Monday, November 25, 2013

A Bag of Stuff, Bits, and Thingys

Hello India, Turkey, Costa Rica, and Israel...and welcome to the blog...and plenty of bits and pieces stemming from various posts in this here blog...and I can only retrospectively apologise for drifting, nay careering, nay careening into yet another somewhat anti-religious rant...I'm still 'self de-briefing' over the implications of yesterdays post, namely, the very official nature of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

Our Premier Jay Weatherill is a man who protects and covers-up paedophiles, and I'm banned off the Mt Gambier ABC to help maintain that resolve re St Martins...and hearing that Anglicare is going to take over schooling for children with Autism Disorder, that just makes my skin crawl...the Anglicans are guilty of every crime the Catholics are, eg, moving child-raping priests from one position to another until the heat was really on, then flying them out of the country.

And I couple this with the abject and multiple failures of police and particularly the Courts re Disabled Persons, eg, the recent case of Autistic children abused by their bus driver, where the case was dumped only weeks before Christmas in 2011 allegedly because the Courts were fundamentally unable to take evidence from the children...but even then it was the children whom were effectively blamed, namely, it was stated that 'they were unable to give evidence', when the reality was it was the Courts failing to be able to receive that evidence...and there's a massive difference. 

I must note, that for all my criticism, personally there have been glimmers of hope on the ABC, eg, when I was put to air on ABC Adelaide Drive on June 1st 2013, which triggered the latest round of deceits, denials, and dis-counting from Jay Weatherill and the Labor government...but nothing but abuse and denial from the ABC Mt Gambier...

Regular readers will likely have noted that Graeme Bennett (in yesterday's post) acknowledges receiving 'my latest correspondence, as set out in my post 18th October 2013, but does not 1) question a single thing I've stated in my letter, or, 2) apologise for calling me a liar in his previous letter/email, nor, 3) indicate any disciplinary action against Stuart Stansfield for his extraordinary bias and abuses, as spelled out in my letter 18/10/13.

And I try to change the subject with the extraordinary news that the federal Labor opposition has already 'out-polled' the 2 month old Liberal government, largely due to the Liberals 'we'll let you know when we tell you you need to know' attitude, particularly on 'people smuggling/asylum seekers', and handling of the Indonesian spying ruckus...

Equally hilarious, the state Labor government spending a small fortune on the Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan, a transparently obvious piece of taxpayer funded self-promotion ahead of the March 2014 state election...whilst the states trains are in absolute chaos, with Labor's repeated statements about resumption of services being constantly derailed...'look at our great plan for transport but please don't look at our track record'...(derailed?...track record?...bad train puns anyone?-Ed)...

And what is going on with Prime Minister Tony Abbott staying at the Federal Police barracks? Where is Mrs Abbott going to stay? There's something just not right about this...(deadset, it smacks of the sort of machismo carry on that has defined Tony Abbott's personal persona, with a meaty side serve of cloistered Monkism-Ed)...exactly, it stinks of Spartan self denial driven by Jesuit ideology and media opportunism.

(Sorry, 'Jesuit ideology'?-Ed)...yeah, this rabid Catholic sect has been highly praised by one of it's own, namely Tony Abbott, who recently said that one of his senior Jesuit mates is the greatest bloke he ever met...(these are the same Jesuits who have been responsible for the systematic, institutionalised rapes, assaults and other abuses committed against children. and knowingly moving those child-raping priests from diocese to diocese to protect the Jesuit Order and Catholic Church, etc, etc...those Jesuits?-Ed)...yep...that 'changing the subject' didn't last long.

(And Tony Abbott says that they're great?-Ed)...yep...(but what does that mean for the Child Abuse Royal Commission which is supposedly investigating these sort of child-raping freak shows masquerading as religious orders?-Ed)...great question Ed...and one which unfortunately pretty much answers itself...the Royal Commission is a spineless farce that will manipulate victims and their families with vacuous reference to 'how good it is to be able to speak about it' and 'people feel that at least they've been listened to'...bollocks.

It is not for me to tell individuals how they should feel, I'm sure there are those who genuinely will gain something from 'talking about' their own experience, but this idea that the Commission is going to hold any of these organisations genuinely to account is just laughable...and they will constantly skate around their lack of real action with lame justifications, eg, how the Commission is not about charging individuals, but rather 'addressing systemic issues', all bolstered with the cynical re-manipulations of 'people feel better for talking about it, they feel better that someone is listening'.

It is now a year since the Commission was announced and nearly 6 months it's been officially functioning, and not one word about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and there won't be one...St Martins is the proof that these pro-paedophile attitudes start at the head of government in South Australia, are endemic in government authorities like the Education Dept, and in SAPol, the Courts, and even the spineless, complicit media...

And of course, only days before the Commission was announced in November 2012, then federal Liberal MP Patrick Secker spoke on ABC Local Radio (from Pt Pirie) and mentioned 'the sorry case in Mt Gambier'...I can only apologise again for trawling through this again, but the media is full of this story about Anglicare and Autistic children and the shrekin' Lutherans and their 'free Christmas lunch', and it was this time last year that there was a number of pro-Lutheran stories run on the ABC and in The Border Watch (please see previous posts, eg, TFTIM Pastor Wayne Kerber). 

(Come on big fella, remember you're the only real problem...not Glyn Dorling who abused the children at St Martins, or the Lutheran Church who knowingly put that man in a classroom and then viciously protected him, or the corrupt police and multiple authorities like the Teachers Registration Board who protected the "text-book grooming paedophile"-Ed)...I appreciate what you're trying to do there, but unfortunately I do blame myself for failing to resolve this horrendous issue...we've discussed this before.  
(Yeah, sorry, I was trying to highlight the ludicrous behaviours of some others in blaming and/or hating you for simply speaking out, behaviours often mired in guilt and self-interest-Ed)...yeah, I know, but my sense of humour re the St Martins Issue has taken it's bat and ball and gone home for a no longer wants to play this game...

As this has somewhat unraveled into another rant as per the opening apology, I'm going to pull the plug here on this here post...venting is all well and groovy, and a goodly part of doing this blog is about offering myself a way to address the issues as much as the anger, frustration, and sadness they breed...but I genuinely try to offer something a little more productive than just 'blog yelling'.

Tomorrow: S'more Stuff 'n' Nonsense 

All the things I wanted to do today but never quite got to...and I blame the media for telling me about things like the Anglicans and their 'Autism school'...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and today's is a very average effort, but it's not for a lack of trying...(if anything, it's for trying too hard-Ed)...cheers...cheers and laters.

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