Sunday, December 22, 2013

Groundhog Day in a Fishbowl

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog and apologies for effectively missing a day's post...and today I'll try to retrieve that lost day, or maybe tomorrow...but as my child said, 'Nobodies going to miss one day, and the world will keep spinning'...fair enough...and as we close in on Christmas and the New Year I'm going to indulge in a little self-reflection and reviewing of the 'Year In Posts'.

Unfortunately there's no avoiding going round and around over the same issues, so today a quick review of those issues and where they currently are...and a quick summation might be 'look where you left them and they'll probably still be there'...(a bit like car keys or those damned secateurs-Ed)...sort of, only far more annoying, and in many cases much more concerning.

But First: I caught part of an interview with former Australian Cricket Captain Ian Chappell in which he described the effects of his divorce on his then 11 year old daughter. Discussing it with her (in her mid-twenties) he recalled she said that she blamed herself and had carried that for the years since the divorce...and with the wisdom of parallel experience, I was reduced to tears...and proud of it.

As per my previous posts, my parents divorced when I was 4 or 5 and I blamed myself until 'self-realising' in my early 20s that that was what had was/is the critical issue that has defined who I am and how I perceive the world...and for all it's taken from me so has it instilled in me a deep and abiding sense of apathy and conscience.

Ironically, from the total lack of self-esteem that has plagued my life and left me shiftless, unfocused and metaphorically if not physically just sort of wandering about, from there has developed a tangible sense of self-belief that has actually driven me with an almost zealous desire when I do commit, when I do believe I'm right in what I'm doing...(sorry, I'm does that work then?-Ed)...

Well, because I'm naturally predisposed to question everything that I believe and think, when I make that commitment to something, it is wholly based on challenging my own position over and over and being in possession of the facts...and if I am presented with even a single fact that challenges or compromises my personal belief, I have no qualms in embracing that reality and modifying or even changing my position.

And it has it's costs but also it's rewards, for example, for every mistake I've made as a 'separated parent', and there's been plenty, because I will automatically question my own behaviours I have had no problem with seeking counselling or apologising to my child for my failings, etc...I'd rather apologise than have my child self-blame for my own stupidities and problems...

As I've stated before, I'm not interested in believing I'm right or thinking I'm right, etc, I want to be correct not right...and if that means admitting I'm wrong to get to a position of being 'more correct' then so be it...I completely reject this absurd notion that 'a man never admits he's wrong or apologises'...what a load of bollocks...I believe that the greater ones capacity to accept responsibility as well as credit, then by definition the greater one is...(nice-Ed).

And so it is that I try to conduct myself with this much as I have indulged in personal abuse and self-protective venting, I have slowly worked myself away from crass personal denigration, and have always tried to not let my personal fury, animosity, etc, compromise a genuinely subjective discourse based on substantive opposed to say, the gutless, anonymous, bigoted vilification as per the 'Dick Stretcher Comments' left on this blog back in August 2013...if you've not availed yourself of those extraordinarily abusive and really quite sad rantings, please do...

I believe that once you get past the mindless vitriole, multiple unfounded and unsupported accusations of criminal behaviour against myself and others, undisguised 'class bigotry', abuse of other parents followed by disingenuous, mocking apologies, etc, etc, then the underlying reality shines through...I'm clearly punching buttons that some would rather deny even exist...and my conscience is clear because my intent is genuine and my commitment unwavering...

And I don't care what you say about me 'Dick Stretcher' because I've made a conscious if somewhat inevitable and unavoidable decision to partake in this blog and I accept that there are cowardly, corrupt people who would rather I didn't...but when you attack others who have suffered, those who continue to suffer, and accuse them of criminality, and slander all and sundry because of your own personal bigotry, then you've crossed the line.

Your abuse signals to me that I'm right on the mark and that for what it might cost me, it simply needs to be done...but when you randomly vilify, denigrate and abuse others in trying to get at me, well that says everything about you and those you act for and/or with...  

There was a fascinating discussion recently on the completely impartial BBC World Service re the idea that doing the right thing makes you happy...and how this is a ridiculous notion that self-contradicts because often doing the right thing is challenging, upsetting, even deeply traumatic, and can come at great personal is this my personal experience.

And when I reported these comments to police as per their own advice on ABC Local Radio, the young officer thought he was just hilarious when he said 'it's not a threat unless someone points a loaded gun at your head and says I'm going to kill you', made the action with his hand, and then laughed at me...and I've never met him before, but he knew exactly who I was...and we both knew that there was more threat than explanation to his little pantomime...and we both knew why.

Call me paranoid, tell me I'm delusional, I just don't care because that entire little exchange was an unspoken discourse about a whole other subject matter...and I segue very unpleasantly into the state sanctioned cover-up of child abuse being overseen by SAPol officers at Mt Gambier Police Station...I speak of course of St Martins Lutheran School.          

St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up: continues to be covered-up...(covering-up the don't get much more 'covered-up' than that-Ed)...indeed...and again, when this first kicked in June 2002 off I was extremely cautious about the facts, not least of all because of the vicious pack of sniping Harpes who were part of the first group of parents to complain about teacher Glyn Dorling and his behaviours toward our children.

That lasted about 24hrs because when I spoke to the Principal John Alexander the next day his own comments about not telling other parents and moving Glyn Dorling to the Church's office adjacent the kindergarten, etc, were the red flags that indicated that there were going to be problems...but I certainly never imagined that this would develop into the current pro-paedophile disaster that it has become.

I do not need to go any further in explanation because the St Martins Abuse Issue and subsequent Cover-up has been thoroughly discussed across multiple posts...the real issue remains that everybody knows yet fail to do anything about it...all of our illustrious leaders and elected officials, etc, all know.

Again, for all my own personal faults and failings, for all the guilt I carry re my failures to resolve the St Martins Issue, my conscience is entirely clear when it comes to this blog...and as always, I try to 'Strike Up, Not Out'.

Apologies for sort of straying from the path yet again, but it's still all relevant to what is happening in a broader context...I and other parents have been relentlessly vilified and attacked by the Lutherans, et al, as they conspire to cover-up the abuse of our children...well if I'm going to be the problem, so be it, but I'll decide for whom...(go big fella-Ed)...

Tomorrow: GDF Part II

Actually getting to some other issues,,,and possibly this arvo' instead of tomorrow.

I am Nick Fletcher and I am not a problem, I am The Problem...and such is life...cheers and laters.

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