Sunday, December 8, 2013

Labor vs Liberal...Grrrrr

Hello in the United Kingdom, Israel, Indonesia, and Chile...and welcome to a political paradigm/malaise controlled by these two main parties, where-in the losers are the people of Australia...and in Sow Straya  we are particularly stricken, having a political non-divide where one is completely indistinguishable from the other...particularly on the issue of Child Abuse...but first...

Nelson Mandela: Again I would ask that we pause for a moment to celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela.

I don't need to spend time trying to eulogise him...(and what could you possibly say that hasn't been said already, more eloquently than you probably could, by people who actually know him?-Ed)...well quite...but I would like to acknowledge the many official celebrations being held today in his memory and honour.  

Besides, it feels almost wrong to mention Nelson Mandela in the same post as the South Australian politicians that make up the two major parties, Labor and I've stated in previous posts, I see no genuine difference between Liberal and Labor at a functional level...and there are people in either party whom apparently dislike each other far beyond their professional animosity for their alleged opponents...

I'd just like to say how puerile and pedantic I find it when, for example, now Member for Barker and former Mt Gambier City Councillor Liberal Tony Pasin, and Labor Sub-Branch President and current Mt Gambier Councillor Jim Maher, exchange barbs playing tit-for-tat 'your lot started it' correspondental ping-pong...(whaaa?-Ed)...rattle their cages at one another about who did what wrong when via letters in The Border Watch...(ah yeah, that really pisses me off too-Ed)...

And into that mix I throw the recent debate about the Australian flag, flying the Aboriginal flag in Council Chambers, etc, which I have posted recently, and I can only assume that the 'Peter Clark' is the senior Liberal figure 'PC' and the same 'PC' who is published regularly in TBW...and that the 'Jim Maher' is the same Labor figure and City Councillor 'JM'...assuming is never great but this seems reasonable.

I know as fact that the 'Jim Maher' quoted in TBW recently as saying that Council was going to look at issues relative to the Mt Gambier Gaol at it's November meeting (previous post), was the Labor and Councillor 'JM', because it had a photo saying so...and it was the same 'JM' who was then absent at the next meeting where the Gaol issues received a cursory 5 word mention from Cr Penny Richardson...

And this discussion cannot be had without including Liberal candidate Troy Bell and recently declared 'Independent Candidate' sitting member Don Pegler...and former election candidates Viv Maher and Steve Perryman, etc...everybody knows and everybody lets it happen...and this tacit approval guarantees further abuses against children.

But what really pisses me off, what I find so mind-numbingly disappointing, is when the Labor Sub-Branch president Jim Maher, on the same day, Friday 6th December 2013, 1) goes on the ABC Local Radio with Stan Thomson, holding forth about what great work City Council is doing with their 'Children's Charter', and 'Social Inclusion', etc, I'm not going through it all...(but at least he didn't say 'It takes a village to raise a child'...well not that I heard-Ed)...mmm...

I remind readers that Cr Maher, Mayor and 2010 Liberal candidate Steve Perryman, Tony Pasin, 2010 state Labor candidate Viv Maher...actually it would be quicker to write a list of whom doesn't know about the St Martins Issue...Steve Perryman and Viv Maher were on stage with myself, Don Pegler, and Family First's Henk Bruins at the 2010 election forum where St Martins was raised as the last question of the night.

My memory remains always of addressing the issue from the rostrum, then turning to see my colleagues all sitting legs crossed, hands clasped in their laps, heads bowed, staring intently at the table right in front of them...all of them...exactly the same...and not one of them spoke to the issue...and of course Steve Perryman mouthing off in my ear whilst the question was asked...and Tony Pasin actually springing out of his seat with delight when I mentioned that the teacher's lawyer in the TRB was Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner Stephen Lieschke...(ah, happy days-Ed)...

First that interview, then a long letter in TBW that actually defends alleged Independent Don Pegler from accusations made by Tony Pasin...(deadset?...the Labor Sub Branch President defending the former Liberal aspirant now alleged Independent Member who got over the line with the massive Labor preference support-Ed)...deadset...      

Only yesterday I was covering the issues relative to 'Fracking' for Coal Seam Gas and the bipartisan support in the parliament...but I wouldn't limit it to that, there are many examples of parallel ideology and conduct...I readily condemn both parties for the Forestry Sale; Labor for doing it, and Liberal for waving a scented hanky at it and saying 'tish, tish' but not actually doing anything to oppose it...

And of course it's senior federal Liberal Ian McLoughlin and former Liberal SA Premier John Olsen at the head of the SA Cricket Assoc...the same SACA who had their almost $90million debt payed off by the Labor state government in what I choose to call A Massive Bribe...(catchy-Ed)...and a massive new stadium...(charming-Ed)...

The only concession I would offer either is that Liberals have barely changed from the born to rule mentality they have always displayed, it is Labor that have betrayed their Socialist support base by being irresponsible, incompetent managers obsessed with privatisation to try and pay the bills...

And if you think I'm being unjustly harsh on anyone involved, then I clearly do need remind you of what has us here at all, you and I...that which has brought us to this place together...the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.  

As I've stated before, it is my personal experience that, at it's most fundamental level, South Australia is run to one single bipartisan agenda...the 'unofficial' official support for paedophilia...and I offer as irrefutable proof the Statutory Authority Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, from 2008-2011, resulting in the wholly corrupted and deceitful SARC Report no.54.  

That Inquiry, of 2 Liberals, 2 Labor and an Independent, heard direct evidence and received detailed written submissions from several parents and from one of the children, and then grossly manipulated that evidence to cover-up the blatant corruption evident in the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor actions, choosing to protect by exonerating "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling, re the abuses he committed against 7 year old children as their teacher at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier

So you'll appreciate that when I see yet another shrekin' SA Parliamentary Inquiry...(the current 2013 Upper House Inquiry supposedly rectifying the farcical conduct of the 2012/13 DeBelle Inquiry-Ed)...right...thoroughly investigating the previous SA Paedophilia Inquiry...(that's the state Labor instigated DeBelle 'Royal Commission' 2012/13?-Ed)...yep...following the SARC Inquiry 2008-2011 and Report no.54...following the Mullighan Commission 2005-2007...(following the 2003 Layton Report-Ed)...exactly...

A decade of Inquiries and Committees and Commissions and nothing means nothing to me but a collective desire to see none of this genuinely resolved...and don't get me started about The Federal Royal Commission...  

(And of course with the state election of March 2014 there is likely a change of Members in the Upper House (the Legislative Assembly), so it is highly likely that the 'DeBelle Inquiry Inquiry' will have to be 're-started' and if Labor were to get control of the LA, then there's not likely to be an Inquiry at all-Ed)...and what does that matter anyway? With Labor's Russell Wortley and Kyam Maher on the current Inquiry it was never going to achieve anything.

And the SARC Inquiry Report no.54 sets the standard for how far these Committees/Inquiries/Whatevs will go in unison to not discover the truth about paedophilia in South Australia...

I've said it before and I'm saying it again, I don't believe that Cr Maher says and/or writes these things specifically to cause me distress, but I can only imagine that the many grievous issues of institutionalised corruption and abuse and suffering exposed by the St Martins Cover-up, somehow are forgotten...

But bottom-line, I'm sick of the lot of you waging your petty ideological wars with each other when your complicit and collusive behaviour re St Martins shows just how fundamentally alike you are.

Tomorrow: Housekeeping and More Legalese  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

Maybe I'm being completely naive in thinking anything will ever be done re resolving St Martins, but I won't stop...I accept that this is the reality, but I refuse to accept that...(nice-Ed)...

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