Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Just Some Bits and Pieces

Hello the USofA, Mexico, Italy, and Indonesia and welcome to the blog...and 2 apologies for 1) late post, and 2) not doing the 'emails post', but I don't have copies yet and still no Internet...and I was just getting used to the whole idea of the optimism thing when, in the mail yesterday, I received my 2 volumes of the Victorian Government's Child Abuse Royal Commission final report, BETRAYAL of TRUST - Inquiry Into The Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations.

And in a brief perusal...(how does one 'briefly peruse' a 2 inch document?-Ed)...I looked at the index, the Recommendations, etc...(ah, right-Ed)...and picked up things like a whole chapter on grooming, Chapter 22 - The Criminality of Grooming, that states as part of Finding 22.1...
          "The criminality of the conduct of grooming should be recognised as an offence and
            in addition to the primary victim, parents and others should be recognised as victims
            of grooming."

I cannot find my submission mentioned, but there are a dozen listed as being 'Name Withheld Submissions Requested by the Commission' so maybe it's one of those...and I can't see the Lutherans mentioned at all...(not anywhere?-Ed)...well certainly not in the lists of those whom did submissions, gave evidence, etc...yet another Child Abuse inquiry and not one mention of the shrekin' Lutherans...just another thing I hope to be wrong about, maybe they're in there somewhere.

I remind readers that the South Australian parliament's Statutory Authorities Review Committee did a 3 year Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board (2008-11) based on the TRB's handling of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue and the registration of the teacher involved, Glyn Dorling, and yet the Lutherans were not called to give evidence to the SARC, didn't do a submission or give testimony, not nothing.

This follows on from the previous alleged investigations by SAPol (police), etc, where the Lutherans have not been asked one single official question, eg, Glyn Dorling, the "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Service) was "spoken to" by SAPol but was not formally interviewed let alone charged...(and nor were Principal John Alexander or any of the school staff witnesses even spoken to-Ed)...quite...except for when John Alexander went down to the Mt Gambier Police Station and 'had a chat' with the then Superintendent Terry Harbour, upon which SAPol effectively stopped any investigation before officially dumping it weeks later.

I have covered this repeatedly in previous posts...there were no unfortunate mistakes with the St Martins case...SAPol set out to ignore the abuses and marched hand-in-hand with the Lutheran Church and the Rann/Weatherill Labor government to deliberately cover-up the abuse of a class of 7 year old children...and the TRB and SARC Inquiries...(and therefore the Liberal Party-Ed)...have done exactly the same thing...protect the paedophile Glyn Dorling and those whom protect him...may you all slowly rot in hell...

The recent Canadian Police operation to expose a world-wide 'child pornography exchange' led to the arrest of 12 South Australians, 2 in Mt Gambier, and one of those has now been identified as a 54 year old primary school teacher who has been on 'sick leave'...(with full pay-Ed)...since being suspended back in August...and whilst parents were informed, they were told it has nothing to with their children at that school.   

How would SAPol know that?...how could the Education Department know that?...what investigations have been done to establish this as fact?...it's ludicrous, and a continuation of the culture of denial, deceit, and misinformation that infects and infests SAPol, the Education Dept...I am sick to death of this deliberate failure to investigate and inform...

How are parents meant to address this with their children if they don't know what it is they are dealing with?...how do SAPol conduct a comprehensive investigation if they haven't spoken to a raft of potential witnesses?...how do you know, how can you say, that he hasn't been molesting or grooming or whatever, the children he had access to as their teacher?...how do they know he hasn't been photographing kids in the playground?...it is the same old same ol'...nothing has changed in the paedophile nightmare that is SA. 

On an equally dumbfounding but slightly less evil note, it was reported on ABC Local Radio this morning that the demolition of the main 5 story building at the Old Hospital has been delayed until the end of the week...(apparently it was meant to start yesterday-Ed)...apparently...and this delay was allegedly due to McMahons waiting for some part or piece of machinery to come from Adelaide.

(Hang on, aren't all the window frames still in the rear of the building?-Ed)...yes...(and you said that there is asbestos in the sealing mastic around those windows?-Ed)...well it was recently confirmed by Councillor Des Mutton in an article in The Border Watch, but yes I have been saying that for some time...(so how can they already be pulling down that building before they've cleared the asbestos?-Ed)...good question...and it gets better...(oh dear-Ed)...

Oh dear indeed, because today when I went past, the much lauded large demolition 'tractor' was at work ripping down the building immediately adjacent the main building...looked to be working fine...(and what was that other crane doing at the front of the main building?-Ed)...that, my friend, was lifting a large bin up to the higher levels and/or roof where it was being filled with 'asbestos contaminated material' that was being lowered to a large skip bin on the ground.

(How do you know that it was 'asbestos contaminated material'?-Ed)...well, you saw the spanky white jump suits and face masks, and how the bin and skip were lined with plastic...(yeah-Ed)...well that's basic Personal Safety and other contamination control measures when dealing with debris that is or even might be contaminated with asbestos...(hang on-Ed)...I know what you're going to say...

How can they have been going to start the main demolition yesterday, when today they're still pulling asbestos out?...and furthermore, while the contaminated window frames are still in place?...sort of makes the 'waiting for a part' story look like, well...(bullshit?-Ed)...yes, that'll do...bullshit...(and aren't Council paying for the disposal of that waste?-Ed)...not sure, but I think so...   

I'll finish up here because it's already late, and I've just got in from Council's monthly meeting, and I want my dindins soon or I'll start scratching at the door...oh, and not one word in Council about the Old Hospital, the Rail Lands, or the Gaol expansion and sex offenders therein...but 10 minutes arguing about if and when and where they might display the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders (ATSIC) flag...and that still not resolved...unbeshrekinlievable.

Tomorrow: The Emails and responses

Again apols for today's late, bitsy post...and I can only wonder what is going to happen with that Old Hospital...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

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