Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Emails from Premier Weatherill and the ABC

Hello Costa Rica, Malaysia, Turkey, and the UsofA...and another big spike in viewing numbers in the USofA, similar to a few weeks is a pleasure to have you along for the ride...and today we're gonna saddle up a couple of ol' favourites and give them a good floggin', namely Premier Jay Weatherill and the ABC...but first, a little bit of this...

In the other day's post re the Old Hospital Demolition I forgot to mention the funding/employment part of my conversation with McMahons. After I explained that City Council had borrowed the money, McMahons' responded that they were using 50% local contractors, which I pointed out meant over $2million of ratepayers money still leaving Mt Gambier...(plus interest-Ed)...thankyou, plus interest, and that it was a very sore point in Mt Gambier.

McMahons ran the exact same justifications/quantifiers as Council, namely, 'we're staying at Jens Hotel' and spending heaps on food and petrol...which along with the locals being used means that a goodly percentage of the $3million+ for the demolition is remaining in Mt Gambier...fair enough, say I, but even if all of that is true, there's still over $2m leaving Mt Gambier that we simply cannot afford to lose...

I did not get into them about the 'Conflict of Interest' re Mayor Steve Perryman and associated official complaints, etc, because it likely had nothing to do with the individuals I was talking to...(and no, I/we have no idea what's happened to and/or with those complaints-Ed)...and even if I/we did, I'm not sure I/we could discuss it...(oh, we're back there again-Ed)...yeah, sorry, nothing I/we can do about that.

Dear Indonesia: we in Ostraya apologise for the over zealous behaviour of our security services in monitoring your personal phone, and that of your wife and senior ministers...and we will review and modify our behaviour accordingly because our Regional relationship is far more important than a few phone calls...and don't listen to Mark Textor...or those inane clowns Alexander Downer and Bob happened, everyone knows that...(despite what AD says-Ed)...the Indonesians have openly admitted 'phone-tapping' re East Timor...let's all just get the hell on with it...

Mark Textor...what a tool...what a self-satisfied, self-important, moronic little tool...I'm gonna call him 'Skid'...'Skid' is a senior Liberal employee (public servant?)...(pollster-Ed)...ta...and old school, self-important little scrote who 'texted' that Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa looked like a Filipino porn star...had a good look at yourself 'Skid'...(yeah, I don't think 'tool' is appropriate, because a tool by definition is useful, and 'Skid' is quite clearly little more than an Oxygen thief-Ed)...fair point.

And on to the emails from Premier Weatherill and the ABC, both received Thursday 7th November 2013, and because I had to use another computer to get copies of my own emails and the print is microscopic, here they are, namely 1) from David Pearson, Policy Advisor, Office of Premier...and if I haven't asked it before, why is a Policy Advisor answering Premier Weatherill's emails?
     "Dear Mr Fletcher,
                     The Premier has previously responded to your emails. Subsequent emails have been
      referred to the Minister for Education and Child Development for response. Should you have 
      any further correspondence for the Premier, it would be best addressed to the postal address 
      below or through the feedback form on the Premier's website. GPO Box 2343 Adelaide 5001."

And 2), from Graeme Bennett, Local Content Manager, SA and Broken Hill, ABC Radio;
     "Dear Mr Fletcher,
                            I acknowledge your further correspondence. We have outlined our position on
      this issue on numerous occasions. The ABC stands by our right to maintain editorial control at
      all times over our broadcasts, and we therefore have nothing further to say on the matter."

I Paraphrase: 'Dear Mr Fletcher, Sod off. We have every intention of continuing to help the Lutheran Church cover-up the gross abuse of your child and dozens of other 7 year old children by their 50 year old teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins School in Mt Gambier. Now, go away peasant.''ll excuse me if I let it all hang out from here, I mean, now that we've all got our cards on the table...(go ya' hardest big fella-Ed) make no apologies for the language from here on in.

Good ol' Graeme Bennett of the ABC. How much are you getting paid by taxpayers to be a paedophile lapdog? Was it $140k or there abouts? I read it in The Advertiser last week, along with the incomes of various other ABC Illuminati, and as I went through that list, I saw name after name of publicly funded, gutless, selfish, corrupted, paedophile protecting stuff pigs at the ABC who all know about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...not least of all because I've personally explained it to them...and all are apparently more than happy to be complicit in that cover-up...prove me wrong you gutless bastards.

And what can one say about Premier Jay Weatherill, who is not just complicit in the cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7 year olds, but constructive...(whaaa?-Ed)...he isn't just a passenger on a runaway train, he helped build the tracks, bought the locomotive, and has his foot wedged firmly on the accelerator...he is personally responsible for constructing the Cover-up...(along with previous Premier Mike Rann-Ed)...indeed...and is it my fault that every time I see Jay Weatherill, that carefully manicured, buttoned-down man-weasel, I just see a paedophile? that my fault?

Rather than go over it all again, I refer to my recent previous posts re the deceitful and abusive communications coming from these people as they act to continue the St Martins Lutheran School Chid Abuse Cover-up...the deceits, the denials, and the denigration of me...(didn't Graeme Bennett call you a liar?-Ed)...yep...(no apology?-Ed)...nup...

I'll respond to those letters individually as future posts, but together, here is the reality of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...a Child Abuse Cover-up knowingly perpetuated by the states Labor Premier Mr Weatherill and the ABC...

I'm going to finish here for today, and alright, yes I do apologise if my language has offended some of the more genteel 'availees' of this here blog...but that apology is strictly for 'availees', not 'subjectivites'...

Tomorrow: Housekeeping and Feedback Stuff

I remain bouyed and almost flattered by the response I am getting to my blog from 'the punters', where even the criticism is more about improving the blog than attacking me personally...but politicians and bureaucrats seem somewhat less enamoured of my efforts...(must be doing something right then-Ed)...occasionally...

(And can I just say, given the terrible subject matter and the extraordinary behaviours of Jay Weatherill, the ABC, etc, I thought your language was quite restrained-Ed)...ta...I'm trying, really I am.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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