Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...and thankyou for loggin' on to another piece of 'log floggin' blog floggin' re the South East SA Forestry Estate and all the saw log being exported from the Port of Portland just across the border (100kms) in Victori...sorry, short post, having more 'drop-out' problems, but again I understand that I'm not the only one in this part of the world...

A Qualification: of my comments yesterday re the United Nations and the Rwandan genocide...as stated, there were killings on either side but the vast majority of people killed were Tutsi and moderate Hutu, killed by Hutu militia, military personnel, etc...also I failed to mention that whilst the UN was broadly criticised for a failure to act, there were10 Belgian UN soldiers killed early in April 1994 which led to the Belgians withdrawing their troops.

Free For All: And something about a Free Trade deal with Japan...blah, blah, blah...something else about 1/4 in tariffs on Ozzie dairy products re the 130,000 tonnes of dairy to Japan...and we're still paying a 20% tariff on Beef, etc...more tomorrow...logs today...but first...

Epic Epping Fail: with the new produce market being opened by the Victorian government that has been built in a residential area (Epping) and is already being denounced as too small (from 630 stands down to 215?-sorry)...5-6 years behind schedule, $600million instead of the original $300m, and half the size it should be...the idea was apparently that supermarkets will go to these 'farmers markets' to source their produce, but as one Organic farmer was quoted on the ABC 'we can't control the weather, don't use chemicals, etc, our produce looks like it does, not what the supermarkets want, uniformity'...

He continued 'everyone's screaming about it' and 'do they (government) want us to sell (our land) overseas, so these countries can buy our land now?'...'where do you go to sell (Organic) product?', and was concerned that he himself had dropped from 20 employees to 10, and sold his produce via an honesty box at the front gate, and a few local shops and markets in the Otways...(paraphrasing).

The Growers Advisory Committee states that the vast majority are excited, but the concerns are that 1) supermarkets purchase mainly from farm gate not farmers markets, and of course 2) that the site is too small and will therefore drive out smaller growers, eg, organic businesses...moving on...

Reported this morning on ABC Local Radio that 2 (not 3 as I said yesterday) people charged with a series of Child Abuse offences including incest and bestiality...from today's The Border Watch Tuesday 8th April 2014;
    'Disturbing sex offence claims' "They have been charged with persistent sexual exploitation and
     producing and possessing child exploitation material, while one of the alleged offenders was also
     charged with bestiality."
But no mention of incest...and I don't know what is happening with this next bit;
    "Limestone Coast police...would not confirm the nature of the alleged offending or whether there
      were any human victims."

I'm not entirely sure what "human victims" entails in a case of "child exploitation material", but I'll hazard a wild guess and say it might include 'human children'...(yeah, it doesn't read too well does it...perhaps it's just an unfortunate typo-Ed)...whatevs...just another abhorrent sex-crime re-enforcing the world's view of South Australia, and SAs view of the South East...just another day really...moving on...(dude, I just know you don't mean 'whatevs...moving on'-Ed)...fair enough...how's about 'I just can't do this shit again today...every day for 12 years, day in day out, until I've got no more sanity to give...can't do that shit today'...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

Please find attached the rest of the coverage from The Border Watch Friday 5th April 2014 re the concerns that One Forty One Plantations is actually 141 Logging, and that there's very little 'planting' going on...(nice, polite scathingness-Ed)...indeed...and not added TBW Wednesday 2nd April's headline, Log supply bid about Chinese company Chongqing Mondiway Trade Co...or today's TBW headline End Sale Secrecy, quoting Dr Jerry Leech as yet again calling for a Royal Commission into the Forestry Sale.

Because of the length of these articles, I'll do a third part tomorrow to dot point all of the issues (and apologies for sideways orientation, hope it's not too much of a problem)...and there's also the more pressing issue of Shale Gas Fracking, currently expanding at Penola with the second 'test well' drilling after the first shaft has been completed and 'first results are promising' (Beach Energy)...(yay-Ed)...

But just a quick contextualising...in the below articles, where they refer to 'the Roundtable' and 'sale conditions and contracts', etc, remember that most of those 'contracts' are only for 5-10 years...after that it's open slather...and statements that exporters can only do 12 month contracts means nothing because they just have to agree to renew and that same contract can run for 100 years...


I'll try to thoroughly cross reference the many issues going on here and probably include the Dr Jerry Leech stuff as well...it's difficult because I don't have a lot of personal experience with the Forestry Industry, but a lot of experience with people like Premier Jay Weatherill...(sounds like a job for Captaaaain C Nick-Ed)...Captain Cynic, huh, yeah probably...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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