Thursday, March 25, 2021

More PM Morrison Deceits And Deception, and More AFP and PMO Corrupt Collusion

Howdy dear availees...another day, another debilitating diatribe of deceits and distractions and diversions and out right collusive corruption from the Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, his Chief of Staff Phil Gaetjens and multiple Liberal/National Party politicians, along with the Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw, and the New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick a previous post (22nd March 2021) I covered the directly contradictory evidence given by Kershaw and Gaetjens in Senate Estimates...Gaetjens revealed that he had stopped his 'internal investigation' about who knew what and when, etc, relative to the Rape* of Ms Brittany Higgins in Parliament House in March 2019, Gaetjens allegedly stopped that inquiry on 9th March 2021, and told Scummo that day...Scummo went on to lie about that in Parliament, repeatedly, failing to disclose this 'suspension of inquiry', and then further lie about that lying...Gaetjens claimed he'd stopped due to advice from Kershaw about not potentially compromising the AFP investigation...literally at the same time, but in a different Estimates hearing/room, Kershaw categorically denied that he had given that advice...and that's where we got to...

Later that afternoon Kershaw produced this statement (below), completely reversing his original testimony...he has clearly chosen or more likely been instructed to toe the party line and support what Gaetjens and Scummo wanted him to say...this is just another example in a litany of basely corrupt, complicit, and subservient actions of an AFP that operates as a bullying, openly Fascist arm of the LNP government...and now, as so obviously and carefully scripted, LNP Members have been furiously scuttling to hide behind the pseudo-justification that 'the AFP Comm told us not to, we're just following that advice'...Defense Minister Marise Payne did it in Estimates yesterday when asked about the sacking of the staffer who Raped* Ms Higgins, supposedly for a "security breach" aired on the ABC's Four Corners program, the security officer directly involved on that night of the Rape*, has stated that they followed procedures exactly, and therefore there was no such "security breach" when Payne tried to refuse answering questions about that 'sacking', citing the supposed AFP 'advice', she was quite rightly shredded by Labor's Penny Wong who pointed out that the LNP had already said the 'sacking' was about a "security breach" and nothing to do with an 'alleged Assault'...the exchange went unresolved, Payne repeatedly hiding behind that fake 'advice'...***   

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw has made the following statement.

“I have examined Mr Gaetjens’ opening statement of evidence to Senate Estimates.

I confirm I informed Mr Gaetjens on 9 March it was strongly advisable to hold off finalising the records of interviews with staff until the AFP could clarify whether the criminal investigation into Ms Higgins’ sexual assault allegations may traverse any issues covered by the administrative process he was undertaking.

I support his decision to put on hold the process of finalising his inquiry. At this time, I support him not making any further comments on the process or content of his inquiry to avoid any risk of prejudicing the outcome of the criminal investigation.

When the AFP has clarity about whether there is no intersection between Mr Gaetjens’ administrative inquiry and the criminal investigation I will contact Mr Gaetjens so he can move to completion of his inquiry.”

***This morning on ABC News Radio Scummo was directly asked whether or not he had asked his staff about them 'back-grounding' against Ms Brittany Higgins (and her family), and Scummo waffled-on ludicrously, very specifically avoiding answering the question by stating that no-one in the gallery (press gallery) had asked his Chief of Staff (Gaetjens), etc, as covered in this article (below) that also reports how Ms Higgins has responded to that fakely disingenuous claim...and in my humble opinion, Ms Higgins is a dead-set legend...***  

Brittany Higgins lodges complaint with PM over alleged negative backgrounding by his office

Daniel McCulloch

Brittany Higgins has made a formal complaint to Scott Morrison’s chief of staff, asking him to investigate whether anyone in the prime minister’s office backgrounded against her loved ones.

Higgins wrote to John Kunkel after the prime minister suggested on Thursday that nobody from the parliamentary press gallery had raised the accusations with his chief of staff.

Morrison has been asked more than a dozen times in the parliament whether he has investigated allegations his staff tried to privately undermine Higgins or her loved ones.

He was asked again during a radio interview on Thursday whether he could say categorically that his office had not engaged in such behaviour.

“Nothing has been raised with my office from anyone in the gallery making any of those accusations or any discomfort about anything that my office has done,” he told the ABC.

“People make allegations all the time second, third-hand. But there’s no one who has raised that with my chief of staff out of the gallery, no.”

Brittany Higgins has written to Scott Morrison’s chief of staff over alleged negative ‘backgrounding’.
Brittany Higgins has written to Scott Morrison’s chief of staff over alleged negative ‘backgrounding’. Credit: AAP

Shortly after his comments, Higgins lodged a formal complaint.

“In the days following my interview with The Project regarding my experience in Parliament House, I was made aware by numerous journalists about the backgrounding that was happening to my partner,” she wrote to Kunkel.

“To my knowledge, this was being done by staff within the prime minister’s media team.

“I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. It is entirely plausible the prime minister did not know that this was happening, however the more relevant point is that it did occur.”

Former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins arrives to address the Women's March 4 Justice in Canberra, Monday, March 15.
Former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins arrives to address the Women's March 4 Justice in Canberra, Monday, March 15. Credit: LUKAS COCH/AAP

Higgins also requested to provide evidence to department secretary Phil Gaetjens, who is running an inquiry into which of the prime minister’s staff knew of her rape allegations before they were made public.

The investigation has been put on hold while police investigate the rape allegations.

“It is my express desire to present my evidence to Mr Gaetjens at the appropriate time once the review recommences,” Higgins wrote.

The furore engulfing the government was sparked by Higgins coming forward alleging she was raped by a colleague in 2019.

There have since been rape accusations levelled at Attorney-General Christian Porter - who has strenuously denied them - and revelations of a toxic workplace culture inside Parliament House.

Morrison has not made direct contact with Higgins since she went public, nor offered her job back.

The prime minister is also digging in behind Liberal senator Eric Abetz, who is accused of making vulgar comments about Higgins that amounted to victim-blaming.

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein has written to the prime minister asking him to consider the allegations and take any action he deems appropriate.

Eric Abetz during Senate hearing at Parliament House today.
Tasmanian Speaker Sue Hickey has accused Senator Eric Abetz of slut-shaming Brittany Higgins. Credit: AAP

But Morrison said his letter added nothing to what had already been said.

“Senator Abetz has absolutely denied this completely,” he said.

“(The premier) has just raised the matter but he has no additional information and he doesn’t corroborate or confirm any of these things.”

Women across Australia continue to raise reports of inappropriate behaviour with links to politics.

Parliaments in NSW, Queensland, Tasmania and Canberra have each been told of allegations of rape, groping, harassment and slut shaming.

Meanwhile, NSW Nationals MP Michael Johnsen has been accused of raping a sex worker in the Blue Mountains.

He has taken leave from state parliament and promised to co-operate with police.

“I am confident any investigation will conclude that I am an innocent party,” Johnsen said.

*** there you have it...asked about whether he's spoken to his staff, he waffles on about 'no questions from the gallery', meaning the press gallery, and pitifully, the ABC's Sabra Lane just lets him get away with it...and it's so simple to do, 'that wasn't the question, have you spoken to your staff? and, you've been repeatedly asked in Parliament, what about that?'...then Scummo goes on to show how much he's 'listening to women' by calling Ms Sue Hickey a liar, and because another man doesn't confirm it for him, it remains in his eyes a lie...and he takes the bigotted dinosaur Eric Abetz at his word, but Sue Hickey is by definition a liar...sound familiar? it's exactly what Scummo said about Rapist* Christian Porter...despite claiming that neither of them had read the related dossier/documents, Scummo claims that he'd spoken to Porter about the allegations that supposedly neither of them knew, and that Porter vehemently denied the allegations that he didn't know about, and Porter was therefore "innocent" of the thing he didn't do that he didn't know what it literally could not make this stuff's as corrupt as it is farcical... 

And Scummo's at it again right now in Parliament, lying through his teeth, he apparently has no idea about the latest accusations/revelations that Parliamentarians and/or staffers were using sex workers in Parliament, especially in the 'Meditation Room' area, and various other assorted 'sexual improprieties'...and it's a proven lie because Scummo directly pilloried former Labor Senator Sam Dastyari when he raised that exact issue 2 years ago...but now Scummo has no idea...he's apparently got no idea what is going on around him, and on multiple critical issues...what about the "security breach" implications of politicians entertaining male sex workers in Parliament House? but Scummo's apparently got no idea...he is a pathological liar, bordering on a psychopath...his unhinged statement and thinly veiled threat about 'protestors are fortunate because in other countries they'd be met with bullets', are a deeply disturbing insight into the mind of a borderline violent despot...and that is no exageration, that is not hyperbole...who in their right mind, and particularly in reference to a march protesting about violence and injustice against women, etc, who even thinks in that space, let alone verbalises it, let alone says it boastfully and proudly, let alone whilst standing at the dispatch box, as the PM, and having flatly refused to just step out the door and address the march, etc, etc, etc, who as PM stands in Parliament and says that out loud?... 

*Raped/Rape?Rapist*...I no longer use the 'alleged' quantifier because I believe that both of those Rapes did occur, and I believe that because 1) I believe Ms Higgins and Ms Thornton, and 2) that belief is confirmed by the grossly complicit and deceitful and duplicitous conduct of Scott Morrison and Christian Porter and Linda Reynolds and Phil Gaetjens and Michaelia Cash et al...their relentless lies and self-concerned focus illustrate that the Rapes did occur, that they do know, that they've always known, and that they are far more interested in protecting their own self-interests than the trauma they've created and/or protected...

Tomorrow: More Insidious Corruption, Yay

And in closing, here's a little gem I've copied across from the Federal ICAC Now!!! Facebook page...   "It's taken a Pentecostal Christian PM to turn the Australian Parliament into a place where hookers and rent boys are signed-in for their services, where Rape is covered up and victim's friends and families are smeared, and where staff share videos of themselves jerking-off" 

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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