Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas Message

Hello y'all and yule tidings and Seasoned Greetings...and all that festive ever you choose to celebrate Christmas, may it go swimmingly...

In the spirit of the season may my gift be this short sharp post.

I would like to thank all of those people who do apply themselves in positive ways...for example, just because I rail against the Lutheran Church and things like the lunch they're putting on today with the support of City Council at the Main Corner (and I will eviscerate it further in a future post), that doesn't mean that their are not people involved who are relatively genuine and have worked very hard, etc.

However, that doesn't mean that I resile from anything I've had to say about the Lutherans, Council, or the Main Corner...I'm just acknowledging for the sake of balance that there are likely people involved who are unawares of the corruption and missing money issues with the Main Corner and Council's nepotism re same, and/or the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue...(geez, you've got a hell of a way of capturing the 'festive forgiveness' spirit of the season-Ed)...perhaps...

Perhaps I'm just so jaded and cynical that I cannot find a place in me more positive than objective acknowledgement...and when it comes right down to it, with issues like St Martins, it is not my place to forgive anybody...with the ratepayers money burned and crass nepotism of the Main Corner, Council should be apologising to the ratepayers of Mt Gambier, not to me...and while they're about it Council can go on the front page of The Border Watch and apologise to that young mum they vilified over Drainage Ponds a while back.

Anyhoos, there are likely many people who are genuinely involved in preparing and presenting today's lunch for 'the disenfranchised'...I fully support the concept of providing a community lunch and have absolutely no problem with the Council sponsoring it...(indeed, this is the sort of thing Council should be spending ratepayers money on, rather than say, crappy grey pavers along the Main Street-Ed)...well, quite.

I genuinely thank those people for at least ire is inspired by those behind the whole shebang and the insidious self-promotion and all the other crap that goes with it, and all that goes before it...I know I sometimes struggle to separate the grain from the chaff, but I try...and by shrek there's just so much freakin' chaff...(ain't that the truth-Ed)...  

And also thankyou for the support and feedback re this blog...I know I whinge and moan about 'why am I the only one doing this?' but it is very apparent to me that I'm not the only one who has these concerns about their I've previously stated, it is perfectly understandable that people don't wish to specifically associate with the blog.

What I find almost pleasing, is the idea that whilst some are less than impressed with some of my language and content, etc, the attitude tends toward appreciation of the fact that at least I'm giving it a go...

Merry Christmas to everyone...and may your God be with you now and for always...and if you don't need a god's blessing, just have a great day.

Tomorrow: Back To The Grind

And more catching-up with issues covered thus far this year.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

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