Short answer, read this blog...(yeah, that's not so much 'an answer' as a directive, and this voluminous verbosiveness is hardly short, even the short bits-Ed)...well yeah, you're right, and I can only apologise for yet again railing against the St Martins Cover-up, but whatta' ya' gunna' do? just turn ya' back on it?...(seems to work for nearly everyone else-Ed)...indeed...and what I find so truly amusing is that despite what I've put myself through to continue to try to act appropriately in continuing to try and address multiple complex issues, issues that I have in many cases proven beyond debate, proven beyond suein', despite that, the Goodly, the Godly, and the Great still see fit to charge past all of it in their blinkered frenzy to get at me because clearly I'm the problem...(you bastard-Ed)
Proven Beyond Suein': is a lovely li'l catchphrase that fully encapsulates the realities of what I've blogged about, in many cases repeatedly, eg, the St Martins Cover-up...why is it that I can say 'The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up' pretty much every post and it just stays there?...(umm, because it's a reality that defies the multiple 'defamation threats' that the Lutheran's lawyers, the Crown Solicitor, lawyer Bill DeGaris, etc, have flung at you?-Ed) you mean the multiple written threats flung at me by 'authorities' whilst those same authorities have involved themselves in the cover-up and flatly refused to actually address the abuses, etc, etc? those threats?...(yeah, they're the ones...and where are they anyway?-Ed)...see that pile over there...not sure where the rest are...
Read this blog and deny me the entwining reality that South Australia is effectively run by paedophiles for paedophiles, and that the Lutherans clearly have a great deal of control/influence in that entire set-up...(that's a big call-Ed)...really? 13 years of covering-up the gross abuse of dozens (possibly hundreds) of 7 year old kids in a Lutheran classroom? with the full support of South Australian parliament, Labor and Liberal, including the current Premier Jay Weatherill and his predecessor Mike Rann, multiple Education Ministers, former local Member Rory McEwen, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, the entirely corrupted SA 'Child Protection System', etc, etc, etc? and then not even mentioned by the Federal Royal Commission despite my/parents submissions?...(yeah, that does look a fraction crook, doesn't it-Ed)... *(post done across several days..apols for any non-synchronicityness...ness)*
And a belated hello to Malta, Venezuela, India, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...and if y'all are sensing a dense and sodden fog of furious bloggin', it's 'cos 1) I've just had the pleasure of the company (via the ABC Lateline) of our charming Human Rights Commissioner, Tim 'I So Wanna' Be Christopher Pyne' Wilson...(isn't he the clown whom, immediately prior to being appointed the HRC by the Abbott Liberal government, whilst still head of the rabidly Right-wing Institute of Public Affairs, was calling for the entire Commission to be scrapped?-Ed)...yeah, that's him, whatta' clown...
And like any good idealogue, he completely ignored and/or dismissed as irrelevant or wrong anything which compromised his opinion...(so he does a blog then? sorry, sorry, gourd bless, I couldn't resist that were saying 'his opinion', which was?-Ed)...oh he was jumping all over this SBS journalist/reporter who was sacked for 'tweeting' some unpleasant truths about ANZAC...well done Timmy, you've now made me a defender of this SBS dude...(is it Scott McIntyre?-Ed)...whatevs, I don't care about the whom, it's about the what of what he said and the why he was sacked...and again, there's plenty of alleged experts defending the truths in what was 'tweeted'...
From the couple I've seen, the issue for me is that the comments/'tweets' go too far in that they seem to encompass/describe almost all Aussie soldiers en masse as rapists and pillagers, etc, when the realities are far more likely roughly the same as in civilian blunt as it is, some men rape, murder, steal, etc, in any circumstances, war is just another place it for the comments about Hiroshima and Nagasaki being 'terrorist attacks', etc, there's plenty of truth in saying that had the Allies lost WWII their leaders would likely have faced War Crimes charges, eg, for actions like fire-bombing civilian populations in Dresden, Tokyo, etc...I've heard and read accounts from some of those leaders where they themselves acknowledge this...(wasn't it the head of RAF Bomber Command or someone similar who said he'd have been charged for Dresden?-Ed)...yes Ed, yes it was...the winners write history, I told you...
Anyhoos, and 2)* yesterday evening...had this post half done late yesterday arvo (Wednesday April 29th 2015) when the ABC Radio's Annette
Marner ran interviews with some clown from the Sow Strayan Law Society
or somethin' or other legal group, and then someone from ASCA SA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) talking
about what we need to do better to better protect children..(oh boy-Ed)...and without picking the discussion to pieces, it was largely about protecting children in the home from familial and/or domestic abuses...I made one of my rare calls to the ABC, given that I'm banned off the ABC and all, and the callee was very sympathetic to my point re St Martins that a teacher had abused kids and that there'd been investigations by multiple 'authorities' including the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing and subsequent SARC Report no.52, etc, all of it organised by parents...
(So how'd that go then?-Ed)...well it went wherevs this stuff goes but it weren't to air, not that I heard anyhoos...and joy of joys, welcome back to the ABC Local Radio my bestie Stan Thompson...(I thought you loathed him as yet another explicitly complicit, corrupt ABC employee who has chosen to wholly engage in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and has resultantly repeatedly refused you/parents any air-time what-so-ever, eg, refusing to run anything about the parliamentary SARC Inquiry and Report no.52, etc-Ed)...absolutely, him and Stuart Stansfield are 2 of the senior local ABC employees who have helped the Lutherans and have routinely betrayed me/other parents by pulling the same 'set-us-up' stunt that The Border Watch repeatedly did...furthermore, I personally provided him with reams of sensitive personal documentation and it's all apparently been 'lost'...
(Yeah, but Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield are no more or less complicit than any of the many senior ABC staff you've been screwed over by...and when I say 'you', I of course mean all of the 7 year old children abused at St Martins by teacher Glyn Dorling, the kid's families, and every other child who has been abused, and all abuse that the ABC has chosen to help cover-up-Ed)...indeed...and just to really piss me off, well not to piss me off specifically, but Stuart is currently holding forth about the "First World Problem" of Mt Gambier's water quality and yet another switch to bore water due to yet more 'infrastructure works', and then another in June...(why not do all of this at the same time they did all the mains pipes recently? why onto bore water, off again, on again, etc? surely it's far more efficient to do it all at once-Ed)...indeed, and tons of calls about how atrocious Mt Gambier's water is because of the chemicals, etc...(yay-Ed)...
And yet another 90 second ABC interview with City Mayor Andrew Lee about Council's Budget and the 4.5% Rate rise and the 'need to sort out debt' and 'doing the heavy lifting due to previous borrowing', etc...(but only months back Council voted to go after a $10million, '$for$' grants/funding pool thingy for a 'Regional Recreation Centre', didn't they?-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, voting to lodge an application for Federal funding, an application that demands Council have $10m immediately to hand 'cos ya' gotta' have the readies, well, ready before ya' can apply...(and what's happened to that then?-Ed)...dunno', it's disappeared as fast as it appeared, I'll check it out...
And yay as a Northern Territory Minister spends $45,000 on a 10 day trip to New York...(and millions of Australians are on the poverty line-Ed)...indeed, here again the glaring reality of the 'born-to-rule' mentality of our current politicians...politics in this country has long been about the entitlement and the fraud and corruption, etc, that comes with it...Mt Gambier City Council is in many of these ways not just typical but exemplary in that it appears to function wholly and solely as a self-involved and corrupt medium for syphoning-off Ratepayers money straight into the pockets of Councillors and/or their families and/or mates...again, proven beyond suein' apparently...elsewhere...
I find it highly bemusing but nowhere near amusing that during the frenzy about the recent Indonesian executions, killing people by way of administering justice, that we 1) barely mention the genocide occurring in West Papua, and 2) all are racing to embrace China where 1,000s of people are executed every year, and in some instances it is alleged for purely political rather than physical crimes...some reports even have accusations of marketting harvested organs from the executed and ideas that this may influence decisions to execute people...whatevs, the reality is that China and the United States of America, amongst others, regularly execute people in the name of Justice...
When you can guarantee me a Judicial system 1) free of politic and influence, 2) that never convicts an innocent person, then I'll think about supporting the death penalty...(I'd have thought that 40 years alone dying in a box somewhere gettin' fed bread and water was a punishment worse than death, so why kill people? apart from the fact that it's cheaper-Ed)...I don't know Ed, it seems to me in many ways like an ego/narcissism/power thing, ya' know? 'look how powerful I am I can order people dead, yay for me'...(sure as heck looks like what's happened in Indonesia-Ed)...damn straight, I ain't never goin' there again, and not as retribution for these executions, but because I don't need to get off a plane somewhere's that might shoot me because my drugs have mysteriously appeared in someone else's luggage...or vice versa maybe...
And not a word of a lie, as I live and type, Mayor Vickery on the ABC Radio and she's off to China with all the other local corrupt Mayors, Council CEOs, and various other stooges...(whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't just 'scatter-gun accuse' all local Mayors as being "corrupt"-Ed)...yeah, you're absolutely right, that would be inappropriate, I know nought about Mayor Vickery other than what I've read, etc, and have never met her...however, I'm pretty sure I can say it about every Mayor, CEO, etc, I have met and I'm not so much happy to do it but I'm more than prepared to challenge any local Mayor to have at me Sir with whatevs 'defamation threats' they feel they can justify...knock ya'selves out champs, let's all have a good hard look at the gallery of stars what is SELGA...(aren't you being a tad massively triumphal and yet tauntingly abusive-Ed)...why thankyou Ed, one does what one can, but I'm just trying to make a point...
And the technical point I'm rather facetiously making is that I take very seriously my responsibility to be as factual, truthful, and accurate as possible with this 'ere blog...beyond that, I believe that no-one will genuinely, actually try to sue me for anything I say no matter how outrageously wrong because there are so very many truly ugly truths surging to splurge themselves onto the page should they be offered the chance...2 points, firstly, obviously that means I could just make shizzle up for the sake of sensationalism but choose not to, and 2) there's clearly a strong foundation to my broader concerns about issues of corruption in the South East Local Government Assoc, etc...
The Bernard Finnigan Trial appears to have disappeared...('ow's that done then?-Ed)...well you take one very large system, ripe with corruption, and then just not do it 'cos you can...('not do it because you can', unfortunately makes perfect sense, they can get away with just not doing it because they are the rules, they are the law-Ed)....indeed...last dated media report I can Interweb is dated April 19th 2015...(but that's nearly 2 weeks since the magistrate 'retired' to consider his verdict in this closed, one judge/no jury, one witness, 2 week long case that started, omg, nearly a month ago, after, sweet baby cheeses, 4 years of changed charges, different Courts, etc-Ed)...and apparently not a word in the media...extraordinary other than this is Adelaide...anyhoos, it's gettin' real late so,
Tomorrow: Catching Up On Some Council Stuff
Some Attempts At Humour In Closing: which I may have used before but just for the heck of 2 cannibal jokes of course, being 'French cannibals are the worst because they'll eat you and the horse you rode in on'...(nice-Ed)...and 'discerning cannibals prefer seasoned travellers'...(ahaha-Ed)...and just for the heck of it...Scandinavian gangsters dispose of their foes by throwing them down the cracks in glaciers where they'll be sleepin' within fissures...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND "" AND ""
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Somethings That Have Made Me Laugh
Hello y'all and welcome to a hopefully 'lighter' post than yesterday's...I don't resile from any of it, still got plenty to say about ANZAC Day, and from what I've heard today, I ain't Robinson Crusoe...haven't read the specific 'tweets' involved (because I don't 'twitter' hardly at all) but apparently some SBS journalist set sail on a whole bunch of ANZAC 'myths' and said something about implying Aussie soldiers were rapists and plunderers, etc, and for his troubles, he got sacked...
(But wasn't he a sports journalist rather than say a political reporter-Ed)...think so, but I don't really care 'cos I'm not defending him specifically and haven't seen the 'tweets', what I does care 'bout is not who it is, but whether or not he's being punished for 1) gross errors in what he said, or 2) just for saying it...many alleged expert commentators have already defended this SBS dude, saying that what he said is crudely put but factually relatively accurate, stating that it's absolutely appropriate to move beyond the "glorification" of war and ANZAC, etc, that is currently happening (not my words)...and in context, I absolutely agree...(it's always about context with you, isn't it?-Ed)...context this matey...
Who is it dishonours ANZAC more?...1) the person who hazes and/or assaults and/or rapes a fellow soldier and/or 2) the senior person who covers that up...or 3) the person who writes about it on ANZAC Day...(well obviously the senior person who should have sorted it, they're first, they should resolve whatevs and prevent it ever happening again...second of course, the comrade who would behave like that toward a fellow 'digger'...and then last, and I'd need to read whatevs first of course, but I think appropriate discussion rather than this blinkered glorification is not just appropriate but respectfully mandatory-Ed)...beautifully said Ed, couldn't have put it better myself...(except that you did 'cos I don't actually exist so much as I'm a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a conversation rather than a diatribe-Ed)...orrr yeah, well except for that...
And the glaring, gloomy, looming reality is that every year many Australian men are more than capable of assaulting, raping, and killing women and/or children, and each other, and stealing, etc, etc, and that's in the free, safe country that we apparently are...sticking masses of them in a uniform, handing them weapons, and then shoving them into the insanity of a war-zone, is not likely to change those behaviours for the better...again, not defending that dude 'cos I don't know what he said, but I agree with the broader discourse that these are real issues that we are obliged to acknowledge...moving on lighter matters...
Rude Joke Warning: 'cos I've been trying to get some earlyish nights recently, catch-up on some sleep, etc, so I put on my piggy-jimjams, brush my toothy-pegs, and go to sleepy-bobos (The Goodies-BBC TV)... but instead of extended restful sojourns, I wake up at ridiculous times like 0430hrs...(it's an 'old man' thing, ya' can't sleep more than 5 hours at a go-Ed)...well that's just great...anyhoos, this led me to be recruited by a TV Evangelist...(testify-Ed)...and I've heeded the call...(hal-le-lujah-Ed)...I've given from my very core...(give until it hurts brother, and give thanks that you have it to give-Ed) I've sent them $1,000 of my seed.........(sorry what?-Ed)...yeah, $1k of Future Fletchers, just waiting for my cheque now...(oh dear-Ed)...what?...(how to explain-Ed)...use ya' words...
(Ok, well, I understand that it was early, you were sleepy, etc, but that ad actually said 'send us $1,000' as being 'the seed you will sew for others', that apparently grows into the Tree of Global Equality, or the Shrub of Salvation, the Hedge of Harmony, some bullshit, but the point being you're meant to send them $1,000 in cash, not as you have, somewhat more liquid assets-Ed)...sorry, I think you'll find they were spruiking for 'your seed at $1,000'...(no you idiot, 'your seed of $1,000...'of', not 'at' send them $1k and they'll apparently spend it for you on various 'Christian' projects, etc-Ed)...they want me to just give them $1,000?...(yep-Ed)...bollocks to that, they're not gettin' penny one from me the slags...and that was good seed to......(I think this joke's run it's course, shall we move on?-Ed)...indeed...
Fell Off My Chair Laughing: then coughed, farted, wheezed like an asthmatic accordion, burped, twitched, peed a bit, managed to get back on the chair, only to fall again and...(yes, we get the picture-Ed) was somewhat bemused to hear Bruce Lander, South Australia's ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) Commissioner, stating that 'recent issues/changes/reversals/whatevs occurring with the New South Wales ICAC, those changes won't affect the operation of our ICAC here in Sow Straya'...(but the SA ICAC is basically the absolute antithesis of the NSW one-Ed)...indeed, there-in lies the humour...
(Nuthin' funny about that...what we have is an absurd Secret Squirrel Star Chamber with frightening powers to completely quash issues, smother reportage, etc, etc-Ed)...right again...(the South Australian ICAC is not about exposing, addressing and resolving the corruption that defines South Australia, it has been conceived, constructed, and applied to maintain absolute control over continuing to cover-up corruption-Ed) that my hymn book you've got there?...(no no, it's my copy of The Gospel According To Charlie Drake*-Ed) this a cheese shop?*...(Norwegian Blue*-Ed)...
And I do not apologise for homaging Monty Python, again, because it doesn't matter what mood I'm in, that scene from Life Of Brian where Brian is captured and dragged before Pontius Pilate, is just the tonic...(he has a wife you know-Ed)...I don't know anything that comes even close in it's surgically insightful dissection of the human condition as The Life Of Brian, and with such ridiculous pantomime, and the stunning economy of also demands of the viewer a certain level of understanding about the times/events/whatevs, and yet beautifully illustrates and educates...what have the Romans ever done for us?...(and albeit with men pretending to be woman pretending to be men so they can attend a 'Men Only' stoning-Ed)...for Jehovah's sake...(he's the Messiah and I should know, I've followed a few)...and you're all different - yes we're all different - I'm not......if you've seen it you'll know these quotes well...
More laughable crap on the ABC Local Radio this afternoon from the 'Renewable Energy' lobby group the Clean Energy Council re the whimsical wonderment of shreckin' Wind Turbines...and yet another appalling 'Dorothy-Dixer' interview where-in the CEC spokesperson just spewed-out unchallenged all the same ol' lies about 'the cost of poles and wires' and 'once erected, Wind Turbines provide free energy', and 'the prices are comin' down, any time now, honest', etc, etc, etc...and then a very lame attempt to address the issues of peak supply at times of minimal energy production...I ran into that problem I have where I'm trying to listen, honest, but the relentless rhetoric as heard so often before, that sortta' switches me 'off'...(its almost like some sortta' 'self-preserving sanity-saving pressure valve' kinda' thingy that just shuts out the bollocks when it gets just too bollocky, even for you-Ed)...yeah, I'll go with that...and I'd just like to close with a Rude Joke Warning...
Everyone Loves A Parade: but not apparently as much as ma' homies down in Ye Olde Melbourne Town (Victoria)...(how so?-Ed)...heard some official dude in an interview last week, talking about the AFL (Aussie Football League) Grand Final Parade and the fact that it's now a public holiday, or will fall on a holiday this year, somethin' or other, and the question was 'will it mean smaller crowds? will peeps go into the city just for the parade?' and similar...and official spokesperson says, 'no way dudette, they love it, there'll be heaps there'...(how could he be so sure?-Ed)...good question Ed...he was adamant that Melbournians had a great fondness for the AFL Parade, and indeed were very keen on any and/or all parades...
RJW:...(sounds a bit odd...exactly how keen are they?-Ed)...very keen...(only very?-Ed), very very...(very very?-Ed)...look, I've got the quote here...(hang on, this better not be another long-winded lead in to one of your stupid pun thingys-Ed)...nah nah, gourd bless, gourd bless...(I gotta' say, you ain't fillin' me with confidence...go on then, so what did he say?-Ed)...yeah, he was certain that the locals don't just like a parade, they love a parade, and I mean like love a parade...(for gourd sake, what did he say-Ed)...hang on a t'is, and I quote..."You put on a parade and people will come"-The Official Dude.........(and that's why I hate you-Ed)...ta'...
Tomorrow: More ANZAC Stuff
As per feedback, I fully realise that the St Martins Cover-up is that by which I judge all other issues...I know, thanks, exactly how much it has dominated my life since 2002, but no, I don't know where I find the strength and courage to continue to fight, because I am neither strong nor courageous...(well how fortunate for you then that you've been blessed with such an abundance of ego, vanity and stubbornness that you can afford to distill it down to some vague semblance of courage-Ed)...I'll drink to that...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
**PS...just saw some of those 'tweets' on ABC 7.30 and must agree that there's more appropriate ways to talk about these issues...however, it is not inappropriate to question the "Legend Of ANZAC', etc, it is an obligation...(well I'd suggest use of the term 'Legend' begs appropriate discourse because it by definition identifies exaggeration even falsehood-Ed)...
(But wasn't he a sports journalist rather than say a political reporter-Ed)...think so, but I don't really care 'cos I'm not defending him specifically and haven't seen the 'tweets', what I does care 'bout is not who it is, but whether or not he's being punished for 1) gross errors in what he said, or 2) just for saying it...many alleged expert commentators have already defended this SBS dude, saying that what he said is crudely put but factually relatively accurate, stating that it's absolutely appropriate to move beyond the "glorification" of war and ANZAC, etc, that is currently happening (not my words)...and in context, I absolutely agree...(it's always about context with you, isn't it?-Ed)...context this matey...
Who is it dishonours ANZAC more?...1) the person who hazes and/or assaults and/or rapes a fellow soldier and/or 2) the senior person who covers that up...or 3) the person who writes about it on ANZAC Day...(well obviously the senior person who should have sorted it, they're first, they should resolve whatevs and prevent it ever happening again...second of course, the comrade who would behave like that toward a fellow 'digger'...and then last, and I'd need to read whatevs first of course, but I think appropriate discussion rather than this blinkered glorification is not just appropriate but respectfully mandatory-Ed)...beautifully said Ed, couldn't have put it better myself...(except that you did 'cos I don't actually exist so much as I'm a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a conversation rather than a diatribe-Ed)...orrr yeah, well except for that...
And the glaring, gloomy, looming reality is that every year many Australian men are more than capable of assaulting, raping, and killing women and/or children, and each other, and stealing, etc, etc, and that's in the free, safe country that we apparently are...sticking masses of them in a uniform, handing them weapons, and then shoving them into the insanity of a war-zone, is not likely to change those behaviours for the better...again, not defending that dude 'cos I don't know what he said, but I agree with the broader discourse that these are real issues that we are obliged to acknowledge...moving on lighter matters...
Rude Joke Warning: 'cos I've been trying to get some earlyish nights recently, catch-up on some sleep, etc, so I put on my piggy-jimjams, brush my toothy-pegs, and go to sleepy-bobos (The Goodies-BBC TV)... but instead of extended restful sojourns, I wake up at ridiculous times like 0430hrs...(it's an 'old man' thing, ya' can't sleep more than 5 hours at a go-Ed)...well that's just great...anyhoos, this led me to be recruited by a TV Evangelist...(testify-Ed)...and I've heeded the call...(hal-le-lujah-Ed)...I've given from my very core...(give until it hurts brother, and give thanks that you have it to give-Ed) I've sent them $1,000 of my seed.........(sorry what?-Ed)...yeah, $1k of Future Fletchers, just waiting for my cheque now...(oh dear-Ed)...what?...(how to explain-Ed)...use ya' words...
(Ok, well, I understand that it was early, you were sleepy, etc, but that ad actually said 'send us $1,000' as being 'the seed you will sew for others', that apparently grows into the Tree of Global Equality, or the Shrub of Salvation, the Hedge of Harmony, some bullshit, but the point being you're meant to send them $1,000 in cash, not as you have, somewhat more liquid assets-Ed)...sorry, I think you'll find they were spruiking for 'your seed at $1,000'...(no you idiot, 'your seed of $1,000...'of', not 'at' send them $1k and they'll apparently spend it for you on various 'Christian' projects, etc-Ed)...they want me to just give them $1,000?...(yep-Ed)...bollocks to that, they're not gettin' penny one from me the slags...and that was good seed to......(I think this joke's run it's course, shall we move on?-Ed)...indeed...
Fell Off My Chair Laughing: then coughed, farted, wheezed like an asthmatic accordion, burped, twitched, peed a bit, managed to get back on the chair, only to fall again and...(yes, we get the picture-Ed) was somewhat bemused to hear Bruce Lander, South Australia's ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) Commissioner, stating that 'recent issues/changes/reversals/whatevs occurring with the New South Wales ICAC, those changes won't affect the operation of our ICAC here in Sow Straya'...(but the SA ICAC is basically the absolute antithesis of the NSW one-Ed)...indeed, there-in lies the humour...
(Nuthin' funny about that...what we have is an absurd Secret Squirrel Star Chamber with frightening powers to completely quash issues, smother reportage, etc, etc-Ed)...right again...(the South Australian ICAC is not about exposing, addressing and resolving the corruption that defines South Australia, it has been conceived, constructed, and applied to maintain absolute control over continuing to cover-up corruption-Ed) that my hymn book you've got there?...(no no, it's my copy of The Gospel According To Charlie Drake*-Ed) this a cheese shop?*...(Norwegian Blue*-Ed)...
And I do not apologise for homaging Monty Python, again, because it doesn't matter what mood I'm in, that scene from Life Of Brian where Brian is captured and dragged before Pontius Pilate, is just the tonic...(he has a wife you know-Ed)...I don't know anything that comes even close in it's surgically insightful dissection of the human condition as The Life Of Brian, and with such ridiculous pantomime, and the stunning economy of also demands of the viewer a certain level of understanding about the times/events/whatevs, and yet beautifully illustrates and educates...what have the Romans ever done for us?...(and albeit with men pretending to be woman pretending to be men so they can attend a 'Men Only' stoning-Ed)...for Jehovah's sake...(he's the Messiah and I should know, I've followed a few)...and you're all different - yes we're all different - I'm not......if you've seen it you'll know these quotes well...
More laughable crap on the ABC Local Radio this afternoon from the 'Renewable Energy' lobby group the Clean Energy Council re the whimsical wonderment of shreckin' Wind Turbines...and yet another appalling 'Dorothy-Dixer' interview where-in the CEC spokesperson just spewed-out unchallenged all the same ol' lies about 'the cost of poles and wires' and 'once erected, Wind Turbines provide free energy', and 'the prices are comin' down, any time now, honest', etc, etc, etc...and then a very lame attempt to address the issues of peak supply at times of minimal energy production...I ran into that problem I have where I'm trying to listen, honest, but the relentless rhetoric as heard so often before, that sortta' switches me 'off'...(its almost like some sortta' 'self-preserving sanity-saving pressure valve' kinda' thingy that just shuts out the bollocks when it gets just too bollocky, even for you-Ed)...yeah, I'll go with that...and I'd just like to close with a Rude Joke Warning...
Everyone Loves A Parade: but not apparently as much as ma' homies down in Ye Olde Melbourne Town (Victoria)...(how so?-Ed)...heard some official dude in an interview last week, talking about the AFL (Aussie Football League) Grand Final Parade and the fact that it's now a public holiday, or will fall on a holiday this year, somethin' or other, and the question was 'will it mean smaller crowds? will peeps go into the city just for the parade?' and similar...and official spokesperson says, 'no way dudette, they love it, there'll be heaps there'...(how could he be so sure?-Ed)...good question Ed...he was adamant that Melbournians had a great fondness for the AFL Parade, and indeed were very keen on any and/or all parades...
RJW:...(sounds a bit odd...exactly how keen are they?-Ed)...very keen...(only very?-Ed), very very...(very very?-Ed)...look, I've got the quote here...(hang on, this better not be another long-winded lead in to one of your stupid pun thingys-Ed)...nah nah, gourd bless, gourd bless...(I gotta' say, you ain't fillin' me with confidence...go on then, so what did he say?-Ed)...yeah, he was certain that the locals don't just like a parade, they love a parade, and I mean like love a parade...(for gourd sake, what did he say-Ed)...hang on a t'is, and I quote..."You put on a parade and people will come"-The Official Dude.........(and that's why I hate you-Ed)...ta'...
Tomorrow: More ANZAC Stuff
As per feedback, I fully realise that the St Martins Cover-up is that by which I judge all other issues...I know, thanks, exactly how much it has dominated my life since 2002, but no, I don't know where I find the strength and courage to continue to fight, because I am neither strong nor courageous...(well how fortunate for you then that you've been blessed with such an abundance of ego, vanity and stubbornness that you can afford to distill it down to some vague semblance of courage-Ed)...I'll drink to that...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
**PS...just saw some of those 'tweets' on ABC 7.30 and must agree that there's more appropriate ways to talk about these issues...however, it is not inappropriate to question the "Legend Of ANZAC', etc, it is an obligation...(well I'd suggest use of the term 'Legend' begs appropriate discourse because it by definition identifies exaggeration even falsehood-Ed)...
Sunday, April 26, 2015
It's Un-Australian To Not Question ANZAC Day
Hello Turkey, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, France, and of course
Aoteroa (New Zealand), and India, Canada, and all of the other
nationalities involved in the 1915 conflict on the Gallipoli shore, where European powers played-out their Empirical
aspirations and their generals and politicians used their young men as
virtually expendable cannon-fodder...
It is simply not my place to tell others what to feel about ANZAC Day, particularly Turkey/Turkish people, but I do consider it an obligation to honour my grandfathers by adhering to and acknowledging the example they set me...and that example is to question the very nature of what has become very nearly a circus...I question whether many of the people who turn-out to Dawn Services and/or go to Gallipoli, etc, really have any idea what it is they are 'recognising''s not particularly their fault as individuals, but I'm sick of hearing the same trite slogans trotted out by students and relatives, etc, because it very quickly becomes meaningless...
Don't take my word for it, really research for yourselves the genuine motivations of the Dardenelles Campaign, and particularly the role that Australians, New Zealanders, et al, were cast to play by our Empirial overlords...we (ANZAC) were the distraction designed to make things easier for British troops landing elsewhere on the peninsula, and the overall discussion (predominantly between Britain and France) was about how to carve up the 400 year old Ottoman Empire after it was defeated...
And today we turn out like prize livestock to applaud the same British Royal family, who 100 years ago were almost predominantly German, the same Britain that officially turned it's back on Australia when Singapore fell to the Japanese in February 1942, cutting us loose as expendably uneconomical and therefore irrelevant...again, read ya' history books...(and then go looking for the truth as well-Ed)...indeed Ed, it is often said that 'the winners write history' and their collective recollectionings can tend to be a little, shall we say, self-excusatory...but I digress...
I do not apologise this time for not doing a post for a coupla' days because this past week has been a confronting and deeply depressing time, and if I've even strayed near the blog, I've been churning out chunks of un-postable anger and vengeful vitriole...(well if that was 'un-postable', how much more angry was it than what's below?-Ed), it's all angry mate, just anger parred-back to something a little less 'sue-able' and/or arrestable...resultantly, I also do not apologise for the infused fury and impending sense of quiet rage that pervades this post and I would like to preface it with a brief re-iteration of my experience of ANZAC Day and what it means to me...I know I've been through a lot of this in previous ANZAC Day posts on this 'ere blog, but not only has very little changed, that change has seldom been for the better...
My life story is often one of extraordinary privilege and even luxury as befits a middle-class white-boy born in this country, this great wide land...(this stolen land-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed we did steal it, with murder, mayhem, disease, and deceit, and that segues into the outrageously disgraceful way we have treated Aboriginal people...and an opportunity for me personally to acknowledge both 1) those horrendous practices and their devastating outcomes, and 2) the service of Aboriginal people in 'their countries' Armed Services...(and whilst not legally recognised as 'human beings' under 'Terra Nulleus'-Ed)...indeed...
(You know, I find it quite amusing that Australia's first European settlers were predominantly convicts transported because of their crimes, and yet the Empire that judged and shunned them made it's fortunes largely with slavery, murder, and theft, not least of all in the very country to whence It had dispatched it's crooksEd)...interesting observation Ed, but the story I'm telling today starts with the extraordinary privilege of being a boy growing-up in 1970's Australia, and having both my grandfathers still alive, and both of them decorated WWII veterans, and neither having ever attended an ANZAC Day march/commemoration or the RSL (Returned and Services League) despite the fact or even because they would have been lauded as the gentle heroes they were...because of them I have the dual luxuries of a gentle heart and the knowledge born of violent experience...
Pops was a Scottish child immigrant who enlisted and served in the Australian Army as a 'Rat of Tobruk' and fought in many other 'iconic' theatres/campaigns across the Mediterranean,/North Africa, and in New Guinea/the Pacific...he several times made Corporal due to deaths in his unit, but was regularly busted back to Private because of his 'larrikin' nature, including spending time in Gladstone Gaol for briefly going AWOL (Absent With Out Leave)...I spent many ANZAC Days with Pops and Grandma at their house...
*Graphic Violence Warning*- I can only recall one specific 'war story' that he told, a shocking story about his first night in Tobruk when his unit strayed into German positions and his mate was shot through the head...they spent that first night fighting their way back into their own trenches, and then the next 2 days fighting to retrieve the body...and when he grabbed his mates body by the ankles, the corpse had already rotted in the desert sun and the feet came away in his hands...they had to use a sheet/tarp to fetch back his body...I cannot describe the look on Pops' face when he told this story...
He was far happier to 'travelogue' his service as part of the Oz Army...bazaars in Tunisia where they tried to sell the Aussies "chicken, no'' shnake, chicken" (as said with a Scottish/Tunisian accent), or time at Gladstone, etc...and Papa was the same, they rarely if ever spoke of their war 'exploits' and neither were ever involved in anything remotely to do with their service...(apart from the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital-Ed)...indeed, and I'll get to that, now in fact...
Because I've been switching channels to avoid that prime piece of work, that moralless, loathsome, spotted reptile, that betrayer and deceiver, SA Labor's new Veteran's Minister, Martin this rancid turncoat can even show his face in public is indicative of an ego swollen to true insanity...(no wonder he fits in so well with Labor then-Ed) opinion of this person aside, how is he allowed to run in a safe Liberal seat, as the endorsed Liberal candidate, and then when elected, just betray all involved and jump to Labor?...(well because 1) the Liberals are so pathetically in-effective, and appear to be more than happy in that role as a perpetual political irrelevance...but far more important is 2) the one genuine bipartisan issue in South Australian politics, the pro-paedophile corruption...he's as absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up as pretty much every other scumbag in Sow Strayan parliament...oh, and beyond that, he immediately gets a massive pay-rise as a Minister-Ed)...super...
Ah, Marty Moose, dear oh dear...just another Liberal leader who knows all about the St Martins Cover-up and has chosen to be complicit because it puts money in his pocket...whatta' disgrace...he gets paid a small fortune for his betrayal, itself an opportunity to actively engage in covering-up paedophilia above and beyond being just a pathetically complicit, irrelevant Liberal Opposition leader...(I think the terms 'pathetically complicit', and 'irrelevant' are KPIs for the Liberal Party in South Australia-Ed)...oh Ed, scythingly eviscerating yet hilariously abusive, you are a lark...
Marty is a simpering personification of the rank selfishness and pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australia...nothing more, nothing less...I remind availees that I spoke with Marty when he was in Mt Gambier, as the then Liberal leader (late 2007, early 2008?), and in the company of then (and still) Member for McKillop, Mitch Williams...I just happened upon the pair of them crossing the old Civic Centre carpark where the new Library is now, whilst on my way to the bus stop...for 20-30 minutes I described the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and they were animatedly shocked and dismayed, saying 'send me stuff', etc...(and what happened?-Ed)...whatta' ya' think? nothing, business as usual SA style...
And now Marty's Labor's front man for the appallingly deceitful and disrespectful closure of the Daws Rd Repat father is named after the man who was killed in Tobruk and another of Pops' mates whom was a patient at Daws Rd for the decade it took him to die of successive gangrene infections resulting from a lower leg wound, and Pops died at Daws is an obscene deceit to try and justify this land grab by the bankrupt Labor government by saying that Daws Rd is 'run-down' and that services will be offered at major hospitals instead...anyone with a fundamental understanding of veterans and their multiple health issues, knows full well that a dedicated facility is the medically ethical and expedient thing to do...and then lets start-in about the moral obligation we have to these people...and then there's Mighty Marty...
It is not my place to tell someone who was involved with any conflict under the service of the Nation of Australia or Aotearoa (New Zealand), what they should and shouldn't think, I'm merely honouring the memory of my ancestors, my grandfathers, by defining the reality of what ANZAC Day was to them, a massively traumatic time that both would have happily lived without...they would have been deeply upset by the relentless often mindless media coverage that long ago stampeded from respectful remembrance into frenzy...gourd knows I broke weeks ago and have been changing channels furiously to avoid ANZAC coverage...and I know exactly where and when it was I broke because actor Sam Neill loomed up on my telly ask-telling me 'why is ANZAC the one we choose to remember?', and my first thought was, 'we don't get a bloody choice, mate, our obligation to honour ANZAC gets shoved down our throats with often cynical agenda...
Gourd knows, often enough in my life I seek succour and strength and motivation in the sense of security that I'm not living my life in some dusty bullet-riddled foxhole in North Africa, or some mud pit in New Guinea, or stuck in the trenches of WWI, etc...(in my experience it's an almost daily exercise for you-Ed)...well, I got some shizzle goin' on, yeah?...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...
Not A Word Of A Lie: in that I've referred a coupla' times to the Universe reaching out and giving me a pat on the head...(yeah, I remember-Ed)...yeah well this time it was a slap in the face that also sort of went up-side my head...(whaaa?-Ed)...I came home from my first and most likely last ANZAC Dawn Service, switched on the telly, and there was a close-cropped frame-up of our charming Premier Jay Weatherill, that buttoned-down slice of rolled-gold f***ery...and as the camera panned-back, Jay set down his wreath at the Remembrance Shrine on North Tce (Adelaide) and stepped back with all the rehearsed solemn sincerity he could muster...and I snapped like a dry twig with PMT...more,
Tomorrow: South Australia Is An Insult To ANZAC
(Yay, a whole state that by it's very functioning is an insult to the memory of all those whom we allegedly hold in such high esteem-Ed)...indeed, because we insult our ancestors when we let these pro-paedophile scumbags run this state and turn our children into vulnerable prey...and yes, I'm talking to you too Mt Gambier City Council, because by your actions, with your complicit corruption, so you too have betrayed the children in this town, in this entire sick state...
(And then they have the bare-faced audacity, the sheer shreckin' nerve to churn out one of the most cynically hypocritical pieces of dross these sad ol' eyes have seen, their ludicrous Children's Charter-Ed)...and again recently...and I notice that The Border Watch newspaper claims to support this particular document...more tomorrow...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and every day I try to hold the line, albeit a line of one, in a bizarre pitched conflict with State Authorities as those Authorities remain firmly committed to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and every day I suffer for it quite literally tooth and nail, physically and mentally...and the thanks I get is clearly somewhere well over the horizon...cheers and laters...
It is simply not my place to tell others what to feel about ANZAC Day, particularly Turkey/Turkish people, but I do consider it an obligation to honour my grandfathers by adhering to and acknowledging the example they set me...and that example is to question the very nature of what has become very nearly a circus...I question whether many of the people who turn-out to Dawn Services and/or go to Gallipoli, etc, really have any idea what it is they are 'recognising''s not particularly their fault as individuals, but I'm sick of hearing the same trite slogans trotted out by students and relatives, etc, because it very quickly becomes meaningless...
Don't take my word for it, really research for yourselves the genuine motivations of the Dardenelles Campaign, and particularly the role that Australians, New Zealanders, et al, were cast to play by our Empirial overlords...we (ANZAC) were the distraction designed to make things easier for British troops landing elsewhere on the peninsula, and the overall discussion (predominantly between Britain and France) was about how to carve up the 400 year old Ottoman Empire after it was defeated...
And today we turn out like prize livestock to applaud the same British Royal family, who 100 years ago were almost predominantly German, the same Britain that officially turned it's back on Australia when Singapore fell to the Japanese in February 1942, cutting us loose as expendably uneconomical and therefore irrelevant...again, read ya' history books...(and then go looking for the truth as well-Ed)...indeed Ed, it is often said that 'the winners write history' and their collective recollectionings can tend to be a little, shall we say, self-excusatory...but I digress...
I do not apologise this time for not doing a post for a coupla' days because this past week has been a confronting and deeply depressing time, and if I've even strayed near the blog, I've been churning out chunks of un-postable anger and vengeful vitriole...(well if that was 'un-postable', how much more angry was it than what's below?-Ed), it's all angry mate, just anger parred-back to something a little less 'sue-able' and/or arrestable...resultantly, I also do not apologise for the infused fury and impending sense of quiet rage that pervades this post and I would like to preface it with a brief re-iteration of my experience of ANZAC Day and what it means to me...I know I've been through a lot of this in previous ANZAC Day posts on this 'ere blog, but not only has very little changed, that change has seldom been for the better...
My life story is often one of extraordinary privilege and even luxury as befits a middle-class white-boy born in this country, this great wide land...(this stolen land-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed we did steal it, with murder, mayhem, disease, and deceit, and that segues into the outrageously disgraceful way we have treated Aboriginal people...and an opportunity for me personally to acknowledge both 1) those horrendous practices and their devastating outcomes, and 2) the service of Aboriginal people in 'their countries' Armed Services...(and whilst not legally recognised as 'human beings' under 'Terra Nulleus'-Ed)...indeed...
(You know, I find it quite amusing that Australia's first European settlers were predominantly convicts transported because of their crimes, and yet the Empire that judged and shunned them made it's fortunes largely with slavery, murder, and theft, not least of all in the very country to whence It had dispatched it's crooksEd)...interesting observation Ed, but the story I'm telling today starts with the extraordinary privilege of being a boy growing-up in 1970's Australia, and having both my grandfathers still alive, and both of them decorated WWII veterans, and neither having ever attended an ANZAC Day march/commemoration or the RSL (Returned and Services League) despite the fact or even because they would have been lauded as the gentle heroes they were...because of them I have the dual luxuries of a gentle heart and the knowledge born of violent experience...
Pops was a Scottish child immigrant who enlisted and served in the Australian Army as a 'Rat of Tobruk' and fought in many other 'iconic' theatres/campaigns across the Mediterranean,/North Africa, and in New Guinea/the Pacific...he several times made Corporal due to deaths in his unit, but was regularly busted back to Private because of his 'larrikin' nature, including spending time in Gladstone Gaol for briefly going AWOL (Absent With Out Leave)...I spent many ANZAC Days with Pops and Grandma at their house...
*Graphic Violence Warning*- I can only recall one specific 'war story' that he told, a shocking story about his first night in Tobruk when his unit strayed into German positions and his mate was shot through the head...they spent that first night fighting their way back into their own trenches, and then the next 2 days fighting to retrieve the body...and when he grabbed his mates body by the ankles, the corpse had already rotted in the desert sun and the feet came away in his hands...they had to use a sheet/tarp to fetch back his body...I cannot describe the look on Pops' face when he told this story...
He was far happier to 'travelogue' his service as part of the Oz Army...bazaars in Tunisia where they tried to sell the Aussies "chicken, no'' shnake, chicken" (as said with a Scottish/Tunisian accent), or time at Gladstone, etc...and Papa was the same, they rarely if ever spoke of their war 'exploits' and neither were ever involved in anything remotely to do with their service...(apart from the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital-Ed)...indeed, and I'll get to that, now in fact...
Because I've been switching channels to avoid that prime piece of work, that moralless, loathsome, spotted reptile, that betrayer and deceiver, SA Labor's new Veteran's Minister, Martin this rancid turncoat can even show his face in public is indicative of an ego swollen to true insanity...(no wonder he fits in so well with Labor then-Ed) opinion of this person aside, how is he allowed to run in a safe Liberal seat, as the endorsed Liberal candidate, and then when elected, just betray all involved and jump to Labor?...(well because 1) the Liberals are so pathetically in-effective, and appear to be more than happy in that role as a perpetual political irrelevance...but far more important is 2) the one genuine bipartisan issue in South Australian politics, the pro-paedophile corruption...he's as absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up as pretty much every other scumbag in Sow Strayan parliament...oh, and beyond that, he immediately gets a massive pay-rise as a Minister-Ed)...super...
Ah, Marty Moose, dear oh dear...just another Liberal leader who knows all about the St Martins Cover-up and has chosen to be complicit because it puts money in his pocket...whatta' disgrace...he gets paid a small fortune for his betrayal, itself an opportunity to actively engage in covering-up paedophilia above and beyond being just a pathetically complicit, irrelevant Liberal Opposition leader...(I think the terms 'pathetically complicit', and 'irrelevant' are KPIs for the Liberal Party in South Australia-Ed)...oh Ed, scythingly eviscerating yet hilariously abusive, you are a lark...
Marty is a simpering personification of the rank selfishness and pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australia...nothing more, nothing less...I remind availees that I spoke with Marty when he was in Mt Gambier, as the then Liberal leader (late 2007, early 2008?), and in the company of then (and still) Member for McKillop, Mitch Williams...I just happened upon the pair of them crossing the old Civic Centre carpark where the new Library is now, whilst on my way to the bus stop...for 20-30 minutes I described the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and they were animatedly shocked and dismayed, saying 'send me stuff', etc...(and what happened?-Ed)...whatta' ya' think? nothing, business as usual SA style...
And now Marty's Labor's front man for the appallingly deceitful and disrespectful closure of the Daws Rd Repat father is named after the man who was killed in Tobruk and another of Pops' mates whom was a patient at Daws Rd for the decade it took him to die of successive gangrene infections resulting from a lower leg wound, and Pops died at Daws is an obscene deceit to try and justify this land grab by the bankrupt Labor government by saying that Daws Rd is 'run-down' and that services will be offered at major hospitals instead...anyone with a fundamental understanding of veterans and their multiple health issues, knows full well that a dedicated facility is the medically ethical and expedient thing to do...and then lets start-in about the moral obligation we have to these people...and then there's Mighty Marty...
It is not my place to tell someone who was involved with any conflict under the service of the Nation of Australia or Aotearoa (New Zealand), what they should and shouldn't think, I'm merely honouring the memory of my ancestors, my grandfathers, by defining the reality of what ANZAC Day was to them, a massively traumatic time that both would have happily lived without...they would have been deeply upset by the relentless often mindless media coverage that long ago stampeded from respectful remembrance into frenzy...gourd knows I broke weeks ago and have been changing channels furiously to avoid ANZAC coverage...and I know exactly where and when it was I broke because actor Sam Neill loomed up on my telly ask-telling me 'why is ANZAC the one we choose to remember?', and my first thought was, 'we don't get a bloody choice, mate, our obligation to honour ANZAC gets shoved down our throats with often cynical agenda...
Gourd knows, often enough in my life I seek succour and strength and motivation in the sense of security that I'm not living my life in some dusty bullet-riddled foxhole in North Africa, or some mud pit in New Guinea, or stuck in the trenches of WWI, etc...(in my experience it's an almost daily exercise for you-Ed)...well, I got some shizzle goin' on, yeah?...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...
Not A Word Of A Lie: in that I've referred a coupla' times to the Universe reaching out and giving me a pat on the head...(yeah, I remember-Ed)...yeah well this time it was a slap in the face that also sort of went up-side my head...(whaaa?-Ed)...I came home from my first and most likely last ANZAC Dawn Service, switched on the telly, and there was a close-cropped frame-up of our charming Premier Jay Weatherill, that buttoned-down slice of rolled-gold f***ery...and as the camera panned-back, Jay set down his wreath at the Remembrance Shrine on North Tce (Adelaide) and stepped back with all the rehearsed solemn sincerity he could muster...and I snapped like a dry twig with PMT...more,
Tomorrow: South Australia Is An Insult To ANZAC
(Yay, a whole state that by it's very functioning is an insult to the memory of all those whom we allegedly hold in such high esteem-Ed)...indeed, because we insult our ancestors when we let these pro-paedophile scumbags run this state and turn our children into vulnerable prey...and yes, I'm talking to you too Mt Gambier City Council, because by your actions, with your complicit corruption, so you too have betrayed the children in this town, in this entire sick state...
(And then they have the bare-faced audacity, the sheer shreckin' nerve to churn out one of the most cynically hypocritical pieces of dross these sad ol' eyes have seen, their ludicrous Children's Charter-Ed)...and again recently...and I notice that The Border Watch newspaper claims to support this particular document...more tomorrow...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and every day I try to hold the line, albeit a line of one, in a bizarre pitched conflict with State Authorities as those Authorities remain firmly committed to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and every day I suffer for it quite literally tooth and nail, physically and mentally...and the thanks I get is clearly somewhere well over the horizon...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Random Acts Of Bloggin' A Dead Horse
Howdy and welcome to a rather confused post for today April 22nd 2015...over 2 weeks ago, 3 even, I started this post and several drafts later here we are...I can only apologise for the wonky synchronicity and resultant lack of flowage. it's a bit all over the place...please ignore all dates, apologies, etc, other than indicated specifically as today April 22nd...
(**apologies for no post for 3 days and then the subsequent synchronicity issues with rest of post as started 2 days ago...appears Interweb dropping-out through the day, possibly bandwidth demand due to school holidays...I can get connected easy as at this time of the morning (0530hrs) but later during the day, no doin'...also, trying to be busy and get my house actually tidy not just not just a complete bloody mess slightly improved...(yeah, it's lookin' way better, newish desk, etc, and look, there's a bit of floor over there, unless I'm much mistaken-Ed) are much mistaken, that's a flooring catalogue what's fallen outta' one of those newspapers...(oh right-Ed)...**)
Gettin' heaps done in my Summer/Flouride/Chlorine devastated garden, eg, re-done completely my 2 main ponds...(yay-Ed)...yep, a few goldfish in each and some cheapy solar lights and it looks great, well at least, gettin' there...and doin' good work with just gettin' outta' the house heaps more often, etc, and do something with a day before it falls fowl of the flow of news..still having all sorts of problems with Interweb connectivity, but yet again it's most likely a combination of local demand for bandwidth meeting the piss-poor availability rather than any specific attempt/s to be rooting about with my computer/this 'ere blog/whatevs...however, have had a third 'scam-spam' email, following on from recent previous ones...(*April 22nd- have had a second 'Toll Road' scam email this week, totalling 4 now in a fortnight*)
Hello United States of America, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Russia, and France...the title refers to the one genuine win that I'll put my hand-up to claim, stake my claim on, the one thing I'd reckon is all about me shoutin' out politely but pointedly, 'hey, what the hell's goin' on with that there then?'...(yeah, when you first put that title to me I thought you were referring to your various alleged attempts at humour-Ed)...sorry, not with you...('wince-some'-Ed), nice, witty Wilde, witty...but first...(*April 22nd- changed title and subject matter, sorry*)
Kelp Yourselves To Our 'Resources':...and hooray, kicked-off my morning by turning on the radio, currently on ABC Local Radio (as you do every single day, all day, as much as possible, to the point that missing stuff causes you anxiety, even when you're trying to get away from all of the Child Abuse stories with a brief news report about the recently purchased therefore now Chinese owned Ocean Gather Group Beachport and an interview with a woman (sorry, don't know whom from where, but she was a related 'professional' of some description), and she was talking openly about how 'for health and safety reasons and nutrient value, etc, food-grade kelp needs to be harvested live from the ocean not collected off the beach'-Ed)...yay...
And then a lovely interview with former Liberal leader Rob Kerin, appointed by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government to the pivotally prime plum position as head of Primary Resources SA...(I like to call that 'jobs for the boys'-Ed)..I like to put 'fondler' between the 'y' and the 's'...(I don't get th...wait, yes I do, 'boy fondlers' you are naughty...and are you suggesting that Rob Kerin is some sort of paedophile?-Ed)...nup, just stating the fact that as Liberal leader in February 2005 he had the pleasure of my company, in his office in Parliament House, for nearly an hour, as I explained the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up to him, showed him the documents, etc...(and?-Ed)...well here we are Ed, 10 years later, doin' this...
Couldn't Make This Shizzle Up:...coupla' days ago another Domestic Violence incident in the's been relatively quiet since that last idiot moved out/was moved out/whatevs by the Housing Trust, but last weekend it was on context, it's fantastic because I don't have any option but to call SAPol (police)...(fantastic? that's hardly appropriate-Ed)...because as a Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant, if I interfere with/harass/reduce to a mangled pulp some shitful piece of gutless detritus who happens to be also a HTt, then chances are I'm the one who gets in trouble, even evicted...(and you don't pulp-mangle people anyway, never have-Ed)...shhh, they don't need to know that...
Anyhoos, credit where credit's due, 2 police cars rolled into my street within 5 minutes (I/they'd confused the addresses), and when I went out to tell them, it was the young cop whom was at my house weeks ago when I thought he had a go at snatching my documents off me...I apologised for being teary and he said 'that's ok' and off they went to the next street...there was no tension or aggression or anything...(teary? really?-Ed)...yeah, it happens every time...once I get past the rage, so then the sadness...and that I can say "every time" indicates how often this shizzle has happened over the 12 years I've lived here...
Insane In The Drain: is the politest thing that I can say about the latest Taxpayer-gouging extravaganza that is the alleged 'Drain Consultation' (by private 'consultant group' New Democracy) re ways to pay for the much needed, much overdue maintenance of South East drains...didn't get the exact figures but by current general funding criteria of approx 3% of value, current 'drain maintenance' gets only 0.9% or less than a third of the standard funding...(and only 25% of that actually hits, shifts, covers the ground-Ed)...apparently...and also apparently the recommendations will go/have gone to Parliament for consideration by Labor Cabinet, but Minister Ian Hunter also said Labor won't be moving from the pitiful $2.2m of current annual funding but they're likely to continue draining peoples wetlands, etc, with this massive new drain going to the Coorong...
(So why waste money on a 'consultation' if there's not going to be a change?-Ed) you can say you did consultation...several people called in saying things like 'refuse to pay, it's the only words Hunter will understand', and 'a new drain? can't maintain what they've got', and 'where's all this excess water? we're in the middle of a drought in the driest Spring into the driest Summer', etc,, to pay for 1) a massive new drain to empty yet more wetlands and bores, etc, and 2) the government's most likely solution for dealing with the failing infrastructure, Labor's answer for both is to level yet another levy against landholders...bastards...(Labor that is, not the landholders-Ed)...ah yeah...
And this following Minister Tony Piccolo saying that reducing speed limits doesn't really affect travel times...(bollocks, by sheer definition if you travel at 100kph instead of 110kph, then if you travel for an hour, you'll be 10 kilometres and therefore some minutes behind the peeps doin' 110...spread that over, say, 450kms, the distance to Adelaide from here...allowing for the appropriate breaks, traffic, etc, it would be just over 4hrs at 110kph, at 100 it's nearly an extra 30 minutes-Ed)...and all this bollocks in excusing Labor's continuing failure/refusal to spend appropriate monies on maintaining country roads, and instead reduce speed limits...(and in the same conversation Piccolo tried to justify the ludicrous $160m tunnel under North Adelaide by stating that it will get some Adelaide commuters to work 4 minutes faster-Ed)...that's just plain offensive...
Credit Where Credit's pathetic and 'Dorothy Dixer' as I'd label the recent ABC interviews with Tony Piccolo and that trite piece of work Ian Hunter, the mere fact that these interviews are happening, that these issues are getting covered at all, is down to the existence of the Local ABC...these issues are typically non-existent as far as Adelaide is concerned...and if you, dear availee, are sensing a certain seething loathing pouring outta' this ol' hippy, in the very specific direction of Ian Hunter, then that's because you're not just highly astute, but probably quite attractive as well...he's one of the corrupt pricks from the SARC Inquiry no.52 as per the St Martins Cover-up stuff...
Fell Off My Chair Laughing: to see the new $40million foot-bridge over the Torrens Sewer I mean River ahaha...(no, it is an open sewer...and beyond that a perfect example of just how confected, false, and insanely selfish 'Adelaide' is...that 'River' is an artificial pond created by a weir just down near the Morphett St bridge, and there upstream is the King William St bridge just right there Labor have spent $40m building a superfluous bridge across an artificial obstacle-Ed)...indeed...anyhoos, the new paving is moving and lifting already, and has had to be pulled-up and re-laid...and the brief footage showed orange safety bunting and stacks of 'tiles' and whale oil beef hooked, there they are, more shreckin' grey concrete pavers...(yay-Ed)...and the rank corruption of South Australia is lived large beneath our now uncertain feet as literally a boatload of shitful D-grade Chinese cement pavers are sold around the state and forced on/under citizens by corrupt Councils...
And right there in the vanguard of the Dodgy Pavers Corruption Scandal is the entirely corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, and the insane bastardisation of the Main Street, an insanity that has spewed onto the Flood Plains of Ol' the Main St (Commercial St) Council has wasted/rorted literally $millions ripping up and replacing the sound, stable, settled red-brick style pavers that are/were so perfect for foot-traffic areas because their small width and good 'depth' helps to lock them together securely...the small surface area means that weight is usually spread over several bricks/pavers and this minimises even removes the problems of 'pivot movage'...
Pivot Movage: is what I done just make-up to describe the action of someone shifting their weight across a foot-square concrete paver causing the paver/tile to's happening right along the's fundamental physics that clearly Council engineers /planners/whatevs are completely ignorant to, or they just chose to ignore because the agenda was 'get those pavers/tiles down and the Ratepayers money into whoevs pocket as fast as possible'...I remind availees that the vast majority of those pavers were heavily stained and badly chipped straight off the pallets...these pavers were crap, broken pieces of substandard concrete before even being laid...these were clearly seconds even thirds that some corrupt clown has purchased on the cheap and then corruptly forced on SA, with the rampant collusion of Mt Gambier Council...and this is the corruption that continues to run Mt Gambier into the ground...
Latest Security/Defence Acquisition: is a pair of teflon-coated, bullet-proof budgie-smugglers for our charming PM Tony Abbott...(sorry, what?-Ed)...yeah, least I thinks that's what it was they was talkin' 'bout...(please explain-Ed)...yeah well, I've heard heaps of discourse about this so-called 'Extra Genitational Support', and Tones is the only one I know who serially strips down to a pair of Speedos...(ah, no, I can see where you've gotten a bit confused...I reckon they're talking about Joe Hockey trying to smuggle his dodgy class-biased Budget through a very hostile Senate-Ed)...ah, so more like armour-plated 'Budget-smugglers' really?...(exactly...and of course not to be confused with that other instrument of Smokin' Joe's efforts to try and flog the dead horse that the 2014 Budget has become, floggin' it furiously with what has become known as the 'Joe-Hockey Strap' is that the main punchline?...
(No, no, I ordered a proper punchline and I reckon that might be it now, those headlights just over at One Mile Ridge Rd...why don't we do the story and finish this 'bit' when the punchline gets here?-Ed)...sure sure, whatevs...we hilariously refer of course to this ludicrous 'Inter-Generational Report' bollocks being constantly spewed-out by PM Tones et al as the Tablet of Truth that defines the fine line between the complete disaster everything is apparently now, and a future like only ever goin' to get like way worse...(we're doomed, doomed I tells ya'-Ed)...the line between disaster and that path to the glorious deliverance unto Fiscal Nirvana, a path that coincidentally just happens to be Liberal Party ideology...(wow, so how coincidentally fortunate for us then that it's the Libs at the helm when their Report reportedly supports the policies they've been floggin' for years-Ed)...sorry Ed, are you suggesting that this Report isn't a balanced and trustworthy indicator of anything, that it's just a preamble to Liberal ideology, a preamble written after the text?...
(Ooo, anyhoos, here's The Punchline now-Ed).........(puff, wheeze, I'm so sorry, wheeze, had a flat tyre, puff, no phone reception out here, cough, hope I haven't kept you waiting? wheeze-TP), no, we saw you coming about a mile off..........well?...(oh right, now then?-TP)...please...(uh-hum...'Oh, when you said Extra Genitational Support, I thought you were referring to Nationals leader and Deputy PM Warren Truss'-TP)..........and that's it?...(whatta' ya' expect for nuthin'? ungrateful prick-TP)...(don't look at me-Ed)......I think it best we all just move on...(fine-Ed)...(suits me.......can I have $10 for petrol?-TP)......sure, hang on, I've only got a fiver, Ed?...(ummm, yeah, here's five bucks-Ed)...(cheers-TP)...yeah, sorry to be so snappy too, been a long day...(no, I understand, none of it's particularly funny, ciao-TP)...
Tomorrow: That Winsome Stuff
That I started today (weeks ago) but never actually got near today, etc, etc...sorry...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
(**apologies for no post for 3 days and then the subsequent synchronicity issues with rest of post as started 2 days ago...appears Interweb dropping-out through the day, possibly bandwidth demand due to school holidays...I can get connected easy as at this time of the morning (0530hrs) but later during the day, no doin'...also, trying to be busy and get my house actually tidy not just not just a complete bloody mess slightly improved...(yeah, it's lookin' way better, newish desk, etc, and look, there's a bit of floor over there, unless I'm much mistaken-Ed) are much mistaken, that's a flooring catalogue what's fallen outta' one of those newspapers...(oh right-Ed)...**)
Gettin' heaps done in my Summer/Flouride/Chlorine devastated garden, eg, re-done completely my 2 main ponds...(yay-Ed)...yep, a few goldfish in each and some cheapy solar lights and it looks great, well at least, gettin' there...and doin' good work with just gettin' outta' the house heaps more often, etc, and do something with a day before it falls fowl of the flow of news..still having all sorts of problems with Interweb connectivity, but yet again it's most likely a combination of local demand for bandwidth meeting the piss-poor availability rather than any specific attempt/s to be rooting about with my computer/this 'ere blog/whatevs...however, have had a third 'scam-spam' email, following on from recent previous ones...(*April 22nd- have had a second 'Toll Road' scam email this week, totalling 4 now in a fortnight*)
Hello United States of America, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Russia, and France...the title refers to the one genuine win that I'll put my hand-up to claim, stake my claim on, the one thing I'd reckon is all about me shoutin' out politely but pointedly, 'hey, what the hell's goin' on with that there then?'...(yeah, when you first put that title to me I thought you were referring to your various alleged attempts at humour-Ed)...sorry, not with you...('wince-some'-Ed), nice, witty Wilde, witty...but first...(*April 22nd- changed title and subject matter, sorry*)
Kelp Yourselves To Our 'Resources':...and hooray, kicked-off my morning by turning on the radio, currently on ABC Local Radio (as you do every single day, all day, as much as possible, to the point that missing stuff causes you anxiety, even when you're trying to get away from all of the Child Abuse stories with a brief news report about the recently purchased therefore now Chinese owned Ocean Gather Group Beachport and an interview with a woman (sorry, don't know whom from where, but she was a related 'professional' of some description), and she was talking openly about how 'for health and safety reasons and nutrient value, etc, food-grade kelp needs to be harvested live from the ocean not collected off the beach'-Ed)...yay...
And then a lovely interview with former Liberal leader Rob Kerin, appointed by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government to the pivotally prime plum position as head of Primary Resources SA...(I like to call that 'jobs for the boys'-Ed)..I like to put 'fondler' between the 'y' and the 's'...(I don't get th...wait, yes I do, 'boy fondlers' you are naughty...and are you suggesting that Rob Kerin is some sort of paedophile?-Ed)...nup, just stating the fact that as Liberal leader in February 2005 he had the pleasure of my company, in his office in Parliament House, for nearly an hour, as I explained the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up to him, showed him the documents, etc...(and?-Ed)...well here we are Ed, 10 years later, doin' this...
Couldn't Make This Shizzle Up:...coupla' days ago another Domestic Violence incident in the's been relatively quiet since that last idiot moved out/was moved out/whatevs by the Housing Trust, but last weekend it was on context, it's fantastic because I don't have any option but to call SAPol (police)...(fantastic? that's hardly appropriate-Ed)...because as a Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant, if I interfere with/harass/reduce to a mangled pulp some shitful piece of gutless detritus who happens to be also a HTt, then chances are I'm the one who gets in trouble, even evicted...(and you don't pulp-mangle people anyway, never have-Ed)...shhh, they don't need to know that...
Anyhoos, credit where credit's due, 2 police cars rolled into my street within 5 minutes (I/they'd confused the addresses), and when I went out to tell them, it was the young cop whom was at my house weeks ago when I thought he had a go at snatching my documents off me...I apologised for being teary and he said 'that's ok' and off they went to the next street...there was no tension or aggression or anything...(teary? really?-Ed)...yeah, it happens every time...once I get past the rage, so then the sadness...and that I can say "every time" indicates how often this shizzle has happened over the 12 years I've lived here...
Insane In The Drain: is the politest thing that I can say about the latest Taxpayer-gouging extravaganza that is the alleged 'Drain Consultation' (by private 'consultant group' New Democracy) re ways to pay for the much needed, much overdue maintenance of South East drains...didn't get the exact figures but by current general funding criteria of approx 3% of value, current 'drain maintenance' gets only 0.9% or less than a third of the standard funding...(and only 25% of that actually hits, shifts, covers the ground-Ed)...apparently...and also apparently the recommendations will go/have gone to Parliament for consideration by Labor Cabinet, but Minister Ian Hunter also said Labor won't be moving from the pitiful $2.2m of current annual funding but they're likely to continue draining peoples wetlands, etc, with this massive new drain going to the Coorong...
(So why waste money on a 'consultation' if there's not going to be a change?-Ed) you can say you did consultation...several people called in saying things like 'refuse to pay, it's the only words Hunter will understand', and 'a new drain? can't maintain what they've got', and 'where's all this excess water? we're in the middle of a drought in the driest Spring into the driest Summer', etc,, to pay for 1) a massive new drain to empty yet more wetlands and bores, etc, and 2) the government's most likely solution for dealing with the failing infrastructure, Labor's answer for both is to level yet another levy against landholders...bastards...(Labor that is, not the landholders-Ed)...ah yeah...
And this following Minister Tony Piccolo saying that reducing speed limits doesn't really affect travel times...(bollocks, by sheer definition if you travel at 100kph instead of 110kph, then if you travel for an hour, you'll be 10 kilometres and therefore some minutes behind the peeps doin' 110...spread that over, say, 450kms, the distance to Adelaide from here...allowing for the appropriate breaks, traffic, etc, it would be just over 4hrs at 110kph, at 100 it's nearly an extra 30 minutes-Ed)...and all this bollocks in excusing Labor's continuing failure/refusal to spend appropriate monies on maintaining country roads, and instead reduce speed limits...(and in the same conversation Piccolo tried to justify the ludicrous $160m tunnel under North Adelaide by stating that it will get some Adelaide commuters to work 4 minutes faster-Ed)...that's just plain offensive...
Credit Where Credit's pathetic and 'Dorothy Dixer' as I'd label the recent ABC interviews with Tony Piccolo and that trite piece of work Ian Hunter, the mere fact that these interviews are happening, that these issues are getting covered at all, is down to the existence of the Local ABC...these issues are typically non-existent as far as Adelaide is concerned...and if you, dear availee, are sensing a certain seething loathing pouring outta' this ol' hippy, in the very specific direction of Ian Hunter, then that's because you're not just highly astute, but probably quite attractive as well...he's one of the corrupt pricks from the SARC Inquiry no.52 as per the St Martins Cover-up stuff...
Fell Off My Chair Laughing: to see the new $40million foot-bridge over the Torrens Sewer I mean River ahaha...(no, it is an open sewer...and beyond that a perfect example of just how confected, false, and insanely selfish 'Adelaide' is...that 'River' is an artificial pond created by a weir just down near the Morphett St bridge, and there upstream is the King William St bridge just right there Labor have spent $40m building a superfluous bridge across an artificial obstacle-Ed)...indeed...anyhoos, the new paving is moving and lifting already, and has had to be pulled-up and re-laid...and the brief footage showed orange safety bunting and stacks of 'tiles' and whale oil beef hooked, there they are, more shreckin' grey concrete pavers...(yay-Ed)...and the rank corruption of South Australia is lived large beneath our now uncertain feet as literally a boatload of shitful D-grade Chinese cement pavers are sold around the state and forced on/under citizens by corrupt Councils...
And right there in the vanguard of the Dodgy Pavers Corruption Scandal is the entirely corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, and the insane bastardisation of the Main Street, an insanity that has spewed onto the Flood Plains of Ol' the Main St (Commercial St) Council has wasted/rorted literally $millions ripping up and replacing the sound, stable, settled red-brick style pavers that are/were so perfect for foot-traffic areas because their small width and good 'depth' helps to lock them together securely...the small surface area means that weight is usually spread over several bricks/pavers and this minimises even removes the problems of 'pivot movage'...
Pivot Movage: is what I done just make-up to describe the action of someone shifting their weight across a foot-square concrete paver causing the paver/tile to's happening right along the's fundamental physics that clearly Council engineers /planners/whatevs are completely ignorant to, or they just chose to ignore because the agenda was 'get those pavers/tiles down and the Ratepayers money into whoevs pocket as fast as possible'...I remind availees that the vast majority of those pavers were heavily stained and badly chipped straight off the pallets...these pavers were crap, broken pieces of substandard concrete before even being laid...these were clearly seconds even thirds that some corrupt clown has purchased on the cheap and then corruptly forced on SA, with the rampant collusion of Mt Gambier Council...and this is the corruption that continues to run Mt Gambier into the ground...
Latest Security/Defence Acquisition: is a pair of teflon-coated, bullet-proof budgie-smugglers for our charming PM Tony Abbott...(sorry, what?-Ed)...yeah, least I thinks that's what it was they was talkin' 'bout...(please explain-Ed)...yeah well, I've heard heaps of discourse about this so-called 'Extra Genitational Support', and Tones is the only one I know who serially strips down to a pair of Speedos...(ah, no, I can see where you've gotten a bit confused...I reckon they're talking about Joe Hockey trying to smuggle his dodgy class-biased Budget through a very hostile Senate-Ed)...ah, so more like armour-plated 'Budget-smugglers' really?...(exactly...and of course not to be confused with that other instrument of Smokin' Joe's efforts to try and flog the dead horse that the 2014 Budget has become, floggin' it furiously with what has become known as the 'Joe-Hockey Strap' is that the main punchline?...
(No, no, I ordered a proper punchline and I reckon that might be it now, those headlights just over at One Mile Ridge Rd...why don't we do the story and finish this 'bit' when the punchline gets here?-Ed)...sure sure, whatevs...we hilariously refer of course to this ludicrous 'Inter-Generational Report' bollocks being constantly spewed-out by PM Tones et al as the Tablet of Truth that defines the fine line between the complete disaster everything is apparently now, and a future like only ever goin' to get like way worse...(we're doomed, doomed I tells ya'-Ed)...the line between disaster and that path to the glorious deliverance unto Fiscal Nirvana, a path that coincidentally just happens to be Liberal Party ideology...(wow, so how coincidentally fortunate for us then that it's the Libs at the helm when their Report reportedly supports the policies they've been floggin' for years-Ed)...sorry Ed, are you suggesting that this Report isn't a balanced and trustworthy indicator of anything, that it's just a preamble to Liberal ideology, a preamble written after the text?...
(Ooo, anyhoos, here's The Punchline now-Ed).........(puff, wheeze, I'm so sorry, wheeze, had a flat tyre, puff, no phone reception out here, cough, hope I haven't kept you waiting? wheeze-TP), no, we saw you coming about a mile off..........well?...(oh right, now then?-TP)...please...(uh-hum...'Oh, when you said Extra Genitational Support, I thought you were referring to Nationals leader and Deputy PM Warren Truss'-TP)..........and that's it?...(whatta' ya' expect for nuthin'? ungrateful prick-TP)...(don't look at me-Ed)......I think it best we all just move on...(fine-Ed)...(suits me.......can I have $10 for petrol?-TP)......sure, hang on, I've only got a fiver, Ed?...(ummm, yeah, here's five bucks-Ed)...(cheers-TP)...yeah, sorry to be so snappy too, been a long day...(no, I understand, none of it's particularly funny, ciao-TP)...
Tomorrow: That Winsome Stuff
That I started today (weeks ago) but never actually got near today, etc, etc...sorry...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, April 20, 2015
Self-Justifying Feedback
Hello and welcome to the blog and thank y'all for joining us once again...(yo!-Ed)...moving forward as best I can and I can only apologise if that means I get to midday after waking early at 0400hrs...(you left the 'n' out, moron-Ed)...sorry what?...(nothing...just sayin' you're tryin' to get out more often-Ed)...well, yes, yes I am...anyhoos...anyhoos, long days and news full of Bernard Finnigan, etc, etc, and if I don't get to a post before about noonish, I struggle to even get near the computer...
I can only say that I continue to at least try to get my rambling, shambolic shizzle into something that vaguely resembles some sortta' mess potentially possibly capable of actual sortage...(don't wanna' rush into anything-Ed)...and I ain't gunna' defend myself over that stuff because I've fought as hard as a man can with his hands still held gently against his side, and against what could be fairly described as unfair odds...(odd don't you think that it takes one so odd to still move forward against said odds?-Ed)...well cheers Ed, I think...I know full well that I'll need to be puttin' up both hands into the air when it comes to claimin' my fair share of Bein' Shreckin' Out There...and I may well have both hands up, but I ain't surrenderin'...(oh nice, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...cheers...
And of course SAPol (police) still have my laptop so that's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...and at my last hearing the Magistrate got shirty because my legal eagle asked for a heinous and wholly irregular second adjournment...(more adjournment?!!...morrre?!!!-Ed)...settle down, but yes I take your facetiously implied point that Bernie has had 30 hearings over a 4 year period, and muggins 'ere gets attitude for asking for a second adjournment...and that attitude in a context where 1) I wasn't even aware of the first hearing because I wasn't even Summonsed to the first hearing, and 2) am still yet to get any explanation or apology for that failure, and 3) am still waiting for SAPol to provide me with the specific details of what exactly it is I've said/done/posted/ the moment it looks like they want me to plead to 'doing the blog' because making any actual charges stick will involve a lot of relocating their entire case to the top of a very steep hill...(pushin' it right up there-Ed)...indeed...
And the farcical pro-paedophile system is going flat-out to protect former Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan, who has effectively had a series of trials now...(across 4 years-Ed)...indeed, but one expects nothing better from the vast majority of Adelaide lawyers because they're just as pro-paedophile complicit as the vast majority of senior police, South Australian's politicians, public servants,the Judiciary, etc, etc...I've lived nearly 13 years now of watching all of these fine upstanding people cover-up the gross abuse of dozens of 7 year old kids re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
And now Bernie's lawyers are blaming Google for confusing poor Bernie, and/or they reckon ya' can't tell if the kids are under 14, etc, etc...if you really need to know more just Interweb it, I'm sick of it...there's heaps there...on the weekend it was Bernie's lawyers trying to play down evidence that Bernie entered specific search terms saying 'you can't believe in the mere facts of words'...(omg-Ed)...'those tricky 'ol facts, eh...(I'm actually writing a hilarious new movie based on the Finnigan trial-Ed) tell...(yeah, it's called Weak Excuse Of Bernies-Ed)...ahahaaha haha ahhh, pricks...and even the search terms are banned from publication...what a corrupt joke...
So just a very quick dot-pointish post to address some feed back re things I've recently had to say about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, Rory McEwen, and The Border Watch...with the RLRA all I can say has been said and the feedback on that is fairly consistently believing disbelief...(whaaa?-Ed)..well people are believin' what I'm sayin' about the many ways in which Council has been betrayin' and deceivin' Ratepayers with layers of trite shite about Parklands Plans and Easement scams, and hence the disbelief that springs from that well of realisation...(nice-Ed)...ta'...
I don't know what else to say about the RLRA other than if one (availee) is still needing some convincing, or is newish to the post, etc, please review the many, many posts on the issue...bottom-line, Council and it's Vested Interests mates have planned (since 2005) to build a huge expansion of the Lakes/Centro/whatevs Plaza on/across the Rail Lands site, and have routinely/repeatedly/readily lied to Ratepayers about a range of alleged but false hurdles, eg, the Deed and/or the Easement...(and now have burned $4million on pointless trifles and buggering-up all the drainage, etc, but not touching the iconic Old Station or going through to Margaret St, no Sound Shell, etc-Ed)...and so to Rory and The Border Watch...
It has been put to me that what I say needs to be defined and documented and even defended and I can only apologise because I thought I'd already done all of that several times over and then some...(well I did too, but hey, run it again, because at the very least it all bears repeating, unfortunately-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I can think of no better way of defining the pro-paedophile corruption of both Rory McEwen and The Border Watch newspaper than with their own words, so here again, the TBW front page from May 2005...(oh my gourd, it's 10 years, it's been 10 years since the bastards did this-Ed)...yep, it surely is 10 years since the bastards did this as attached below...
And so it has fallen not so much 'to' as 'onto' me to continue to hold to account Rory, The Border Watch, the ABC, SAPol, the Courts, Council, etc, etc, 2002 a whole class of 7 year old children were daily subjected to over 4 months of systemic manipulation and grooming and abuses by their 52 year old teacher Glyn Dorling, until he was busted by parents and some junior staff, and then removed from the school because of parents (June long weekend 2002) and SAPol didn't even interview him then dumped the case by mid-July 2002...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...and parents also negotiated/organised for Flinders Child Protection Service to travel to Mt Gambier (June-August 2002) and interview some kids and their parents and FCPS described Dorling as "a text-book grooming paedophile"...
This was stated to me by FCPS in late August 2002, in a context of spiralling disbelief and trauma from both parents and was at this time (July 2002) that FCPS's original reports and/or statements had been taken from FCPS by the then Labor Attorney-General and now Speaker (of the Lower House) Michael Atkinson, and handed to the Lutheran's lawyers...these lawyers then either directly censored and redrafted the FCPS reports and handed them back, or FCPS were directed to make the changes as identified/provided to them by the Lutherans/their lawyers...whatevs...this was repeatedly stated to parents by FCPS and then confirmed by SAPol in what they said to parents when trying to excuse themselves for dumping the case, 'FCPS took back their report and removed all the stuff we could have charged Dorling with so we had no choice but to dump the case', etc...
And on and on it goes...(I know how it feels-Ed)...through the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing (March 2003-November 2004), a hearing also organised by parents, in which the TRB/CSO charged Dorling with having kids on his lap, which was duly proved and even admitted by Dorling, before the TRB/CSO completely exonerated him on his defense that the kids were out of control and forcing themselves onto him...yes, I know, but that was his defense and that's what the TRB/CSO accepted...and on through the equally pro-paedophile corruption of the parliamentary Statutory Authority Review Committee Report no.52 (from September 2006-July 2011)...(parents?-Ed)...with the support, we thought, of now Senator Nick Xenophon...
And in all of that all I see is a wall of corrupt pro-paedophile bastards and piss-weak enablers...and I'm the crazy one apparently...and quite frankly, I'm gettin' a little bit pissed-off with being constantly vilified by gutless socialite slugs as being the problem...(it's quite remarkable what people are capable of just not seeing at all, of charging right past in their mad stampeding, so eager be they to be keening their hooves on the speaker of truths that the truths remain non-accosted-Ed)...nice...and here it all is lived large as life in this TBW stuff...
In this article, The Border Watch has given the then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen front page to rabidly vilify us parents as unstable and dangerous people who have unfairly harassed the poor teacher, and to also attack MP Peter Lewis, the 'Whistleblower' as a "coward", etc, all whilst deliberately ramping-up sympathy for Glyn Dorling...that statement from Patrick Conlon is an outright lie...and do you see one question from TBW even remotely like 'hey Rory, what have you done since parents first came to you in August 2002?...nope?...nope, they've given him the lie that he's doing something now, without holding him to account for the previous years of nothing...
TBW is clearly just trying to address that which cannot be ignored by running this front page, and then doing what it can to facilitate Rory and the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government attacking us and denying the realities of the abuses and the Lutheran's cover-up, SAPol's failures/refusals, etc, etc...and remember that Rory, TBW, the ABC, etc, are all explicitly aware of the St Martins Cover-up, not just distant or disinterested, and have chosen to be duplicitously complicitly involved...(wow...I've read that article a few times now, and it doesn't get any less corrupt or deceitful or generally a screaming indictment of Rory, The Border Watch, and everyone else involved-Ed)...indeed...and 10 years on, here we are...
I'm done with justifying myself, for today at least, so's...
Tomorrow: That Winsome Stuff I Hope
And the latest from Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name)...put him out last evening before bedtime, and on the way out the door he expressed or rather expelled his displeasure by getting a meter away from me and then fart-stepping his way over the threshold...scratch, thrrrpt...scratch, thrpt...scratch, thrrrpt ppt...(it's just to show that he cares and that he's thinkin' abou' cha'-Ed)...yeah well, a little more thinkin' and a little less stinkin' thanks...bloody hell it was funny though...
I am Nick Fletcher and I'm a donkey on the edge...and this is my blog and cheers and laters...
I can only say that I continue to at least try to get my rambling, shambolic shizzle into something that vaguely resembles some sortta' mess potentially possibly capable of actual sortage...(don't wanna' rush into anything-Ed)...and I ain't gunna' defend myself over that stuff because I've fought as hard as a man can with his hands still held gently against his side, and against what could be fairly described as unfair odds...(odd don't you think that it takes one so odd to still move forward against said odds?-Ed)...well cheers Ed, I think...I know full well that I'll need to be puttin' up both hands into the air when it comes to claimin' my fair share of Bein' Shreckin' Out There...and I may well have both hands up, but I ain't surrenderin'...(oh nice, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...cheers...
And of course SAPol (police) still have my laptop so that's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...and at my last hearing the Magistrate got shirty because my legal eagle asked for a heinous and wholly irregular second adjournment...(more adjournment?!!...morrre?!!!-Ed)...settle down, but yes I take your facetiously implied point that Bernie has had 30 hearings over a 4 year period, and muggins 'ere gets attitude for asking for a second adjournment...and that attitude in a context where 1) I wasn't even aware of the first hearing because I wasn't even Summonsed to the first hearing, and 2) am still yet to get any explanation or apology for that failure, and 3) am still waiting for SAPol to provide me with the specific details of what exactly it is I've said/done/posted/ the moment it looks like they want me to plead to 'doing the blog' because making any actual charges stick will involve a lot of relocating their entire case to the top of a very steep hill...(pushin' it right up there-Ed)...indeed...
And the farcical pro-paedophile system is going flat-out to protect former Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan, who has effectively had a series of trials now...(across 4 years-Ed)...indeed, but one expects nothing better from the vast majority of Adelaide lawyers because they're just as pro-paedophile complicit as the vast majority of senior police, South Australian's politicians, public servants,the Judiciary, etc, etc...I've lived nearly 13 years now of watching all of these fine upstanding people cover-up the gross abuse of dozens of 7 year old kids re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
And now Bernie's lawyers are blaming Google for confusing poor Bernie, and/or they reckon ya' can't tell if the kids are under 14, etc, etc...if you really need to know more just Interweb it, I'm sick of it...there's heaps there...on the weekend it was Bernie's lawyers trying to play down evidence that Bernie entered specific search terms saying 'you can't believe in the mere facts of words'...(omg-Ed)...'those tricky 'ol facts, eh...(I'm actually writing a hilarious new movie based on the Finnigan trial-Ed) tell...(yeah, it's called Weak Excuse Of Bernies-Ed)...ahahaaha haha ahhh, pricks...and even the search terms are banned from publication...what a corrupt joke...
So just a very quick dot-pointish post to address some feed back re things I've recently had to say about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, Rory McEwen, and The Border Watch...with the RLRA all I can say has been said and the feedback on that is fairly consistently believing disbelief...(whaaa?-Ed)..well people are believin' what I'm sayin' about the many ways in which Council has been betrayin' and deceivin' Ratepayers with layers of trite shite about Parklands Plans and Easement scams, and hence the disbelief that springs from that well of realisation...(nice-Ed)...ta'...
I don't know what else to say about the RLRA other than if one (availee) is still needing some convincing, or is newish to the post, etc, please review the many, many posts on the issue...bottom-line, Council and it's Vested Interests mates have planned (since 2005) to build a huge expansion of the Lakes/Centro/whatevs Plaza on/across the Rail Lands site, and have routinely/repeatedly/readily lied to Ratepayers about a range of alleged but false hurdles, eg, the Deed and/or the Easement...(and now have burned $4million on pointless trifles and buggering-up all the drainage, etc, but not touching the iconic Old Station or going through to Margaret St, no Sound Shell, etc-Ed)...and so to Rory and The Border Watch...
It has been put to me that what I say needs to be defined and documented and even defended and I can only apologise because I thought I'd already done all of that several times over and then some...(well I did too, but hey, run it again, because at the very least it all bears repeating, unfortunately-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I can think of no better way of defining the pro-paedophile corruption of both Rory McEwen and The Border Watch newspaper than with their own words, so here again, the TBW front page from May 2005...(oh my gourd, it's 10 years, it's been 10 years since the bastards did this-Ed)...yep, it surely is 10 years since the bastards did this as attached below...
And so it has fallen not so much 'to' as 'onto' me to continue to hold to account Rory, The Border Watch, the ABC, SAPol, the Courts, Council, etc, etc, 2002 a whole class of 7 year old children were daily subjected to over 4 months of systemic manipulation and grooming and abuses by their 52 year old teacher Glyn Dorling, until he was busted by parents and some junior staff, and then removed from the school because of parents (June long weekend 2002) and SAPol didn't even interview him then dumped the case by mid-July 2002...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...and parents also negotiated/organised for Flinders Child Protection Service to travel to Mt Gambier (June-August 2002) and interview some kids and their parents and FCPS described Dorling as "a text-book grooming paedophile"...
This was stated to me by FCPS in late August 2002, in a context of spiralling disbelief and trauma from both parents and was at this time (July 2002) that FCPS's original reports and/or statements had been taken from FCPS by the then Labor Attorney-General and now Speaker (of the Lower House) Michael Atkinson, and handed to the Lutheran's lawyers...these lawyers then either directly censored and redrafted the FCPS reports and handed them back, or FCPS were directed to make the changes as identified/provided to them by the Lutherans/their lawyers...whatevs...this was repeatedly stated to parents by FCPS and then confirmed by SAPol in what they said to parents when trying to excuse themselves for dumping the case, 'FCPS took back their report and removed all the stuff we could have charged Dorling with so we had no choice but to dump the case', etc...
And on and on it goes...(I know how it feels-Ed)...through the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing (March 2003-November 2004), a hearing also organised by parents, in which the TRB/CSO charged Dorling with having kids on his lap, which was duly proved and even admitted by Dorling, before the TRB/CSO completely exonerated him on his defense that the kids were out of control and forcing themselves onto him...yes, I know, but that was his defense and that's what the TRB/CSO accepted...and on through the equally pro-paedophile corruption of the parliamentary Statutory Authority Review Committee Report no.52 (from September 2006-July 2011)...(parents?-Ed)...with the support, we thought, of now Senator Nick Xenophon...
And in all of that all I see is a wall of corrupt pro-paedophile bastards and piss-weak enablers...and I'm the crazy one apparently...and quite frankly, I'm gettin' a little bit pissed-off with being constantly vilified by gutless socialite slugs as being the problem...(it's quite remarkable what people are capable of just not seeing at all, of charging right past in their mad stampeding, so eager be they to be keening their hooves on the speaker of truths that the truths remain non-accosted-Ed)...nice...and here it all is lived large as life in this TBW stuff...
In this article, The Border Watch has given the then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen front page to rabidly vilify us parents as unstable and dangerous people who have unfairly harassed the poor teacher, and to also attack MP Peter Lewis, the 'Whistleblower' as a "coward", etc, all whilst deliberately ramping-up sympathy for Glyn Dorling...that statement from Patrick Conlon is an outright lie...and do you see one question from TBW even remotely like 'hey Rory, what have you done since parents first came to you in August 2002?...nope?...nope, they've given him the lie that he's doing something now, without holding him to account for the previous years of nothing...
TBW is clearly just trying to address that which cannot be ignored by running this front page, and then doing what it can to facilitate Rory and the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government attacking us and denying the realities of the abuses and the Lutheran's cover-up, SAPol's failures/refusals, etc, etc...and remember that Rory, TBW, the ABC, etc, are all explicitly aware of the St Martins Cover-up, not just distant or disinterested, and have chosen to be duplicitously complicitly involved...(wow...I've read that article a few times now, and it doesn't get any less corrupt or deceitful or generally a screaming indictment of Rory, The Border Watch, and everyone else involved-Ed)...indeed...and 10 years on, here we are...
I'm done with justifying myself, for today at least, so's...
Tomorrow: That Winsome Stuff I Hope
And the latest from Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name)...put him out last evening before bedtime, and on the way out the door he expressed or rather expelled his displeasure by getting a meter away from me and then fart-stepping his way over the threshold...scratch, thrrrpt...scratch, thrpt...scratch, thrrrpt ppt...(it's just to show that he cares and that he's thinkin' abou' cha'-Ed)...yeah well, a little more thinkin' and a little less stinkin' thanks...bloody hell it was funny though...
I am Nick Fletcher and I'm a donkey on the edge...and this is my blog and cheers and laters...
Friday, April 17, 2015
Snacks For Zantar Part II - Council Goes Loco
Hello again y'all in the USofA, Pakistan, Poland, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...I know that I've blogged heaps about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, particularly recently, but this issue has unquestionably dominated Planning and Development decisions by Council for a decade, and just at the moment it is the main drain on the Vein of Pain that Council has opened up on Ratepayers with their (Council's) expanded borrowing of $6 million in their 2013/14 Budget, the many $millions squandered and/or lost and/or stolen from The Library and Main Corner Projects, the ongoing $2.8m running cost of those 2 facilities, etc...and now, via the attached document/page, confirmation that Ratepayers have their collective Communal cojones ...(no offense ladies-Ed)...perched precariously on the tracks should rail ever return to Mt Gambier...
As unlikely as is the actual physical like 'sit in your car fuming at a crossing' style return of rail services to let alone through Mt Gambier, whilst that's unlikely, the technical and legal reality is that Council have sold Ratepayers right down a very rapid river of shit, strapped to a barbwire canoe...(paddle damn you-Ed)...I mean, where on gourd's green Earth will Council suddenly find the cash to stump-up for the replacement works, etc, with apparently only "4 months" to get it all done...
Dot Pointing Out The Obvious: realities as per page 82 of Mt Gambier City Council's own 2004/05 Yearbook (as attached below), in contrast to the alleged realities as repeatedly presented by Council over many years...
1) I don't understand how "transfer the freehold" relates to the later clauses 'Council has to replace the infrastructure and the Minister still being able to just take it all back', etc.
2) I believe "for no consideration" means gratis, which would then contradict what Council has said about 'purchasing' the site...
3) "Settlement of the transfer took place on 29th June 2005"...and second last paragraph, "Council has executed a Deed with the Minister that defines all of the above matters."
This means that the details in following paragraphs were defined and specifically known by Council in June 2005, yet Council has repeatedly stated that the ensuing 8+ years of inaction and delays were due to unresolved/undefined/problematic/whatevs issues with "the Deed" and/or "the Easement", etc...(and of course the cost-Ed)...indeed Ed, and the cost...(mate, I'm no Realtor or no lawyer with no book learnin's nor nuthin', but that entire document/page would seem to contradict the opening statement about "freehold"-Ed)..excellent point Ed, what exactly does "freehold" mean in a context where Council has to do only exactly 'This, This and This'...(and Pay for the privilege-Ed)...and Pay for it, yes, and then "the Minister" can just grab it all back, stating, "You ain't gettin' penny one from me you slag"...(Mighty Boosh BBC TV)...
And "Council acknowledges with respect and admiration"...strewth, whatevs...and then in trots my mate Rory McEwen...dear ol' Rory...everyone's great, everyone's a mate, and everyone's out to plate a great stake in the plum site that Councillor's and their mates have viewed as their own personal property ever since this stuff went through in 2005...
I also note that this proves irrefutably that Council had a clear run at the Rail Lands by mid 2005, and therefore went past not just a new Aquatic Centre to do the unnecessary new Library and the wholly corrupt Main Corner Project...(and the massive Council chamber extensions and renovations-Ed)...yes, those too...Council did all these after going past the Aquatic Centre and the Rail Lands...(and of course there's all the shenanigans with Council refusing to put the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter at the Rail Lands, and not doing anything with the Old Station, etc, and the lies about a 'Sound Shell', etc, etc-Ed)...yes, it's one long hilarity is it not?...back to the dots...
4) Council has recently stated that they are denied any "commercial development" of the site by the terms of the Deed...(but that paragraph says "an acceptable level", whatevs that means-Ed) point exactly.
5) "Council accepts without qualification", etc...and for "liabilities" see "costs there-of"...this confirms Council/Ratepayers are liable for all costs on every issue...
6) This says a "10m wide easement corridor" but the current bikeway/walkway is in that corridor and maybe 7m if that...apart from that, it hardly seems confusing let alone an excuse for years of inaction.
7) Then comes the stuff about Ratepayers being liable to replace all Rail infrastructure...(and within 4 months too-Ed)...indeed, bang! get it done and get it done now!
8) Then "the Minister" can and will just take it all back, sans any compo for Ratepayers...(yay-Ed).
So what Council has effectively signed-up to is, 'Ratepayers will pay for all works on the site, be it clean-up, removal or replacement, whatevs, and then the state government will just take it all back again when they feel like it'...(good work Council-Ed)...but in their relentless avalanche of lies about the Rail Lands site, even their bizarre declaration just prior to commencing works contradicts not just reality but itself...Council openly stated that they weren't aware whether they were liable to replace removed rails, etc, but proceeded to rip everything up anyway, and this declaration of confusion is itself a massive lie...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...
And of course, what would a Mt Gambier City Council project be without lashings of "community consultation"...but I can't say exactly what happens after one manages "to finalise the vision and concept"...(well history teaches us Nick, that Council proceeds to do exactly what they want to do, massive Retail/Commercial development of the site, but still not before there's an 8 year hiatus where just nuthin' happens at all-Ed)...well nuthin' but a wall of Council lies about why nuthin' was happenin'...(yeah, good point-Ed)...
In Closing: the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography trial has already taken a full week (4-5 days ) and his defense lawyer has surprisingly...(not!-Ed)...attacked the only witness, a SAPol (police) 'electronics expert', as being unqualified and ignorant...(geez, it's no wonder the Courts are so clogged if a simple trial like this can take over a week-Ed)...well indeed, but whilst this is apparently/obviously a very simple case, it is concurrently clearly a very special case...
As a Labor Member of the Legislative Council (MLC-Upper House) Bernard was the Acting-Police Minister in April 2011 when he had his home raided one evening by SAPol officers/detectives, and his computers seized and he was arrested on the spot and escorted away...(and all live footage mind you-Ed)...indeed, escorted away that night and charged with reportedly 20+ Child Pornography offenses...
Over the interim, there have been repeated changes of the charges, charges withdrawn then re-instated, then withdrawn again, etc, etc, over and over across has 30 hearings/adjournments in different jurisdictions, and finally down to only 2 charges...(I still can't believe that he's had 30 hearings/ don't get that in murder's ridiculous-Ed)...what? any less ridiculous than the rest of it?..(well no, but...good point-Ed)...
And the good ol' The Border Watch didn't let me down either...(it's because you're so special you-Ed), stop it, you are...(no you are-Ed) you look, now you've made me blush...anyhoos, whilst my burly mate Bernard can only summon 7 skinny paragraphs on page 7, paragraphs not contaminated by such ugly terms as 'Labor Member', 'Acting Police Minister', '30 hearings', etc, etc, my latest 'Court appearance' appears on page 3 for a goodly fat 7, and still stating I didn't show for the first hearing...more on this...
Tomorrow: I'll Think Of Something, Damn It
'Cos I is like way organised and stuff with this shizzle...deadset...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
As unlikely as is the actual physical like 'sit in your car fuming at a crossing' style return of rail services to let alone through Mt Gambier, whilst that's unlikely, the technical and legal reality is that Council have sold Ratepayers right down a very rapid river of shit, strapped to a barbwire canoe...(paddle damn you-Ed)...I mean, where on gourd's green Earth will Council suddenly find the cash to stump-up for the replacement works, etc, with apparently only "4 months" to get it all done...
Dot Pointing Out The Obvious: realities as per page 82 of Mt Gambier City Council's own 2004/05 Yearbook (as attached below), in contrast to the alleged realities as repeatedly presented by Council over many years...
1) I don't understand how "transfer the freehold" relates to the later clauses 'Council has to replace the infrastructure and the Minister still being able to just take it all back', etc.
2) I believe "for no consideration" means gratis, which would then contradict what Council has said about 'purchasing' the site...
3) "Settlement of the transfer took place on 29th June 2005"...and second last paragraph, "Council has executed a Deed with the Minister that defines all of the above matters."
This means that the details in following paragraphs were defined and specifically known by Council in June 2005, yet Council has repeatedly stated that the ensuing 8+ years of inaction and delays were due to unresolved/undefined/problematic/whatevs issues with "the Deed" and/or "the Easement", etc...(and of course the cost-Ed)...indeed Ed, and the cost...(mate, I'm no Realtor or no lawyer with no book learnin's nor nuthin', but that entire document/page would seem to contradict the opening statement about "freehold"-Ed)..excellent point Ed, what exactly does "freehold" mean in a context where Council has to do only exactly 'This, This and This'...(and Pay for the privilege-Ed)...and Pay for it, yes, and then "the Minister" can just grab it all back, stating, "You ain't gettin' penny one from me you slag"...(Mighty Boosh BBC TV)...
And "Council acknowledges with respect and admiration"...strewth, whatevs...and then in trots my mate Rory McEwen...dear ol' Rory...everyone's great, everyone's a mate, and everyone's out to plate a great stake in the plum site that Councillor's and their mates have viewed as their own personal property ever since this stuff went through in 2005...
I also note that this proves irrefutably that Council had a clear run at the Rail Lands by mid 2005, and therefore went past not just a new Aquatic Centre to do the unnecessary new Library and the wholly corrupt Main Corner Project...(and the massive Council chamber extensions and renovations-Ed)...yes, those too...Council did all these after going past the Aquatic Centre and the Rail Lands...(and of course there's all the shenanigans with Council refusing to put the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter at the Rail Lands, and not doing anything with the Old Station, etc, and the lies about a 'Sound Shell', etc, etc-Ed)...yes, it's one long hilarity is it not?...back to the dots...
4) Council has recently stated that they are denied any "commercial development" of the site by the terms of the Deed...(but that paragraph says "an acceptable level", whatevs that means-Ed) point exactly.
5) "Council accepts without qualification", etc...and for "liabilities" see "costs there-of"...this confirms Council/Ratepayers are liable for all costs on every issue...
6) This says a "10m wide easement corridor" but the current bikeway/walkway is in that corridor and maybe 7m if that...apart from that, it hardly seems confusing let alone an excuse for years of inaction.
7) Then comes the stuff about Ratepayers being liable to replace all Rail infrastructure...(and within 4 months too-Ed)...indeed, bang! get it done and get it done now!
8) Then "the Minister" can and will just take it all back, sans any compo for Ratepayers...(yay-Ed).
So what Council has effectively signed-up to is, 'Ratepayers will pay for all works on the site, be it clean-up, removal or replacement, whatevs, and then the state government will just take it all back again when they feel like it'...(good work Council-Ed)...but in their relentless avalanche of lies about the Rail Lands site, even their bizarre declaration just prior to commencing works contradicts not just reality but itself...Council openly stated that they weren't aware whether they were liable to replace removed rails, etc, but proceeded to rip everything up anyway, and this declaration of confusion is itself a massive lie...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...
And of course, what would a Mt Gambier City Council project be without lashings of "community consultation"...but I can't say exactly what happens after one manages "to finalise the vision and concept"...(well history teaches us Nick, that Council proceeds to do exactly what they want to do, massive Retail/Commercial development of the site, but still not before there's an 8 year hiatus where just nuthin' happens at all-Ed)...well nuthin' but a wall of Council lies about why nuthin' was happenin'...(yeah, good point-Ed)...
In Closing: the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography trial has already taken a full week (4-5 days ) and his defense lawyer has surprisingly...(not!-Ed)...attacked the only witness, a SAPol (police) 'electronics expert', as being unqualified and ignorant...(geez, it's no wonder the Courts are so clogged if a simple trial like this can take over a week-Ed)...well indeed, but whilst this is apparently/obviously a very simple case, it is concurrently clearly a very special case...
As a Labor Member of the Legislative Council (MLC-Upper House) Bernard was the Acting-Police Minister in April 2011 when he had his home raided one evening by SAPol officers/detectives, and his computers seized and he was arrested on the spot and escorted away...(and all live footage mind you-Ed)...indeed, escorted away that night and charged with reportedly 20+ Child Pornography offenses...
Over the interim, there have been repeated changes of the charges, charges withdrawn then re-instated, then withdrawn again, etc, etc, over and over across has 30 hearings/adjournments in different jurisdictions, and finally down to only 2 charges...(I still can't believe that he's had 30 hearings/ don't get that in murder's ridiculous-Ed)...what? any less ridiculous than the rest of it?..(well no, but...good point-Ed)...
And the good ol' The Border Watch didn't let me down either...(it's because you're so special you-Ed), stop it, you are...(no you are-Ed) you look, now you've made me blush...anyhoos, whilst my burly mate Bernard can only summon 7 skinny paragraphs on page 7, paragraphs not contaminated by such ugly terms as 'Labor Member', 'Acting Police Minister', '30 hearings', etc, etc, my latest 'Court appearance' appears on page 3 for a goodly fat 7, and still stating I didn't show for the first hearing...more on this...
Tomorrow: I'll Think Of Something, Damn It
'Cos I is like way organised and stuff with this shizzle...deadset...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Snacks For Zantar
Hello Pakistan, Turkey, China, and Ukraine and welcome to this 'ere blog...and I'm just gunna' shamelessly plaigarise The Mighty Boosh (BBC TV) for this post title and associated metaphorising about how the Universe has a pet, etc...(um, I don't think it's plagiarising if you openly acknowledge the source material-Ed)...ok, fair enough, anyhoos, the Universe has a pet and it's called Zantar and it's big and it's hairy...
I apologise for confusing the situation by previously referring to Mr Woofs the Wonderhound as 'Zantar' by way of an alias, when yes, it is so, I am the one true Zantar...(no, I'm Zantar-Ed), no you're not...(no, I'm Zantar-Mr Woofs) you're not, and stop that...(no, I'm Zantar and so's my wife-Ed)...ok that's enough...I am Zantar thanks, and if anyone 'round 'ere is the Universes pet, then it is I...and occasionally the Universe likes to reach out, pat Zantar on the head and say, 'there's a good boy, snacks for Zantar'...
Seriously but though, sometimes I've got things happening in my world that seem quite odd, for example, the recent exchange I had with SAPol that ended with me in my own front yard calling 'where you goin'?' after a departing rozzer...I'm quietly confident that in the real world it's usually the Peeler callin' after a scarperin' perp...(whaaa?-Ed)...the cops chasin' a fleeing perpetrator, it's usually the police are yelling at a crim who's runnin' away, not the other way round...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)'s just strange things like that ya' know, nuthin' particularly supernatural or spiritual or whatevs, just odd...and so it came to pass, snacks for Zantar... set the table for this veritable feast of snacks please to be availing ones-selves of previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...having done that or if you're already familiar with the RLRA, then consider yourself seated, napkin in place, ready to pig-out...(and start bangin' the table-Ed)...indeed...I have been roundly abused, albeit ne'er to my face, for my allegedly incorrect/inappropriate/whatevs statements/behaviours/whatevs re City Council's conduct re the Rail Lands...I have repeatedly stated and maintain that Council has repeatedly straight-out lied to Ratepayers about their (Council's) agenda for that site and have repeatedly lied about the failure to act for over 8 years, and then have continued to lie about what they're doing now...
Council spewing forth lie upon lie upon deceit upon corruption...this is the reality of Rail Lands Retail Agenda, being Council's ongoing plan for massive Retail/Commercial development on that site...and it is my squishy and I love it...and clearly the Universe thinks I've done somethin' right re the RLRA because it reached out and patted me on the head, and said, 'here big fella', snacks for Zantar'...
Still tidying, ordering, collating, storing, clearing, etc, etc, the large piles of paperwork, etc, and moving stuff round in circles a fair bit still though, but slowly, incrementally winning, and so it came to be that about a month back I knocked a book onto the floor and picked it up and put it on top of some other stuff without looking at it...more stuff piled on that, etc, and then re-sorting that whole stack and so it recently re-surfaced and last night I happened to half-knock it and distractedly picked it up and flicked through it and found this...

(OMG-Ed)...I know...this here is page 82 of Mt Gambier City Council's 2004/2005 edition of their big shiny Yearbook thingy they produce...not a word of a lie, it literally fell at my feet weeks ago, got buried, released, and then this...I was a little bit stunned, and 24 hours later I find it still to be a stunning find...I myself have had my say, my opinion, but here is the irrefutable evidence literally literally on their own bloody page...
I swear that I have not been aware of this 'document' until last night, but I would not blame availees for thinking that potentially I've been writing with such specific confidence about the RLRA and associated issues because I was working from this document, it is truly that on one page are all of the issues I've identified, specifically explained in crystal clear fashion...(and that clarity shows Council's multiple, repeated, outright deceits for exactly what they are-Ed)...absolutely...
Lie after lie after lie...for years...a decade in fact, of lies, over and over again...front page after front page of The Border Watch...problems with the Easement, problems with the Deed, etc, etc...100% bollocks...time and again Council has stated that they didn't know about these things but this one page puts to the sword that every lie...the Deed is finalised, the Deed is done...
Again only recently, Council has been stating that they're not allowed to do Retail/Commercial on the site as per the Deed...(if I may?-Ed)...sure...(bollocks-Ed)...well said sir...but it's late, I'm tired, and so I'm going to pull stumps here and do a full shredding of this document,
Tomorrow: SFZ Part II
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
I apologise for confusing the situation by previously referring to Mr Woofs the Wonderhound as 'Zantar' by way of an alias, when yes, it is so, I am the one true Zantar...(no, I'm Zantar-Ed), no you're not...(no, I'm Zantar-Mr Woofs) you're not, and stop that...(no, I'm Zantar and so's my wife-Ed)...ok that's enough...I am Zantar thanks, and if anyone 'round 'ere is the Universes pet, then it is I...and occasionally the Universe likes to reach out, pat Zantar on the head and say, 'there's a good boy, snacks for Zantar'...
Seriously but though, sometimes I've got things happening in my world that seem quite odd, for example, the recent exchange I had with SAPol that ended with me in my own front yard calling 'where you goin'?' after a departing rozzer...I'm quietly confident that in the real world it's usually the Peeler callin' after a scarperin' perp...(whaaa?-Ed)...the cops chasin' a fleeing perpetrator, it's usually the police are yelling at a crim who's runnin' away, not the other way round...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)'s just strange things like that ya' know, nuthin' particularly supernatural or spiritual or whatevs, just odd...and so it came to pass, snacks for Zantar... set the table for this veritable feast of snacks please to be availing ones-selves of previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...having done that or if you're already familiar with the RLRA, then consider yourself seated, napkin in place, ready to pig-out...(and start bangin' the table-Ed)...indeed...I have been roundly abused, albeit ne'er to my face, for my allegedly incorrect/inappropriate/whatevs statements/behaviours/whatevs re City Council's conduct re the Rail Lands...I have repeatedly stated and maintain that Council has repeatedly straight-out lied to Ratepayers about their (Council's) agenda for that site and have repeatedly lied about the failure to act for over 8 years, and then have continued to lie about what they're doing now...
Council spewing forth lie upon lie upon deceit upon corruption...this is the reality of Rail Lands Retail Agenda, being Council's ongoing plan for massive Retail/Commercial development on that site...and it is my squishy and I love it...and clearly the Universe thinks I've done somethin' right re the RLRA because it reached out and patted me on the head, and said, 'here big fella', snacks for Zantar'...
Still tidying, ordering, collating, storing, clearing, etc, etc, the large piles of paperwork, etc, and moving stuff round in circles a fair bit still though, but slowly, incrementally winning, and so it came to be that about a month back I knocked a book onto the floor and picked it up and put it on top of some other stuff without looking at it...more stuff piled on that, etc, and then re-sorting that whole stack and so it recently re-surfaced and last night I happened to half-knock it and distractedly picked it up and flicked through it and found this...

(OMG-Ed)...I know...this here is page 82 of Mt Gambier City Council's 2004/2005 edition of their big shiny Yearbook thingy they produce...not a word of a lie, it literally fell at my feet weeks ago, got buried, released, and then this...I was a little bit stunned, and 24 hours later I find it still to be a stunning find...I myself have had my say, my opinion, but here is the irrefutable evidence literally literally on their own bloody page...
I swear that I have not been aware of this 'document' until last night, but I would not blame availees for thinking that potentially I've been writing with such specific confidence about the RLRA and associated issues because I was working from this document, it is truly that on one page are all of the issues I've identified, specifically explained in crystal clear fashion...(and that clarity shows Council's multiple, repeated, outright deceits for exactly what they are-Ed)...absolutely...
Lie after lie after lie...for years...a decade in fact, of lies, over and over again...front page after front page of The Border Watch...problems with the Easement, problems with the Deed, etc, etc...100% bollocks...time and again Council has stated that they didn't know about these things but this one page puts to the sword that every lie...the Deed is finalised, the Deed is done...
Again only recently, Council has been stating that they're not allowed to do Retail/Commercial on the site as per the Deed...(if I may?-Ed)...sure...(bollocks-Ed)...well said sir...but it's late, I'm tired, and so I'm going to pull stumps here and do a full shredding of this document,
Tomorrow: SFZ Part II
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The Border Watch Newspaper Is A Bloody Disgrace
Hello Israel, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Singapore, and Italy and welcome to the blog...for various reasons there are several part posts lining-up in the 'draft' section of this 'ere blog, and I know I've repeatedly promised particular posts, etc, but when this Bernard Finnigan stuff came up it effectively imposed itself at the top of the list...if one all ain't already aware of the specific issues involved, please avail one's all's selves of a quick Interweb search...there's plenty of stuff about about this case, and here's a dot-point run-down anyways...
1) In 2009 Bernard Finnigan was not elected but appointed by Labor to replace a deceased Labor Member in the Legislative Council (SA Upper House), and at that time had his office here in Mt Gambier...then at the March 2010 State Election he ran on the Labor ticket and was elected a Member of Sow Strayan parliament.
2) He was still a Labor MLC...(and also Acting Police Minister-Ed)...indeed, I was getting to that, and the Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when SAPol officers/detectives raided his home, arresting him and seizing his computers, and duly charging him with originally (reported as) 20+ Child Pornography offenses...there is extensive footage of this arrest on most news stories...(which begs the question, 'how did that media know to be there?-Ed)...great question Ed, great question...
3) The Mike Rann Labor government immediately dumped Bernard whilst simultaneously screeching about "his right to the presumption of innocence"...(hilarious-Ed).
4) In the 4 years since, the case has been in different jurisdictions and charges have been repeatedly changed and/or dropped or changed then re-instated again and then most dropped again, etc, etc, over a reported 30 hearings/adjournments, until this week Bernard finally faces only 2 charges.
5) That case is now being heard in a closed Court by a single judge with a single witness whom happens to be a SAPol 'electronics expert'...(strewth, whatevs genuine intent there was in this original arrest, the pro-paedophile system that runs Adelaide has clearly got control of it now-Ed)...well Ed, it certainly appears that way and I'll believe otherwise when the Acting Police Minister gets gaol time...(ain't gunna happen-Ed)...I know, I know...but I'll just run through it again quickly...
Bernard Finnigan was Labor's Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when he was arrested for at least 14 (possibly 20+?) Child Pornography offenses...this indicates that somehow SAPol knew that he was accessing certain sites, making certain searches, etc, because they went to his home to arrest him and seized his stuff, and immediately charged him...this also seems to indicate the veracity of the offenses/ has then taken 4 years and 30 hearings in different Courts, repeatedly changed charges, etc, etc, to end up in a closed call it secret hearing with only one Magistrate and one witness...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...indeed, zany South Australia, eh?...
Now yes, it's true, The Border Watch and I do have a very checkered history..(yeah, but that's largely due to their rank corruption of the truth as suits their agenda, up to and including their corrupt, complicit, and collusive conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed, and if you'll let me finish, but if one removes my name from the equation and the issues still remain, then TBW's coverage of said issues remains wholly self-serving and resultantly corrupt...
Please find attached the page 7 article from The Border Watch Friday 10th April 2015...and where to start?...(hows about with 'and TBW continuing their fine tradition of protecting South Australia's paedophile politicians and their pro-paedophile colleagues'-Ed)...good start, strong, yeah I like it...(and then follow that with a quick factoid re-iteration of TBW's rank pro-paedophile corruption as witnessed in it's relentless protection of the chronically corrupt former Member for Mt Gambier, my mate Rory McEwen-Ed) mean where TBW repeatedly gave Rory mate...(maaate-Ed)...front page coverage to vilify and denigrate me (and other parents) and deny the St Martins situation/cover-up, as part of his broader pro-paedophile corruption...(yeah, that's the one-Ed)...
In response to feedback, no I don't know whether Rory McEwen is himself a paedophile or whether he's just such a selfish and corrupt person that he chose to help cover-up the St Martins abuses because that was politically expedient and personally profitable in this paedophile controlled state...(several people have commented about how often they saw him at St Martins in 2002 after this stuff all kicked-off-Ed)...indeed, seen 'im there myself, but that doesn't mean that he was there for any reason other than to collude with St Martins Principal John Alexander about how they and the Lutherans and Labor and Liberals and SAPol, et al, would organise themselves to cover-up the gross abuse of dozens (potentially hundreds) of children by teacher Glyn Dorling...
Nor can I specifically identify the 'Paedophile Ring' that others insist is clearly identified by my posts/this 'ere blog/the reality of the St Martins Cover-up...all I can talk about is the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that I've witnessed/experienced...and I've said it plenty on this 'ere blog and sayin' it helps me with the rage and the fury and the sadness that dealing with these issues brings into my life...(I think rage makes fury pretty much redundant, dude, cos rage has always struck me as being like the next gear up from fury...furious implies a degree of self-control, rage is generally defined by a lack there-of, kickin' off from where fury spills over-Ed)...dam your illiterationings...(don't you mean 'damn'?-Ed), I mean 'dam' as in stop as in shut it...and we digress...
Now take all of that Finnigan stuff and consider where you'd place that story if you ran TBW...(well I'd think at the most basic level, the fact that the/a local Member of Parliament was in Court facing Child Pornography charges would justify front-page coverage with at least a small photo, but then chuck onto that the 'Acting Police Minister' stuff and the outrageously conspiratorial 30 hearings over a 4 year period, etc, and that basic front-page story should be ridden-through with Editorial outrage-Ed)...absolutely Ed, I'd reckon any reasonable person would consider that front-page fodder...but not TBW, they've carefully included only the very minimum they couldn't avoid, and the rest is one massively corrupt deletion or gross manipulation of critical facts, buried on page 7...(via yet another 'anonymous' article-Ed)...indeed...and why exactly does so much stuff appear 'anonymously' in TBW?...somebody wrote it...somebody...somewhere...
Some quick points addressing that article;
1) No photo and does not mention 'Labor' or 'Acting Police Minister' or the whittling down/removal of over a dozen charges, or the 'closed' part of the Court hearing.
2) Minister Finnigan was arrested and taken into custody by SAPol officers/detectives during not "following a police raid", and there is no "allegedly" because SAPol raided his home due to somehow knowing Bernard was accessing certain sites of "child exploitation imagery"...this article puts events in reverse order and therefore casts potential doubt where none exists...the irrefutable fact is that SAPol knew Bernard was on those sites and went and arrested him, seizing his computers in the process.
3) It was "revealed" 4 years ago that "some of the images allegedly relate to children under the age of 14."...(and hasn't it been a pillar of Finnigan's defence all along? that you can't say definitively that the kids are under 14?-Ed)...indeed it has Ed...
Anyhoos, even when one ignores the crassly corrupt deletions and deliberate mistakes from that tiny article and it's deliberately 'buried' appearance on page 7, compare it to TBW's coverage of my alleged missed Court date from back in February 2015 where it's page 2 with a photo of me as big as the article itself, and no attempt to contact me, etc, as covered in recent posts of the time, eg, Summons Goin' On...
And you wonder why I come on here and call you a bloody disgrace...(I don't, I think it's glaringly obvious that you like to point at the glaringly obvious and say 'hey's, what's all that bollocks about then?'-Ed)...not you you idiot, The Border Watch, I'm talking to TBW...(oh, well, yes, that makes more sense-Ed)...anyway, pointing at the glaringly obvious as I do, it's a gift, and a gift shared...(and a gift shared is a gift resented if experience is anything to go by-Ed)...well indeed...
Tomorrow: I Will Now Laugh At Council
The whole 'Some Winsome Wins' stuff about Council's shambolic and failed attempt to ban public recordings of their meetings...(perhaps some wholly wholesome winsome wins-Ed)...yessss, and perhaps not...(perhaps later?-Ed)...perhaps not at all...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(ooo, sorry, I forgot to ask, how did your Court hearing go today?-Ed)...another adjournment basically, but I can't wait to see how TBW reports that...(how's about Fletcher Fails To Not Show For Court?-Ed)...perfect...the whole thing's a bloody shambles, and I've got a beauty re the ABC that I'll hang onto for a coupla' days whilst I wait to see what eventuates...(whaaa?-Ed)...happened upon an ABC person today, in an ABC car, whom I didn't know but whom bore a striking resemblance to a person whom seemed very out of place at a thing I attended recently...(still whaaa? with a whom? chaser-Ed)...give it a coupla' days mate, if I'm right, it'll be well worth it...laters...
1) In 2009 Bernard Finnigan was not elected but appointed by Labor to replace a deceased Labor Member in the Legislative Council (SA Upper House), and at that time had his office here in Mt Gambier...then at the March 2010 State Election he ran on the Labor ticket and was elected a Member of Sow Strayan parliament.
2) He was still a Labor MLC...(and also Acting Police Minister-Ed)...indeed, I was getting to that, and the Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when SAPol officers/detectives raided his home, arresting him and seizing his computers, and duly charging him with originally (reported as) 20+ Child Pornography offenses...there is extensive footage of this arrest on most news stories...(which begs the question, 'how did that media know to be there?-Ed)...great question Ed, great question...
3) The Mike Rann Labor government immediately dumped Bernard whilst simultaneously screeching about "his right to the presumption of innocence"...(hilarious-Ed).
4) In the 4 years since, the case has been in different jurisdictions and charges have been repeatedly changed and/or dropped or changed then re-instated again and then most dropped again, etc, etc, over a reported 30 hearings/adjournments, until this week Bernard finally faces only 2 charges.
5) That case is now being heard in a closed Court by a single judge with a single witness whom happens to be a SAPol 'electronics expert'...(strewth, whatevs genuine intent there was in this original arrest, the pro-paedophile system that runs Adelaide has clearly got control of it now-Ed)...well Ed, it certainly appears that way and I'll believe otherwise when the Acting Police Minister gets gaol time...(ain't gunna happen-Ed)...I know, I know...but I'll just run through it again quickly...
Bernard Finnigan was Labor's Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when he was arrested for at least 14 (possibly 20+?) Child Pornography offenses...this indicates that somehow SAPol knew that he was accessing certain sites, making certain searches, etc, because they went to his home to arrest him and seized his stuff, and immediately charged him...this also seems to indicate the veracity of the offenses/ has then taken 4 years and 30 hearings in different Courts, repeatedly changed charges, etc, etc, to end up in a closed call it secret hearing with only one Magistrate and one witness...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...indeed, zany South Australia, eh?...
Now yes, it's true, The Border Watch and I do have a very checkered history..(yeah, but that's largely due to their rank corruption of the truth as suits their agenda, up to and including their corrupt, complicit, and collusive conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed, and if you'll let me finish, but if one removes my name from the equation and the issues still remain, then TBW's coverage of said issues remains wholly self-serving and resultantly corrupt...
Please find attached the page 7 article from The Border Watch Friday 10th April 2015...and where to start?...(hows about with 'and TBW continuing their fine tradition of protecting South Australia's paedophile politicians and their pro-paedophile colleagues'-Ed)...good start, strong, yeah I like it...(and then follow that with a quick factoid re-iteration of TBW's rank pro-paedophile corruption as witnessed in it's relentless protection of the chronically corrupt former Member for Mt Gambier, my mate Rory McEwen-Ed) mean where TBW repeatedly gave Rory mate...(maaate-Ed)...front page coverage to vilify and denigrate me (and other parents) and deny the St Martins situation/cover-up, as part of his broader pro-paedophile corruption...(yeah, that's the one-Ed)...
In response to feedback, no I don't know whether Rory McEwen is himself a paedophile or whether he's just such a selfish and corrupt person that he chose to help cover-up the St Martins abuses because that was politically expedient and personally profitable in this paedophile controlled state...(several people have commented about how often they saw him at St Martins in 2002 after this stuff all kicked-off-Ed)...indeed, seen 'im there myself, but that doesn't mean that he was there for any reason other than to collude with St Martins Principal John Alexander about how they and the Lutherans and Labor and Liberals and SAPol, et al, would organise themselves to cover-up the gross abuse of dozens (potentially hundreds) of children by teacher Glyn Dorling...
Nor can I specifically identify the 'Paedophile Ring' that others insist is clearly identified by my posts/this 'ere blog/the reality of the St Martins Cover-up...all I can talk about is the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that I've witnessed/experienced...and I've said it plenty on this 'ere blog and sayin' it helps me with the rage and the fury and the sadness that dealing with these issues brings into my life...(I think rage makes fury pretty much redundant, dude, cos rage has always struck me as being like the next gear up from fury...furious implies a degree of self-control, rage is generally defined by a lack there-of, kickin' off from where fury spills over-Ed)...dam your illiterationings...(don't you mean 'damn'?-Ed), I mean 'dam' as in stop as in shut it...and we digress...
Now take all of that Finnigan stuff and consider where you'd place that story if you ran TBW...(well I'd think at the most basic level, the fact that the/a local Member of Parliament was in Court facing Child Pornography charges would justify front-page coverage with at least a small photo, but then chuck onto that the 'Acting Police Minister' stuff and the outrageously conspiratorial 30 hearings over a 4 year period, etc, and that basic front-page story should be ridden-through with Editorial outrage-Ed)...absolutely Ed, I'd reckon any reasonable person would consider that front-page fodder...but not TBW, they've carefully included only the very minimum they couldn't avoid, and the rest is one massively corrupt deletion or gross manipulation of critical facts, buried on page 7...(via yet another 'anonymous' article-Ed)...indeed...and why exactly does so much stuff appear 'anonymously' in TBW?...somebody wrote it...somebody...somewhere...
Some quick points addressing that article;
1) No photo and does not mention 'Labor' or 'Acting Police Minister' or the whittling down/removal of over a dozen charges, or the 'closed' part of the Court hearing.
2) Minister Finnigan was arrested and taken into custody by SAPol officers/detectives during not "following a police raid", and there is no "allegedly" because SAPol raided his home due to somehow knowing Bernard was accessing certain sites of "child exploitation imagery"...this article puts events in reverse order and therefore casts potential doubt where none exists...the irrefutable fact is that SAPol knew Bernard was on those sites and went and arrested him, seizing his computers in the process.
3) It was "revealed" 4 years ago that "some of the images allegedly relate to children under the age of 14."...(and hasn't it been a pillar of Finnigan's defence all along? that you can't say definitively that the kids are under 14?-Ed)...indeed it has Ed...
Anyhoos, even when one ignores the crassly corrupt deletions and deliberate mistakes from that tiny article and it's deliberately 'buried' appearance on page 7, compare it to TBW's coverage of my alleged missed Court date from back in February 2015 where it's page 2 with a photo of me as big as the article itself, and no attempt to contact me, etc, as covered in recent posts of the time, eg, Summons Goin' On...
And you wonder why I come on here and call you a bloody disgrace...(I don't, I think it's glaringly obvious that you like to point at the glaringly obvious and say 'hey's, what's all that bollocks about then?'-Ed)...not you you idiot, The Border Watch, I'm talking to TBW...(oh, well, yes, that makes more sense-Ed)...anyway, pointing at the glaringly obvious as I do, it's a gift, and a gift shared...(and a gift shared is a gift resented if experience is anything to go by-Ed)...well indeed...
Tomorrow: I Will Now Laugh At Council
The whole 'Some Winsome Wins' stuff about Council's shambolic and failed attempt to ban public recordings of their meetings...(perhaps some wholly wholesome winsome wins-Ed)...yessss, and perhaps not...(perhaps later?-Ed)...perhaps not at all...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(ooo, sorry, I forgot to ask, how did your Court hearing go today?-Ed)...another adjournment basically, but I can't wait to see how TBW reports that...(how's about Fletcher Fails To Not Show For Court?-Ed)...perfect...the whole thing's a bloody shambles, and I've got a beauty re the ABC that I'll hang onto for a coupla' days whilst I wait to see what eventuates...(whaaa?-Ed)...happened upon an ABC person today, in an ABC car, whom I didn't know but whom bore a striking resemblance to a person whom seemed very out of place at a thing I attended recently...(still whaaa? with a whom? chaser-Ed)...give it a coupla' days mate, if I'm right, it'll be well worth it...laters...
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Interim Post - Scam Bam Thankyou Ma'am
Profuse apologies for no posts this week but no Interweb connection at all during the day...noticed I'd get some post done really early but nothing later...also trouble getting into emails again and losing chunks of posts...(it's almost like being 'hacked' or something-Ed)...almost, but I'm advised again that it is unfortunately not just my service that can be problematic and may also be because of school holidays which have just started across the Victorian border and due to start here it just too much demand on limited bandwidth?...whatevs...cheers to the 'tech-help' that put up the apology the other day...
Also received but not likely related to these problems, these attached emails...(they seem to have got your name from The Border Watch newspaper's reportage of your court hearing stuff, 'Fletcher'-Ed)...indeed...the language is wrong, eg, Courts tend to say 'if you fail to appear' not "if you do not come"...anyways, please be advising all and sundry that there are these scams circulating...and yes, I did contact my legal advice just to make sure there wasn't a Court hearing on Saturday 11th April, and no Court open on weekends...
Tomorrow: A Proper Post
I apologise again and I am Nick Fletcher and cheers and laters and stuff...
Also received but not likely related to these problems, these attached emails...(they seem to have got your name from The Border Watch newspaper's reportage of your court hearing stuff, 'Fletcher'-Ed)...indeed...the language is wrong, eg, Courts tend to say 'if you fail to appear' not "if you do not come"...anyways, please be advising all and sundry that there are these scams circulating...and yes, I did contact my legal advice just to make sure there wasn't a Court hearing on Saturday 11th April, and no Court open on weekends...
Tomorrow: A Proper Post
I apologise again and I am Nick Fletcher and cheers and laters and stuff...
Friday, April 10, 2015
We're Experiencing Some Turbulence
Apologies to all, some ongoing tech issues have kept me from posting the last couple of days, but I should be able to be back in the swing of things soonish.
Watch this space for more.
Watch this space for more.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Hello and welcome one 'n' all to this 'ere blog, arrrrrrrr...(sorry, was that a pirate voice?-Ed)...aiii, sort of, just doing my breathing exercises that are part of the new exercise regime I've been doing of isometric stretches and positionings designed specifically for Buccanneers arrrrrrrr...(oh yes?-Ed)...yeah, it's called Pirates, arrrrrrrrr...(I don't even want to acknowledge that with a remark, but I already have-Ed)...and astute availees may have picked-up from various references across the last 2 years of this 'ere blog, that yesterday was the 10th anniversary of a very, very busy day I had back in 2005...
On April 6th 2005 I had my last of 20 days/cycles of Radiotherapy treatment, following 8 months/cycles of some heavy duty Chemotherapy, and therefore today (being Tuesday 7th April) is officially exactly 10 years since I finished my treatments and the first day of what is now the next 10 years...(wow, 10 years, and after surviving that ol' rockmelon -sized tumour thingy you had right in the middle of ya' chest-Ed)...indeed...and Mama passed away that day too after a decade of full-on dementia...and I was also centre stage for SAPol's (police) raid of a Child Protection Advocates home, yet another attack on the whistleblowers by a corrupt pro-paedophile Establishment in South Australia..(that is surely some sortta' day-Ed)...anyhoos...
Attached below, the third of the three articles/pages from the previous 2 posts...if you want to read the whole lot and haven't already, please go back a post or two and do so...apologies that I've sortta' stuffed-up the synchronicity in that this article is the follow-on bit from the front page, as covered in the previous post, but it's all the same swathe of City Council generated outright deceits, collusion, and corruption that define and confirm the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...I don't care what the 'new' Committee is called nor whom is allegedly running it now, it's the same Mt Gambier City Council stooges really at the controls, and the results will mimic that already achieved...(ooo gourd no-Ed)...
A Brief Synopsis: would go something like...Mt Gambier City Council was 'gifted' the Old Rail Lands site 10 years ago by the Mike Rann Labor state government and immediately started presenting various formal plans for massive Retail/Commercial development of the site...Council then went past the Rail Lands...(and the Aquatic Centre-Ed)...indeed, and that, and other projects, went past those to do an entirely unneeded new Library and the farcically corrupt Main Corner Project...(I still believe the whole 'new Library' bollocks was also about screening Council's real intentions/agenda re the Civic Centre-Ed)...which was?...(the huge expansion and renovation of Council offices-Ed)...ah yes, pushed the Library out, then spent a fortune on a new one, and simultaneously, an absolute fortune spent massively expanding/revamping Council's digs, and almost nothing said of it anywhere...(more The Border Watch collusion/deceits on behalf of Council?-Ed)...absolutely...
For 8 years Council refused to do anything physically with the Rail Lands site, repeatedly and cyclically blaming 'Contamination', or 'the Deed' and/or 'the Rail Easement must remain', or the cost, etc, all covered in previous posts...Council re-zoned the site to 'Retail/Commercial' possibly as early as 2007, definitely by 2009, as confirmed to me and witnesses at Council's 2013 Budget meetings by Council's Daryl Sexton, and it is currently zoned 'Commercial'...(but hasn't Council recently been talking sumthin' about how 'the Deed disallows any Commercial/Retail development of the site'?-Ed)...something like that, but clearly, given the specific re-zoning, that is not correct...(and your point is further supported by the multiple Retail/Commercial development plans previously presented by Council-Ed)...indeed...
Whilst under immense pressure re the ludicrous Main Corner Project, in November 2011 Council suddenly announced the $10m Parklands Concept Plan...(which looks exactly like all the development plans if you ask me, just with a 'Sound Shell' thingy where previous plans show shopping centre-Ed)...well I didn't ask you, thanks, but that doesn't deny you being correct, because that's exactly what the PCP was/is, a tarted-up and very deceitful version of previous Retail/Commercial plans...(which, as it turns out, was also 100% unfunded-Ed)...absolutely...the $4.2m that Council have already spent was either borrowed as part of Council's extraordinary 2013 Budget decision to double the City's borrowing capacity to approx $12m, plus 2x$1m government grants that weren't even in existence in 2011...there is no 'Budget', they're just making it up as they go along, having spent up to what they've borrowed/received...
Council flatly refused the extensive public support to locate the (now) Lady Nelson Bus Shelter at the Rail Lands site...(most suitably, I believe, in a renovated Old Rail Station-Ed)...that would have been perfect, with easy access along Railway Tce/Eleanor St, the Lakes Plaza right there with shelter, food, money, toilets, etc, etc...but no, anything permanent like that would have compromised the RLRA...(and we can't have that-Ed)...apparently's, anyhoos, Council borrowed/received $4.2m then proceeded to push dirt in circles for no other reason than to create work for the contractor mates of Councillors, and have come up with an embarrassing wasteland/wetland and the Death Pit of Stupidity (the massive $650,000 'unfenced' drainage pond on the Rail Lands)...I genuinely wish Cr Greco ever best fortune getting this Council to spend Cent One on the Old Station...
Also attached below, shonky outta' focus photos I took just this morning showing water pooling in the main grassed area, still flooding despite the crews of Council workers that dug ditches, shoved in plastic drainage piping and then filled and paved it (across the back there), and also flooding by the Old Station platform/building...we had scattered rain from 15-20mm (officially) to localised falls of nearly 60mm, but really, there's been one relatively smallish rain event and there were flooding issues all over Mt Gambier last night, particularly around the Coles shopping centre area...(and still flooding on the Rail Lands?-Ed)...indeed...
To close out this/these latest articles...I have no idea where/when Council has had any plans for a 'corridor' from anywhere to anywhere else, so that all looks like bollocks...and I've already covered the issue re the Old Station building, namely, that Council has no intention of renovating the building because it's in the way for the RLRA, and again, the proof is self-evident, both are work on the Station because the RLRA is the true agenda...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, it is my squishy and I love it...
Anyhoos, Sunday night I subjected myself, as much as I could bear anyway, to the extraordinary load of absolute bollocks that was The Adelaide Oval: The Untold Story or whatevs it was called (on telly, Channel 7?)...(ah, yes, fantastic, at last someone explaining to the blinkered, herded, narcissistic Adelaide populace the rank corruption of the Forestry Sale, and what a perpetual financial disaster it was/is for South Australia-Ed)...yeahhhh, no, not anything about the sale of the South East Forestry Estate to '141 Plantations', well not that I heard...more laters...
Smack My Gob: when senior ABC Local Radio person stated last week that there was some great news employment wise...and I said to myself, 'please make it not jobs related to the current clear-felling harvest of our state resource that took 100 years to establish, as 141 Plantations strips the asset as fast as they can...please make it not about that...(it was though, wasn't it?-Ed)...yep, let's get excited about "harvesting jobs" shall we, as our economic future continues to be felled and exported...(ya' know, I find it hard to look at the South Australian Labor Party as anything more than a Criminal Organisation run by paedophiles, acting to protect paedophiles and defraud the SA citizenry of multiple state assets, eg, the Forestry Sale, the Mt Barker re-zoning, the Gillman land sale, the Festival Plaza development of a 22 story building, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah, I hear what you're saying...
(And of course the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well of course the St Martins Cover-up, but that's not so much an indication of the criminality of the Labor Party as it is irrefutable evidence of the rank pro-paedophile corruption that controls both Sow Strayan Labor and Liberal, the entire state parliament, SAPol (police), the Judiciary, the Child Protection system, etc, etc...good ol' South Australia, the paedophile state...(yay, let's have a shreckin' festival shall we-Ed)...I further note that for all of the definable criminality that I have covered in this 'ere blog, particularly re St Martins, the only person facing any charges for any of it, is me, charged for merely talking about stuff that allegedly wasn't illegal anyway...
At this point in time I have still been unable to get specific legal advice as to these alleged charges that I've apparently been 'reported for' at some stage, nor any explanation as to why I wasn't served a Summons re the first hearing of February 3rd 2015, etc, etc...the whole thing's as farcical as the legislation that spawned it...(nor has TBW printed the truth and/or an apology for their grossly inaccurate and biased reportage of the Court hearings-Ed)...indeed, the truth in the news runs a distant second if it even gets a place in the 'Get-Fletch Agenda' race...(yay-Ed)...
I'll pull-up here as it's late already and hopefully that last coupla' posts covers the Rail Lands stuff, but I also note that the only thing Council has proposed for the site is yet another market...(oh no, not another bloody market, really?-Ed)...deadset, another market...anyhoos...
Tomorrow: Some Winsome Wins
A few feedback/housekeeping things seguing/morphing into and out of a narrative from recent Council meetings...(is this the altering Minutes stuff and that?-Ed)...not specifically, no, this is more about the ban on electronic recording of Council meetings, that Council introduced in November 2014, but then renounced at their March meeting...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
On April 6th 2005 I had my last of 20 days/cycles of Radiotherapy treatment, following 8 months/cycles of some heavy duty Chemotherapy, and therefore today (being Tuesday 7th April) is officially exactly 10 years since I finished my treatments and the first day of what is now the next 10 years...(wow, 10 years, and after surviving that ol' rockmelon -sized tumour thingy you had right in the middle of ya' chest-Ed)...indeed...and Mama passed away that day too after a decade of full-on dementia...and I was also centre stage for SAPol's (police) raid of a Child Protection Advocates home, yet another attack on the whistleblowers by a corrupt pro-paedophile Establishment in South Australia..(that is surely some sortta' day-Ed)...anyhoos...
Attached below, the third of the three articles/pages from the previous 2 posts...if you want to read the whole lot and haven't already, please go back a post or two and do so...apologies that I've sortta' stuffed-up the synchronicity in that this article is the follow-on bit from the front page, as covered in the previous post, but it's all the same swathe of City Council generated outright deceits, collusion, and corruption that define and confirm the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...I don't care what the 'new' Committee is called nor whom is allegedly running it now, it's the same Mt Gambier City Council stooges really at the controls, and the results will mimic that already achieved...(ooo gourd no-Ed)...
A Brief Synopsis: would go something like...Mt Gambier City Council was 'gifted' the Old Rail Lands site 10 years ago by the Mike Rann Labor state government and immediately started presenting various formal plans for massive Retail/Commercial development of the site...Council then went past the Rail Lands...(and the Aquatic Centre-Ed)...indeed, and that, and other projects, went past those to do an entirely unneeded new Library and the farcically corrupt Main Corner Project...(I still believe the whole 'new Library' bollocks was also about screening Council's real intentions/agenda re the Civic Centre-Ed)...which was?...(the huge expansion and renovation of Council offices-Ed)...ah yes, pushed the Library out, then spent a fortune on a new one, and simultaneously, an absolute fortune spent massively expanding/revamping Council's digs, and almost nothing said of it anywhere...(more The Border Watch collusion/deceits on behalf of Council?-Ed)...absolutely...
For 8 years Council refused to do anything physically with the Rail Lands site, repeatedly and cyclically blaming 'Contamination', or 'the Deed' and/or 'the Rail Easement must remain', or the cost, etc, all covered in previous posts...Council re-zoned the site to 'Retail/Commercial' possibly as early as 2007, definitely by 2009, as confirmed to me and witnesses at Council's 2013 Budget meetings by Council's Daryl Sexton, and it is currently zoned 'Commercial'...(but hasn't Council recently been talking sumthin' about how 'the Deed disallows any Commercial/Retail development of the site'?-Ed)...something like that, but clearly, given the specific re-zoning, that is not correct...(and your point is further supported by the multiple Retail/Commercial development plans previously presented by Council-Ed)...indeed...
Whilst under immense pressure re the ludicrous Main Corner Project, in November 2011 Council suddenly announced the $10m Parklands Concept Plan...(which looks exactly like all the development plans if you ask me, just with a 'Sound Shell' thingy where previous plans show shopping centre-Ed)...well I didn't ask you, thanks, but that doesn't deny you being correct, because that's exactly what the PCP was/is, a tarted-up and very deceitful version of previous Retail/Commercial plans...(which, as it turns out, was also 100% unfunded-Ed)...absolutely...the $4.2m that Council have already spent was either borrowed as part of Council's extraordinary 2013 Budget decision to double the City's borrowing capacity to approx $12m, plus 2x$1m government grants that weren't even in existence in 2011...there is no 'Budget', they're just making it up as they go along, having spent up to what they've borrowed/received...
Council flatly refused the extensive public support to locate the (now) Lady Nelson Bus Shelter at the Rail Lands site...(most suitably, I believe, in a renovated Old Rail Station-Ed)...that would have been perfect, with easy access along Railway Tce/Eleanor St, the Lakes Plaza right there with shelter, food, money, toilets, etc, etc...but no, anything permanent like that would have compromised the RLRA...(and we can't have that-Ed)...apparently's, anyhoos, Council borrowed/received $4.2m then proceeded to push dirt in circles for no other reason than to create work for the contractor mates of Councillors, and have come up with an embarrassing wasteland/wetland and the Death Pit of Stupidity (the massive $650,000 'unfenced' drainage pond on the Rail Lands)...I genuinely wish Cr Greco ever best fortune getting this Council to spend Cent One on the Old Station...
Also attached below, shonky outta' focus photos I took just this morning showing water pooling in the main grassed area, still flooding despite the crews of Council workers that dug ditches, shoved in plastic drainage piping and then filled and paved it (across the back there), and also flooding by the Old Station platform/building...we had scattered rain from 15-20mm (officially) to localised falls of nearly 60mm, but really, there's been one relatively smallish rain event and there were flooding issues all over Mt Gambier last night, particularly around the Coles shopping centre area...(and still flooding on the Rail Lands?-Ed)...indeed...
To close out this/these latest articles...I have no idea where/when Council has had any plans for a 'corridor' from anywhere to anywhere else, so that all looks like bollocks...and I've already covered the issue re the Old Station building, namely, that Council has no intention of renovating the building because it's in the way for the RLRA, and again, the proof is self-evident, both are work on the Station because the RLRA is the true agenda...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, it is my squishy and I love it...
Anyhoos, Sunday night I subjected myself, as much as I could bear anyway, to the extraordinary load of absolute bollocks that was The Adelaide Oval: The Untold Story or whatevs it was called (on telly, Channel 7?)...(ah, yes, fantastic, at last someone explaining to the blinkered, herded, narcissistic Adelaide populace the rank corruption of the Forestry Sale, and what a perpetual financial disaster it was/is for South Australia-Ed)...yeahhhh, no, not anything about the sale of the South East Forestry Estate to '141 Plantations', well not that I heard...more laters...
Smack My Gob: when senior ABC Local Radio person stated last week that there was some great news employment wise...and I said to myself, 'please make it not jobs related to the current clear-felling harvest of our state resource that took 100 years to establish, as 141 Plantations strips the asset as fast as they can...please make it not about that...(it was though, wasn't it?-Ed)...yep, let's get excited about "harvesting jobs" shall we, as our economic future continues to be felled and exported...(ya' know, I find it hard to look at the South Australian Labor Party as anything more than a Criminal Organisation run by paedophiles, acting to protect paedophiles and defraud the SA citizenry of multiple state assets, eg, the Forestry Sale, the Mt Barker re-zoning, the Gillman land sale, the Festival Plaza development of a 22 story building, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah, I hear what you're saying...
(And of course the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well of course the St Martins Cover-up, but that's not so much an indication of the criminality of the Labor Party as it is irrefutable evidence of the rank pro-paedophile corruption that controls both Sow Strayan Labor and Liberal, the entire state parliament, SAPol (police), the Judiciary, the Child Protection system, etc, etc...good ol' South Australia, the paedophile state...(yay, let's have a shreckin' festival shall we-Ed)...I further note that for all of the definable criminality that I have covered in this 'ere blog, particularly re St Martins, the only person facing any charges for any of it, is me, charged for merely talking about stuff that allegedly wasn't illegal anyway...
At this point in time I have still been unable to get specific legal advice as to these alleged charges that I've apparently been 'reported for' at some stage, nor any explanation as to why I wasn't served a Summons re the first hearing of February 3rd 2015, etc, etc...the whole thing's as farcical as the legislation that spawned it...(nor has TBW printed the truth and/or an apology for their grossly inaccurate and biased reportage of the Court hearings-Ed)...indeed, the truth in the news runs a distant second if it even gets a place in the 'Get-Fletch Agenda' race...(yay-Ed)...
I'll pull-up here as it's late already and hopefully that last coupla' posts covers the Rail Lands stuff, but I also note that the only thing Council has proposed for the site is yet another market...(oh no, not another bloody market, really?-Ed)...deadset, another market...anyhoos...
Tomorrow: Some Winsome Wins
A few feedback/housekeeping things seguing/morphing into and out of a narrative from recent Council meetings...(is this the altering Minutes stuff and that?-Ed)...not specifically, no, this is more about the ban on electronic recording of Council meetings, that Council introduced in November 2014, but then renounced at their March meeting...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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