Monday, December 2, 2013

Oh Mr Hart, Water Mess

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...and for those too young to remember, too distant to have known, or too disinterested to even care, today's title references the artist Pro Hart's Carpet advertisement where he utilises all manner of food stuffs to 'paint' a huge Dragonfly on a carpet...much to the annoyance of his cleaning lady...which has nothing much to do with water, but hey, it's nice to open with a laugh...(or at least an attempt at humour-Ed)...gee, ta.

And I jam a retrospective apology here: inserted at the end of drafting because, guess what, the day drew me away from the Wet Stuff which clearly needs a full clear blog to itself...first though, there are apparently several things I need to some feedback and stuff...let's get Wet Together Tomorrow...sorry... 

Just for the record and/or new 'availees' to the blog, (Ed) is not a person...(Ed) is just me trying to create an air of 'debate' rather than 'direction', ie, that readers are being spoken with, not at and/or down to...(excuse me whilst I have an identity crisis-Ed)...certainly...and it offers me many opportunities to break up the inherent intensity of a lot of the subject matter by making witty with them clever wordings and stuff...(jokes?-Ed)...ah yes, that be they...

Obviously I get information from numerous sources, and it can sometimes be quite conflicting...but there is no other person...(it's just me-Ed)...and I use this device to try and avoid the crass condescension and attempted manipulation such as witnessed in the Resident and Ratepayers Assoc letter I covered yesterday...

I try very hard to identify the difference between what I claim to have witnessed and what I claim to have researched, to be seen through a provided lens of self identified subjectivity and opinion bordering on bigotry....(wahhh?-Ed)...I try to be honest re what is fact and what is my opinion, and how that might be affected by my own stubbornness and subjectivity...

And bigotry in the sense that, for example, my interactions with someone, opinion of them, etc, is instantly compromised when they identify themselves as a Lutheran...that's just the way it is, but even then I don't 'hate' them...there are many people involved with St Martins whom I am terribly disappointed with, but I don't hate them.

And while we're on the subject...(oh boy, here we go-Ed)...mate, you've got no idea, but let me help you to a better understanding...(o...k-Ed)...since realising and identifying the un-nerving similarities between that RRA letter and the one from St Martins School Principal John Alexander, my disposition toward all involved has sharply degraded...or more accurately, my estimation of Mr Jones and some of the RRA has slumped to near the special place in my hate I mean heart that I keep for the senior Lutherans re St Martins...

Don't Panic: I'm being emphatically melodramatic...except when it comes to John Alexander...him I do hate...and I have had to learn to just accept that he by his actions has put that poison in me, and the most effective defense is to not resist, rather, take a deep breath, and it moves on, and that's just the way it is...the trick's to not swallow the anger, 'cause that's what'll kill ya'... 

I don't 'hate' Mr Jones, but I am bitterly disappointed, even saddened by what this letter represents...and then not sad for me, doesn't affect me specifically, but for Mt Gambier...if this letter (yesterday's post) is the best that the RRA has to offer in defending the residents and ratepayers of Mt Gambier from their rampaging renegade Council...and that's supposedly why it was formed, I thought...then Mt Gambier is, pardon my French, rooted. 

And I haven't just gone off at Mr Jones (the RRA's) letter because it looks like a poor imitation of a Graham Greenwood letter, in that it lays claim to definitive knowledge of events that the writer hasn't attended...(wow, you're not a happy camper are you?-Ed)...nope, I am not...and therefore much of the information is therefore technically heresay...(fair enough-Ed)...but it manages to supersede Graham in it's heaping of praise onto a wholly unworthy City Council. 

Mr Jones, we don't need to know what Council has to say about any of these issues, we need to know the truth...(and bazinga-Ed)

I also confidently lay claim to having exercised a large degree of diplomacy in that I have tried to establish a relationship with the RRA, not least of all by staying the heck away from it...(nice-Ed)...because of the negative vibes I was sure I would attract to the group from 'the Man', man...I have discussed this at length with Mr Jones, Mr Birch, et al, at the couple of RRA meetings I have attended.

Furthermore, I negotiated my way through those interactions with numerous negative opinions ringing in my ears about the nature of the RRA and Mr Jones's personal motivations, namely, that Mr Jones's was looking to create a vehicle for furthering his personal political aspirations as a would-be (once was) Councillor, and had no intent other than to ingratiate himself with Council...

Another suggestion, and it sure occurred to me, was that the RRA was set up by Councillors and/or their mates, to be collectively known as 'Vested Interests', to help control and/or dilute, diffuse, deflect, etc,  any opposition or criticism of Council and it's 'Vested Interest Decision Making' by offering a psuedo-enforcer in the style of the Teachers Registration Board, Hospital (Health) Advisory Councils, Police Complaints Authority, etc...

These are 'opinions' put to me and I do not claim to know the specific motivations of anyone involved with the RRA, not Mr Jones, not Mr Birch, not any of them..but yesterday's letter is self-defining in it's intent to wholly support Council's position and actions, and then heap praise on them for is deeply, deeply disappointing...but moving on...almost...

South Australian Justice Anne Bampton has cleaned up a cyclist whilst driving 'drunk' at 0.121, stalling plans to appoint her to the Supreme Court...and apparently the female cyclist is ok...and personally this news opens the door on the long room of pro-paedophile corruption that defines Adelaide's legal fraternity, lawyers and magistrates, as witnessed with the lawyer Eugene Magee who was carefully protected from the consequences of his murderous drink-driving by his brother (also a lawyer), SAPol who breathalysed Mr Humphries the dead cyclist, but not Eugene, followed by repeated failed Court cases and a pointless 'Royal Commission'...

I hope to be proven wrong, but I can see clowns like Premier Jay Weatherill and Attorney General John Rau, et al, jumping on this case and flogging it for every political mile they can get, and often with reference to the Magee case and how we've learned from the mistakes of that unfortunate case and at least maybe something good can come of it and that will be some succour for Mr Humphries' widow, Ms Gilchrist, etc, etc...I know it's cynical to think that way, but can you blame me?    

And as if on cue, just caught the end of Premier Weatherill on the ABC Radio stating something about 'the seriousness of the situation' and 'the full force of the law' (paraphrase...sorry, missed most of it)...

I can only apologise again for not doing the water post, but this title still seems so fitting...what a mess,

Tomorrow: The Big Wet One

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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