Monday, November 4, 2013

All Housekeeping and Feedback

Hello Colombia, Spain, the USofA, and Germany...and yet again I'm somewhat stunned that there are people reading this blog, apparently on a regular basis...(according to the 'stats' page-Ed) countries across the planet...but remind me that doing a post with 'Rev Fred Nile' in the title is not a good idea, that post wasn't very 'popular'...(not popular at all-Ed)...and apologies for yesterday referring to the Foreign Investment Review Board as the 'Ownership Board'...

Whilst a genuine mistake now corrected, it is a classic 'Freudian slip' in that the discussion/post was about Foreign Ownership being called 'Investment' and the almost complicit failure of the FIRB to do anything other than 'rubber-stamp' approvals for take-overs...many a true word accidentally spoken in an accidental jest...further apols for pushing advertised post to tomorrow but so much to address under 'H&F'...

Feedback: Again thankyou for all the feedback, and particularly thankyou for the observation that I "make a terrible politician" because of my propensity for honesty and self-criticism...apparently that's a burden in the political paradigm...but I disagree with other feedback that I shouldn't talk about having a bad week or feeling exasperated with the lack of action re the St Martins Lutheran School Child abuse Cover-up after 300 posts...

Part of my motivation for doing this post is to give people an idea of what has happened at St Martins and how it has affected families and kids part it's about me helping me to get some of this shit outside of my head with a view to both saving the last tattered shreds of my sanity, and in part possibly potentially resolving some of effect, 'here's what's happening and how it affects me and how it affects you'.

And I have no problem acknowledging that this past week has been a deadset grind because I am deeply disappointed about doing 300 posts, many of them about St Martins, and yet nothing happens...last week was the worst I've had in a long time and I barely left the house...but that's just the way it goes for me personally...and the fundamental reality is that it probably will for some time...that's just the way it is...

For example, I went to Liberal candidate Troy Bell's Tourism meeting to offer my support, but didn't stay...and I walked out of the Cancer Info evening...(between speakers-Ed)...did a lap of the carpark with the dog, and then went back in and got through it all...and yes, despite the fact that I didn't say one word there were still people in that crowd glaring at me from start to finish...(you just being there was enough to piss them off-Ed)...apparently...

(You do realise that you're rapidly becoming 'the notorious Nick Fletcher'-Ed)...well, that may be the case, but it is definitely by default not by design...(I can dig that-Ed)...

But identifying this trauma on the post is not giving 'my enemies'...(and they are legion-Ed)...I certainly hope's not giving them succour or reprieve because, in case no-one's noticed, for all the renewed trauma and seething disappointment about the lack of response to the St Martins posts, despite all my personal frustration, the posts keep coming...(and coming and coming-Ed)...quite...(and coming...oh god, please make it stop-Ed)...yes alright, thankyou...

For example: few things in my day are likely to be more annoying than listening to Stuart Stansfield trotting out the propaganda that passes for news on his ABC Local Radio program, eg, this morning it was yet again how great the Old Hospital Demolition is going, immediately followed by how superdooper good ol' St Martins Lutheran School is...and he knows all about the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up but refuses to touch that, and he knows all about the dodgy Demolition Contract but refuses to address that...but it doesn't stop me...

Which brings me to the statements, allegations, and complaints that I have made on this blog and elsewhere about the Demolition Contract shenanigans in Council and the many questions/inquiries about what is happening...why have I made all these outlandish claims of 'Insider Trading' and/or 'Bribery', and therefore either which way about corruption, and then just stopped?...what is all that waffley bullshit about 'The Thing'? 

I can only say that I must defer to erring on the side of caution because I'm not absolutely sure about what is or isn't happening...and the only thing I'm reasonably confident about is that if something is happening re those claims/complaints, then if I discuss/disclose that action I could get in trouble for discussing it at therefore I have no choice but to back off...and this is exactly the sort of nonsense that I identified in previous posts about the Ombudsman, the Office of Public Integrity and the Independent Commission Against Corruption...    

So, even if something is/was happening and I knew exactly what that was, I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't be allowed to discuss it...and because I don't know I have to tiptoe around it with this dribble about 'The Thing'...I re-iterate, that there's a bunch of people who would love to hang it on me for allegedly stuffing up some critical investigation, and authorities have not hesitated to blame me and other parents for their own abject failures and complicit corruption re the St Martins Abuse Issue.

All I can say is that I am aware that a number of people have officially complained about issues re the Old Hospital Demolition Contract, but I cannot say whether anything will come of it or not, not least of all because I just don't know...sorry I cannot be more's very similar to the Defamation case that is apparently still underway re questioning Grant King's role with Regional Development Australia and the distribution of funding, accountability, etc, and the massive umbrage he has apparently taken to these perfectly appropriate questions...

If I express my opinion about Grant King re this Court case I could be in 'Contempt of Court' or some other nonsense, so I'll just have to stick to identifying the role he played in bankrupting Green Phone and the abject failure to investigate that collapse...followed by his appointment to RDA and the Hospital Advisory Council...(concurrent appointments mind you-Ed)...indeed...and I re-iterate, what logic was applied to appointing him to either of those critical roles...(let alone both-Ed)...given his disastrous business history and reputation?

Housekeeping: the loss of 1375 Senate ballot papers in Western Australia echos my little story about a box of votes being found under a table in the office of the Australian Electoral Commission here in Mt Gambier after the March 2010 state election...doesn't prove my claim, but then again neither can I...just saying to the naysayers, I was told that a box of votes were found and when I contacted Bill Russon the AEC Returning Officer and the then Liberal candidate Steve Perryman, neither were the least bit interested.

Understandable enough from Mr Russon who wouldn't want to be responsible for such an oversight, albeit accidental...(and we're certainly not suggesting anything dodgy about his actions-Ed)...quite...but I found it very odd that Steve Perryman wasn't interested when he lost the election by less than 200 votes...beyond that there was no investigation what-so-ever...that could have been a box of 10,000 votes for a large, angry hippy...(I doubt it-Ed) do I, just sayin'.

And in closing, just listening to a review of a report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare that conflicts with the information provided Friday evening at the Cancer Information forum at Casadio Park...Friday it was clearly stated, with a graph, that there is no difference in medical outcomes, but the AIHW state that death rates are around 11% higher for rural men and 7% for women for a total (I think?) of 9,000 more deaths which means rates are down 1% nationally but increased in rural areas...

Tomorrow: It's Raining Cash for 141 and the Naracoorte High School Abuse case unravels

And the title is fairly self explanatory so that'll be ya' lot for today.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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