Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ratepayers Association Rolls Over

Hello and welcome to the blog and the latest late post...and an immediate apology for tripping over my own promises about 'posting what when' yet again, so Water works stuff tomorrow...I've yet to appropriately cover the most recent shenanigans from Mt Gambier City Council...and whilst I constantly whinge about how little anyone seems to give a damn about anything, it has occurred to me on occasion that I'm doing a great dis-service to some if not the majority...more on that later...

However, to start on a tangent that is clearly anchored somewhere deep within Council and/or other vested interests, attached below is the latest offering from the Mt Gambier Residents and Ratepayers Association as published in The Border Watch Tuesday 26th November 2013...I don't know whether this is a solo effort courtesy of Mr Jones or the RRA's collective official opinion...

Specifically on this occasion I will ask that 'availees' please read the 'letter' first, and then you'll better understand why I'm so brutal about it...(oo, this could get ugly-Ed)...what, you mean like you?...(alright big fella', now you're just lashing out-Ed)...and a third apology for the sideways orientation.

Now, having read that letter...Mr Jones and/or the RRA are stone cold tripping, but not in a good fact, I think they're getting their information from that Giant Talking Squirrel that's been stalking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford...(and as his legal adviser I have advised Mr Fletcher to provide a identifies the previous drug taking references as inspired and brilliantly written satirical metaphor not actual accusation-Ed)...whatevs...that letter is bollocks...and you are not my legal advice...(whatevs-Ed)...

And I absolutely have no problem stating that this letter is aimed squarely at me, about me, to try and counter-act me...(ah, I think you've overshot the mark there a bit champ-Ed)...really?...and I quote;
     " stop the rumour mongering and innuendos that is happening around Mt Gambier,
      particularly regarding the old hospital and the railway land."
You were saying?...(Alright, I withdraw my previous remark and concede that that really does sound like it's about you-Ed)...well, not me so much as this blog...(fair enough-Ed)...

Whilst I am quietly confident that most people will see this whole letter for the mind-numbingly sycophantic pro-Council deceit that it is, I'm still going to shred it because it thoroughly deserves to be thoroughly pillaried...I can only apologise to those genuine individuals involved with the RRA, some of whom I have met, but this letter is inappropriate, condescending, and a work of absolute propaganda on behalf of Council.

There's being diplomatically congratulatory...there's being resignedly pragmatic...there's even being devil's advocate...but this, this...this letter is a sanctimonious suck-up from someone whom is clearly keen to engage the favour of City Council regardless of the reality...this letter is a sycophantic ingratiation...(yeah, I think we've established what you think of it-Ed)...oh, I don't know that it can be said enough.

This letter looks like it was prepared, by whoever, to address all of the issues I've raised on my blog, and I refer 'availees' to any of the previous posts re the handling of the Asbestos issue, the handling of the Old Hospital demolition issue, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, etc, etc...I stand by everything I've said in those posts and it ain't 'mongering any rumours' or 'endoing any innues', I'm just stating outright what I am seeing happen right in front of me.

On all of the issues covered in the RRA letter, the City Council has run an unrelenting and unrepentant regime of deceits and disinformation, repeatedly and comprehensively contradicting themselves whilst jumping from excuse to excuse, eg, Darryl Sexton's recent stunning effort (previous post) about the Rail Lands contamination where he talks about the terrible contamination only to then state how it's not at all dangerous...if it weren't so serious, it'd be hilarious. 

In fact, I've just realised what this letter reminds me of...just in writing this post, it's dawned on me why this letter pisses me of so a previous post re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, I included the letter that Principal John Alexander placed in the school's newsletter, seeking to perpetuate the cover-up by referring to how the school was 'suffering' from 'unfortunate rumours' and those spreading them...there are numerous similarities between that letter and this one.

A little pat on the head for us poor stupid plebs, 'you don't know you poor things so let me help you', and a thorough serve of character assassination and diversion, 'look at the rumour mongers, they're the problem'...and another little pat on the head, 'you talk to us and we'll let you know what you need to know' me a favour...

To close, I note with some good humour the many 'letters' in The Border Watch newspaper recently panning Council's ludicrous and arguably rascist procrastination re their ongoing refusal to display the Aboriginal (and Torres Straight Islanders) flag in Council Chambers...this pointless debate took nearly 10 minutes at the last Council meeting, only to have Merv White, Allan Smith, and others argue that it should 'remain on the table for further consideration'...(apparently there's not enough room in Chambers for another flag-Ed)...

It is also quite the talking point about town, and several people have stated to me that they feel "embarassed" at this behaviour by my experience it is widely viewed as rascist and deeply embarassing for the there may just be hope for Mt Gambier yet.

Unfortunately, that hope is certainly not to be found in the RRA...which is very sad...Mt Gambier has copped enough getting royal screwed over by it's own Council, let alone the Labor state doesn't need and cannot afford the same from the RRA

Tomorrow: Water Water Everywhere

Thankyou for your patronage and here's to a more upbeat post on the morrow.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...toodle-pip and cheerio...

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