Thursday, November 14, 2013

Short Angry Post From A Large Angry Hippy

Hello Netherlands, India, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and the USofA...and welcome to the blog...and another post that heads off into the sunset but somehow loses it's way only to miraculously end up at a destination entirely of it's own construct...happy trails...

Feedback: I'm not the only one who has noticed the absence of any article in The Border Watch newspaper re the Naracoorte High School 'Teacher Pornography' case, a story that has run around the nation for weeks...and no I don't know why...but given my personal experience I have no problem linking it to the St Martins Issue...maybe it's won't touch one so can't touch the other?...(do you think it could be that they're concerned that you'll metaphorically darken their doorstep with your large, flabby angriness, demanding column space for St Martins?-Ed) idea, but nothing would surprise me at this point. 

I Agree With Mark Parnell: and it hurts, but sometimes you have to take one for the team...(sometimes?'s all you've done with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, for over 10've been buried under a hail of blows...10+ years of relentless Pariahtisation and abuse and all the associated trauma and resultant health issues, mental and physical-Ed)...well thankyou, but I was referring to Greens MLC Mr Parnell's Proposed Bill to stop Coal Seam Gas Fracking in the South East...kudos where kudos due...

This Bill was defeated due to both Labor and Liberals failing to support there you go SE South Australia, that's what you're good for...Wind Turbines and frickin' Fracking...sod precious aquifers, screw food production, byebye the Coonawarra...and Premier Weatherill and Mining Minister Tom Koutsontonis are working themselves into a right lather over how we must do this crass environmental bastardry or else the state is doomed...(doomed I say-Ed)...and Fracking will save manufacturing, and we must have this income for Mr Weatherill's moronic Future Fund, etc...poppycock and balderdash.

Completely ignore anything that might compromise the Mining, throw at it every ludicrous pseudo-justification you can conjure, and sod the shrekin' prols...(the peasants-Ed)...and this follows on from the pathetic failure to oppose the Forestry Sale, or the Wind Turbines Issue, or the St Martins Issue...all I see is complicit compliance from an 'Opposition' that occasionally notices but never really opposes... 

But what really got me going today is the conclusion of the Victorian Child Abuse Royal Commission: and I know how broken, twisted and cynical I am on this particular subject, but all I see is more rhetoric and empty contrition and pointless revamping of existing laws that are rarely if ever applied correctly, and often not at all.

There's good ol' Catholic Bishop Hart repeatedly saying "they" like it's nothing to do with him..and wringing his hands and all the usual false 'mia culpas' following decades of institutionalised child rape and/or other abuses, and the organised, repeated cover-up of those abuses...and when confronted with the reality of their behaviour in the public spotlight it's all contrition and 'gee whiz it was bad but we'll do better from now on', and 'we're so sorry', etc, etc...bollocks...don't believe a word of it...I don't believe a word of it and nor should you.

And on the file footage of the Commission there's my mate George Pell, Arch lizard I mean bishop, and central player in the sanctioned, organised, institutionalised rape and abuse of children and the attacks on families, and the lies and threats and aggressive legal defences to protect paedophile priests as they were deliberately moved from parish to parish, from child to child, to avoid detection and accountability...and all to protect the Catholic Church.

Again I'll leave it to readers to decide for yourselves whether the Catholic's behaviour is resultant of an insane and unwavering commitment to the Church and a desire to protect it at all costs...or a motivator that underpins the very existence of the Church...(wahhh?-Ed) the Catholic Church an institution that exists to abuse children?...their Lord knows that their behaviour makes it look like that...their commitment to cover-up abuse and protect perpetrators, etc, looks like the driver not the passenger.

I supplied a written submission to the Victorian Commission re the Lutheran Church and the specific statements made to us parents by Comm Ted Mullighan (deceased) and Emeritus Professor Frida Briggs that "textbook grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling was moved to Victoria after his 'exposure' as a paedophile teacher at St Martins...and I received an 'acknowledgement' email but that was it.

And what is the Victorian government's lightning fast response to the Commission Report? announce introducing tough new laws next year that make 'grooming' and/or 'failing to report' criminal behaviour...(but I thought that this was already law, particularly the 'Mandatory Notification' stuff-Ed)..exactly...and it's what we do constantly in South Australia...over and over and over...have an Inquiry, throw our collective hands up and go 'oh, whoa, isn't it all terrible' and then tweak legislation that already exists.

But nothing can change until we address the culture of institutionalised Child Abuse and Cover-up as witnessed with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and yes I will bang on about it because it is an absolute mirror to who we are as a society that this can happen in the first instance, let alone remain the known entity it has become without any attempt to resolve it...and everybody concerned has acted to protect the paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling, the Lutherans, and then ultimately themselves.

Premier Jay Weatherill, former Premier Mike Rann, current local member Don Pegler, former local member Rory McEwen, current Mayors Steve Perryman, Peter Gandolfi, and Richard Sage...and SAPol (the police), the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the Education Dept, etc, etc...and of course the shrekin' Lutherans themselves.

And today in The Advertiser newspaper yet another article about someone with decades of convictions for Child Abuse, and this person has got psychiatrists falling over themselves to cater to his rights and wants and needs, his psychological well-being...and a team of 8 public servants trying to get him accommodation, etc...and then a story about a 40 year old teacher raping one of her 15 year old male students...(take a breath-Ed)...hows about I take it from some of these people...(steady big fella-Ed).  

And to round it all out, this afternoon the discussion re the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission was about how the Commission is now considering the issues from their hearing into the YMCA 's Jonathon Lord abusing 12 boys, and why therefore they will be focusing on 'grooming'...'grooming' it was some new revelation...and the one phrase that was used by Flinders Child Protection Services (Unit) in describing to me, to my face, Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling and his behaviours, "Text-book Grooming Paedophile"...dead set...

And it is absolutely appropriate to suggest that if the issues with Glyn Dorling were addressed in 2002 instead of being Covered-up, then there might well have been a better understanding of this critical issue in the public forum, and those abuses could have possibly been prevented...and to finish on a lighter note... 

The Bagman: the MI6 agent found dead in his hotel room some months ago...(actually inside a zipped shut and padlocked gym bag in the bath in his hotel room-Ed)...quite...well after extensive investigation it has been announced that his death was 'probably an accident'...(what?...he accidentally zipped himself into a bag, padlocked it shut, and carried himself into the bath after he'd died?...or did he suffocate in the bag after shutting himself in?...I don't get it at all-Ed)...

Well I don't know at what point he was dead, pre-zipping or post, but I saw it reported previously that it was not physically possible for someone to zip the bag shut from the inside and then padlock it, inferring but not stating that someone else was how this is now an accident is beyond me.

Tomorrow: Two Blog Regulars

In today's The Border Watch newspaper (Thursday 14th November 2013) there were two articles re topics that I have regularly visited...(mercilessly hammered-Ed)...we quibble over terms...and one is the Old Hospital Demolition...and the other would be Sex-Offenders at the massively expanded Mt Gambier Gaol...

With the numerous issues at play, it may well take more than one post...but so be it...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...thankyou for the feedback and laters...

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