Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Everything's Hunky Dory

If by 'Hunky' you mean 'Shot', and if by 'Dory' you mean 'to Hell'...hello China, Poland, Russia, and the United Kingdom, and welcome to the blog...and if you don't include the economy, the environment, politics, paedophilia and corruption, everything in South Australia is going just swimmingly.

Listening to the Conversation Council yesterday stating that the Environmental problems currently experienced in South Australia would warrant a Royal Commission were it in another field or context...and this coupled with Labor minister Tom Koutsontonis's statements about "cutting Green Tape", and the government's attitude to 'Fracking' in the South East, oil and gas exploration in the Great Australian Bight, a massive Copper mine on Yorke Peninsula, etc, it doesn't look good for the environment.

Oh, and the Murray River's rooted...we're burying all our prime agricultural land under suburbs, eg, the corrupt Mt Barker rezoning/redevelopment, or turning it into mines...and government recycling Authority Zero Waste will be axed in early 2015...and the Gulfs are already heavily polluted, particularly from the run-off from Adelaide...and if 'Global Warming' moves the Goyder Line (which roughly indicates the rain patterns in SA; wetter South, drier North) then we lose vastly more cropping land...and forecast reduced rainfall will further impact farming elsewhere, in The Murray, etc, etc...(yay-Ed)...

And all this nonsense opposing the idea of Climate Change as being a man made problem...get a is incomprehensible that we as a species can change or completely destroy natural environments, eg, deforestation leading to desertification, damming rivers, pouring chemical pollution into the atmosphere, building vast concrete/bitumen jungles, etc, and not affect the Climate...yes, there are natural processes at play but we are influencing them by our actions.

Clearly our actions do have an effect, albeit as only one of a number of stressors or influences, eg, solar radiation spikes raising global temperatures...the debate opposing 'Man Made Climate Change' seems to be more of a smokescreen for distracting away from addressing issues of gross pollution, ie, Climate Change isn't real, therefore we can keep on polluting without repercussions...because dealing with chemical/industrial waste is costly and might cut into company profits and executives obscenely high salaries...and we couldn't have that...(Communist-Ed)...I prefer Humanist...(fair enough-Ed)...     

East Timor Bugs Me: and if they're not, I'm fairly sure SAPol, and/or ASIO, and/or some other government agency, official or otherwise, is monitoring my various electronic communicationings...(paranoid much?-Ed)...and/or delusions of grandeur?...possibly, but then I refer readers to previous posts about such issues, eg, that in 2005 the office of the Speaker of SA Parliament Peter Lewis was either bugged or the phone tapped, whatevs, by SAPol.

I stand by my previous claims that in 2005 senior ABC 'journalist' Ian Henschke was shown a fax/email(?) as sent to a Victorian police officer by a senior SAPol officer, referring to a phone call made from the Speakers office to that Vic officer...(so?-Ed)...and that the fax/email itself showed that it was sent whilst the phone conversation was still underway...(oh-Ed)...

Nelson Mandela's Funeral: attracted world leaders, but current South African President Joseph Zuma was booed for several minutes when he tried to speak at the memorial ceremony...guess he'll just have to go back to his $25million compound, payed for with taxpayers money, and comfort himself there with some Caviar and Bollinger, also payed for by taxpayers...and I'm not the only one to ask, 'Is this the South Africa that Nelson Mandela envisaged?'...millions still living in abject poverty with no electricity and/or running water and/or sewerage, etc, whilst their President builds himself mansions...

And it's not inappropriate to make the comparisons between this and how South Australia is governed, eg, selling (giving away) the SE Forestry Estate to build a Sports Stadium, pouring millions into the Main Corner to build a Commercial Function facility and then hand it to a Councillor's son.   

And I couldn't suppress a wry smile on Monday when the ABC Local Radio's Mark Jeffery was speaking with a journalist who had been working in South Africa for The Guardian (I think) during the Apartheid era, and the control and censorship of the media, etc...and I couldn't help thinking about a certain young man in Mt Gambier...(oh boy, here we go-Ed)...who finds himself censored out of the local media by vested interests concerned not with democracy or the truth, but rather protecting themselves, their mates, and their collective self-interests...(actually, when you put it like that-Ed)...

I am not for one moment comparing myself to Mr Mandela, I'm just identifying the bitter irony and burgeoning hypocrisy of an ABC Mt Gambier interview about censorship, when they have banned me from Talkback Radio...(fair enough-Ed) gain a further understanding of this 'irony' please review my posts re the ABC.

And we interrupt this post with the sort of breaking news that General Motors Holden is ceasing manufacturing in Australia by the end of 2017, meaning the loss of 2,900 direct jobs, with many 10s of thousands more jobs lost in the supply chain, etc...this is all over the media as I type, and currently GMH's Mike Devereux is on the ABC TV24 praising up the quality of their Australian product, and citing a range of global financial 'negative' influences, eg, the high Australian dollar.

This follows Mr Devereux's evidence to the Productivity Commission this time yesterday, that GMH had 'made no decision'...and he is stating that he received a phone call from Detroit, USofA, just after giving that evidence stating that the decision had now been made...and that Holden will continue to operate in Australia but as an importer of cars.

Over the last few days there has been widely ranging debate about this, eg, Alan Jones was going off this morning about 'not chasing them (GMH) down the road waving a cheque', but an Australian Manufacturing Workers Union rep (?name sorry) was interviewed just now citing the already massive unemployment rates for Elizabeth (in Adelaide) namely 14% adult and 40% youth unemployment and saying that the Liberal Party would be "popping champagne corks"...but the realities for the South Australian and Victorian economies are beyond political ideology.

(Remember too that if you're working 1hr per month you don't count as officially unemployed-Ed)...I know, crazy stuff...and only last week Mr Devereux was assuring workers in Adelaide that GMH was going to continue to manufacture in Australia, the same workers who recently took a small wage cut to ease the wage burden for GMH...but it is possible that he has been making these statements in good faith on behalf of people who have been deceiving him... 

I'll stop here and cover this more thoroughly,

Tomorrow: Implications of Holden Closing

As part of the AMWU reps interview, he stated that 'there are no jobs in Adelaide'...and 'no jobs' means massive pressure to expand mining, Turbines, night follows day...and Toyota may also fold given that the 'Parts and Service Sector' will struggle to service only 1 manufacturer, so their costs will go up, etc, until their product is unsustainable.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...where to from here for Adelaide?...laters...

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