Friday, December 6, 2013

Legalistic Housekeeping

Hello and welcome to the blog...and I'll round out the Water posts tomorrow because there's a lot of housekeeping to be done, feedback to respond to, etc, re a bunch of legal shizzle...

But First: a moment to celebrate the life and passing of Nelson Mandela. May he Rest In Peace.
More tomorrow.

The ICAC: no, I have absolutely no idea what is happening with the official complaint lodged with the Ombudsman's office by local MP Don Pegler about the Old Hospital Demolition Contract and the apparent/possible corruption re Mayor Steve Perryman  having some sort of "agreement" as an Accommodation Provider...(Motel Owner)...with the Adelaide based Contract 'awardee' McMahons Services...and I'm not the only one...last time I saw Mr Pegler a fortnight ago he asked me what was happening.

That conversation was more about the issues of what can and/or can't be discussed and/or with whom...(or not-Ed)...indeed, and in previous posts I've covered all of these issues of concern with the Office of Public Integrity and/or the Independent Commission Against Corruption and their structures and functioning, eg, the ICAC can apparently suppress any discussion on any subject it chooses, whether that particular issue is before the ICAC or not.

There is the potential for the ICAC to manipulate and ultimately control any is neither paranoid nor conspiratorial to suggest that it would be possible for the ICAC to completely suppress, for example, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and nothing could be said about it, not least of all by those being 'suppressed'...(and the media's not allowed to report any of it either if the ICAC says so?-Ed)...apparently...

And when that 'ICAC system' is designed, implemented and the staff employed by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government in a political paradigm where, to my personal experience, the entire South Australian state parliament is a wholly corrupted structure controlled and defined by pro-paedophile attitudes if not actually by actual paedophiles...(and one suggests that there is no difference-Ed)...indeed...then the ICAC looks irretrievably like a vehicle for controlling corruption issues not resolving them...and there's a big, big difference.

There's 'resolving', that's self-evident, eg, "text-book grooming paedophiles" and the religious leaders,  politicians, police, public servants, etc, who protect them, all end up 1) publicly exposed, and then 2) as cell mates...and then there's 'controlling', where authorities protect the abuser and each other and the truth must be suppressed...but I digress...

As stated in previous posts, on the official Agenda (either on-line or as provided in Chambers) for Mt Gambier City Council's September 2013 meeting, the Hospital Demolition Contract and related Old Laundry debates/votes were not even mentioned, a deliberate act of omission and deceit by Council...(how can they suddenly just add such a critical item as the Hospital Demolition without it appearing on the Agenda?-Ed) corrupting appropriate process, that's how.

It is on an official public document, the Minutes re that September meeting, that when the carefully contrived argument about saving the Old Laundry was completed and the vote about the Demolition Contract came up, Mayor Steve Perryman then excused himself from the 'official vote' citing a 'Conflict of Interest'...I've covered this extensively in previous posts.

Furthermore, I have no idea what is happening with my own complaints re Mt Gambier City Council, including about the Demolition Contract, that I lodged with the Ombudsman's office, whom then directed me to contact the OPI and ICAC...I must err on the side of caution at this point because these collective clowns are just fangin' to be hangin' it on me...many times I and/or other parents have been blamed by authorities like SAPol for them deliberately, irreversibly cocking up, and then dumping the St Martins case.

I defer and refer to SAPol's behaviour in dumping the St Martins Case approx 1 month after teacher Glyn Dorling was removed...(having never even interviewed him-Ed)...indeed...and then us parents finding out by accident a fortnight later...we weren't even told...(can we take an 'implied expletive' just there?-Ed)...please, take several...and then stating that the case could not be pursued because 'parents didn't lodge official complaints' got any of those expletives left?...(nah sorry, I used them all-Ed).

So even if I knew if there was an investigation at some point, which I probably couldn't talk about even if there was...(or wasn't-Ed)...quite...then whatever may or may not have been happening last week, two weeks ago, whatevs, it could now not exist and it wouldn't surprise me if I weren't told...ever...that's if it did exist in the first place...(I'm starting to get that headache again-Ed)...I'll change the subject...and besides, who needs a potentially dodgy ICAC suppressing stuff when you already have a Judicial system that gives you,

St Martins, Finnigan, Magee and the RDA:...(ah, dear god-Ed)...huh, tell me I'm wrong...(no I concur, it was an exasperated sigh of disbelieving agreeance not dismissal...and throw in Bill Morris too-Ed)...fair enough...the rank corruption evident in the Eugene Magee 'Automotive Murder' case is widely known and understood...what a charming human being and all who protect him...and his good mate and co-conspirator Bill Morris...and then of course...

It's also over 3 years since then Acting Police Minister Labor MLC Bernard Finnigan was charged with 'possessing child pornograhy'...and it's been backward and forward between jurisdictions and charges dropped, changed, re-instated, dropped again, re-instated in changed form...over and over and every minute it drags on Bernard is accepting a state-payed wage and clocking up state-payed is an open window into the rank pro-paedophile corruption of South Australia.  

And I haven't even started on the apparently continuing 'Defamation Case' (my description) involving Regional Development Australia, and unfortunately, because that case is apparently still going...(still going?...isn't that nearly 6 years now?-Ed)...yeah, 5 or 6...and therefore I shall not comment on the issues still before the Courts...rather I will critique the extraordinarily transparent conduct of the Courts themselves...

I believe that this matter is being deliberately delayed to a purely political agenda mired in the gross corruption of appropriate process that defines the RDA...from it's complete unaccountability, to the appointment of its senior staff, to the 'distribution' of it's funding...and how all those things relate...the RDA is a deadset shocker...previously I've been through the extraordinary appointment of Grant King as local head of both the RDA and Hospital Advisory Council straight off the back of his disastrous handling of Green Phone leading to its collapse...(without investigation-Ed)...indeed.

I re-iterate my position that the Green Phone collapse reeks of corruption, and the refusal to investigate that collapse shows irrefutably that those responsible know full well exactly what happened...and so do those who refuse to investigate...a company collapses, reportedly millions missing, and no investigation?...that reeks...there must be a formal investigation of the corruption apparent in the Green Phone collapse.

And to close I'd just like to do a special shout out to my good mate Bill remember Billy Boy...somehow suddenly owner of the SERDE Building and the lawyer who betrayed me, as one of his several clients, re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...remember the ol' Billy Baroo was threatening to sue me for defamation for saying exactly the truth about what has happened with that super dodgy SERDE sale and his morally bankrupt conduct re St Martins?...anyone?...

Remember he had a couple of posts pulled down and sent me threatening letters?...then when I replaced those posts along with supporting documents, they remained?...anyone?...(I do-Ed)...thanks Ed, but apparently Billbo doesn't...(haven't heard a word?-Ed)...not one...nor from the Lutheran's lawyers Piper Alderman who also removed several posts...only to have them re-posted with supporting documentation...(you bastard-Ed)...why thankyou...

And of course the ABC Legal Dept are all over me like the stink they are on the monkey I am...(nice-Ed)...more of that to come I promise...sorry it's getting late so I'll

Tomorrow: More or Less Water

All of those issues re drains, the Coorong, the Murray, Fracking etc.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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