Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hello and welcome to the blog and another quick look at the extraordinary hypocrisies at play in politics...not least of all my personal favourite, one politician accusing another of "playing politics".

(Apologies for late, late post but Interweb connection dropped out yesterday...and didn't come back...and took half the post with it...very 2 posts today)

I'm not entirely sure: that South Australian Labor Premier Jay Weatherill, when saying "he's playing politics" just yesterday, was 1) referring to state Liberal leader Stephen Marshall or Prime Minister Tony Abbott, or 2) if it was in reference to the 'Holden Bail-out Deal' for workers or the failure of the Federal Liberal government to initially increase support for General Motors Holden or both...

Mr Weatherill uttered this...(arguably the greatest political hypocrisy possible-Ed)...quite...whilst denouncing both senior Liberals and/or all aspects of the entire Holden debacle...and it's not the first time I've head him say it either...but I have also heard senior Liberals say it as well...State and Federal..."it's not appropriate to be playing politics with such a serious issue".

Might I offer as a bipartisan proof that everybody in South Australian parliament is "playing politics"...(oh, here it comes-Ed)...hey! can you know what I'm going to say?...(I just know your style, I know how you roll-Ed)...fair enough...cue the proof please.....Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting...both major parties conduct over the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...both sides considering their own political well-being ahead of the reality, the criminality, the morality, or any other 'ality'.

And "playing politics" to the point of being complicit players in the Cover-up of the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children.

And in that context, every word they utter, every Inquiry they hold, every dribble of vacuous 'lip-service' and professionally practised faux outrage...all of's all just a massive pro-paedophile hypocrisy.
But not to be outdone, PM Tony Abbott rose to the challenge and completely trumped the gross hypocrisy of "playing politics" as being the stupidest thing I heard/read this week, by winning dual gongs for the Most Ludicrous Statement of the Week and the Most reference to the impending job losses at Holden and their suppliers, Tony Abbott actually said that he was doing them all a favour, that he was "liberating them"...(no? he never?-Ed)...yep, he did...(oh my god-Ed)...quite...

(And what exactly is it that he is "liberating them" from anyway?...the unjust shackles of being gainfully employed?...shrek me, what a thing to say-Ed)...quite, it really is an extraordinarily offensive thing to say...but if it's any consolation, rest assured, I know that there are already many people who are looking forward to "ljberating" Mr Abbott from the burden of Prime Ministership...his are the worst polls ever for a new government...I confidently predict that there won't be a Double-Dissolution election any time soon with those sorts of negative numbers.

(Yes, I concur, but I don't believe that one can refer to this "liberating" statement as being a hypocrisy-Ed), indeed...(it's more a crass piece of soulless bastardry indicative of a much deeper illness-Ed) I concur...and I was pleased to hear someone on ABC Radio this morning say exactly that 'what's he liberating them from? their jobs?'...I'm not the only one...oo, I've got one hypocrisy though. 
How about Tim Wilson's appointment to head of the Human Rights Commission?...(how is that hypocrisy?-Ed)...well he was, on the day of his appointment, still Policy Director for the Institute of Public Affairs...(so?-Ed)...the same IPA which has previously called for the abolition of the HRC...(sorry, what? the morning he works for the IPA and is officially opposed to even the idea of the HRC?-Ed)...yep...(and by the afternoon he's head of the HRC-Ed)...yep...and he also resigned his Liberal Party membership...(oh boy-Ed)...quite.

I find deeply concerning and highly indicative, Mr Wilson's statements (as repeated by Attorney General George Brandis) that as head of the HRC he will "re-centralise" the Human Rights debate...(sounds like political speak for a savage lurch to the Right-Ed)...indeed...unless you consider that both major parties are already operating so far to 'the Right' that by definition any 're-centralising' actually means a shift to the Left...(fair point-Ed).

Many would argue that Australia's behaviour re Refugees/Asylum Seekers is in itself a hypocrisy, talking up a great game that the reality on the ground proves almost wholly false...but I digress... 

This bleating from Mr Weatherill about how poorly the Federal government is treating South Australia is a crass hypocrisy in light of the labor government's behaviours within the state, eg, the sale of the South East Forestry Estate to pay for the Adelaide Oval Revamp...I covered this yesterday (Thursday)...and was overjoyed to hear someone bail him up on ABC Radio, asking why Labor has spent $600million+ on the Adelaide Oval when that money should have been used to re-structure and support manufacturing.

And Mr Weatherill's response was that the Revamp had already stimulated the economy with 3 new hotels built and people coming to Adelaide because of it, etc...(what the heck does the Oval have to do with new hotels? and who the heck is coming to Adelaide just because of that stupid Oval? what a load of bollocks-Ed) is a crass hypocrisy to bang on about frugal and prudent investment and/or the importance of manufacturing, and blow all that money on a frivolous extravagance...but here's another classic.

Yesterday state Minister Gail Gago was discussing/explaining the latest state distributed Federal funding for loans for Primary Producers in trouble, eg, through drought...and she actually stated that they weren't about to just provide money to farmers who "take risks" or "might be lazy" because "handouts" can lead to "complacency"...this money is purely for "loans"..."We're not there to bail them out".

(Sorry again, but aren't state Labor screaming for money to be handed to GMH to bail-out the jobs of Adelaide based voters?-Ed)...yep...(but sold off the Forestry Estate with no consideration for the ultimate realities of that decision re loss of jobs in the SE?-Ed)...oh, I think they know exactly what they've done, they just don't give a damn.

I don't have the words to describe just how offensive it is that yesterday Premier Jay Weatherill would attend Holden's Christmas break-up party and "Shout the bar"...(how very generous of him to shout beers for these people with taxpayers money-Ed)...indeed...and consider that he has sacrificed the South East economy for the Adelaide Oval and no beers here...sorry, I'm going to say it...(fire away big fella-Ed)...whatta prick...(I concur-Ed)...

Again apologies for stuffed up and late post but I'll finish here and cover City Council's own hypocrisies in a separate post later,

Today: Council Goes Bananas

Just picking the low hanging fruit about the clownage from Council.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters. 

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