Saturday, November 9, 2013

Having A Bet Each Way In My Own Defense

Hello Canada, Poland, France, and Robe...and welcome to the blog...apologies for posting so late but hey...and in response to some feedback, and given that I have a birthday coming up, I'd like to give myself an early present and do a post that's somewhat lightweight and a little bit self-indulgent...

Some Feedback: that someone has stopped reading the blog briefly because they "just find it such hard going all the time" and that they were "concerned" for me that if it was so confronting for them just to read it, then it must take it's toll on me to write it...and I've covered this in previous posts; that some days I find it slightly less traumatic to do the blog than not do it, but over-all it is hugely cathartic for me to be able to attack these issues...(hang on, a birthday soon?-Ed)...yeah...(so that makes you a Scorpio?-Ed)...well, yeah...(you didn't say that can't just drop that on someone-Ed)...well it's hardly newsworthy...

I do agree, however, that it does appear to be an issue for many other many times have I been told I'm a typical Scorpio?...(alot-Ed)...true...and furthermore, under the Chinese horoscope I'm a Horse sign...(a Scorpio Horse?-Ed)...yeah, well when you put it like that it doesn't sound great, but still...(hang on, isn't every fifth cycle of the Chinese 'Horse' sign, so every 60 years, isn't that a 'Fire Horse'?-Ed)...well that's what I read, but...(and what did it say about 'Fire Horses'?-Ed)...well...(come on-Ed)...well, apparently, under the Ancient Chinese horoscope, people born under 'Fire Horse' were killed at birth.

(Killed at birth...and why?-Ed)...because apparently they were considered to be potentially disruptive and destabilising in an organised society...(disruptive and destabilising-Ed)...well, yeah, but that's not why I do the blog, etc...I'm not driven by a sense of 'Universal Preconditioning' or anything like that, it's just a happy coincidence...(you're a Scorpio Fire Horse, and your life has become driven by issues of social justice where you end up basically confronting corrupt authorities, etc...but it's all just a coincidence-Ed)...happy coincidence...

Anyway, yes I'm a Scorpio Fire Horse, but as far as I'm concerned that's just a groovy conversation piece and doesn't particularly motivate me in anyway to do this 'Social Activism' bizzo, other than to say that perhaps the stubborn refusal to concede is apparently a very 'Scorpio' thing to do...some would say arrogant, others ignorant, but at this point, I just call it life...(fair enough-Ed)...

At it's most basic, I don't 'disbelieve' anything, and therefore possibly there are many things with astrology, palmistry, tarot, etc, that reflect or channel Universal I understand it there are a whole spectrum of wavelengths that we cannot consciously access, and maybe we 'sense' aspects of these 'known unknowns'...or perhaps self-consciousness is a harsh mistress whose tithe is an impending sense of 'otherness' about something that doesn't actually exist...and of course there's currently extensive theorising about the potential/possibility of infinite parallel universes...lord knows...

What I do know is that my Papa was a very staid and relatively conservative person, but he was also a pilot with extensive experience as a Spitfire combat flyer and a test pilot...and he was flying 'state of the art' technology throughout and just after World War 2, and he claimed to have seen 'foo fighters' and other 'objects' whose origin he could not identify, other than to say that they moved in ways that we couldn't, eg, the infamous high speed right angle turns of UFO folklore.

'Foo fighters' were/are small metal spheres that appeared just off a plane's wing-tip, hung there despite whatever manoeuvre a pilot might try to dislodge it, and then would suddenly disappear again...the official explanation was a 'pressure vortex' creating swirling condensation that gave the appearance of a sphere...Papa said poppycock and balderdash...he was a flyer and he said that he knew what he saw and on occasion he threw his Spitfire all over the sky, up down, slower faster, and the sphere stayed in exactly the same position, and then he'd look away, look back, and it would be gone.

Papa once talked about the culture of 'non-discussion of UFO's' amongst seasoned combat pilots, whereby they just didn't talk about odd things they'd seen whizzing about, and new pilots would come back from their second or third mission excitedly saying 'hey I saw this thing...' and the others would go 'no, no, mum's the word' and politely change the simply didn't talk about it...

Papa was an avid reader/researcher on the subject of UFOs and when I was only 9 or 10 took me to see Erich Von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods? - Was God An Astronaut?...I'm holding his copy of the book...I have never seen a UFO or had any sort of 'alien experience', but I have the luxury of deferring to Papa's extensive experience and personal belief that therefore allows me to accept the possibility...and I merely transfer that to everything else...if this is possible, then what else? short, I don't believe anything, but I don't disbelieve anything either...what I do do is digress...

In My Own Defense: I recently found the attached news clipping from The Border Watch Wednesday 2nd May 2007, and had all but forgotten the incident described in the first 3 paragraphs, and here's my version...

On Friday 27th April 2007 I was driving back to Mt Gambier from Adelaide with my father and child in the car, and as we left the Kingston Bakery/Service Station around noon, a white Pulsar hatchback went past and we pulled out behind it on the Kingston to Millicent Rd... the Pulsar was weaving slightly and I thought it had suspension problems, but it quickly drew away drifting a foot on to the other side of the road and back again...

It was immediately obvious that the car wasn't the problem, and as we went into that first big right-hander bend the car drifted fully onto the wrong side of the road...fortunately oncoming cars were able to see it and managed to pull off onto the old man was urging me to get up to him and try and pull him over but I wasn't going to put us where a clipped car might come spinning across the road at 100kms/hr+...

The car slowed from 120kms/hr+ to only 80kph and I got up behind it flashing my lights and tooting the horn madly...the car accelerated up to 120kph+ again and then suddenly slowed again...I got up close, tooted, flashed, and after several minutes of this, the driver finally slowed, indicated, and pulled over...I pulled up behind, got out, went up to the drivers window, and reached in and took the keys...the elderly gentleman was not impressed but was clearly well-pissed...his eyes were doing that slow bouncing thing.

He kept saying 'who are you?...and I keep replying that 'I'm the guy who's been following you watching you weave all over the road'...then I spotted a Vodka bottle on the passenger seat, and called the police, stating what I had done and that we were about 5kms from Kingston toward Millicent...and when the bloke kept asking me what I was doing I told him 'I'm making a citizen's arrest'...

Eventually the police arrived and we were actually just over 20kms from Kingston...the drama had made it seem like no distance or time at all...they breathalysed him and he was well over...and then the police officers thanked me...and then the driver thanked me...when he had it shown to him just how drunk he was, he thanked me for getting him off the road because he was such a danger to other motorists...he thanked me 3 times.

The attending officers asked that I go to Mt Gambier police station when we got back to the Mount, and I did, and at the end of taking my statement the young officer stood up, leaned forward, and stretched out his hand to shake mine, saying "Thankyou, we need more people like you"

That's my version of events...and I don't know how TBW came by their version but it's badly wrong...I guess it's two lessons, 1) in not believing everything you read, and 2) in trust, in that there's no way I can prove my version...but that is what happened...

Thankyou for your indulgences re my indulgence, and hopefully today's post was relatively entertaining without all the usual fear and loathing...and.

Tomorrow: The 30 Year State Transport Plan Thingy

And at the info day on Thursday, my two questions brought uncomfortable 'no' responses, but it's only a draft I'm sure...I hope...tomorrow those questions and the implications.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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