Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ask Not For Whom Troy Bell Polls

He polls for thee...hello world and welcome to the blog...and I must say that I've impressed even myself with that title...and I'm going to push the Wind Turbine issue to tomorrow so that I can look at some of the reportage, but it's already running regularly through the media, eg, the Environment Protection Authority traipsing down the well worn path of pseudo-science and orchestrated official deceit re Wind Turbines, via the ABC...

But First: I've had it put to me that state Liberal candidate for the seat of Mt Gambier in the March 2014 election Mr Troy Bell's extensive campaigning and resultant high profile in the local media has not gone unnoticed, and that if my polling is correct, then he's well placed to achieve at least second...(oh, ha ha-Ed)...what's funny about that?

(Second to you I suppose?...and didn't Liberal Steve Perryman come second in 2010?-Ed)...yep, and not least of all because my 460+ (preference) votes went to current MP Don Pegler via the Greens and then Labor...(all hail the King Maker-Ed)...yes alright, thankyou...but seriously, I can't imagine that my limited campaigning and/or personal opinion of Mr Bell will in any way affect his polling at the 2014 election...(doesn't 'polling' mean cutting the horns off wee beasties?-Ed)...oh ai...

I fully concur with and support the issues that Mr Bell has been addressing recently, eg, concerns about the in-built failures of the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review; the need for an MRI 'scanner' for Mt Gambier; etc...but as an amateur political commentator, and whilst Mr Bell's relentless appearage in The Border Watch is entirely warranted, one cannot stick one's ugly mug in the media with such regularity and not expect that another one might make comment about it.

The Comment: down our way, we have a nomenclature for people who insist on repeatedly jamming their visage into the public realm...(celebrities?-Ed)...nope...(actors?-Ed)...nup...(politicians?-Ed)...sort of, sometimes, but no...(go on then-Ed) sluts...and but for this one exception I never use the 'slut' word in anything other than self-reference...(you're just jealous because your own 'media slutting tendencies' are completely frustrated by being banned off the ABC and out of The Border Watch-Ed)...ah what it is to be special.

Feedback: No I do not consider it 'self-contradictory' to state that 'I won't expose my sources', and then dob in the Environment Protection Authority for their conflicting statements re the Old Hospital Demolition and the relevant certificates, etc, (previous posts). I went to the EPA purely out of desperation, and the information I received from them allegedly came via Council...and the EPA clearly stated 'no certificates' late on the Wednesday, and then reversed that statement before noon the next day.

Given Mt Gambier City Council's demonstrated propensity for deceit as covered in so many of my previous posts, and the rabidly subjective, Labor controlled EPA, you'll excuse me that I have no faith what-so-ever in any information coming from either of them...and absolutely no respect for the majority of Council's members...their egos and selfishness have betrayed Mt Gambier at a critical time.

And there in The Border Watch Friday 22nd November 2013 is a cavalcade of sad old men posing for their own glorification in front of the hospital...these Councillors make Troy Bell's 'media-slutting' look not just understandable but outright appropriate...these clowns are merrily self-promoting themselves off the back of a series of ludicrous and largely self-serving decisions that will cost Mt Gambier dearly for decades to come...and they want to be praised for it...absurd.

And Second: a joke...Knock, knock...(who's there?-Ed) who?-Ed) tapping...get it?...knock, knock...tapping?...yeah?...(that sir, is terrible-Ed)...ta, and nearly as bad a joke as the issue itself...when it comes to the 'spying' on Indonesia thingy, there is clearly domestic politics and related nationalism influencing the coverage and/or reaction within Indonesia.

If one was prone to 'conspiratorial theorising' one might consider that there were elements at play seeking to manipulate the 'embarrassment' to, for example, put further pressure on Australian cattle producers...producers still recovering from the ludicrous instant halting of the live cattle trade earlier this year...which segues nicely into the whole ABC wages exposure.

I fully concur with those whom feel that it is pretty bloody trite...(bordering on sanctimonious bloody hypocrisy-Ed)...quite...for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to do the sort of damage they do with their 'exposes', and then whinge about it when they're the subject...not least of all when they are technically public servants, so why shouldn't we know what we are paying them? 

My opinion on this issue is strictly separate to my personal animosity toward and/or conflicts with certain specific members of the local Mt Gambier ABC...(and with the ABC in Adelaide-Ed)...fair enough...(and I'd say that the conflict is generated within the ABC and targeted at you-Ed)...also fair enough...(and didn't you recently exchange several emails with Media Watch before they just stopped answering?-Ed)...your sources are remarkably well informed.

Yes, I have recently exchanged emails with Media Watch re the outrageous and grossly unprofessional behaviour of Stuart Stansfield and Graeme Bennett, and other issues re the ABC, and they responded with 'what's it got to do with us?' (paraphrase)...and when I sent them copies of my recent correspondence with Graeme Bennett (previous posts) they just didn't respond...(I apologise if that response occurred within the last couple of days, I'm still sans email)...and Four Corners, etc, have done the same thing, repeatedly...'oh that's terrible, send us stuff', and then when they realise just how bad it is, they turn and run.

And as predicted, just listening on the ABC Country Hour to the EPA's Peter Dolan spruiking the alleged EPA 'testing' of noise issues at the Waterloo Wind Turbine Industrial Estate openly and repeatedly declaring that the EPA's testing proves that there are no health issues stemming from the noise from Wind Turbines, but then stating that it's "not up to me" to tell people they individually are not affected so there may need to be more work by Health Authorities....having a bet each way or what?

Rob Ford Tackles The Big Issues: Crack smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, fresh from the now  famous video where he takes nearly 20 seconds to answer a question re his Crack purchases/smoking as the camera zooms slowly in from way across the room, finally 'close-cropping' him as he finally says "yes", has unfortunately mistaken a female colleague for one of those Big Issues and duly crash-tackled her to the floor.

It's hilarious because it was apparently a genuine accident and no-one was really hurt...but bloody hell it looks funny as he appears to shuffle across the room and take her out with some intent...he was just rushing to get past her apparently and completely mistimed it and half tripped, crashing into Ms (name unknown, sorry)...(you sure he wasn't reeling about in a Crack induced psychosis and mistook her for a Giant Talking Chipmunk?-Ed)...(I'm going to get you Rob Ford-GTC)...we love you Rob Ford, you crazy ol' Crack smokin', colleague tacklin' fool you.

Tomorrow: Wind Turbines and the latest Pseudo-science

The EPA has stunned observers by finding that everything is just hunky-dory, okey-dokey, and tickety-boo with noise from Turbines...who'd a thunk it ma?...(sarcasm?-Ed)...sarcasm...(it is the lowest form of humour one feels-GTC)...shut up GTC...(yeah, shut up GTC-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...all hail the GTC...cheers and laters.

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