Friday, November 8, 2013

A No Wind Situation - Opposing Turbine Opponents

Hello the USofA, the Netherlands, South Korea, and the UK...and welcome to the blog...and today we're going to do a brief rebuttal of the latest desperate attempted 'character assassination' and 'personality politics' of Wind Turbine proponents...who themselves are all dumb arseholes...(and ugly-Ed)...that's the spirit...(and they're children hate them-Ed)...well I wouldn't go quite that...(and they torture small animals-Ed)...hang on, that's going a bit too far...

(And they were the second gunman on the grassy knoll-Ed)...well now, that's just plain wrong...well half wrong...allegedly ballistics prove there was a second 'gunperson'...(you PC idiot-Ed)...but it was apparently actually a junior Secret Service agent accidentally discharging an assault rifle from the open-topped car immediately following behind President JF Kennedy's vehicle...(allegedly, apparently, actually, accidentally...why so many 'qualifiers'?-Ed)...

Because this could be the latest attempt to muddy the waters, the latest cover-up of the truth...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, perhaps, just perhaps, the Secret Service, or some members there-of, were deliberately involved and, knowing that the ballistics cannot be denied, eg, trajectory, entry/exit wounds, etc, prove the fatal shot came from immediately behind JFK, and so as to cover up that reality, the Secret Service has instead 'fessed up to an 'accidental' shooting...(unfortunately, that makes sense-Ed)...

My First Advertisement: Luxury Cruise Liner group Cunard, are stoked to announce a gnarly new range of Extreme Cruise options. This exciting initiative aims to capture the growing market of young 'Adventure Holiday' devotees seeking just the right balance between the luxury holiday they desire and the hardcore excitement they crave...experience hardcore thrills like 'bungey keel-hauling', 'in-line shuffle board', and the 're-heated buffet' life fast and loose...particularly if you have the re-heated buffet...and when they ask you what you're doing on your next holiday, answer them 'Going Hard' Hard?...Cunard.

Thankyou, thankyou...don't throw flowers, just money...(right, yes, sorry, is that a joke or something?-Ed)...yes, well an attempt at humour if not an actual joke...(let's move on shall we?-Ed). 

But I digress...frustratingly caught only the tail-end of a story on ABC Radio yesterday (November 9th 2013) re the Waurbra Wind Turbine project and associated 'Anti-Turbine' Waurbra Foundation, where the Foundation was attacked as being irresponsible, not a genuine tax-free status organisation, causing social conflict within the area, and being run by Oil/Coal/Gas/mining interests, eg, apparently one of the Directors has been (still is?) employed in the Coal/mining industry...and most of what I heard was from a local Councillor I think.

I don't know who Dr Sarah Laurie is...(she's one of the main players in the 'Anti-Turbine' Waubra Foundation-Ed)...yes, well I know that but I've never actually met her...nor do I know the gentleman who is apparently a Mining/Oil/Coal/whatevs executive (or former executive)...don't know, don't particularly care...I haven't based my position on anything the Waubra Foundation has said or done...their focus on 'Health Issues' is only one aspect of Turbine Development.

I quantify that by noting that I have a degree of solidarity with Ms Laurie for the way that Turbine proponents have continuously attacked her previous posts I have covered the extraordinary conduct of alleged Professor Simon Marsh...(I still struggle to believe that he's a Prof, given his rancidly biased, unscientific and unprofessional conduct re Turbines in general, but particularly his dickless vilification of Ms Laurie-Ed) that true?...(yes, he has no dick-Ed)...(acknowledgements to 'GhostBusters')

There are no studies proving that Turbines are completely benign...that specific testing simply hasn't been done...some bit-piece testing is currently being done, eg, here in South Australia, to try and plaster over this crack, and that is a major issue given that these massive Industrial Structures that produce multiple types of noises, eg, whistling, grinding, 'whooshing', Infrasound, etc, and have huge visual impact, eg, visual amenity, blade flicker, etc, are legislated to be placed only 1001m from non-host homes, right across the state...and in many places are already operating.

Having stood under Turbines at Cape Bridgewater in Victoria and at Millicent here in SA, I have personally experienced the sense of pressure change immediately adjacent individual Turbines, and the layering of noises from multiple Turbines...and that's in the day time, and so doesn't really offer a genuine experience of extended exposure and/or Infrasound issues as would be experienced by trying to sleep near Turbines.

Which brings me to that prize clown Greens MLC Mark Parnell and his 'I've slept in a tent near a Turbine so everything's fine' stunt, that he's done twice now, and his deliberate deceits re Legal Appeal against Turbine developments, ie, he had it carefully explained to him the reality of the legislation and how it very specifically denies any opportunity for opposition or any avenue to appeal...but then went on the ABC Radio and said 'doesn't matter about the approval bit because you can always appeal' (paraphrase).

I re-iterate - you can't stop an approval, and if you've got a lazy $200,000+ to risk by appealing to the Environment, Resource, and Development Court, then the only grounds available is Visual Amenity...(and recent changes to legislation place that at only 1km-Ed)...exactly.

And Mr Parnell is a lawyer and therefore I cannot believe that he does not recognise the inherent Fascism, no, the actual, realised Fascism in the state Labor government legislating to remove the right to access the Courts...and the 1km Visual Amenity clause cynically removes any grounds for Appeal, therefore further denying access to the Courts...Mr Parnell clearly chooses to ignore that which compromises his support for Turbines, and failing that, lie.

Don't confuse my 'large, angry, hippy' status with an unquestioning support for the Greens or anyone like them...and it is this Wind Turbine deceit that typifies the subjectiveness of various pro-Turbine groups like the Turbine Industry lobby group the Clean Energy Council, the SA Greens, the Labor party, various Council CEOs and Councillors, etc...if it's inconvenient or detrimental, ignore, deny and lie, and then throw random 'generation figures' at the discussion to justify the rest.

Wind Turbines right on your boundary and/or at a minimum distance of 1km from your home, and there's nothing you can do to stop it, other than plant some trees around your own home to try and block out these 120m+ high towers...ludicrous, corrupt, and deliberately so...couldn't help but laugh to hear some poor soul complaining about 8 story buildings to be approved in Adelaide's leafy Eastern suburbs...and here's country folk getting 120m high (+40m blades) Industrial Wind Turbines right in their pockets.
I won't go through it all again, but if you wish to review my posts re Wind Turbines, I explain my opposition, and this 'Health Issue' is well down on my list of problems.

Toronto Mayor Cracks Me Up: Mr Rob Ford(e) has finally admitted...(been forced to admit-Ed)...that he smoked Crack only a few months ago, but that was only because he was so pissed at the time...(what, when he confessed?-Ed), when he Cracked...dead set...and now he's just been outed for a drunken rant...(caught on someone's phone no doubt-Ed)...probably...but he ain't going nowhere, refusing to quit, and no-one can force him, but it looks like some of his colleagues might try to give him a bit of a shove...if it wasn't so sad it'd be funny.

And terrible news that Qantas, once the great Australian, is shutting it's maintenance facilities at Avalon in Victoria with the loss of 300+ jobs, because they are slowly decommissioning their fleet of 747 Jumbo jets which that site services...and which leaves only their facility in Brisbane left and the discussion is already focused on how long that site might have left...and of course the issue of Qantas servicing 'off-shore'...

Sorry to finish there on a downer, but that's just the way it is...

Tomorrow: Lots of Housekeeping and Feedback

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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