Monday, March 22, 2021

Either AFP Commissioner Kershaw Or PMO's Phil Gaetjens Are Lying

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to another angry post about the perpetual rolling misogynist disgrace that is Scott 'Scummo' Morrison and the rancidly corrupt Liberal/National Scummo is being repeatedly asked in Parliament by Labor if he has asked his staff about the attacks on Ms Higgins and her family/supporters by the Office of the Prime Minister (PMO)...these attacks have previously been reported and Ms Higgins herself identified these attacks during her speech to the Women's March on 15th March 2021...Scummo carefully and repeatedly weasel-words his way around not directly answering the question by stating "there is no evidence before me"...if he hasn't asked the question, there is no evidence...he won't say 'Yes or No', and he's clearly lying again and again thinking he's a jolly clever little misogynist by sneeringly avoiding a direct answer...and when Labor persists, off goes Scummo into a well-rehearsed rant about all the great things the LNP is supposedly doing to support and protect women, etc, and hurling righteously indignant abuse at Labor about how they're supposedly politicising the issue and 'playing gutter politics', etc, etc, ad nauseum...lie, deny, attack...   

Tonight there are reportedly 3 different 'exposes' being broadcast about the Ms Higgins Rape case and/or other issues of 'Canberra Culture'...apparently Peter Van Onselen is doing a piece on Channel 10's 5pm News Program, but many people are quite rightly deeply cynical about this given Van Onselen's disgraceful conduct in his appalling, denigrating attacks on Ms Katharine Thornton (deceased), as part of his broader support/defense of his good mate Attorney-General Christian Porter...most think it will be a carefully manipulated piece designed and presented to try and distract away from Porter and the Liberal/National Party...I note that Van Onselen appears to have been removed/sacked(?) from Channel 10's news/info show The Project, his Wikipedia page stating "former host"...he has also completely deleted his entire Twitter history, and lost many thousands of 'Followers'...

There's also reportedly another piece on tonight's The Project, which is apparently so controversial and potentially inflammatory that is not being advertised until late today, and has somehow been leaked/exposed via Twitter...there is also another ABC Four Corners piece on later this evening about Ms Brittany Higgins...many consider that the rushed Van Onselen piece is about heading-off and undermining either The Project or Four Corners or both...I will force myself to sit through all 3, but I hope the Four Corners report is a vast improvement on the pathetic and definably compromised piece they did on 8th March had clearly been hacked to bits by lawyers and/or legal threats, and the lipless, skin-crawlingly un-nerving 'legal expert' was so obviously pro-LNP corrupt, indeed, he was/is NSW Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian's own lawyer...I note that the Four Corners Facebook page skips from 2nd March to the 9th March, and makes no reference what-so-ever to that 8th March 'Canberra Bubble'  program...there are none of the usual posts about promos, as seen for previous programs, the CB story is missing, and there are obviously no related 'Comments'...     

Here's a story sans pictures and ads, etc, and also the full link, that covers what's happening in Senate Estimates today...surprisingly, it's the usual weasel-worded deceits from the LNP...

Internal investigation into Brittany Higgins rape allegation 'paused' (

Internal investigation into Brittany Higgins rape allegation 'paused'

The head of the Prime Minister's department has been accused of trying to "cover-up" his inquiry into who knew about Brittany Higgins rape allegation and when.
Phil Gaetjens said he had "paused" the inquiry while the Australian Federal Police (AFP) carried out a criminal investigation at Senate Estimates hearings on Monday.
"We had been asked by the AFP to make sure there was no intersection and as a result we put the inquiry on hold," Mr Gaetjens said today.
"The AFP commissioner informed me on the ninth of March it would be strongly advisable to hold off finalising records of interview with staff until the AFP could clarify whether the criminal investigation into Ms Higgins sexual assault allegations may traverse any issues covered by the administrative process I was undertaking.
"If I am strongly advised by the Federal Police Commissioner, senator, I will follow that advice. That is what I have done."
Under questioning from Labor's Kristina Keneally, AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw told a senate hearing earlier in the day he had not asked Mr Gaetjens to "pause, stall or alter his investigation".
That was put to Mr Gaetjens by Labor Senator Penny Wong.
Brittany Higgins has alleged she was raped in Parliament by a colleague and was left with little support, prompting Prime Minister Scott Morrison to order a review of how workplace assault allegations are dealt with.
Brittany Higgins alleged she was raped in Parliament by a colleague and was left with little support, prompting Prime Minister Scott Morrison to order a review of how workplace assault allegations are dealt with. (Supplied/Nine)
"Your refusal to answer questions, and your pausing of the inquiry, is not as a consequence of the AFP's request, because we have out of their own mouth the denial of that," Ms Wong said.
"You are making a decision to cover-up your inquiry, to pause your inquiry as a result of your own decision."
Mr Gaetjens hit back at Labor's fiery attack, insisting "I don't believe that's correct".
"Mr Gaetjens decision (was) informed by discussion with AFP commissioner on how to best minimise or manage the risk of anything compromising or prejudicing ...successful investigation by the police of this serious matter," Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said.

***So, in Senate Estimates comes the cavalcade of deceits and denials and outright lies from Scummo's right-hand man, his go-to corrupt stooge, Phil Gaetjens, and it's being revealed that Gaetjens put his 'internal inquiry' on hold on 9th March, and told Scummo that, but that Scummo hasn't notified the Parliament...and Gaetjens is also stating that the Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw advised him to put a halt on the 'internal inquiry' so as to not compromise the AFP investigation re who knew what and when, etc...but as reported, Kershaw has already previously dismissed this which one of them is lying...and good luck with that, because the PMO and the AFP are both so chronically corrupt and untrustworthy who could you choose to be the truthful party even when they completely contradict each other? begs the question, what's the unseen truth that both are lying about?...and I note that Birmo, mate, is also running with that same lie...

Gaetjens is now using that same false excuse to refuse to answer questions about whether or not PMO staff have "lawyered-up" (to protect themselves?) re his this about all involved actively, willingly protecting Scummo behind a wall of lawyers, or are the staffers looking to protect themselves from Gaetjens and Scummo and becoming scape-goats as part of a different kind of higher-level 'protect Scummo agenda'?...or are their elements of both?...either which way, Gaetjens keeps stating that he doesn't want to compromise the AFP investigation by answering about the lawyers stuff, which is an absolute false assertion, answering that question is completely separate to any police investigation...and beyond that, Gaetjens is lying about the advice he claims to be following when making that false's a Twitter link to some of Gaetjens smug, smirking refusal to co-operate...please note the bit where he claims to be acting in the best interests of Ms Higgins, and the sickening smirk when he says Scummo, everything he says is delivered with a less than subtle undertone of contempt and self-importance...

Tomorrow: More LNP Corruption, Including Liberal Tony Pasin

And also a run-down of whatever is broadcast tonight...I remain permanently 'glass half empty' when it comes to promos about 'devastating revelations', and that last Four Corners effort only fans the fires of my cynicism, but here's hoping, maybe, just maybe this is the ABC hitting back at Porter's disgraceful, bullying 'Defamation Threat' legal action...we live in hope, but expect to be disappointed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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