Saturday, December 14, 2013

Thick As Thieves - Council and the Lutherans

Hello and welcome to the blog...and at a rough 'guesstimation' this is the 349th today the latest seething hypocrisy from the Lutheran Church...and then tomorrow, a bit of In My Own Defense...but let's get started on this latest load of self-satisfied hypocrisy from the Lutherans, conducted with the financial support of a complicit Mt Gambier City Council.

And I'll Just Chuck In The Qualifier: that I don't think that every Councillor is actually a corrupted public official, but as an elected body, everyone on Council has to take responsibility for the actions of their collective colleagues...that is, those same 'ties that bind' to find Councillors then bound by restraints of silence and solidarity, then tar with the same brush for their less pleasant faults, failings and irregularity.

But First: The East Timor 'Spying Scandal' continues to go round and round...almost like one of those issues that government wants to just quietly go away without actual resolution...but like a children's party game of 'Pass the Corrupt Parcel'...(more like 'Pass the Ticking Time-bomb of Accountability-Ed)...quite...whenever the music stops, it's my mate former Foreign Minister, lobbyist, and now head of the South Australian Liberal Party, and the second greatest Tidy Gentleman's Perm in the history of Australian politics...drum roll please...Alexander Downer.

Whenever and wherever the debate stops about 1) who was responsible for the 'bugging', and 2) why it was done, there's Alex left holding the baby, holding the happened when he was Foreign Minister and he is a 'lobbyist' for Woodside Petroleum, the company who ultimately profited from the East Timor Resource Agreements...this issue is well covered in the media I know, but I just so love Downsie's shenanigans that I had to mention it.

Typical of the 'class structured, born-to-rule' attitude of so many others around him in the Liberal Party, I've covered previously his costly dummy spit...(a silver dummy mind you-Ed)...nice...when he quit Federal politics after the 2007 election loss...(can't have young Alexander slumming it there in Opposition-Ed)...well certainly young Alexander can't have Alexander slumming it...and the first greatest 'Tidy Gentleman's Perm'?...another South Australian Liberal alumni Christopher Pyne.

Hilarious: being such a small town it's pretty difficult to go anywhere without running into Lutherans, Councillors, SAPol officers, etc. For example, recently I went to buy bananas and there was a gaggle of Lutherans nattering away in the doorway and they definitely couldn't see the 6 foot hairy man-bear that is me standing just 10 feet away...but Stuart Stansfield sure as heck saw me when I ran into him at the supermarket yesterday.

Just coming 'round the corner and there it was...and it did start, and it did fluster, and I looked at it and it looked away and I just kept walking...only to cross it again in the car park 10 minutes later, and again I just walked on by...and not a squeak out of taunting, no goading, no ridicule, no laughing at me, no yelling abuse and then hanging up the shrekin phone...not a shrekin' murmur...and I didn't need to say anything or do anything, I just needed to be...(whoa, deep man-GTS)...thanks Giant Talking Squirrel...say, how's old  Toronto Mayor Rob Ford...(nah he's good, he's good...crackin' along-GTS)...excellent, excellent.

If you think I'm being harsh and/or unjust on Stuart by referring to him as an 'it', please review my previous posts about my struggles with the ABC Mt Gambier and Adelaide, including the extraordinary behaviours of alleged professional Mr Stansfield as described above, eg, repeatedly taunting me, abusing me, and hanging up on me...and include the posts re St Martins Lutheran School and the ongoing Child Abuse Cover-up...which all segues rather definitively into the latest bollocks from the Lutherans.

(Sorry, segues 'definitively'?-Ed)...yes, the seamless dove-tailing of a discussion about Stuart Stansfield with issues re the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up 'defines' how complicit he and other ABC personnel are in that Cover-up...for shrek sake, they all know it's happened and I'm the one banned off talk-back radio for trying to pursue it...banned because I 'might say something'...and please review the posts re Lutheran Pastor Wayne Kerber and the crass pro-Lutheran propaganda that the ABC and The Border Watch were running this time last year.

Christmas has become for me very much like the June long week-end anniversary of the 2002 'removal' from St Martins of teacher Glyn Dorling, described by Flinders Child Protection Unit as a "text-book grooming paedophile"...I cannot not find offensive the gross self-glorification that the Lutherans indulge in every year around this time with the complicit support of the local media.

I know there's going to be a flood of pro-Lutheran propaganda spewing out of the local media, an avalanche of hypocrisy...and I've learned to just take a deep breath and let the trauma and anger, etc, wash over me for it is futile to resist...(you're just going to get hammered by the reality that everybody in your society knows this abuse has happened, and that it's being certainly suppressed if not quite successfully Covered-up-Ed)...well exactly.

And good ol' Pastor Kerber...he's also SAPol's minister, so there's a lovely little collusion...the 2 key players in the Cover-up of the abuse of dozens of 7 year old children...and Wayne is apparently also officiating...(more like pontificating-Ed) the Council run Christmas Carols...and Mayor Steve Perryman has direct links to the Lutherans and is himself a key player in the St Martins Cover-up...and all Council knows and by it's failure to act, is implicitly complicit...thick as shrekin' thieves.

And thieves they be with their latest piece of hypocritical bastardry...City Council is 'sponsoring' the Lutherans to help them hold their 'inclusive Christmas lunch' at the Old Town Hall on Christmas Day...and yesterday there was a long Stan Thompson interview on ABC Local Radio with a senior Lutheran (Lee Marcus I think-sorry) where the guest lavishly praised up himself/themselves about how they do this for those poor people and how 'there are so many Lutherans who want to volunteer'...

In fact he said 'we've got heaps of volunteers, what we need is cash, send us some cash'...and Stan was straight in there with 'if you don't spend it all, you can use it for next year'...deadset...the guest kept banging on about 'the disenfranchised who are looking for fellowship' and generally just praising up the sharing, caring Wonderland that is the Lutheran Church...oh, and of course lashings of praise for Council...shrek me... 

I say thieves because whatever happens around that lunch is being payed for by the ratepayers of Mt Gambier...I have covered in numerous posts the rank nepotism surrounding the Ratepayer Funded Commercial Function Kitchen/Centre that Council has handed to Des Muttons' son and his associates...and the astronomical running costs paid for by Council is being incredibly trite in supporting the Lutherans in this way because it's ratepayers paying for these clowns to praise each other up.

It never ceases to amaze me just how generous Council can be with ratepayers money when it comes to the Main Corner and/or their mates, but yet has no money for public transport, a covered pool, etc, all in all a right load of bollocks from corrupted, colluding chums who are collectively responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...may they all have a very merry Christmas...

And as someone who has been deliberately targeted by the Lutherans for abuse and blame, for 'Pariahtisation', as someone disenfranchised from his community by his community, I feel that that qualifies me for attending that lunch...oh, and I hope the 'disenfranchised' don't need to catch a bus to get to the 'inclusive lunch' because there is no public transport on weekends or public holidays...(they can Park and Stride-Ed)...hilarious, but if they don't have cars?...(oh yeah-Ed)...  

Tomorrow: More Wind Turbine Deceits

Round and round and round...and the same old deceits and manipulations and denials and propaganda...and things are going to get even worse now that Holden's foldin'...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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