Tuesday, December 17, 2013

St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Reprise Part II

Hello world and welcome to the blog...and my version of Ground Hog Day...same day, day in day out, day after day...and the loitering humour that I too had a day now long distant where I 'frolicked like an otter in the warm waters of a tropical paradise' and 'why can't I have that day over and over instead of this one'...(paraphrasing Bill Murray from the movie GHD).

Whilst I'm sure that some people are sick and tired of me banging on about the St Martins Issue, please consider that it's with me everyday, all day, not least of all because I can't avail myself of the news without running into something from the latest Royal Commission or Inquiry, or the latest child rape in a South Australian primary school, etc...and when I discuss St Martins, the respondent observations that there must be some sort of 'paedophile ring' operating in Mt Gambier.

Because I can't walk down the Main St or go to the supermarket without running into shrekin' Lutherans or a City Councillor or an ABC staffer or someone from The Border Watch...yesterday it was a TBW reporter, the other day Stuart Stansfield, day before that 3 Lutheran staffers at the shops, when I volunteered at the Show it was a senior Lutheran......can't listen to the ABC without having my ears burned...

And right on cue, the completely impartial BBC World Service Radio news is running the story of the first Queensland man to face Court re the recent world-wide Child Pornography ring busted by Operation (Whatevs?)...one charge for one man of 33 in the state and 60+ across Australia...one charge for possessing thousands of images. 

Can't get through any day without being haunted by the memory of that one day in May 2002 when I walked into the classroom to get my child for their piano lesson, and saw teacher Glyn Dorling with 2 girls heads on his lap and his arm around a third girl standing next to him...and thought nothing more of it than a spontaneous show of affection as some of the kids had shown me...and how could I have possibly known?

How could I have known that this was part of a broad series of daily psychological, emotional, and physical abuses planned and executed by teacher Glyn Dorling with a view to controlling the children for his prurient interests?

Can't go one day without wearing the guilt for failing to recognise that brief moment for what it really was...an orchestrated manipulation carefully organised to make the children available for escalating abuses...and that it continued for 2-3 weeks after I could have stopped it...but ultimately would it have made any difference?...it's been very carefully, thoroughly, professionally covered-up so would a few weeks have made any difference?

I ain't Robinson Crusoe in applying the logic of Sherlock Holmes...(all you need is a Great White Whale tilting at windmills with Great Expectations-Ed)...nice...when people come to understand that successive SAPol Superintendents Harbour, Fairney and Twilley, former MP Rory McEwen, current member Don Pegler and Mayors Steve Perryman and Peter Gandolfi, current senior staff at St Martins, senior members of Mt Gambier City Council, etc, etc, etc, have all participated either directly or indirectly in the cover-up of Child Abuse at St Martins School, they inevitably come to the conclusion that there must be collusion and corruption...but why?

Apply the logic and trim away the rest and what you're left with is a group of people who are knowingly protecting a paedophile who has abused 7 year old children...and as put to me repeatedly - is there some sort of a 'Paedophile Ring' operating in Mt Gambier?

People like Rory McEwen who have acted with deliberate intent, eg, denigrating us parents in the local media as 'conspiracy theorists who have actually hounded the teacher' (paraphrase from TBW May 2005)...or Steve Perryman who has direct involvement with the Lutherans, mouthing off in my ear at the March 2010 state election Forum, apparently trying to start a fight so as to stop me talking about the issue... 

And let's not forget the extraordinary involvement of the ABC and The Border Watch...when push has come to shove has come to metaphoric blows, successive TBW Editors and staff, and multiple senior ABC staff attack me and abuse me and I'm banned out of TBW and off the ABC...and this corruption and censorship is clearly being run from 'above and behind', by the people who own TBW and senior Adelaide ABC staff.

I refer to my previous posts about the bizarre contradictions in the letter from the ABCs Graeme Bennett where he accuses me of lying, then repeats exactly the facts that he just called me a liar for claiming...says I'm not banned off talk-back radio, and then explains how I'm not allowed on talk-back radio...says 'our Legal Dept is reading your blog' but fails to acknowledge the outrageous conduct of Stuart Stansfield let alone do something about it or do anything about the St Martins Cover-up.

The ABC Legal Beagles are sniffing around my blog and are therefore fully aware of 1) the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, 2) the conduct of Mt Gambier ABC staffer/producer Stuart Stansfield, and 3) the actions of multiple senior ABC personnel, eg, Simon Royal, Ian Henschke, David Bevan and Matthew Abraham, Stan Thompson, Alan Richardson, Four Corners, 7.30 SA, 7.30 (National), etc, etc, in constantly ignoring the St Martins case.

People want to know, I want to know, how it is that this can be so thoroughly covered-up?...how a class of 7 year old children can be grossly and systematically abused by their teacher; and when that abuse regime is exposed by the activism of parents, every authority, every fine upstanding citizen doesn't just turn their collective backs on it, they act deliberately to protect the teacher.

And the more parents expose the unpleasant realities, the harder authorities like SAPol and the Teachers Registration Board and the Crown Solicitors Office and the Lutherans and their lawyers Piper Alderman and MP Rory McEwen, etc, etc...the more we expose the disastrous truth, the harder they fight to bury it.        

The answer inextricably presents itself as being 'that there must be some sort of paedophile ring operating and these people are either directly involved or corruptly complicit' (paraphrase)...and that is an ugly truth that I have lived for over a decade now...every day...whilst constantly under attack from those same people.

And Stuart Stansfield repeatedly taunting me over the phone late last year "You just don't get it do you Nick?' and all that infers...he was laughing at me about how he was in charge and was fully intending to help his 'mates' like Rory McEwen shut me out and shut me down...and I have no problem pointing to that as an indicator of the complicit nature of the St Martins Cover-up...and from there how far to the 'Paedophile Ring' that people keep telling me my explanations describe and define?

And I just don't want to even discuss today's extraordinary front page of The Advertiser newspaper about the numbers of children just "disappearing" from state care...I haven't read it right through yet, and quite frankly it just makes my skin crawl over blood run cold to even think about it...it is my personal experience that South Australia is wholly controlled by pro-paedophile interests and I genuinely fear for not just those children but all who will inevitably follow.

That's for another day though because I've had a gutful for this day. As much as this 'venting' helps me to a better personal place within this nightmare, eg, I may well be well shreked up by this stuff, but at least I'm not one of these spineless, corrupt shreks, ultimately it still demands it's tithe.

Tomorrow: Some Shizzle I'm Sure

Sorry about the lack of humour in today's post but I just didn't have it in me...oh, and Australia has just won the Ashes Cricket Test Match in Perth and therefore the series 3 - 0...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters.

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