Friday, November 29, 2013

Child Protection Fascism

Hello Aotearoa (NZ), the USofA, South Korea, and Portugal...and welcome to the blog for yet another Friday...(or as we like to call it here, 'yet another Friday'-Ed)...yeahhh, right, ok, moving on...and some bits and pieces first...

I'm Warnambool Cheese and Butter and So's My Wife: 'homaging' Monty Python again re the ever increasing offers/bids/interest in WCB...and the leader is currently...I'm not sure, so let's review thus far...And they'rrrrrrracing...Saputo away to an early lead but the ol' grey Murray Goulburn is pressing hard, and here comes Eager Bega running with a firm offer...but not to be outdone Saputo pushes up and so too WCB Share Price surges with Shareholders sitting comfortably behind the leading pack.

Into the final turn and, oh no...we've just received news that in the GrainCorp Handicap being held in Canberra, that Archer Daniels Midland has fallen at the final hurdle as Liberal Treasurer Joe 'Handbrake' Hockey reins in the ADM bid...and a great win for All Australians with East Coast Grain Producers running a close second...more later, but back to our main race...and it's coming down to the home stretch with 3 contenders remaining...

The pressure's building as we come to the obstacles, the 'Stakeholder's Meetings', where contenders may be forced to jump through hoops to achieve their goals...and their through...but wait, ohhhh, the WCB Board have jumped on board with Saputo and are giving the other offers a whipping...but not to be denied Murray Goulburn breaks clear with a renewed this stage it's still anyone's major Dairy Business.   

(Hilarious, but what are you actually saying?...what's the 'I'm WCB and so's my wife' thingy?-Ed)...I believe that WCB may end up with Saputo because of the Board's actions, but in the meanwhilst, I wouldn't mind being WCB and having people lob cash and affection in my direction...'we love Nick Fletcher and want to buy him with these large wads of cash'...'no, we love him more, here's more cash'...etc, this stage I think most people wouldn't mind being WCB...but I digress...

I've attached below the article from The Border Watch Wednesday 27th November 2013, that covers a series of bizarre developments re Child Protection in South Australia, that culminated with Premier Jay Weatherill mouthing off about the Select Committee re-investigating the DeBelle much as I just don't believe in the genuine intent of any 'Child Protection Inquiry' emanating from the South Australian parliament, who the shrek does Mr Weatherill think he is refusing to participate in a legitimately established Parliamentary Committee?

Premier Weatherill's latest hypocritical hissy fit was in reference to the identification of the Western Suburbs school...(I believe it was Largs Bay Primary-Ed)...where After School Carer Mark Harvey was gaoled for raping an 8 year old girl...(and I believe assaulting several others-Ed)...according to Mr Weatherill the name of the offender, Mark Harvey, and the school, Largs Bay Primary, must never be discussed...(but how can you do a proper investigation without everyone being informed and/or approached?-Ed)...precisely...

And remember that Premier Weatherill, that weeks Education Minister Grace Portolesi, and the Labor government in general, tried to blame the School Council for initially employing Harvey and then the failure to advise other parents...(and Portolesi stood up in parliament and blamed SAPol-Ed)...and then it was very quickly established that the School Council were only acting under the direct threats, bullying, intimidation and harassment of Council members by the Education Dept...but never an apology...classic Labor behaviour to blame the victims, lie, and then walk away...sad, sick, corrupt.

(And I suppose that we're not allowed to discuss the Largs Bay Primary Principal David Chadwick who was actually the one responsible for employing Mark Harvey?-Ed)...wait, David don't mean the David Chadwick who is the head of the Education Dept office in Mt Gambier...(well, yes, that's my information straight from a parent involved...but it could be another David Chadwick I s'pose-Ed)...possible, granted, but highly unlikely...(I concur, highly unlikely-Ed)...

Now the exciting revelation that all of the rancidly corrupted pro-paedophile state authorities like SAPol, the Education Department, etc, are all going to be lumped together under the Multi Agency Protection Service...(sounds like a body for 'protecting multiple agencies', not for protecting children or other vulnerable people-Ed)...indeed, and the same model with the same inherent flaws as the Office for Public Integrity and/or the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(namely?-Ed)...namely cobbling together an allegedly independent authority from the contaminated ranks of those it is supposedly going to oversee.

The Mullighan Inquiry was a perfect example, where notorious pro-paedophile lawyer (and now Magistrate) Bill Morris was to be the Chief Investigator until hounded from the position, only to be replaced by Police Union official Mark Carroll...and where Comm Mullighan was reporting monthly to then Premier Mike Rann...(I don't see the problem-Ed)...come on Ed, we've been through this...SAPol, politicians and/or public servants, etc, were exactly whom C Mullighan was supposed to be investigating...(oh yeah-Ed)...yes, 'oh yeah'...

So those being investigated within SAPol had their man as lead investigator, and Mike Rann, who has a demonstrated history of covering up Child Abuse, was being given monthly updates on what issues were being exposed, and whom was doing the exposing...and as covered in previous posts, all the while,  people directly involved as witnesses with the Mullighan Inquiry were being murdered at a regular rate...

And what is this farcical "mobile Screening Audits for Educators team" that is going to "undertake random checks"?...what the heck is that?...(sounds like a big shiny band aid for an open admission that current 'screening regimes' are ineffective-Ed)...damn desperate and fundamentally pointless...and where the defining culture remains one of pro-paedophile inaction and relentless cover-up, what hope any of this nonsense will make a positive difference?...I'd suggest absolutely none.

But if that wasn't bizarre enough, yet another senior SAPol officer, Trevor Lovegrove, has been appointed to a senior position in the Education Dept...(say what?-Ed)...indeed...and anyone who has on their CV a stint as Superintendent, acting or otherwise, for the Limestone Coast, just screams corrupt...(well that's understandable given your personal experience of the pro-paedophile actions of former Mt Gambier Superintendents Terry Harbour and Mark Fairney re their direct involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...thankyou for remembering...

It looks to me like the paedophile lobby that clearly runs South Australia is pulling out all the stops to regain control over the entire 'system', where the problem appears to be the exposure of abuses rather than the committing of them...(hear, hear-Ed)...there are some very unpleasant parallels between these appointments of SAPol hierarchy Trevor Lovegrove and...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison to senior positions in the Education Dept, and the practice of Third World Dictators in appointing their corrupt cronies to positions of influence and thus exerting absolute control.

And if you think I'm being completely paranoid and borderline delusional, please go back over my previous posts re the behaviours of Premiers Rann and Weatherill, former MP Rory McEwen, Comm Mullighan, the Lutheran Church, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, SAPol, your elected public officials like Mayors Steve Perryman and Peter Gandolfi, the SARC parliamentary Inquiry, etc, etc, etc, re the St Martins case...look at what South Australia as a collective has done...

Every agency, every official, every politician, virtually everyone other than a handful of parents...all have deliberately, knowingly, repeatedly, corruptly acted to help the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of a class of 7 year old children...what the shrek is that?...

Read all those posts, understand that they're only part of a much larger body of behaviours, actions, documents, etc, and then tell me I'm paranoid or delusional in denouncing South Australia as a state run for paedophiles by paedophiles, and that all of this latest bullshit is exactly that, and that ultimately nothing has changed.

Read my most recent letters to Premier Weatherill and the disingenuous, deceitful, dismissive missive that is his response...he knows exactly what has happened re St Martins, and is absolute in his resolve to perpetuate the Cover-up and protect all those involved...(including of course protecting himself from the repercussions of his own pro-paedophile behaviours-Ed)...indeed... 
I've had a gutful for today, so I'll pull stumps here and say,

Tomorrow: All Manner of Nonsense

(Ah, so more about City Council then?-Ed)...very astute of you Ed.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my large angry blog...cheers and laters.

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