Monday, December 30, 2013

Day of the Groundhog - Why Blog?

Hello and welcome to the blog with only 2 days left in 2013...where'd that go then?'s been a weird ol' year that seems to have taken forever yet has just streamed by...personally, I blame this here blog, and hence Groundhog Day, only in reverse...and today's post is sort of one long, rather indulgent apology woven with self-justification...(and the title is Day of the Jackal re-badged-Ed)...yeah, ta.

In the hilarious Bill Murray movie, Bill's weatherman character gets 'trapped' in the same day, over and over, but eventually uses the opportunity to grow as a person, particularly emotionally...I on the other hand, have for some several years now ground out the same day over and over but instead slowly shut down whole sections of my life, not least of all by way of a coping strategy...(well good luck with that-Ed)...thanks...for example, I reckon that I spend approx 1/4 of my time doing this blog...some days it's all day...

And sometimes it's all the time, eg, when I post about the numerous senior local figures who are specifically, intimately involved it the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, amid the blaze of pro-Lutheran propaganda spewing through the local media at Christmas, overlaid with the relentless coverage of the latest Child Abuse Commission/Review/Whatevs...then my personal trauma just becomes an all day, every day always demands it's tithe...I've posted about this stuff just recently...

Yes this blog is part self-promotion in a political sense, and in a context where I cannot afford advertising...(and are currently banned out of the Mt Gambier media-Ed)...well quite...but it's wholly driven by the issues that drive me...and in that context I am as much a vehicle for these issues as this blog is my vehicle for exposing and discussing them...(you have issues buddy-Ed)...damn straight...

I don't choose to be angry and therefore go looking for things to be pissed off about, indeed it's almost the opposite...and there's certainly no need to go looking...and nor do I go looking for things to build a political career on, these things have found me and dragged me into being political. 

I do it because I feel driven to at least try...and so I spend approximately all my time...(indeed, very nearly all-Ed)...glued to the media one way or another, eg, often finding myself with the headphones in the TV and the radio also on so I can listen to the Local ABC Radio programs whilst tracking what's happening on other news services...or getting anxious because I'm missing the Country Hour, etc.

And yet again I've been advised to not share my discomfort and dis-ease with those who would gladly see me suffer so, but better to share an understanding of the suffering than suffer in silence...and so whilst I try to make the blog at least vaguely accurate and even partly prophetic, it is also part self-redemption, part therapeutic, and part cathartic...

Dealing publicly with these public issues helps me deal with my own personal ones in a context where dealing with these public issues has generated/created many of the personal issues that I now deal with...(unfortunately that makes perfect sense-Ed)...tell me 'bout it.

An Apology or Two: prefaced with my New Years Resolution that when it comes to 2014, I'm going to go harder...(harder?...harder than going hard all the time on hard issues?'s that done then?-Ed)...well, it'll be hard...(oh already go like an angry bull at a very provocative gate, so how the shrek are you gonna go harder?-Ed)...well there-in lies the grounds for an apology.

It's a combination of things, but for over a month I've been basically just functioning again, just, and have lost track of many issues through barely following the national media apart from the ABC and The Border Watch...not having immediate Internet access hasn't helped, nor has barely leaving the house...basically I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself, and in that context I need to harden the shrek up...(it's always about context with you isn't it-Ed)...

I apologise unreservedly if anyone has emailed me in the last few weeks and not heard back because I can't/haven't even checked my emails...a short while back I ran, at pace, into a very solid wall of give-a-shrek ...and it's all well and groovy to see it coming, and I did, but it doesn't matter how well you are aware of said approaching wall, if you can't stop running you're still in a whole world of trouble, shortly to be in a whole world of pain...(in fact, being aware of the wall really just gives you more time to think about how much it's gonna hurt when you get there-Ed)...well exactly. 

(So you're only watching the ABC and SBS, and listening to the ABC and BBC, and reading TBW? least half a day, everyday-Ed)...yeah...(and still trying to 'churn out' an accurate, informative, responsible and vaguely entertaining blog with the other half-Ed)...with varying success, yes...(and you're apologising for not doing enough and for not trying hard enough-Ed)...well yeah, but...(don't tell me, it's about context-Ed) do listen.

Given that The Mount Gambier Independent blog has been running for nearly a year now I need to be careful that when I hear of a certain situation or allegation that 1) I'm not being set up with false information by people who would love to see me shrek-up, or 2) that it's not something someone has picked up off the blog and is regurgitating a version thereof...

For example, when trying to research the SkyTowers stuff re the Old Hospital Demolition, a couple of links to my blog appear on the first page of the search engine menu...(I'm sure that those 'TMGI availees' who went a searchin' for SkyTowers info-Ed)...and we just know some of you did...(indeed...those few would have noticed these links-Ed)...the question becomes, are people reading stuff or hearing about stuff off my blog and then that's what I end up hearing, someone else's version of my own blog.

I have recently heard some 'rumours' (because that's all they are at this stage) that there has been yet more recent cases of Child Abuse in Mt Gambier involving a local school and/or senior local identity and possibly the hospitalisation of a child...but I don't know if these are all the same incident, separate, related to the cases earlier this year of a local headmaster facing rape charges and a teacher trying to procure a child, or the Naracoorte High School Pornography case that made national news, etc, or even aspects of the St Martins Case resurfacing.

I will do what I can to research these latest 'rumours', but I note that the Naracoorte case did not appear at all in The Border Watch, even after making the national ABC news services, the Australian newspaper, etc, nor did former MP Patrick Secker's statement re 'the sorry case in Mt Gambier' re St Martins made on ABC Local Radio only days before the federal Child Abuse Royal Commission was announced, etc...(I'll cover these various issues in detail tomorrow).

Nick Xenophon: is still banging on about the Memorandum of Understanding between the Palmer United Party (Clive Palmer) and Senator-elect for the Motoring Enthusiasts Party, Ricky Muir. Apparently allegedly according to Mr Xenophon, the one page document released just after Christmas has possibly been "redacted"...(aiii, there's wee bits missin' lad-Ed)...but I'm not sure what an MoU even means, how ever many pages long, because of the massive imbalance of power within that particular 'agreement'.

There's absolutely no way that Ricky Muir will be telling Clive anything about anything. Indeed, all Mr Muir needs to do is do as he's told and keep his mouth shut other than to keep saying 'I agree with Clive', and tricky Ricky is absolutely golden...let's at least call it what it is, a MoC, a Memorandum of Capitulation...and, again, let's never forget that Clive Palmer made his fortune mining coal in Queensland under Premier Joe Bjelke-Peterson. 

Anyway, that's enough apologising for stuff for one day, and onto doing more stuff,

Tomorrow: Viewing A Year of Reviews in Review 

Did someone say 'another Child Abuse Inquiry anyone?'...someone?...anyone?...hello...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters y'all and go hard...I recommend it...

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