Hello Brazil, Russia, Dominican Republic, and Romania, and welcome to the blog...apologies for my mistake yesterday where I referred to the former Gambier Contracts site in Eucalypt Drive as being Green Triangle Services...not sure why, or if there is and/or has ever been a GTS as such, but apologies anyway...
Other than once asking for 'Nomination Support', and the odd round of frustrated taunting and/or pleading, I don't believe that I've specifically asked for blog availees to get involved in my particular brand of perpetual bollocks, but there's always a first time...and now we are in it...re my post yesterday and the ludicrous $600,000 that Mt Gambier City Council is about to burn on the fake creek and pondy thingy on the Rail Lands site, please write to The Border Watch and/or call the ABC Local Radio, etc...with TBW you can remain anonymous in print after providing your details.
Now I do appreciate that this is largely a pointless exercise given Council's almost purient obsession with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and clearly defined contempt for ratepayers and what we think, want, and/or need, but hopefully if people express enough outrage via the media even Council may reconsider...please contact the local media asap and ask/demand that the $600k be used to renovate the Old Rail Station and/or some other reasonable purpose...(but fa' gord sake, don't mention the blog-Ed)...or me...(or him...strewth, or me for that matter-Ed)...I mean, you can try writin' ta' Council directly but what chance they'll even read it?
I Miss Not Missing This: even though I missed it the other night I still don't miss going to City Council's meeting Tuesday 18th March 2014 because this $600k mind-spew is exactly the sort of crap you get to witness without being allowed to say a word...but if one doesn't attend one misses critical stuff like when Mayor Steve Perryman declared an "Accommodation" Conflict of Interest with the company that was 2 minutes later awarded the Old Hospital demolition...
A CofI that the Independent Commission Against Corruption couldn't find even when they had it in front of themselves where they placed it themselves as per the copy of the Meeting Minutes they'd downloaded themselves and what they done show me when we had a coffee and our little chat...and thusly ICAC completely exonerated City Council, thusly proving just how corrupt ICAC is...and that there is some't ya' just don't wanna miss now.
And in today's The Border Watch Thursday 3rd April 2014 a charming article about the terrific sawdust-burning 'Bio-furnace' used to heat the Mt Gambier pool...it is apparently super efficient and cheaper than gas, and Council has hit on the brilliant idea of further reducing costs by closing the pool from April to next October...(clever-Ed)...I'll say it again...just put a roof over the present pool - too easy - and use the roof space for solar thermal...
Resplendent In Her Refinery: once upon a time, but BP's Bulwer Island (Brisbane) facility is to close with the loss of approx 300 jobs...losing said Refinery places Australia in an increasingly vulnerable position re our petrol supply, and I don't accept the argument that there's little difference between importing fuel oil and just importing petrol straight from Singapore...1) I'd rather run the risk of something going wrong with shipping oil about the place, it's far safer to transport, greatly reduced terrorism target, etc, and 2) I'd rather be supplementing by import a massive oil reserve ready for refining as necessary than trying to store the equivalent of petrol.
Bulwer Island is now set to be used solely as a storage site...ultimately it's about cost of production and our ongoing failure to invest in crucial infrastructure...it is allegedly far cheaper to import petrol from the massive plant in Singapore than refine it ourselves...and while we're on the subject of closures...
Butting Out: of Australia, tobacco manufacturer Phillip Morris has announced the closure of it's Victorian plant with the loss of 180 jobs and that production to be moved to South Korea...the excuses include production costs and more importantly 'Plain Packaging' legislation that compromises exports to Asia, etc...(can't they just print different packaging for overseas markets?-Ed)...well given that they produce different brands from the one plant, I would have thought that different packaging for external markets was possible...
(Pardon my ignorance, but perhaps the PP legislation covers production within Australia so they can't do the standard packs for other markets-Ed)...possibly, but I think it's yet again mostly about the production costs and the profit margin for the company, and the PP argument is a bit of a furphy, a red herring if not quite a lie...(didn't we just sign a 'Free Trade Agreement' thingy with South Korea?-Ed)...yep...(to be implemented incrementally across a range of products?-Ed)...again, yes...(and does that 'FTA' have the provisions whereby companies and/or state run businesses can sue Australia and/or Ozzie businesses for 'Anti-Competitive Behaviour'?-Ed)...dunno...
I'm not sure about any of that, but I can see where you're headed...you're concerned that Phillip Morris has moved to South Korea possibly partly with a view to suing over the 'discriminatory' PP legislation, getting probably damages for losses, etc...(just sayin'-Ed)...
Boeing, Going, Gone: as the aircraft manufacturer Boeing also announces that it is not (yet) closing it's Victorian operation but is also axing 300 jobs...and yet again it's a range of 'issues' but the real bottom line is the bottom line...and these are the sort of jobs that Toyota, Ford, and Holden workers would be after...it's looking more and more like it's down the mines for all a' ya'...and a self-justifying argument for the relentless expansion of all forms of mining...we need those jobs...(yay-Ed)...
A preemptive apology for any offense caused by the following, and a Rude Joke Warning...
(Adult Entertainment Industry Retirement Expo: is currently being held at Millicent, but I can't get there without the car...not that I'm retiring from the Adult Entertainment Industry...not that I've ever been in the AEI...just sayin'-Ed)...yes, exactly what are you saying?...there's no AEI Expo at Millicent and/or a Retirement Expo, or anything like that, there's only the Quilting Festival and that's not a ahh wait, hang on a minute, I think I can see what you've done...mmm yes, that's not two 't's, one of them is an 'l'...it's a 'lt' in those words, not 'tt'...(ah, so it says 'Quilting' not 'Quitting' then?-Ed)...exactly...but I still don't see where you got 'Adult Industry' from because it's ah no wait, yes I do...
Ed is of course referring to the relatively famous Geltwood Quilting Festival currently underway in Millicent, 50kms Westish of Mt Gambier...where I went for my lovely drive last year round and round the Wind Turbines at Lake Bonney...and now running off yet again into the dead joke area with absolute apologies to anyone involved with the festival who might take offense at what is genuinely just a rude joke...(so it wasn't the Gettwood Quitting Festival then?-Ed)...no, no it wasn't...(you know, sometimes I feel like you just use me as a vehicle for your schoolboy humour and atrocious punning...sometimes I don't feel like a real person at all, sob-Ed)...um, moving on...
I know I've put the boot into several other Festivals, etc, in previous posts, but the Geltwood Festival is a in a whole different context, good luck to them I say...which segues nicely into another quick mention of Chris Plunkett who recently stated on ABC Local Radio that City Council's claims about axing the 'Mayoresses Family Fun Day' due to the cost of $46,000 were "misleading"...Ms Plunkett said that $46k was largely for the Council Immunisation Program and for her wages.
Apparently the ABC rang Council to offer them 'right of reply' but Council said they do not believe
another interview is necessary but instead would provide a written statement to explain the 'inaccuracies in the Plunkett interview'...(ahahahaha, so those claims by Ms Plunkett are true then-Ed)...it would appear so...uhhh, I'm done for today...(yep, me too-Ed)...well then,
Tomorrow: Some Latest Wind Turbine Stuff
Just a catch-up post re some windy stuff...oh, and I don't apologise for my 'humour' recently because I've been ticking over nicely after hearing the tail-end of a report earlier this week about a teacher who had been found guilty of Inappropriate Contact with a 12 year old student, but was off doing private tutoring...this is exactly what happened at St Martins Lutheran School with teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002...
The school removed Dorling from the classroom following direct disclosures from several children, and then knew he was tutoring St Martins students at his home unsupervised...it has been put to me that the school actually deliberately organised this tutoring so they could attack the 'allegations' as being false - 'there's nothing wrong, look, we're prepared to allow kids to go to his home, it's just those bad parents complaining'...
Whoever organised it, senior St Martins staff used that tutoring to undermine and discredit the children's disclosures and parent complaints...it was just a small part of the broader Character Assassination Agenda that the Lutherans and SAPol and Rory McEwen et al used against us parents to protect Glyn Dorling and try to hide the abuse...rot in hell the lotta' ya'...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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