Saturday, March 20, 2021

Liberal's Nicole Flint - Genuine Victim? A Disingenuous Gender Traitor? Both?

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to TMGI...I've asked a series of questions for today's topic, because I'm acting again as an external observer, and one who openly acknowledges his seething contempt for the Kleptocratic criminal cabal that is the Liberal/National my personal opinion, Nicole Flint's teary farewell 'performance' in Parliament last week was about as genuine and factually reliable as Attorney-General Christian Porter's pathetically self-sympathetic press conference of 3rd March 2021 where-in he denied raping Ms Katharine Thornton...and that is, not at all both circumstances, and particularly with Porter, I believe it was absolute political theatre complete with copious crocodile (fake) tears...and it's all in the same ball-park, directly relating to the multiple Rape issues involving the Liberal Party, and that's why I'm dismissively critical of Nicole Flint's 'speech'...she has used Parliamentary Privilege to promote dis-proven and/or previously denied allegations against Labor and/or Get-Up, and to attack/denigrate a deceased man who cannot fight back...I believe Nicole Flint was/is solely motivated by an agenda of distracting attention away from the multiple Rape issues consuming the Liberal Party...        

I note that Ms Flint has had little if anything to say about other women who have suffered abuse and/or assault in Parliament, especially those on her own side of politics...and there are multiple instances over many years...her attacks on Labor, particularly on Tanya Plibersek and Penny Wong are the worst kind of political misappropriation and weaponising of the Sexual Assault and Gender Imbalance issues...I also note the appearance of an anonymous 'Labor Assault Issues' Facebook page, and the constant 'What About-ism' of Liberals re-hashing the Rape allegation against Bill Shorten...nearly all of the few Liberal female politicians, eg, Jane Hume, Sarah Henderson, Amanda Stoker, are also being pushed out in front of their male colleagues to defend Morrison, Porter, et al, and to run this definable LNP campaign of deny, distract, and divert...I also remind availees of the extraordinary, venomous threats that Michaelia Cash literally spat at a Labor Senator in that notorious Senate Estimates Committee hearing, threats to name "the many young woman (in Shorten's office) about whom rumours abound"...

As cynical as I am about the appropriateness of the Victorian Police's alleged investigation of Bill Shorten, or literally any other alleged investigation that any police force in Australia has ever conducted regarding Sexual Assault, especially against powerful/influential people, that is an actual investigation and Bill Shorten was questioned, is entirely disingenuous for the LNP to try and equate that with the rancid and clearly deliberate failures of all involved, particularly the Australian Federal and New South Wales Police services, when it comes to the 'alleged' Rapes of Ms Brittany Higgins and Ms Katharine Thornton...and again, I put it as 'alleged' because I fully believe that both women were Raped...and the LNP are fully aware of, and are therefore deliberately, grossly misrepresenting the conduct of the various alleged investigations into Christian Porter and Bruce police investigations have 'cleared' or exonerated anyone, because, despite the creation of NSW Police 'Operation Wyndara', allegedly no-one ever interviewed Ms Thornton, or even read the dossier of documents provided by Ms Thornton's friends, or even spoke to Porter...and NSW Police have clearly lied about why they did nothing, and then dumped the case, firstly and falsely blaming Ms Thornton, but then saying, 'she's dead now, so too bad, we can't do anything about it'...and Lehrmann seems to have disappeared, literally...

I'll ask it again, again...what did Ms Thornton tell NSW Police when she went to the Kings Cross Police Station in February/March 2020, that they started 'Operation Wyndara', but then proceeded to deliberately stall and obfuscate and outright lie?...why have they repeatedly lied about their actions since, lies perpetrated not least of all by their Commissioner Mick Fuller...we'll get into this again in detail in the next post...          

Back to my original point though, I am not saying that Nicole Flint didn't get abused inappropriately, clearly there was some really unpleasant gender-based abuse, and it is something that many if not all female politicians are subjected to, and I completely oppose that sort of abuse as completely unacceptable...outside of that, Ms Flint is/was a very-much Right Wing operative and is/was absolutely fair game in that arena, all politicians are as far as I'm concerned...and I've earned that right, the right to be so coldly pragmatic, I've earned that right as a man who has himself copped decades of abuse and threats, etc, for daring to tell the unpleasant truths like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and from that position of Earned Opinion, I completely dismiss Nicole Flint's performance in Parliament as being exactly that, a performance of weaponising and politicising Abuse as a means unto an end...and that 'end' is to try and dilute and divert and distract from the rancidly misogynist cesspool that is the Liberal/National base terms, what she has done is a gross dis-service to all women who are trying to get these horrendous inequalities and abuses, etc, addressed appropriately, and has potentially set-back the entire debate...

And I'll therefore ask that question but leave it for women to answer...I believe that Nicole Flint is wholly disingenuous, and far more concerned with the Liberal Party's fortunes than that of women, but does that make her a 'Gender Traitor'? it equally possible that she is another 'Victim' of the misogynist mind-set that defines her Party, effectively a prisoner to her own teams attitudes and conduct, etc?...and to what degree can that 'Gender Traitor' accusation be levelled at other female politicians, but most particularly those in the LNP who furiously defend Porter and Morrison, etc?...Pauline Hanson is another one whom immediately comes to mind...

And I put it in that context because, as a man, I cannot see any of these ego-maniacal misogynist men willingly giving-up their power and privilege, let alone allowing them and/or their mates to be appropriately held to account for their collective criminality.

If you as women look upon this as being anything other than a 'Gender War' that must be fought every day and probably for years to come, then you have already lost

Here's a terrific piece from Samantha Maiden, as copied from this Facebook page, #JusticeForKatharineThorntonRIP - Australia believes in you...I urge dear availees to find and join this support page, it already has many interesting articles and/or links...the article referenced below from Kangaroo Court of Australia is also on that page..***

The ‘creepy old man’ MP Nicolle Flint says stalked her during election campaign

Friends of the terminally ill man Liberal MP Nicolle Flint says stalked her during the 2019 election campaign have leapt to his defence. samanthamaiden  March 18, 20215:23pm

“How dare she? This man has nothing to do with stalking. He was a journalist with WeekendNotes he was involved in a community group. He would take photographs that may or might not be used in the future,’’ Debbie Williams said.

“This woman has dragged this man’s name though the mud. The damage is already done.

“He died a horrendous death. It is grossly unfair. He had nothing to do with GetUp! Putting a man who is deceased, who cannot even defend himself, dragging his name, of something he was not even convicted of.

“It was ridiculous and it wasn’t warranted. She should be ashamed of herself.”

In response, Ms Flint said publishing the dead man’s friends’ claim she should be “ashamed of herself” was “victim shaming”.

“This is very close to victim shaming,” she said.

“To the best of my recollection the only time I have mentioned this individual’s name was in my evidence to JSCEM (under parliamentary privilege).

“You will note in my evidence to JSCEM I state that I confronted him and asked him to stop his behaviour and told him it was making me feel unsafe (this was in February 2019 after the behaviour had been going on for two months). He refused to do so. When the behaviour continued, I contacted the AFP, who visited him, and also asked him to stop his behaviour. He again refused.

“When the behaviour continued to escalate I went to the South Australian Police, who, within 24 hours, issued a stalking order against him. This is when the behaviour finally stopped.

“So not only was his behaviour terrifying, it seemed to be a deliberate ploy to stop my campaign. He didn’t treat any of the other female candidates the way I was treated.”

Police cautioned Dave Walsh, 65, after Ms Flint complained to police at the time and news crews were dispatched to his home to interview him, but he was never charged with any stalking offence before his death in April, 2020.

He told reporters he was a “law abiding citizen.”

“I am not, and never have been, a member of GetUp! or any associated group,” Mr Walsh told the Sunday Mail.

“I’m a law-abiding citizen just like you are. I have done nothing wrong.”

Ms Flint has accused the man of working “worked hand-in-glove” in activist campaigners in a deliberate attempt to scare her off campaigning and turning up at events to photograph her through windows.

“The assembled evidence shows that this individual and GetUp! worked hand-in-glove,” Ms Flint wrote in her submission to the parliamentary inquiry.

But David Walsh, who died of cancer in April 2020, went to his grave insisting he had never been charged with a stalking crime and was not a member of GetUp! or the Labor Party.

(**3 photos removed to shorten post, see full story for photos**) Dave Walsh can be seen taking photographs through a window during a function attended by Boothby MP Nicolle Flint in Blackwood.

The evidence submitted to Parliament to the contrary is a number of Facebook posts Mr Walsh liked and his tendency to turn up at electorate events also attended by GetUp!

A photograph of Mr Walsh taken by Ms Flint’s supporters is included in a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters.

His behaviour frightened and “terrified” Ms Flint, who has previously revealed she abandoned a branded electorate vehicle plastered with her image to travel in, fearing for her safety because she lived alone.

Despite Mr Walsh’s denials that he was a member of GetUp! before his death, his Facebook account suggests however he did attend a Get Up! candidates debate event in the electorate which Ms Flint did not attend.

Member for Boothby Nicolle Flint has spoken this week about the man she says stalked her during the 2019 election campaign.Source:Getty Images

He had also been accused of taking photographs of former Mitcham mayor Glenn Spear who said the behaviour was not illegal but was “strange”.

“I’m a public figure and I would have chatted to him … but they were creepy, hidden photographs that he would post (online),’’ he said.

Ms Flint has previously spoken out over being stalked, abused online and had her electorate office vandalised with sexist graffiti calling her a ‘skank’ and a ‘prostitute’ and said Labor should have done more to stop the abuse.

‘Where were they when I was stalked by a creepy old man who worked hand-in glove with GetUp?,’’ she said.

A photographer, Mr Walsh ran an online blog called Weekend Notes on his travels in South Australia assisted by his “two clever canines” and said he enjoyed “travel, good food and wine”.

In a statement, Get Up! has denied any involvement with the man accused of stalking Ms Flint.

“The person in question has no connection to GetUp! and was not involved in the election campaign,” the spokeswoman said.

However, Ms Flint said she was not convinced with the denials, fighting back tears as she read out abuse she had been sent in recent days in Parliament on Thursday.

“You are a most rancid coward and infamous and endless liar, a consummate, shrivelled dirtbag, a ruling class s**t, an intellectual disgrace. Now go lick your smokies balls you Liberal crim,” one read.

“No wonder you’re being stalked by someone, you deserve it. You’re a piece of crap,” read another.

“Don’t insult my intelligence with denials or your false crocodile tears. I’m looking forward to seeing your demise,” a third read.

***'s the direct link to that Kangaroo Court of Australia post about one of the lawyers representing Christian's quite lengthy so I'm going to finish this post with short, apparently Ms Rebekah Giles has a history of engaging in disingenuous/fraudulent and ultimately failed 'Defamation' threats and/or legal actions such as to try and block appropriate investigation and/or resolution of her clients unlawful/illegal conduct...

Tomorrow: Christian Porter - The Self-Defined Rapist

It's been an extraordinary few weeks with multiple Rape 'allegations' involving the Liberal Party and Porter's related press conference from 3rd March, etc; Minister Linda Reynolds 'settling' a defamation action by Ms Brittany Higgins after Reynolds called Ms Higgins "a lying cow"; Ms Higgins 'alleged' Rapist Bruce Lehrmann apparently 'disappearing', but to where?...then the 15th March 2021 Women's Marches across Australia, and Porter literally simultaneously launching his farcical scare-tactic 'Defamation' case against the ABC and Louise Milligan, and in Parliament Scummo's refusal to front the protests/march, and openly veiled threats about how fortunate the protestors were to not be shot!...on a day of nation-wide marches to protest violence against women and inequality and lack of safety in the workplace, etc, etc, and Porter and Morrison celebrated their arrogance and contempt and disdain for women...  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog... 


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