Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Australian Of The Year, Ms Grace Tame, Is A Deadset Legend

Howdy dear and only one topic today, Ms Grace Tame's appearance at the National Press Club....if you did not see/hear her, find it somehow, eg, NPC Facebook, she is quite extraordinary...I previously called her appointment as Australian of the Year as being yet another in a long line of Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's  cynical political stunts, ie the top 4 awards went to women in a sickly cynical politicised attempt to distract away from the fundamentally misogynist boys club that is the Liberal/National Party...and as then as now, that is not a commentary on any of those women or their achievements, etc, and I stand by that observation, but today I watched it go ballistically pear-shaped for Scummo...

Ms Tame's presentation was succinct, measured, intelligent, and strong beyond comprehension...she was direct and specific and never broke into emotive hyperbole or anything even remotely like it...she was, in a word, extraordinary...and can I just say how nice it is to be able to use that word in it's positive context again, as opposed to the multiple times I've used it to describe the LNP's and Scummo's unlawful and immoral conduct...I noticed that several journos who asked her questions did so with breaking voices, clearly moved/affected...and when asked about Scummo using the phrase "as a father" and "I talked to Jen about it", Ms Tame responded;

It shouldn't take having children to have a conscience...and having children doesn't guarantee a conscience.

Simply brilliant...and when asked about Scummo's statement back in 2019 that 'we need to believe victims', and whether he's backed that up, etc, Ms Tame's response;

(pause) Obviously not! 

I urge you all to access and watch Ms Tame's presentation and responses... 

Tomorrow: More Federal Sexual Assault Issues

At 1500hrs this afternoon (Wednesday March 3 2021), #CabinetRapist is supposedly going to do a press conference, accompanied by his 'defamation lawyer', and thoroughly deny any and all realities...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

PS: ABC News just reported this, using his name, 'we're going to hear from Attorney-General Christian Porter at 3pm'...


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