Monday, December 9, 2013

Mo' Housekeeping Blog Style

Hello world and welcome to the blog...and today I'd like to tidy-up and conclude where possible some recent posts...but not before we deal with some current news...

Sorry, I'm not sure what to say about this one...on the news this morning...last night in Mt Gambier apparently someone set himself alight and/or the car he was syphoning petrol from in a car yard, and some other cars, when he lit a cigarette...stupid thing to do but I hope he's ok...

Nowhere To Run, Nowhere To Hide: late last week the state Rann/Weatherill Labor government approved 42 Wind Turbines for Pacific Hydro (I think), to be dumped unceremoniously all over Kyneton near the Barossa Valley...(I thought that the Barossa had special dispensations afforded it to to keep Turbines 'over the Horizon' for reasons of Tourism/Visual Amenity-Ed) thought can only assume that these Turbines lie just outside that 'Exclusion Zone'...(yes one only can, can't one...or one could look up the 'EZ' and footprint/plan for the Turbines and overlay them and...-Ed)...yes, ok, thankyou...

I was deeply disappointed to hear Family First's Rob Brokenshire wish 'good luck with their endeavours' (paraphrase) to those few locals who will try and appeal this latest act of economic, social, and environmental vandalism...Mr Brokenshire appears to be making a glib reference to the Fascism of the entire Wind Turbine Legislation, including the setting of 'Visual Amenity' provisions at 1km with 'trees and shrubs for screening'...

His words and tone...(polite sarcasm but not quite mocking criticism?-Ed)...illustrated to me that he is fully aware that these people have no grounds for Appeal so long as those massive Industrial Turbines are 1001m+ from their family homes...(nothing to Appeal and nowhere to Appeal it...if the Turbines are at 1001m+ then the Environmental, Resource, and Development Court becomes irrelevant-Ed)...exactly...a wall of Turbines right in your backyard and not one thing you can do about it...nowhere to hide, not even in your own home.

Nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide...and I'm deeply concerned that it is this Legislative and Legal reality, this unmitigated Fascism, as introduced by a supposedly Socialist Labor government, that all of this will yet be visited on areas around Allendale, south of Mt Gambier, when a Wind Turbine Industrial Estate is dumped there with the ongoing and unwavering support of the Grant District Council.

Not quite in the ballpark of Greens MLC Mark Parnell continuing to state that 'they can Appeal' even after it was carefully explained to him that 'they can't', but I would suggest that Mr Brokenshire was studiously avoiding stating the reality as he knew it to be...but why?...why wouldn't he just state the facts?...Turbines can't be opposed, can't be appealed...nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  

In More Good News: Australia has signed an alleged 'Free Trade Agreement' with South Korea that appears to exclude a number of South Korean commodities and not address South Korean government subsidies for Motor Vehicle manufacture...I am not an 'Economist' so I'm just going on what I've seen reported...but I'd just like to say 'yay' for us...and if you don't need yet another serve of vitriolic venting about Child Abuse cover-ups in the Catholic Church and the Royal Commission, etc, I will not be offended if you don't go any further with this post...but...

All day the news cycle has been pedalling to the point of saturation...(contamination-Ed)...the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission...apparently it's set to investigate the Catholic Church and it's Toward Healing process, a process that has allowed the Catholics to self-investigate the abuses they are responsible for committing, then for covering-up...(and then they've been allowed to continue investigating themselves?...surely not?-Ed)...indeed they have...and then use that process to emotionally and legally bully and manipulate abuse victims and their families with a view to perpetuating the abuses and protecting the abusers and Catholic Church.

And I wonder if they get the senior Catholic layperson appointed as a Commissioner as their personal Inquisitor?...this is typical of the institutionalised Pro-Paedophile attitudes and rank, moral-less, sub-intelligent capitulation and co-operation of everybody involved...only the other night I heard part of our Catholic/Jesuit Prime Minister Tony Abbott's address to an audience of Jesuits and other assorted luminaries and the general tenant of the address made my skin crawl...he heaped praise on all concerned.

Praise for all these Fine Men who have for decades carefully organised paedophile opportunities for each other, whilst carefully protecting each the extent that organised religion in Australia appears to be nothing more than organised paedophilia masquerading as the Authority of God...all subsidised by the tax-dodging status afforded them by their co-conspirators and colleagues in the Legislature, in the Executive, and in the Judiciary.

These abuses have been perpetuated by a society wholly corrupted by the corruption of it's official authorities...the only way these abuses could happen, let alone remain unresolved, is with the full and unwavering support of Politicians, Police and the Courts...and that's exactly what has insane or how complicit...(or how both-Ed) complicitly insane are all involved that they can clearly see what is happening right in front of them, and then let the Catholics investigate themselves...again...

This is surely the ultimate insanity...put a psychotically narcissistic dingo in a paddock of already wounded sheep, and tell it to consider and investigate with retrospective introspection it's previous actions...those sheep are rooted...again...(wow, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning-Ed)...mate, it doesn't matter what side of the bed you get out of in South Australia, you're stepping into a state mired in pro-paedophile attitudes and corruption...(fair point-Ed)...   

Just listening to the Catholic's lawyer (name?) open his/their evidence/presentation with a quote from his bible about how God said '...Let the children come to me...' and was duly met with gasps of disbelief from people in the Public Gallery...followed by evidence re Toward Healing, including that it only covers up to 1980...(so what, there's been no paedophilia in the Catholic Church since 1980?-Ed)...well quite...and has dealt with at least 1700 cases from about 2200 complaints/notifications, and then handed out $43million in compensation payments.

But apparently the Catholics are currently unable to provide the Commission any sort of a copy of Toward Healing or relative paperwork, eg, a Mission Statement, guidelines for accepting complaints/notifications, etc, because there is not technically any specific paperwork in existence...(sorry, what?...they've been doing this Touchy Feeling thing since when, the early 1990s?...and they've dolled out $43m, that they're admitting to...and there's no official paperwork?...not for any of it?-Ed)...I'm just tellin' ya' how I heard it reported...repeatedly reported... 

So yet again I can only apologise for having my day polluted with the truth about the lies, and the lies about the truth, and then careering off into another diatribe about the corruption we all know exists, generally find abhorrent, yet seem disinterested in genuinely addressing...we seem to be happy to wash our collective hands and usuage our collective guilts, by subscribing to flawed processes that we know are fundamentally corrupted and ultimately will achieve no real change.

And of course I'm harking back to yesterday's post about the litany of Inquiries, Committees, etc, that we have had in South Australia, and the absolute failure of any of these Inquiries, etc, to achieve anything...and I've strayed off tpoic again...wish me better luck...

Tomorrow: More ICAC Feedback  Stuff

And other 'legal' issues under the heading of Feedback/Questions/Whatevs...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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