocracy, to be heaped on the massive pile of openly Fascist governing that defines the apparently paedophile-controlled South Australian Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary-Ed)...slow down big fella'...
Anyhoos, I'm not so sure that laying into the Judiciary about their rank pro-paedophile attitudes and/or corruption, is exactly going to help my cause at this time, not least of all when it's clearly already a grossly corrupted and biased process that has nothing to do with appropriate process or heaven forbid, Justice...(so why be concerned about possibly inciting any further wrath/bias/whatevs?-Ed)...yeah, fair point...
Recently read some stuff about how South Australian paedophiles will be 'closely monitored' for parole breaches, etc, via the use of electronic ankle bracelets...and one of the first 2 'offenders' to be fitted had over 50 breaches...(50? how the hell are they allowed to be walking around after 50 parole breaches? why's he not locked-up again after 2 or 3? 50, that's insane-Ed)...well yes and no...yes it is insane to average peeps like yous and I champ, but it's business as usual for the South Australian Judicial system, just another raft of pro-paedophile insanity in South Australia, the Paedophile State, where an After School Carer gets 3 years for raping an 8 year old in his care...(this state is a bloody disgrace-Ed)...
Sorry, I know I'm venting again but it's been several days of yet more Child Abuse Royal Commission, and charges against an Australian in the Phillipines re Child Abuse and murder of one of the kids, etc, etc...and struggle as I do with it, I still view most politicians through the St Martins Cover-up lense, so's pretty much every interview/article/whatevs is one endured whilst half-thinking 'I've spoken to that prick/prickette/whatevs about St Martins, and they did diddly-squat, in fact worse, they're complicit'...(the bastards-Ed)...well indeed...
And I completely reject the latest SAPol Review of 'Cold Cases' as yet another farcical pro-police propaganda exercise, in some cases pretending to re-investigate crimes they already know the answers to but apparently refuse to solve...(sounds exactly like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...don't it though?...another example, how many times have SAPol dug-up chunks of Adelaide looking for the Beaumont children, missing since the 60's, but when pointed to a specific spot in a specific yard, SAPol dig a hole 30 feet away and say 'nuthin' to see here'...(and there was footage of the National Crime Authority bombing as well, but everyone knows who did that-Ed)...well everyone who's watched Channel 7's Today Tonight who did that story at least 6 months ago...(exactly-Ed)...
And at the time, part of that was the allegations of rankly corrupted behaviour of the then Director Public Prosecutions, Paul Rofe, whom suddenly and inexplicably dumped charges against the bombing suspect Dominic Pierre (name? something like that, apols) which led to a swathe of rumours that Mr Rofe had either accepted a bribe or was somehow otherwise blackmailed/extorted/whatevs, and indeed the Rofester resigned not long after...but of course there was no investigation of that...(oh well that's just fine-Ed)...virtually all of this has been on TV, eg, Today Tonight, and yet SAPol are supposedly going to crack the case/s...
Call me paranoid, but it had occurred to me that when SAPol raided my home and seized/stole/whatevs my laptop (May 2014), that was not just an act of harassment and intimidation, namely, 'we can march into your home whenever we feel like it, take what we want, offer no reason what-so-ever, etc, etc, and there's sweet bugger-all you can do about it', but that it was also a way to gain untraceable access to my emails, letters, etc, via my own laptop...beyond that SAPol has also seized one laptop-sized bounty of potential DNA material...(ooo ick, too much info-Ed)...no you idiot, not that sortta' DNA, I mean fingerprints, hair, sweat, blood, etc...(oh oh, of course, sorry, I meant...-Ed)...yes, thankyou, I know what you meant...
(Actually, that's a solid metaphor for your effortings re doin' this 'ere blog, namely 'Blood, Sweat, And Tears'-Ed)...indeed, I've dripped plenty of sweat, sobbed a bucket a' tears, and even bled on it a coupla' times after gardening, etc, etc, but I was more concerned about having 1/3 of an eyelash suddenly showing up at every allegedly unsolved crime in SA for the past 50 years...(but you're only 48, how can you get framed for crimes committed before you were even born?-Ed)...this is South Australia mate...(yeah, I wouldn't worry too much...unless of course you need to be worried-Ed)...no,'tis for want of better airs and graces that I am condemned...(and all them murders you done-Ed)...**The Young Ones BBC TV**
And I randomly segue into a quick paragraph about the splash-back on professional Acoustician Prof/Dr/whatevs Simon Cooper re his self-described very limited testing of Wind Turbine Sound/Noise/Sensation Emmissions at/near Bridgewater Bay near Portland, Victoria...Dr Cooper even got a guernsey on the ABC's Media Watch program, getting a bit of a caning for something it appears someone else claimed about his (Dr Cooper's) study...whatevs, wherever it originated, it's all just anti-Cooper bollocks generated by gourd knows and who gives a damn...(I'd suggest those whom support Wind Turbines might be involved-Ed)...well obviously, but I just don't care who it is 'cos in the long interview I heard with Dr Cooper he at length identified the very limited scope of his study, and that it indicated that there needed to be much more, far more thorough research...(that's the way I heard it-Ed)...
Just Sayin': there was a story on this morning about the disused Dubbo Rail Station which is now renovated and being used as the Dubbo promotion booth thingy sorry don't know exactly what it's called...more tomorrow when I move onto more Rail Lands stuff...(and oh dear, I saw a truck load of pavers going onto the site today, whatta' corrupt bloody disgrace this Council is, $millions wasted and it looks horrendous and there's a massive drowning hazard, it's a shreckful waste of money-Ed)...indeed it is...tomorrow mate...
Who Do You Believe: when SA Labor Treasurer Tom Koutsontonis and Prime Minister Tony Abbott are calling each other 'a liar' re the $190 Pensioner Concession issue, where SA Labor blame it on Federal cuts, and Tones et al say that there's a 10% cut and that other states have sucked it up and continued the PC...again, it's Labor who appear the greater liar because they are fully cutting the PC after relatively minor cuts, and spending $1m on advertising to blame the Liberals...(you know what really pisses me off? this bullshit harassment of pensioners is about a grand total of approx $20million per year for either SA Labor or the Federal government to pay...and I don't shreckin' care who pays, just pay the bloody money, it's an absolute trifle relative to the stress it's causing/will cause...it's an absolute disgrace, and the best we get by way of debate is these idiots hurling abuse at each other-Ed)...but we digress...
Following on from yesterday, I'd like to quickly address the wonderful journalism of The Border Watch re my alleged charges and Court appearance, etc...(wow, journalism is a bit of a stretch isn't it?-Ed)...reckon I'll get all the journalism that TBW can muster covered in half a paragraph...on Wednesday 4th February 2015 reported (without contacting me) that I had failed to attend Court, and when I wrote stating that I had not been Summonsed, then printed Friday 6th that I 'claimed' this, and then when it was acknowledged as true by the Magistrate on Tuesday March 3rd, TBW reported (March 4th 2015) the statement by my legal eagle, but not the "yes" response...(airrrrrrr times up, half a paragraph, classic-Ed)...
TBW have failed not once but twice to do basic journalistic functionings, eg, 1) don't contact me despite having all my details, and then 2) when I write sayin' 'not Summonsed' they clearly haven't bothered to check that...(or they knew already and refused to acknowledge it-Ed)...well quite...but on this third occasion on March 3rd, their alleged journalist was in the room when the 'Summons' issue was raised and confirmed by the Magistrate replying 'yes'...('yes' is fairly unambiguous-Ed)...indeed...so not only have TBW failed to accurately report what was said in the hearing by omitting the single most crucial fact, they've then failed to retrospectively acknowledge how this 'yes' confirms my 'claim' that I hadn't been Summonsed...(and that therefore their reportage was also inaccurate-Ed)...exactly, and they ain't gunna' acknowledge the facts because that would compromise their agenda of vilification and discrimination against me...
Whilst TBW could try and squirm away from what they reported in the first article February 4th as merely being sloppy journalism, the second effort on Friday Feb 6th shows a clear disinterest in the truth regardless of what it might be...the second article clearly demonstrates the agenda to attack me regardless of the facts...this third effort (below) has taken that vilification agenda to the point of outright slander and defamation...(aren't you the one who gets threatened with defamation, not the one whom threatens?-Ed)...mate, I ain't threatenin' no-one, it is what it is, it's deliberately erroneous and deceitful reporting designed to attack me personally...
TBW opens again with what they now know as being a proven untruth/lie/deceit/whatevs, namely my alleged "failure to appear", and not just once but twice, then have me again making a 'claim' about my "absence", and then deliberately omit the one fact that proves true my 'claims' that I wasn't Summonsed...what the Magistrate said on March 3rd confirms that it wasn't a "failure to appear" it was a 'failure to Summons'...(and that in itself is a whole other big ugly kettle of shizzle-Ed)...indeed, what's goin' on with that?...and TBW, in knowingly printing a lie that slanders, that right there is a 'defamation'...(whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed, hilariously farcical if it weren't so desperately sad for Mt Gambier...
Please also note the adjacent article re the idea of an East-West bikeway utilising the disused Rail Corridor...(where have I heard that before?-Ed)...right here in this 'ere blog...(oh yeah-Ed)...and in a completely different context, TBW has been grinding out some desperate propaganda pieces on behalf of Council re a market for the Rail Lands...I'll cover this day after tomorrow and a lovely segue into,
Tomorrow: More TBW Rot
(Gray-Gray goes Cray-Cray?-Ed)...absolutely, tres cray-cray...only a week late, but Graham Greenwood's latest gem from last Friday 6th March...(oo I live this one, can't wait-Ed)...indeed...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and when I ain't covering the news, I am the news, aiiii...cheers and laters...
(Sorry, but I have to run through that again-Ed)...sure, which bit?...(all of it-Ed)...fair enough...(you're facing charges for talking about how a state government authority has appropriately exercised it's duty with no findings of fault against anyone involved?-Ed)...yep...(so no problems, everything's fine?-Ed)...apparently, just fine...(just fine, and then you get charged for merely talking about it, well posting about it?-Ed)...well it could be both, and that's another issue...(another issue? the whole bloody thing's a bloody issue...this stinks of rampant Fascocracy, to be heaped on the massive pile of openly Fascist governing that defines the apparently paedophile-controlled South Australian Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary-Ed)...slow down big fella'...
Anyhoos, I'm not so sure that laying into the Judiciary about their rank pro-paedophile attitudes and/or corruption, is exactly going to help my cause at this time, not least of all when it's clearly already a grossly corrupted and biased process that has nothing to do with appropriate process or heaven forbid, Justice...(so why be concerned about possibly inciting any further wrath/bias/whatevs?-Ed)...yeah, fair point...
Recently read some stuff about how South Australian paedophiles will be 'closely monitored' for parole breaches, etc, via the use of electronic ankle bracelets...and one of the first 2 'offenders' to be fitted had over 50 breaches...(50? how the hell are they allowed to be walking around after 50 parole breaches? why's he not locked-up again after 2 or 3? 50, that's insane-Ed)...well yes and no...yes it is insane to average peeps like yous and I champ, but it's business as usual for the South Australian Judicial system, just another raft of pro-paedophile insanity in South Australia, the Paedophile State, where an After School Carer gets 3 years for raping an 8 year old in his care...(this state is a bloody disgrace-Ed)...
Sorry, I know I'm venting again but it's been several days of yet more Child Abuse Royal Commission, and charges against an Australian in the Phillipines re Child Abuse and murder of one of the kids, etc, etc...and struggle as I do with it, I still view most politicians through the St Martins Cover-up lense, so's pretty much every interview/article/whatevs is one endured whilst half-thinking 'I've spoken to that prick/prickette/whatevs about St Martins, and they did diddly-squat, in fact worse, they're complicit'...(the bastards-Ed)...well indeed...
And I completely reject the latest SAPol Review of 'Cold Cases' as yet another farcical pro-police propaganda exercise, in some cases pretending to re-investigate crimes they already know the answers to but apparently refuse to solve...(sounds exactly like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...don't it though?...another example, how many times have SAPol dug-up chunks of Adelaide looking for the Beaumont children, missing since the 60's, but when pointed to a specific spot in a specific yard, SAPol dig a hole 30 feet away and say 'nuthin' to see here'...(and there was footage of the National Crime Authority bombing as well, but everyone knows who did that-Ed)...well everyone who's watched Channel 7's Today Tonight who did that story at least 6 months ago...(exactly-Ed)...
And at the time, part of that was the allegations of rankly corrupted behaviour of the then Director Public Prosecutions, Paul Rofe, whom suddenly and inexplicably dumped charges against the bombing suspect Dominic Pierre (name? something like that, apols) which led to a swathe of rumours that Mr Rofe had either accepted a bribe or was somehow otherwise blackmailed/extorted/whatevs, and indeed the Rofester resigned not long after...but of course there was no investigation of that...(oh well that's just fine-Ed)...virtually all of this has been on TV, eg, Today Tonight, and yet SAPol are supposedly going to crack the case/s...
Call me paranoid, but it had occurred to me that when SAPol raided my home and seized/stole/whatevs my laptop (May 2014), that was not just an act of harassment and intimidation, namely, 'we can march into your home whenever we feel like it, take what we want, offer no reason what-so-ever, etc, etc, and there's sweet bugger-all you can do about it', but that it was also a way to gain untraceable access to my emails, letters, etc, via my own laptop...beyond that SAPol has also seized one laptop-sized bounty of potential DNA material...(ooo ick, too much info-Ed)...no you idiot, not that sortta' DNA, I mean fingerprints, hair, sweat, blood, etc...(oh oh, of course, sorry, I meant...-Ed)...yes, thankyou, I know what you meant...
(Actually, that's a solid metaphor for your effortings re doin' this 'ere blog, namely 'Blood, Sweat, And Tears'-Ed)...indeed, I've dripped plenty of sweat, sobbed a bucket a' tears, and even bled on it a coupla' times after gardening, etc, etc, but I was more concerned about having 1/3 of an eyelash suddenly showing up at every allegedly unsolved crime in SA for the past 50 years...(but you're only 48, how can you get framed for crimes committed before you were even born?-Ed)...this is South Australia mate...(yeah, I wouldn't worry too much...unless of course you need to be worried-Ed)...no,'tis for want of better airs and graces that I am condemned...(and all them murders you done-Ed)...**The Young Ones BBC TV**
And I randomly segue into a quick paragraph about the splash-back on professional Acoustician Prof/Dr/whatevs Simon Cooper re his self-described very limited testing of Wind Turbine Sound/Noise/Sensation Emmissions at/near Bridgewater Bay near Portland, Victoria...Dr Cooper even got a guernsey on the ABC's Media Watch program, getting a bit of a caning for something it appears someone else claimed about his (Dr Cooper's) study...whatevs, wherever it originated, it's all just anti-Cooper bollocks generated by gourd knows and who gives a damn...(I'd suggest those whom support Wind Turbines might be involved-Ed)...well obviously, but I just don't care who it is 'cos in the long interview I heard with Dr Cooper he at length identified the very limited scope of his study, and that it indicated that there needed to be much more, far more thorough research...(that's the way I heard it-Ed)...
Just Sayin': there was a story on this morning about the disused Dubbo Rail Station which is now renovated and being used as the Dubbo promotion booth thingy sorry don't know exactly what it's called...more tomorrow when I move onto more Rail Lands stuff...(and oh dear, I saw a truck load of pavers going onto the site today, whatta' corrupt bloody disgrace this Council is, $millions wasted and it looks horrendous and there's a massive drowning hazard, it's a shreckful waste of money-Ed)...indeed it is...tomorrow mate...
Who Do You Believe: when SA Labor Treasurer Tom Koutsontonis and Prime Minister Tony Abbott are calling each other 'a liar' re the $190 Pensioner Concession issue, where SA Labor blame it on Federal cuts, and Tones et al say that there's a 10% cut and that other states have sucked it up and continued the PC...again, it's Labor who appear the greater liar because they are fully cutting the PC after relatively minor cuts, and spending $1m on advertising to blame the Liberals...(you know what really pisses me off? this bullshit harassment of pensioners is about a grand total of approx $20million per year for either SA Labor or the Federal government to pay...and I don't shreckin' care who pays, just pay the bloody money, it's an absolute trifle relative to the stress it's causing/will cause...it's an absolute disgrace, and the best we get by way of debate is these idiots hurling abuse at each other-Ed)...but we digress...
Following on from yesterday, I'd like to quickly address the wonderful journalism of The Border Watch re my alleged charges and Court appearance, etc...(wow, journalism is a bit of a stretch isn't it?-Ed)...reckon I'll get all the journalism that TBW can muster covered in half a paragraph...on Wednesday 4th February 2015 reported (without contacting me) that I had failed to attend Court, and when I wrote stating that I had not been Summonsed, then printed Friday 6th that I 'claimed' this, and then when it was acknowledged as true by the Magistrate on Tuesday March 3rd, TBW reported (March 4th 2015) the statement by my legal eagle, but not the "yes" response...(airrrrrrr times up, half a paragraph, classic-Ed)...
TBW have failed not once but twice to do basic journalistic functionings, eg, 1) don't contact me despite having all my details, and then 2) when I write sayin' 'not Summonsed' they clearly haven't bothered to check that...(or they knew already and refused to acknowledge it-Ed)...well quite...but on this third occasion on March 3rd, their alleged journalist was in the room when the 'Summons' issue was raised and confirmed by the Magistrate replying 'yes'...('yes' is fairly unambiguous-Ed)...indeed...so not only have TBW failed to accurately report what was said in the hearing by omitting the single most crucial fact, they've then failed to retrospectively acknowledge how this 'yes' confirms my 'claim' that I hadn't been Summonsed...(and that therefore their reportage was also inaccurate-Ed)...exactly, and they ain't gunna' acknowledge the facts because that would compromise their agenda of vilification and discrimination against me...
Whilst TBW could try and squirm away from what they reported in the first article February 4th as merely being sloppy journalism, the second effort on Friday Feb 6th shows a clear disinterest in the truth regardless of what it might be...the second article clearly demonstrates the agenda to attack me regardless of the facts...this third effort (below) has taken that vilification agenda to the point of outright slander and defamation...(aren't you the one who gets threatened with defamation, not the one whom threatens?-Ed)...mate, I ain't threatenin' no-one, it is what it is, it's deliberately erroneous and deceitful reporting designed to attack me personally...
TBW opens again with what they now know as being a proven untruth/lie/deceit/whatevs, namely my alleged "failure to appear", and not just once but twice, then have me again making a 'claim' about my "absence", and then deliberately omit the one fact that proves true my 'claims' that I wasn't Summonsed...what the Magistrate said on March 3rd confirms that it wasn't a "failure to appear" it was a 'failure to Summons'...(and that in itself is a whole other big ugly kettle of shizzle-Ed)...indeed, what's goin' on with that?...and TBW, in knowingly printing a lie that slanders, that right there is a 'defamation'...(whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed, hilariously farcical if it weren't so desperately sad for Mt Gambier...
Please also note the adjacent article re the idea of an East-West bikeway utilising the disused Rail Corridor...(where have I heard that before?-Ed)...right here in this 'ere blog...(oh yeah-Ed)...and in a completely different context, TBW has been grinding out some desperate propaganda pieces on behalf of Council re a market for the Rail Lands...I'll cover this day after tomorrow and a lovely segue into,
Tomorrow: More TBW Rot
(Gray-Gray goes Cray-Cray?-Ed)...absolutely, tres cray-cray...only a week late, but Graham Greenwood's latest gem from last Friday 6th March...(oo I live this one, can't wait-Ed)...indeed...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and when I ain't covering the news, I am the news, aiiii...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Post 701 - You Win Summons Some You Don't
Hello Vietnam, Indonesia, France, and Macau and welcome to the blog...and when I'm not getting 'fuzz-buzzed' in my own street, I like to relax with a 90 second Court appearance, which is why I always use 'Being Summonsed' as my legal notification of choice...'Being Summonsed', it lets you get to the Court on time...(but I thought you found out about this hearing on February 3rd 2015 via that font of public integrity, The Border Watch newspaper, the day after the original hearing? indeed you found out about both hearings via TBW-Ed)...indeed...
I won't have to explain to regular availees what dis-ease I have every right to experience re having anything to do with SAPol (South Australian police) given the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the massively complicit role that SAPol has played in protecting "text-book grooming paedophile"* teacher Glyn Dorling...(and by extension, protecting the Lutherans themselves, and beyond that, protecting the sad sick pro-paedophile state that is good ol' Sow Straya-Ed)...well I fail to see the differentiation between SA, the Lutherans, and institutionalised paedophilia, indeed, I think we've very much put the cart before the horse in stating that it was Dorling being protected, because the massive pro-paedophile corruption of SA has clearly dictated that this cover-up must happen, regardless of whom the perpetrator was...
(*I use this phrase often because it's how Flinders Child Protection Services described Glyn Dorling to me after interviewing some of the kids and their parents, interviews that us parents had to organise, as conducted at the dedicated interview suite at the Mt Gambier Hospital (June-August 2002)...FCPS stated that the length, breadth, and very specific nature of Dorling's grooming behaviours indicated that he had highly likely researched the psychological, emotional, and physical manipulations/abuses that he committed against our children...FCPS also stated that they were "concerned at how well he's placed himself within the system" to abuse children, namely, "the Teachers Union rep in a privately run religious school in a country town"...I'll never forget that crushing reality that there are good places for paedophiles to hide in the Education System in SA)
And completely complicit in this cover-up are SAPol, whom flatly refused to investigate in any way what-so-ever and dumped the case (July 2002) without even interviewing Dorling, only weeks after the Lutherans removed him from St Martins (June 2002)...and then they turned like rabid dogs on us parents, repeatedly blaming and harassing and abusing us...(sorry, but we've been through a lot of this in this 'ere blog already and I thought this post was going to be about your Court appearance the other day, actually Tuesday eight days ago now-Ed)...fair enough, and it is, but I'm just setting the tone for new availees re why it would be reasonable to say that I'm probably not one of SAPol's favourite people in Mt Gambier...(ah yeah, fair enough-Ed)...
And what does it say and about whom does it say it when a parent tries all appropriate avenues to address the gross and systemic abuses committed against their child's entire class of 7 year old children, and for that endeavour that parent has summoned the displeasure of official authorities and comes to be in direct conflict with their police force...(would that parent be you by any chance?-Ed)...indeed, and having established the broader parameters of that 'conflict' I feel it is appropriate to then express my concerns about having anything to do with SAPol...(again, fair enough-Ed)...
So y'all 'll appreciate my dis-ease when SAPol raided my home on May 8th 2014 and seized my laptop as an 'Exhibit', and it's all about something apparently undefinable I've allegedly said on this 'ere blog somewhere about a government authority I'm reduced to referring to as 'Club GoGo Bananas' and/or the 'Banana Lord'...and then they turn around and say 'our peeps have been a' peepin' at this 'ere blog, and despite all ya' scribble 'bout the shizzle that's drippin' and seepin' and all the rortin' and stealin', well we're goin' right past all that to come get you'...(ah, what it is to be special-Ed)...indeed...
And so I have no problems with being totally paranoid about how I may next encounter SAPol...(yeah, but it'd still have been nice to have been invited to your own Court hearing February 3rd by having a Summons delivered so's that you actually know the hearing is actually on-Ed)...indeed, that's a SAPol visit you don't mind so much...unless of course it's some bizarre shizzle like went down on my doorstep February 13th when a SAPol officer appeared at my home to deliver the same original 'Complaint and Summons' with 'Apprehension Report' attached, that I'd received the day before via my legal advice after they phoned Mt Gambier SAPol to ask for it...so's he rocks up to my home the next day to 'serve' me that exact document (CS&AR), but then appears to try to snatch my documents out of my hands...(did I mention special?-Ed)...
(Just so's I've got this straight-Ed)...sure...(you were raided by SAPol in May 2014, on behalf of the Director Public Prosecutions, and told repeatedly by the 2 Anti-Corruption detectives "expect to be charged" for talking about the Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas, but then didn't hear a thing until the day after your first 'hearing' on February 3rd 2015?-Ed)...well apart from a couple of vague answers to the emails/letters that my legal advice sent, and that was August 2014, and since then, yeah, not one thing...(so nothing until someone told you during a phone call Wednesday 4th February?-Ed)...yep, told me that I was in The Border Watch paper on page 2 with a photo re my failure to attend Court the day before...(wow-Ed)...
(So nothing at all?-Ed)...nope...(why weren't you Summonsed by SAPol?-Ed)...dunno'...(aren't they meant to Summons you? how else are you meant to know there's a hearing if they don't tell you?-Ed)...don't ask me, all I know is that when I was served at my home by a SAPol officer on the Thursday evening February 5th it was the original Complaint and Summons with the new one page Summons attached...(hang on, Thursday evening? the 5th of February? I thought you said you were served on Friday 13th-Ed)...both...(I'm getting a headache-Ed)...let me...(please-Ed)...
My home was raided by SAPol in May 2014, and eventually there was a Court hearing re my alleged charges on Tuesday 3rd February 2015, but I didn't attend because I wasn't Summonsed by SAPol and only found out the next day via TBW...(ok-Ed)...and that hearing generated a new Summons that I was served by SAPol on the evening of Thursday February 5th, with the original Complaint and Summons (dated January 7th 2015) that was meant to be served to me so I would attend on February 3rd...(but you weren't served so how could you know? you didn't 'didn't go', you didn't know...and then a SAPol officer lobs at your's Thursday to deliver the 'new' summons?-Ed)...exactly...
And then I went to my legal advice on Thursday 12th and they contacted SAPol Mt Gambier who faxed through the original Complaint and Summons, without the new Summons attached, and a copy of the Apprehension Report...and then the next day Friday 13th another SAPol officer came to my home 'round 0900hrs and tried to serve me this exact document, and I know that because we thumbed through it, it was the CS&AR document from the day before...(and then, on your front step, he tried to take your documents out of your hand to the degree that you had your back half-turned physically blocking him and he was only inches away?-Ed)... you tell it as though you were there Ed...
And then that li'l episode concluded with the officer abusing me, saying 'well if you refuse to be served' and storming-off up the driveway, leaving me standing in my front yard calling out 'where are you going' as he again said 'you refused to be served' whilst brandishing the CS&AR like a sword, and got in his car and left...(wow-Ed)...in the real Universe, it's the perp what legs it whilst the cop goes "bang! bang! bang! stop or I'll shoot"...(hilarious-Ed)...but in the World According To Fletch, it's the blaggard in 'Ãs own front yard yelling after a departing police car...(so, so bizarre-Ed)...I know, right? you couldn't make this shizzle up...
Which gets us to the actual hearing of Tuesday 3rd March, all 90 seconds of it...I'd barely got to the masking tape 'X' on the floor where us plebs and blaggards stand when getting our just desserts for being, well, plebs and blaggards, when my legal rep stated that 'Mr Fletcher wasn't Summonsed to the first hearing (February 3rd)', and the Magistrate just said, 'Yes, and a second Summons was issued and you're here now and what do you want?'...to which my rep replied 'an adjournment', and the Magistrate said 'yep, April whatevs'...and that was it...90 seconds dripping wet, maybe not even that...(again, wow-Ed)...
It was all over so fast that I was still literally arranging myself on my 'X', swapping sunglasses from head to hand, straightening papers, etc, and wham! blink and you almost miss it...the critical point is obviously that the Court acknowledged that I hadn't been served the original Summons for the original hearing...this is huge...(can't you be arrested via a Warrant for not showing-up to Court?-Ed)...well yes there's that, but it's the actual admission, however brief, that I wasn't served...why not? is a question that SAPol will be answering at some stage in the near future...they could find me just fine when they want to raid me, but in a month couldn't find me to serve me...bollocks...and this also raises the issue of this 'non-serving' being discussed and resolved, or not, at the February hearing...
(Well it can't have been discussed let alone resolved because TBW were apparently there and reported that you'd 'failed to attend'-Ed)...exactly...and that my friend is where we'll finish today because tomorrow I'm going to cover the TBW coverage of these events, and this as the first of a series of scythings that TBW done got cummin' for what they done do...(yeeha-Ed)...their rankly corrupted reporting of this Court stuff illustrates their corrupted agenda to get me regardless of the facts, and the crud they proliferate on behalf of Council is largely laughable propaganda barely compromised by reality ...(and then they whinge when you start a blog, unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...indeed...the latest TBW classics...
Tomorrow: Why Report The Truth When Agenda Will Do
And for today's humorous content I'll defer to our illustrious leader Tony Abbott and his observation that appropriate/all funding for remote Aboriginal communities should be cut because it's not fair on all us others to support these "lifestyle choices" of the people living in these places...(you're shittin' me? he never said that?-Ed)...said it and repeatedly defended it...(wow, the Liberals just can't get enough of targeting and scapegoating the most disadvantaged and powerless can they?-Ed)...I believe the word you are looking for is 'bloody pricks'...(that's 2 words-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
I won't have to explain to regular availees what dis-ease I have every right to experience re having anything to do with SAPol (South Australian police) given the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the massively complicit role that SAPol has played in protecting "text-book grooming paedophile"* teacher Glyn Dorling...(and by extension, protecting the Lutherans themselves, and beyond that, protecting the sad sick pro-paedophile state that is good ol' Sow Straya-Ed)...well I fail to see the differentiation between SA, the Lutherans, and institutionalised paedophilia, indeed, I think we've very much put the cart before the horse in stating that it was Dorling being protected, because the massive pro-paedophile corruption of SA has clearly dictated that this cover-up must happen, regardless of whom the perpetrator was...
(*I use this phrase often because it's how Flinders Child Protection Services described Glyn Dorling to me after interviewing some of the kids and their parents, interviews that us parents had to organise, as conducted at the dedicated interview suite at the Mt Gambier Hospital (June-August 2002)...FCPS stated that the length, breadth, and very specific nature of Dorling's grooming behaviours indicated that he had highly likely researched the psychological, emotional, and physical manipulations/abuses that he committed against our children...FCPS also stated that they were "concerned at how well he's placed himself within the system" to abuse children, namely, "the Teachers Union rep in a privately run religious school in a country town"...I'll never forget that crushing reality that there are good places for paedophiles to hide in the Education System in SA)
And completely complicit in this cover-up are SAPol, whom flatly refused to investigate in any way what-so-ever and dumped the case (July 2002) without even interviewing Dorling, only weeks after the Lutherans removed him from St Martins (June 2002)...and then they turned like rabid dogs on us parents, repeatedly blaming and harassing and abusing us...(sorry, but we've been through a lot of this in this 'ere blog already and I thought this post was going to be about your Court appearance the other day, actually Tuesday eight days ago now-Ed)...fair enough, and it is, but I'm just setting the tone for new availees re why it would be reasonable to say that I'm probably not one of SAPol's favourite people in Mt Gambier...(ah yeah, fair enough-Ed)...
And what does it say and about whom does it say it when a parent tries all appropriate avenues to address the gross and systemic abuses committed against their child's entire class of 7 year old children, and for that endeavour that parent has summoned the displeasure of official authorities and comes to be in direct conflict with their police force...(would that parent be you by any chance?-Ed)...indeed, and having established the broader parameters of that 'conflict' I feel it is appropriate to then express my concerns about having anything to do with SAPol...(again, fair enough-Ed)...
So y'all 'll appreciate my dis-ease when SAPol raided my home on May 8th 2014 and seized my laptop as an 'Exhibit', and it's all about something apparently undefinable I've allegedly said on this 'ere blog somewhere about a government authority I'm reduced to referring to as 'Club GoGo Bananas' and/or the 'Banana Lord'...and then they turn around and say 'our peeps have been a' peepin' at this 'ere blog, and despite all ya' scribble 'bout the shizzle that's drippin' and seepin' and all the rortin' and stealin', well we're goin' right past all that to come get you'...(ah, what it is to be special-Ed)...indeed...
And so I have no problems with being totally paranoid about how I may next encounter SAPol...(yeah, but it'd still have been nice to have been invited to your own Court hearing February 3rd by having a Summons delivered so's that you actually know the hearing is actually on-Ed)...indeed, that's a SAPol visit you don't mind so much...unless of course it's some bizarre shizzle like went down on my doorstep February 13th when a SAPol officer appeared at my home to deliver the same original 'Complaint and Summons' with 'Apprehension Report' attached, that I'd received the day before via my legal advice after they phoned Mt Gambier SAPol to ask for it...so's he rocks up to my home the next day to 'serve' me that exact document (CS&AR), but then appears to try to snatch my documents out of my hands...(did I mention special?-Ed)...
(Just so's I've got this straight-Ed)...sure...(you were raided by SAPol in May 2014, on behalf of the Director Public Prosecutions, and told repeatedly by the 2 Anti-Corruption detectives "expect to be charged" for talking about the Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas, but then didn't hear a thing until the day after your first 'hearing' on February 3rd 2015?-Ed)...well apart from a couple of vague answers to the emails/letters that my legal advice sent, and that was August 2014, and since then, yeah, not one thing...(so nothing until someone told you during a phone call Wednesday 4th February?-Ed)...yep, told me that I was in The Border Watch paper on page 2 with a photo re my failure to attend Court the day before...(wow-Ed)...
(So nothing at all?-Ed)...nope...(why weren't you Summonsed by SAPol?-Ed)...dunno'...(aren't they meant to Summons you? how else are you meant to know there's a hearing if they don't tell you?-Ed)...don't ask me, all I know is that when I was served at my home by a SAPol officer on the Thursday evening February 5th it was the original Complaint and Summons with the new one page Summons attached...(hang on, Thursday evening? the 5th of February? I thought you said you were served on Friday 13th-Ed)...both...(I'm getting a headache-Ed)...let me...(please-Ed)...
My home was raided by SAPol in May 2014, and eventually there was a Court hearing re my alleged charges on Tuesday 3rd February 2015, but I didn't attend because I wasn't Summonsed by SAPol and only found out the next day via TBW...(ok-Ed)...and that hearing generated a new Summons that I was served by SAPol on the evening of Thursday February 5th, with the original Complaint and Summons (dated January 7th 2015) that was meant to be served to me so I would attend on February 3rd...(but you weren't served so how could you know? you didn't 'didn't go', you didn't know...and then a SAPol officer lobs at your's Thursday to deliver the 'new' summons?-Ed)...exactly...
And then I went to my legal advice on Thursday 12th and they contacted SAPol Mt Gambier who faxed through the original Complaint and Summons, without the new Summons attached, and a copy of the Apprehension Report...and then the next day Friday 13th another SAPol officer came to my home 'round 0900hrs and tried to serve me this exact document, and I know that because we thumbed through it, it was the CS&AR document from the day before...(and then, on your front step, he tried to take your documents out of your hand to the degree that you had your back half-turned physically blocking him and he was only inches away?-Ed)... you tell it as though you were there Ed...
And then that li'l episode concluded with the officer abusing me, saying 'well if you refuse to be served' and storming-off up the driveway, leaving me standing in my front yard calling out 'where are you going' as he again said 'you refused to be served' whilst brandishing the CS&AR like a sword, and got in his car and left...(wow-Ed)...in the real Universe, it's the perp what legs it whilst the cop goes "bang! bang! bang! stop or I'll shoot"...(hilarious-Ed)...but in the World According To Fletch, it's the blaggard in 'Ãs own front yard yelling after a departing police car...(so, so bizarre-Ed)...I know, right? you couldn't make this shizzle up...
Which gets us to the actual hearing of Tuesday 3rd March, all 90 seconds of it...I'd barely got to the masking tape 'X' on the floor where us plebs and blaggards stand when getting our just desserts for being, well, plebs and blaggards, when my legal rep stated that 'Mr Fletcher wasn't Summonsed to the first hearing (February 3rd)', and the Magistrate just said, 'Yes, and a second Summons was issued and you're here now and what do you want?'...to which my rep replied 'an adjournment', and the Magistrate said 'yep, April whatevs'...and that was it...90 seconds dripping wet, maybe not even that...(again, wow-Ed)...
It was all over so fast that I was still literally arranging myself on my 'X', swapping sunglasses from head to hand, straightening papers, etc, and wham! blink and you almost miss it...the critical point is obviously that the Court acknowledged that I hadn't been served the original Summons for the original hearing...this is huge...(can't you be arrested via a Warrant for not showing-up to Court?-Ed)...well yes there's that, but it's the actual admission, however brief, that I wasn't served...why not? is a question that SAPol will be answering at some stage in the near future...they could find me just fine when they want to raid me, but in a month couldn't find me to serve me...bollocks...and this also raises the issue of this 'non-serving' being discussed and resolved, or not, at the February hearing...
(Well it can't have been discussed let alone resolved because TBW were apparently there and reported that you'd 'failed to attend'-Ed)...exactly...and that my friend is where we'll finish today because tomorrow I'm going to cover the TBW coverage of these events, and this as the first of a series of scythings that TBW done got cummin' for what they done do...(yeeha-Ed)...their rankly corrupted reporting of this Court stuff illustrates their corrupted agenda to get me regardless of the facts, and the crud they proliferate on behalf of Council is largely laughable propaganda barely compromised by reality ...(and then they whinge when you start a blog, unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...indeed...the latest TBW classics...
Tomorrow: Why Report The Truth When Agenda Will Do
And for today's humorous content I'll defer to our illustrious leader Tony Abbott and his observation that appropriate/all funding for remote Aboriginal communities should be cut because it's not fair on all us others to support these "lifestyle choices" of the people living in these places...(you're shittin' me? he never said that?-Ed)...said it and repeatedly defended it...(wow, the Liberals just can't get enough of targeting and scapegoating the most disadvantaged and powerless can they?-Ed)...I believe the word you are looking for is 'bloody pricks'...(that's 2 words-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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