Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Mick 'Could These Bins Be Any' Fuller Puts Out Morrison's Latest Dumpster Fire

***started this post 7 days ago, just after International Woman's Day, and events/revelations have repeatedly overtaken my stuff, so I've tried to adjust/alter this accordingly, but there will be some sync issues***

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to yet another single issue post about the current Sexual Assault cover-ups playing-out in Federal Parliament...and Cover-ups is exactly what's happening...I'm rabidly furious about the relentless denialism of Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, who apparently doesn't know anything about anything when it comes to his Ministers involvement in these definable Cover-ups...I'm trying to move to a post about other issues, eg, the rancid corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, but there's so much happening with these Federal government Cover-ups that is exactly reminiscent of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse we're looking at the abject failures of police to conduct appropriate and in some cases any investigations, and their related fraudulent excuses...the title refers to New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, notoriously incompetent and equally notorious for the apparent 'deliberateness' of that incompetence, and how that orchestrated incompetence is now in full application/operation with NSW Police's extraordinary mis-handling of Ms Katharine Thornton's allegations that she was Raped by (now) Attorney-General Christian Porter...

Mick 'Binsy' Fuller is also notorious for being a close personal friend of Scummo, and formally his neighbour who used to sometimes actually 'put Scummo's bins out'...Mick is also a Pentecostal god-botherer, like Scummo...NSW Police also did the Liberal-protecting 'cover-up' investigation of the Ruby Princess/COVID-19 debasco (debacle/fiasco), and the truly bizarre exoneration of the rancidly corrupt LNP Energy Minister Angus Taylor when 'Angry' Angus used clearly doctored fraudulent documents to defame Sydney Mayor Clover that case, NSW police did not speak to either 'Angry' or Ms Moore, indeed, appear to not have spoken to 'Angry's' staffer who supposedly provided that document to 'Angry', the staffer who then 'quit' and received a major promotion within the Liberal Party apparatchik...also, Scummo personally contacted Fuller during that 'investigation'...and now they've done it again...after less than 48hrs, NSW Police have dumped their alleged investigation into 'alleged' Rapist Christian Porter without speaking to him or any of the other potential's a farcically corrupt disgrace... 

And hence today's title...Scummo's 'Political Bins' are so chocka-block full with multiple LNP corruption and associated cover-up issues, and his mate Mick is right at the centre of most if not all of that...and the bins are so big they're dumpster sized, and so full that Mick is struggling to haul them out to the kerb...and where-in 'dumpster fire' is a euphemism for "a chaotic or disastrously mishandled situation"...and to add to Binsy's burden, those bins are also ablaze with public scrutiny, almost exclusively via Twitter...and hence the deliberately intended pun of the double use of 'To Put Out', where-in 1) he's acting to help protect Scummo et al, ie, to put out the fires in the bins that 2) he's also 'putting-out' to the kerb to be collected, so that all that unwanted trash will be hopefully taken out of sight and out of mind... 

A Glaring Anomaly:...Ms Thornton went to Kings Cross Police Station in February 2020, and Fuller/police claim that she wasn't interviewed and didn't make a formal statement, etc, yet they immediately instigated 'Operation Wyndara' what did Ms Thornton say in that 'meeting' that police chose to not record officially and/or put in a proper statement, etc, yet it was so problematic that they saw fit to instigate an 'Operation'?...or did they take that statement and are now lying about it so as to plead 'plausible deniability'?...why did Ms Thornton have to repeatedly contact NSW Police, 4-5 times according to police themselves, and on such an important issue/allegation, yet they never took a statement?...NSW Police have argued that it was because of COVID-19 restrictions, saying that they couldn't travel to South Australia to take a formal statement from Ms Thornton, but that is patently obvious as a lie...police, amongst others, had/have discretionary exemptions from said restrictions, and could also have 1) used other mediums, eg, zoom meetings and/or other electronic media, and/or 2) as commonly happens, had local SAPol officers take Ms Thornton's statement...

And just yesterday (12th March 2021) Mick was in NSW Estimates Committee, stating that the AFP had sent NSW Police a 'brief' about the extensive document (88 pages?), but not a copy of the actual document...and NSW Police hadn't asked for a copy and hadn't spoken to anyone of the dozen potential witnesses identified in that document, and haven't spoken to Porter at all...and this is how NSW Police conduct a Rape investigation , not least of all one involving the Federal's a corrupt farce, it's abjectly and pitifully obvious as being a case of police deliberately choosing to protect Porter and by association Scummo et al in the Liberal's NSW Police deliberately applying the time-honoured strategy of 'Don't Look, Don't Ask, Don't Know'...  

To my extensive personal experience, NSW Police's appalling conduct exactly mimics what SAPol did to us re the St Martins Cover-up in June/July 2002...several parents, myself included, repeatedly attended Mt Gambier Police Station (me twice) trying to lodge official complaints/reports about "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...SAPol repeatedly refused, stating that they would commence their investigation once Child Protection had contacted them...we were repeatedly assured, including by (then) Superintendent Terry Harbour and Det Nick Smith, that they took our allegations/reports very seriously and that they were committed to this investigation and would act thoroughly and appropriately, etc, etc...ultimately SAPol didn't even interview Dorling, dropped their alleged investigation after only a month but didn't tell us parents, and when we tried to pursue this gross failure, SAPol officially blamed us for supposedly failing to lodge official complaints with them...SAPol's alleged 'second investigation', in response to our complaints about their first farcical effort, was in fact not about Dorling at all...SAPol investigated themselves and their 'first investigation', completely exonerating themselves, simultaneously dumping their 'second Dorling investigation' and blaming us parents because we had talked about it with each other and therefore "denied Dorling his rights"...

I see this exact pattern with Ms Thornton and NSW Police, promise support but repeatedly stall and obfuscate and find reasons to not act, eg, farcically false excuses for not getting a 'formal statement', and then blaming Ms Thornton for allegedly "withdrawing her complaint"...and even that's been proven a lie by NSW Police who initially stated that Ms Thornton had 'withdrawn from the investigation', not that she had "withdrawn her complaint"...and it's a huge difference...  

Given my extensive personal experience in this exact space with police, I believe that NSW Police refused to take a statement on that original visit, likely with some lame excuse about having no-one there at the time who could take it, as was done to us re St with St Martins, I believe police likely used all manner of supportive language and expressed their concerns, etc, and fervently promised an immediate and thorough investigation, etc, with absolutely no intention of ever doing so, and then basically ignored Ms Thornton such that she was forced to repeatedly contact them, until she became despondent and gave up on them helping, because clearly they had no intention to do so, and so Ms Thornton withdrew...and that's if you believe that Ms Thornton actually did that herself and not under extreme external duress/threat, as alluded to by former PM Malcolm Turnbull...below, I cover this point about police corruption and the 'disposal' of problematic complainants, eg, those who expose paedophile politicians and/or police in South Australia...

There are multiple articles on the most excellent on-line news service Independent Australia, all asking many of the very specific and unanswered questions that we all have, eg, here's one that's focussed on the gross inconsistencies and failures of the New South Wales Police alleged investigation, 'Operation Wyndara'...,14864

Also from IA...,14875#.YEbd7803Ruw.twitter

I also refer dear availees to the Kangaroo Courts of Australia website, who do similarly excellent work on dissecting and dismantling the crass LNP political strategies and deceits and openly misogynistic attitudes, etc, and how the insipidly complicit Main Stream Media support and enable and empower the LNP behaving in this way...KCA also look at a lot of Courts related many respects, I wish I was as organised and thorough as KCA, but one does what one can, and in many instances, I'm not just reporting or commenting on issues, I'm right in the issue, and frequently I am the issue...and so I'm not just standing to one side pointing at stuff and saying 'hey look at that', I'm standing in the stuff saying 'hey look at this'...

And yesterday, on International Women's Day mind you, 'Binsy' Fuller, having not read the extensive relevant document he allegedly wasn't provided, he's then publicly officially declared his personal belief that there would not have been any charges laid against Porter even if Ms Thornton was still his professionally incompetent summation, 'historical rape cases' are nearly impossible to prosecute, and even 'current cases' are highly unlikely to succeed...this is an appalling and blatantly obvious dog-whistle to victims of Rape that they shouldn't bother trying to report it to police, and worse than that, a clear indicator to Rapists that they are effectively untouchable, particularly if there are no witnesses...  

Whatever you think of former PM Malcolm 'Smooth Operator' Turnbull, and/or how much he would be delighted to get the political knives out of his own back and back whence they originated, back into Scummo's back, etc, but Turnbull went onto ABC Radio on 2nd March 20201 questioning whether Ms Thornton did actually take her own life... it is an extraordinary thing for the former PM to even privately countenance let alone express publicly...and in that context, what does Malcolm know about this situation that he would even suggest that Ms Thornton's death was not the widely-reported 'suicide'?'s the link...if that's removed, just Interweb search it...

As someone intimately involved with the office of Speaker Peter Lewis and the Mullighan Child Abuse Royal Commission (early 2005), I was at the literal eye of the storm when Lewis was hounded out of Parliament for his office 'accidentally' releasing Mullighan's first interim report...that report identified as paedophiles former Liberal Premier John Olsen, currently the Federal Liberal Party President, as personally chosen by Scott Morrison, and also Chair of the Adelaide Football Club, and (then) serving Labor Minister Patrick Conlon, and a Magistrate and a very senior SAPol (police) officer...those people who had come forward to make those statements were all murdered within a year...I and other St Martins parents, who were effectively the second group to meet with Mullighan, were dealing/meeting with him in the time period these murders were happening, and we discussed our concerns that this might happen to us...that included identifying me as the most likely candidate, given that the others were all 'family types'...assassinating one's opponents/critics is a global political strategy, and Australia is no different...

Given how these issues have played out, and as seemingly supported by the statements of Malcolm Turnbull, I have grave concerns that Ms Thornton did not take her own life...I find it absolutely incongruous that Ms Thornton, having been treated so dismissively and appallingly by NSW Police,  would then write them an email allegedly thanking them and praising them for how wonderfully they've handled her case...I struggle to believe that Ms Thornton even wrote that email, and if she did, she did so under immense pressure and/or direct coercion, upto and including literally having someone standing over her forcing her to compose it...I struggle to believe that Ms Thornton took her own life...and how does all this relate to the timing of Porter suddenly dumping his official phone and changing numbers?...who in their right mind believes his ludicrous excuse that his infant son is some sort of technological savant and somehow managed to access the phone's inner-most programming and wipe all data?...and even if that extraordinarily bizarre deletion did occur, why did Porter change numbers?'s a farcical litany of definable lies, that occurred immediately following Ms Thornton's death...that is no coincidence... 

I have no faith in either the NSW Police, in SAPol, or in the South Australian Coroner (who is currently conducting an investigation into the circumstances of Ms Thornton's death) to actually investigate this properly, or as with NSW Police, investigate it at all...I refer availees to the extraordinary history of the SA Coroner's office and the bizarre decades of having the completely unqualified Colin Manock as State Coroner, and that Manock (currently?) resides with his transexual partner who works as a prostitute in the various 'scenario rooms' that Manock has provided, including a fully equipped operating theatre...and if you find all that hard to believe, for those of us who have experienced exactly what SA is when it comes to bizarre, corrupt political 'sex scandals', it just explains and illustrates and validates our personal experiences...I also refer availees back to my point that known paedophile John Olsen is the current Liberal Party what hope any of this is going to be appropriately investigated and the actual truth revealed?...

I've repeatedly explained why the current tsunami of Sexual Assault issues constantly trigger me, due to the sickening parallels with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and this 'tweet' effectively sums-up that parallel experience by comparing the position of Cristian Porter and the response of Scummo and NSW Police et al, with that of an accused teacher...  

Imagine if your kids' school principal received a detailed allegation that a senior teacher had raped a child, he didn't read it but just obtained the teacher's denial and then said it's all good he's innocent the matter is closed, he can keep teaching your kids.

And I'll conclude today with another Twitter observation that I fully concur with...

I loathe Morrison; his shit eating grin & deluded self worth. His fuckwittery & failure to see he’s not the smartest in any room. Not even in a cubby. His clownface & his cruelty. His underlying rage. His lust for power without vision, without a plan; only promises and photo ops

***...and when I've tried to access this page just now, Wednesday 17th March 2021, it says 'Page Doesn't Exist'...***

Tomorrow: Gourd Only Knows, It's All Happening So Fast

What's happening with these Porter Rape allegations doesn't just look like a Cover-up Conspiracy involving the Prime Minister, the Attorney-General, the AFP, the NSW Police and particularly their Commissioner, et al, that's exactly what it is, this is definably a Cover-up...and when you've got these people who have all the power, when they have everything to lose, that's when anyone who gets in the way becomes a problem that needs to be neutralised/erased...and I'll ask it again, what does Malcolm Turnbull know that he raises questions about 1) Porter's communications with Ms Thornton in 2020, and even more extraordinarily 2) the actual manner of Ms Thornton's death?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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