Thursday, November 28, 2013

Surprise! EPA Clears Wind Turbines

Good morning world and welcome to the blog...and another case of me being right not through genius, but simply by identifying the bleedin' obvious...and the latest load of balderdash and poppycock re Wind Turbines is so transparently contrived, even I can see it...(how can you see something that's supposedly so transparent?-Ed)'s just a saying Ed...but first...

Given that he has now been convicted and gaoled for the murder of his fiance Lisa Harnum, I noted with great dis-ease the appearances of Simon Gittany's 'new' girlfriend at his various Court hearings...the first time I saw her I thought it was 'file footage' from a previous case or hearing because she is almost a 'doppelganger' of the murdered woman...when I realised that this was actually a different person and current not old footage, it sent a chill down my spine.

Not quite the same jarring sense of foreboding that I associate with the news that the Anglican Church is going to open a school for students with Autism Disorder, a grinding and relentless apprehension not at all helped by today's announcement from Anglican Archbishop Phillip Astinall, namely, 'admitting' that the Church has "failed" child abuse victims of predator priests and/or laypersons...everything about this smacks of the Catholic 'mia culpas' that have peppered the media in wake of the public exposure of their paedophile protecting conduct.

These people have abused, lied, threatened, litigated...pretty much anything you can think of...including moving perpetrators from place to place to avoid accountability...and when dragged into the bright light of public scrutiny and left no alternative, it's suddenly 'oh gee whiz, we're so sorry'...and accompanying these disingenuous apologies the constant attempts to portray these 'self-protective procedures' as an aberration of the dim, deep past...elsewhere...

It's Kicking Off: for the March 2014 state election, and I had been going to make the point (re feedback about my stuff about Liberal candidate Troy Bell) that Mr Bell was the only (officially) declared candidate, until today...current (sitting) member Don Pegler states in a letter today in The Border Watch Thursday 28th November 2013, "I will be standing again as an independent in March 2014..." read it here second...(um, thankyou, I do the 'brackets' work around here, and if you persist rather than desist I'll have no choice but to contact my Union rep-Ed)...whoa, ok...I thought you were going to do a 'sitting member stands' joke.    

But to the meat of the matter, and the latest avalanche of carefully co-ordinated disinformation, deceits, and dodgy pseudo-science spewing from the Wind Turbine lobby...(do avalanches spew?...perhaps 'tumbling'?-Ed)...whatevs...the Turbine lobby that clearly includes the Rann/Weatherill state government and their pet monkey the Environment Protection Authority...(and of course the self-titled 'Renewables Energy' Industry lobby group, the Clean Energy Council-Ed)...indeed...

The EPA has handed down it's 'official' findings re the 'testing' they've done over the last 10 weeks at the Energy Australia 'Waterloo' site near Clare...and anyone even vaguely associated with the Wind Turbine issue will have predicted the day it was announced that this EPA 'testing' was always going to say exactly what the pro-Turbine lobby wanted...(and indeed it has-Ed)...indeed it has.

But haven't the EPA come such a long way, now discussing, albeit with a view to dismissing, issues of Infrasound pollution from Turbines, when less than a year ago they were denying that 'Infrasound' even existed...(if I may, this current testing is quoted by Peter Dolan of the EPA as proving completely that Turbines do not breach their guidelines for noise emissions, and there are no health issues at all, but those guidelines do not include Infrasound-Ed)...hang on...

So the EPA has done 10 weeks testing at 6 sites around the Waterloo Turbine Industrial Estate where 4 families have left their homes alleging problematic noise and/or health issues...and then allegedly prove as being ok that which they the EPA (amongst others) have already approved...and then already built relative to receiving those approvals...then the EPA's testing supports 1) their own guidelines (that don't include what they claim to have just been testing, InfraSound), 2) their own approvals re those guidelines, and 3) ultimately reinforces their already declared support for Turbines...(yep-Ed)...

Wow, could there be a more comprehensive conflict of interests?...and of course the EPA is headed not by a scientist or anyone with even vague experience in any of the fields and/or relative disciplines that constitute it's responsibility, it is headed by Premier Jay Weatherill's personal choice, Labor hack Mia Handshin...the EPA is about as 'Independent' as the Police Complaints Authority or Teachers Registration Board.

Bottomline, simply by doing this 'testing' the EPA is acknowledging that 1) there is an issue, and 2) that they didn't do any testing prior to giving approvals...Mr Dolan claimed that this bit piece partial testing was 'one of if not the longest studies in the world' (paraphrase) but couldn't name another such study... 

And of course off the back of this 'report' comes a series of media appearances by the pro-Turbine lobby....and again, I predicted this on the blog in previous posts, but it's hardly inspired visionaryism on my part, it's merely naming an obvious and repeated behaviour that shows careful orchestration and co-operation, for exactly what it is.

Furthermore and as previously stated on this blog, the whole 'Health Issue' is a massive Red Herring that the pro-Turbine lobby is more than happy to discuss because it distracts from the reality of the many entirely incontestable issues I consider to be greater concerns than specific 'Health Issues'...(sorry, I'm confused...are you agreeing that there are no 'real' health issues?-Ed)...

No, I do believe that there are very real health implications/impacts relative to Turbines, and here's a beautiful irony...people like Peter Dolan try to dismiss the symptoms/reactions to Turbines as being a physical response to an imagined problem, fueled by the fearmongering of people like Dr Sarah Laurie of the Waubra Foundation...(so they're saying that the presence of the Turbines creates a mental health issue for people but even then it's not the Turbines fault, it's people speaking out against Turbines that's the problem-Ed)...yep...

(But in all of that, they're admitting the presence of the Turbines cause distress and trauma for some people, because if the Turbines weren't there in the first place, there simply wouldn't be an issue-Ed)...precisely...and  furthermore they're completely ignoring the stress, frustration, anger, etc, and related reactions, eg, insomnia, that people experience from having these things dumped in their backyards and right across their skylines, etc, with the right to oppose officially removed by legislation, the land value impacts, etc.

It is absolutely unscientific, totally unsupportable, and completely irresponsible to state that some minimal testing done by a grossly vested interest with a self-compromising motivation to make a certain finding in their own favour, proves that there are no health issues relative to Wind Turbines and/or the noise coming out of them...(do you mean the grinding, screeching, humming, whistling, throbbing, pulsing noise that carries for many kilometres?-Ed)...yes, that noise...

Those following websites like Stop These Things and National Wind Watch, etc,  will be aware that there has been a concerted campaign of cynical character assassination unleashed on Dr Laurie to try and undermine her activism on the Turbine Health issue...(can't play the issue, play the woman-Ed)...again, precisely...

And it's this sort of character attacking and issue avoidance that confirms for me my personal belief that, yes, there are genuine health issues, eg, insomnia leading to fatigue and stress, etc, that the pro-Turbine lobby just don't want to discuss because they know there's a base reality to these claims...however, I believe that the CEC et al would much rather argue it out over the Health Issue than be eviscerated by the reality of multiple other issues.

I've covered it in many posts, so just quickly, for me it's about 1) the Fascism of the legislation, 2) the uneconomic production levels that 3) require massive subsidies payed from taxpayers money, 4) coupled with the sky-high electricity prices partly to cover infrastructure costs, and 5) the development and land value impacts on non-host properties...not to mention 6) the wildly intermittent production/output, leading to 7) requirement of 100% back-up generation capacity immediately available, eg, massive banks of diesel generators, or importing coal fired power from Victoria, etc.  

I'll cover the specific responses to the EPA report in a near-future post, but,

Tomorrow: Latest Child Abuse Bizarreness SA Style

 Enough said about that for now, it'll all still be there tomorrow.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters y'all...

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