Thursday, November 7, 2013

Just Chunks of Stuff

Hello France, Greece, Germany and Romania...and welcome to the blog...and a rather lumpy, ugly, patchwork quilt of a post, cobbled together from a bunch of unrelated issues...and just for a pleasant change I'm going to kick off with Child Abuse issues...(yay-Ed)...quite...

The Reynella East High School has removed and I believe sacked a second male teacher for accessing/possessing Child Pornography, and yet again it appears that parents haven't all been told...(hang on, a second teacher?...don't you mean the former Naracoorte High School teacher?-Ed), this is another teacher...(so, two teachers, from the same school-Ed)...yep...(oh dear-Ed)...oh dear indeed.

The Education Dept has stated that they will not be telling parents from the other school the Naracoorte teacher worked at in Adelaide's south prior to his employment at Reynella East...(welcome to the exciting new age of disclosure and appropriate investigation-Ed)...quite...(and they didn't tell parents at Reynella High either-Ed)...or at Naracoorte I don't think...(and how the hell do you do an appropriate and thorough investigation if you don't talk to the potential witness base?-Ed)...quite...

(And what if there's some poor bastard who's been busted with hardcore rape porn on their school computer, and are in all sorts of trouble with the school, their family, etc, only it wasn't the student who put it there, it was the porn-addicted teacher?-Ed) mean like the Year 10 student from Naracoorte who was blamed for this teacher accessing porn via that student's account...and suspended...and subsequently 'dropped out'...and even when the Education Dept knew it was the teacher they continued to allow the student to bear the blame...and then put him in charge of IT and year 8 shrekin' shreks...(it's alright big fella, it's not your fault-Ed)...then why do I feel like it's my responsibility?...

Apology I Think: for previously I might have said that there was yet another teacher recently removed from Naracoorte High School for 'attempting to get a child to be sexually available' and indecent assault, but according to today's The Advertiser, that teacher was also from Reynella East High...(say what?'re saying that those 3 teachers are all from Reynella East High -Ed)...yep, the former Naracoorte High teacher and 2 others.

I swear that what I read/heard several weeks ago had the 'sexually available' teacher as another Naracoorte High teacher, but it might just be the way it was reported...I have noticed an increasing tendency to switch subject or topic mid paragraph that finds me having to back track through the article to sort out where who is doing what to whom and why.

Either way, whether it was reported poorly, incorrectly, or I misread it, whatevs, I got it wrong, and I apologise for this genuine always I try to be as accurate as possible...and unfortunately this is one of those occasions that I would have preferred that my wrong be right...(how's that?-Ed).

Because my wrong had two teachers from the same school but 8 years apart, and unfortunately the same Naracoorte teacher and one other at Reynella...and what is actually happening is one at Naracoorte from 2004, who then moved to Adelaide, and within the last month, he and 2 others have all been suspended and/or sacked from the one school, Reynella East High...(you're right, your wrong makes the right look worse-Ed)...

So instead of relatively separate incidents this is a 'cluster' of 3 teachers all at one school...and is this all of them?...and what about other schools?...and how the shrek can the Education Dept be trusted to investigate this at all, when, despite all of the rhetoric and supposed realisation and alleged definitive action, the culture is now as it always of cover-up and denial.

Just how bad is it in South Australian schools that Labour, the Education Dept, the Teachers Union, etc, just refuse to handle these things correctly?...and I see that I'm not the only one stating that it is grossly irresponsible and absolutely inappropriate for SAPol, the Education Dept, etc, to not tell other schools, parents, and students involved, because, 'how can you do a thorough investigation if you don't talk to the potential witnesses and/or victims'...(hear! hear!-Ed)... 

New Cancer Council Report: states that there has been a 250% increase in identified cases of Prostate Cancer over the past 20 years...but this is apparently not a massive increase in actual occurrence, but due to far more PSA testing (via a blood test) leading to greatly increased detection, which in itself leads to sometimes unnecessary 'highly invasive' surgery...(unnecessary surgery?-Ed)...yes, apparently.

I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, seek professional help if you have concerns...but I have been to several 'Cancer Forums' where it has been explained that Prostate Cancer can be relatively benign and that there can be Prostate issues that are not the Forum last Friday 1st November 2013 there was discussion of doctors 'not testing' because this can lead to unnecessary surgery, etc...but also, noticeable symptoms usually mean that it is an advanced Cancer and therefore too late to treat effectively...

Again, I am not a doctor and admittedly I don't really understand this strategy of 'non-testing', so please seek appropriate advice if you have concerns.

How to Win The Ashes: deny the English middle order any batting practice in real match conditions by not getting the openers out...(clever-Ed)...just let them bat all day, day after day, and that way when the Test series starts, the middle order will be flabby and out of form...(brilliant-Ed)...I am of course taking the piss out of Australia A whom yesterday could not remove either English opener...(oh-Ed)...

The Truth Sneaks Out: just for a little today's The Border Watch Thursday 7th November 2013, in a small page 3 article about the Old Hospital demolition, right next to a much larger article re some kids from a local Child Care Centre who have become interested in the building/demolition, particularly the windows...

I have repeatedly stated my belief that there were Asbestos issues with the window frames, and my related concerns about McMahon's just smashing them in and/or how they were handling already demolished buildings...and who's paying for disposal of that 'contaminated material'?...and there had been a partial 'admission' by Council's Daryl Sexton of some 'Asbestos contamination in the upper floors', and today in TBW Councillor Des Mutton is quoted as saying;
          "Significant progress has been made on removing the asbestos mastic from the 
           windows in the main hospital building...

This is a brief glimpse at the reality, a reality that appears to be something that Council would rather not have discussed, but have been somehow almost shamed into conceding...they've banged on about Asbestos at various times but have never correctly quantified that...and now that it's admitted, how can Council just stand by whilst McMahons smash up Asbestos contaminated materials (the window frames) with apparently no attempt to contain it.

Every day I've passed that site, except for the days it was raining, there is dust blowing off the site, including today when it was swirling around and then off over the rear road where, even just driving by, I could clearly smell limestone dust on the wind, it smelled like a quarry...and apparently no attempt to control that dust...I haven't even seen a dude with a hose...and no containment of the building with plastic, etc, it's all completely open with the wind howling through.

Today there were several dudes wearing white jumpsuits and those basic, disposable dust masks, up a cherry-picker, picking away at the rear roof line...I think this would be related to the Asbestos roof/gutter lining as similar to the Old Laundry roof...and again no apparent effort to confine any 'blow-off' on a very windy day. 

Perhaps I'm completely over-reacting to a relatively minor concern...perhaps this is 'inert or non-friable Asbestos' and it can blow around all over the place no probs...but what happens when it does break down?...ultimately, I cannot understand how Asbestos can be handled in such a haphazard manner.

Tomorrow: Renewed Attacks on Wind Turbine Opponents

Faced with increasing opposition to Turbines, due largely to improved general knowledge of their multiple faults and failings, proponents are focusing on attacking those opponents.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I ain't sponsored by no Oil Companies, Energy Corporations, Greeny Lobby Groups, etc...because I (dear readers here in Australia) am sponsored by you via a tiny percentage of your tax dollar that contributes to my Disability Support Pension.

And I'm not taking the piss...this is an open acknowledgement and a statement of genuine gratitude...laters.

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