Hello and welcome to the blog...this is a quick bit of an explanation/self-justification post in light of a series of kerbside chats and/or other feedbacks, so I might take some space to acknowledge and respond...Council Budget stuff tomorrow, it ain't goin' nowhere...(yay-Ed)....cheers...
Feedback: I know I've made myself fairly unpopular round about the Shire, and so it has almost floored me to receive some recent unexpected support and advice from equally unexpected sources...obviously I'm not going to say who said what when exactly, but Mt Gambier is a very small town and just walking down the street is fraught with encounter...(ahhh, no, it's people, ooo whoa dude-Ed)...hilarious, are you mocking the Agoraphobia stuff? 'cos if you are I'm gonna...(hey they're still looking-Ed...I'll talk to you later)...so this post is a montage of off-blog comments and there's a general trend toward, as I say, support and understanding...
Ploughing off into the dead joke area now with a statement about this 'inevitable encountering' and how that has impacted on my Agoraphobia, eg, didn't want to go to town because I was almost guaranteed to run into someone from St Martins and possibly get abused in the street or in the supermarket or on the bus...these days when I see these same people who had a go at me, they won't even make eye contact...it's all scurry and run...suits me...Agoraphobia is a very deep pit to crawl out of though, and I still got me sum' crawlin' ta' do...
It's very different to being harangued and attacked and bullied and threatened at public meetings where I know I'm going to run into a bunch of City Councillors, etc, and indeed expect to cop flack for just showing my face...I'm not just being an egomanic nutter...(no indeed, that and so much more-Ed)...when I say that my presence at a function of any description changes the tone and mood in that room...just big enough to stand out in a crowd and just known enough to be intensely disliked...(fair call-Ed)...not that that excuses these alleged professionals totally inappropriate behaviours toward me in public meetings...(again, fair call-Ed)...
It has been put to me that some people simply can't be seen to attend certain meetings and express certain opinions, etc...(fair enough, small town retribution and all that-Ed)...absolutely...and that it's good to see someone giving it a bit of a go because it does clearly need to be done...and that observation that yes I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed and do have a very limited political experience and/or interest, but again that I've clearly sought to contribute and have a better idea of what's happening than most.
And yes I am relatively happy to talk about the depression, Agoraphobia, etc, and how it's affected me because it is largely as a result of how I have been treated, predominantly off the back of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...I don't need to justify or explain myself to anyone, here's a reality, that's the way it is, simple as that...(well actually you may well have to explain soon because Prime Minister Abbott has promised to make us all dump a load-Ed)...no, I think you'll find he's talking a load about everyone else having to 'lift the load' which may well mean people being dumped off the Disability Support Pension, etc...(oh-Ed)...
I was flattered that someone called me brave again for talking about this Mental Health stuff, but it's mostly about me owning what is to a large degree just a reality...and real or not, it's been stated repeatedly and specifically to denigrate myself and other parents by people like former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, not least of all on the front page of The Border Watch...(he's off-Ed)...sorry, I'm off...and when Child Protection Activists contacted him about St Martins...(and away-Ed)...
And when Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner Stephen Lieschke, who had acted for the St Martins teacher Glyn Dorling in the Teachers Registration Board Inquiry, when Mr Lieschke rang those same CPAs and warned them off helping us, he repeatedly stated that we parents had 'psychological problems'...(and the stuff he claimed about 'death threats against Dorling' and how a father, you, had confessed to a plot to throw Dorling off a cliff, etc-Ed)...yeah, the whole box and dice...lies, slander, and manipulation to attack parents to support the cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7 year old kids...(come back to us dude-Ed)...yeah sorry...("so much anger, so much rage"-Jurgen Harborrmaster-The Mighty Boosh-BBC TV)
It seems that people understand that whilst I continue to make occasional mistakes, it is not a question of deliberate manipulation or propaganda, that I'm trying to be accurate and balanced...(I'd argue that making a few mistakes is even healthy-Ed)...how so?...(well if you're prone to the occasional albeit genuine mistake, it arms the reader with a healthy cynicism-Ed)...sorry, 'healthy cynicism'?...(yeah, ya' don't wanna believe everything ya' read...and for a range of reasons beyond genuine mistakes-Ed)...fair enough...
And that is the positive to be found in that feedback, there is a sense of credibility and even trust in what I'm saying and at least trying to do with the blog...it also apparently doesn't hurt that much of what I "allege and/or complain about" is supported by documentation...there is some small self-satisfaction to be gleaned from this 'credibility' because I'd be a whole bunch happier if most of what I post was absolute bollocks...which segues nicely into...
My repeated apologies for some of the fruitier language in the blog, have been generously waved aside as unnecessary, and my unrepentant ventage even described as 'hardly surprising given what you've been through' (paraphrase)...it was even put to me that I show 'remarkable restraint'...I'm not going to use that as a license to go right off the vitriolic deep end, but it is hugely cathartic to hear others acknowledge both the reality of the shizzle that's going on and the idea that it would clearly be deeply traumatising, and that in that context, I actually handle things pretty well.
I'm also aware that some blogs tout for donations and it has been suggested that I might do that, but as previously stated I consider that I'm already working as best I can for what support I do already get via the DSP and Housing Trust...not gloating, not bragging, not doing anything but just sayin'...it is genuinely part of why I do the blog and why I take it so seriously...
Advice I Will Take: is that which I've already decided myself, namely, it wouldn't hurt to give myself a bit of a break from the blog once and a while...(sure they weren't saying 'give it a bloody rest will you, we're so sick of your particular brand of bollocks day in day out'-Ed)...fair point and duly taken, but no it was about looking after my health, not burning out, etc...(wasn't ya' mum was it?-Ed)...well yes her go' bless 'er, her amongst others...so I'm going to effectively give myself a day off...(yay-Availees)...once a week...(woohoo-A)...and on that day just post some documents or poetry, etc...(norrrr not fair, not the poetry-A)...
Don't panic, I gotta' ton a' bad puns, questionable wordsmitheries, and dodgy japes to get through before that 'day off' actually happens...certainly not going to happen,
Tomorrow: Budget Stuff From Council
As promised, but still not really too sure what to say about things fiscal when the numbers are coming from Council, because they're all over the shop...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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