Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More Child Abuse Insanity the SA Way

Hello and welcome to the blog and an entire post that is as much a statement as it is a question, namely, what the shrek is wrong with South Australia?...(I see what you mean-Ed)...and when you do that Sherlock Holmes thing and rule out all the possibilities bar one, and that which remains must therefore be the truth, it looks like SA is effectively run for and by paeodphiles...(big call, but flawless logic-Ed)...ta.

But First: push back from the Forestry Industry that they are not profiting from the Water Allocation issue as I covered yesterday, but are actually paying for that water...this is partially true, but I stand by what I said in that the water is being taken off other irrigators, therefore, how is that a net benefit for the state?...and that the allowance represents profit...

I note the The Border Watch article today Wednesday 6th November 2013 re this issue, talks about 100% 'recharge interception allowance' in that plantations tend to use 100% of any rainfall, but I'm not sure how that is calculated, and I assume there are standard allowances that are established, eg, a pine tree will take-up X litres of water per annum, so if it only rains 90% of X that year the plantation owner is liable to pay for that 10%.

Mr Laurie Hein, Green Triangle Plantation Committee Chairperson, claims that the current proposed allowances will see irrigators actually get more water, and that 75% of irrigators do not use their full allocations anyway, and there are special production allowances, etc, but I believe that irrigators rely on that unused portion of allowance as an insurance, as a buffer, for 'drought years', etc...I find myself having to rely on experts with conflicting opinions, and believe that yet again the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

I also note with concern the statement that this proposed 'new cost to forestry' may see existing plantations not replanted...this is potentially an excuse that could be used to justify someone like 141 Plantations stripping the current asset and not replenishing it...again, one of those situations that I hope to be wrong about...but I digress...back to my flawless logic.  

(But shouldn't you dissect the argument before stating the conclusion?-Ed)...I've done that in umpteen posts already, remember?...time and again, over and over, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the complicit compliance of local Mayors Perryman, Sage, Gandolfi, etc, and Don Pegler and Gary Costello, etc...and the outright pro-paedophile corruption of Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Michael Atkinson, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitor, et al ad infinitum.

And don't get me started on the shrekin' Australian Broadcasting Corporation, or The Advertiser and The Border Watch newspapers and all of the weak, complicit personnel involved and their corrupted superiors...and as always I (and other parents) remain the focus of abuse, blame, and reportage that serves only to continue 'Covering-up' the reality of what has happened at St Martins, and the outrageous conduct of all those involved.  

I'll say it again; what the shrek is wrong with Mt Gambier that everybody knows or at least has some idea about the St Martins Child Abuse Issue, and yet it just goes on and on...(bit like you really-Ed)...damn straight...and I guarantee that I will continue to go on and on...and I apologise for stating that living in Mt Gambier is like living in the 1950s because it's more like the 1850s...a chronically depressed feudal freak show of vested interests, institutionalised corruption, and chronic self-interest conducted along a clearly defined class structure.

And I apologise to the vast majority of people who suffer for this prevailing paradigm, for all those who have grown up in this claustrophobically constrained environment where dissent invites denigration and much as I vent my frustration via this blog, I fully empathise with you because I know this is  what happens.

Just listening to yet another report re the infamous email that Jay Weatherill's staffer Simon Blewitt sent to someone that he can't recall, but it still 'definitely wasn't the Premier' (then Education Minister), and now apparently Premier Weatherill has 'allowed' the Select Committee Inquiry to task Telstra with finding to whom that email was sent...what a load of bollocks...we all know who that email was sent to, it was Jay Weatherill...

And more reports re the Naracoorte High School case from 2004 where a teacher was accessing hardcore pornography at school, using a student's account, and the student was blamed and suspended,
and even when the Education Department realised (very early in the piece) that it was the teacher, he was 'spoken to' but the student never told.

This destroyed the student's schooling and he went from a 'straight A student' to dropping out, and all involved were happy to let him continue to take the blame even when they knew the facts...bastards...sad, sick, corrupt bastards...may hell exist that you may rot...(fantastic work with the fury laden venting sans swearing-Ed)...hah, shrek them, shrek every one of them...(fair enough-Ed)...

The teacher and the Education Dept both let the student take the blame, indeed openly blamed him, when they both knew it was the teacher, and despite that knowledge, moved that teacher to another school and put him in charge of computing and with official access to young teens...and then when the student finally sought action the Ed Dept tried to pay for his silence, and still no action against the teacher...

On the weekend, it was reported that the teacher was suspended on full pay from Reynella East High School, but that there was not going to be any TRB or SAPol investigations...(how can you tell the difference?-Ed)...whaaa?...(well, whether the TRB and/or SAPol does an alleged investigation or not, the result is inevitably the same, no action whatsoever, and a paedophile goes free to commit more abuses-Ed)...fair enough...

And where did the Education Dept place a teacher they knew was accessing violent porn sites with search titles including "rape" and/or "virgins", etc, via the Internet, on a student's account, whilst at work at school...where do you think the Ed Dept placed him?...(don't know, but I'm guessing it can't be good-Ed) charge of Information Technology and Year 8 students...(dead set?-Ed)...dead set.   

Now I understand that there will be a TRB Inquiry, but still no SAPol investigation, no criminal charges, etc, and it has been revealed that Reynella East High parents weren't/haven't been told their children's year 8 teacher has been suspended, nor obviously why...and Education Minister Jennifer Rankine states that this is directly, explicitly following the Recommendations from the DeBelle Inquiry to not tell because it might compromise the rights of the accused and/or the evidence base, etc...and the Liberal opposition's bent on it is, surprise, surprise, quite the opposite.

On reading the DeBelle Report, and as I've identified in previous posts, it has a bit of a bet each way with this, recommending greater disclosure in several places, but also containing many pages about 'potentially vexatious accusations' (paraphrase)...these are the conflicting complications that are inherent in a system that doesn't have proper legislation in place, and to my conspiratorial mind, is quite deliberate...dysfunctional legislation offers ample wriggle room for denial of responsibility...which is exactly what's happening.

This is why I denounce the DeBelle Inquiry as a farcical excusing of those clearly guilty, and just a screen for dis-association from anything 'pre-DeBelle'...and allowing vacuous, unaccountable rhetoric referencing the conflicting findings there-in to excuse any current failures, eg, not telling parents at Reynella...this is clearly, at best, damage control, and just as likely, is an attempt to stifle appropriate investigation of the teacher with a view to no charges, no action, etc.

But what really punched my buttons yesterday was the brief ABC Local Radio interview with Prof Frida Briggs re this Naracoorte case, and was predominantly about 'educating the children'...what about the responsiblities of the Education Dept, the school, the Education Minister, etc?...these people clearly need a little 're-education' themselves...

Bad as this brief interview was, it was the statement at the end from interviewer Stan Thompson about 'the dangers of children (people) making vexatious claims because they don't like a teacher' that really pissed me off...I didn't hear the very last bit of the interview because I was swearing so hard...of all the issues to be discussed re this horrendous case, Stan went past all of them to 'vexatious claims'...

I'll stop here because I have covered numerous times why this sort of statement is so inappropriate and why I would find it so offensive...because it's been used many times to attack us parents as being the only genuine problem re St Martins...just read the 'Comments' left on this post and there it is, 'you just wanted to make money from the school', etc. 
Tomorrow: Is Just Another Day

And heaps more feedback and housekeeping...yay...(that's actually code for 'you don't know yet', isn't it?-Ed)...welllll, yes...yes it is...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...thank you for your continuing patronage...laters.

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