Saturday, March 13, 2021

Peter Van Onselen Is A Vile, Immoral, Misogynist Rapist Protector

Dear availees...I am not a person who is naturally 'hateful' of others, but life has taught me that there are plenty of people that I can and do feel that way about...and rancid Murdoch hack Peter Van Onselen is one of those a recent post we covered his appalling attacks on Ms Katharine Thornton, both in the Murdoch gutter-scum press, but far more concerningly on the 'national broadcaster' the ABC, on their Insiders program, and also on The Project (Channel 10) he's taken his rancid attempted character assassination of Ms Thornton to a sickening new low, printing carefully selected portions of her 'dossier' as supplied to police and/or politicians...

 Language Warning:...and fuck Christian Porter and the Self-Righteous Privilege Pony that he rode in on...there is no question for me or many, many others that Porter did Rape Ms Thornton in 1998...everything I've seen about this screams-out that Porter did Rape Ms Thornton, and that literally everyone knows/knew...from Porter's censoring of his social media profiles, eg, removing any connection to his debating history, and then his crocodile tears and vacuous denials and definable lies about how he didn't know what the allegations are and nobody asked him, etc, as per his appallingly self-sympathetic press conference (Wednesday 3rd March 2021)...from Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's constant disingenuous claims that he wasn't told and/or hasn't read anything and therefore doesn't know, and his belligerent declarations that somehow he still knows that Porter "is innocent", and constant erroneous babble about "the rule of law" and related flat-out refusal to do an appropriate independent inquiry, etc...from the abject failures of the Australian Federal and/or New South Wales Police to take a statement from Ms Thornton and then lie about it, and/or read the letter recently provided and/or contact witnesses listed there-in , etc, etc...and then there's the rancidly vile attacks from the gallery of fuckwit luminaries oozing their collective fuckery out of gutter press formats like SKY News and the Murdoch swamp...

And arguably the worst of this sad shit-pile of toxic humanity is Peter Van Onselen...most of these clowns make no attempt to try and disguise just how bigotted and biased they are, and what sort of Right Wing pro-Liberal/National Party supporters and apologists they are...but not Peter, he's all about what a great guy he is and just calling it as he sees it, etc...his own rancid actions regarding Ms Thornton, attacking her in defense of his good mate Christian Porter, this is what defines PVO as a fucking prick...where in all of his horrendous attacks on Ms Thornton does Pete, mate, accurately define just how much he and his wife have profitted directly from their association/friendship with Porter?...when will Pete, mate, in his relentless and very deliberately pro-Porter selective denigration of Ms Thornton acknowledge the direct causal links between Violent/Sexual Assaults and the onset of traumatic Mental Health issues?...

Here's Pete, mate, here's his latest scurrilously manipulative defamation of Ms Thornton, on behalf of his Rapist mate Christian Porter...and how the fuck did Pete get hold of these documents that were sent to Scummo and Penny Wong and Sarah Hanson Young?...who has passed this critically sensitive information onto this rancid little Murdoch stooge?...was it Scummo? Porter? the AFP? the NSW Police?...***   

The sitting fortnight ahead will be a difficult one for the government. Scott Morrison will be without the services of his Leader of the House, Christian Porter, who is also the Attorney-General and Industrial Relations Minister. This means the Coalition will be playing catch-up when it comes to parliamentary tactics. It also means that one of the few policy scripts the government appears to be willing to fight for — IR reform — is likely to stall.

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds will also be absent this week and next. Both are off on medical leave. Her absence during Senate estimates hearings will be met with plenty of scepticism. Just wait for the theatre. While both ministers won’t be present (there is a chance Porter may return for the second sitting week) their political shadows will certainly loom large: Reynolds for the way she handled rape allegations in her ministerial office, including reports she called the alleged victim, Brittany Higgins, a “lying cow”, while Porter continues to be in the spotlight for an historical sexual assault allegation that was reported on the ABC, albeit without the allegation even being put to him first.

(***There are no "reports", Reynolds has settled Ms Higgins' defamation claim, including paying Ms Higgins' legal costs and compensation...Pete knows that multiple media tried to contact Porter but that he refused to respond...this is Pete carefully, knowingly lying on behalf of the LNP***)  

We certainly live in strange times.

Throw in that Health Minister Greg Hunt will be hobbling around the corridors of power, having only just recovered from a bacterial infection in his leg. “Not related to the vaccine” seemed to be the first response from anyone and everyone in government when asked what happened to him, desperate not to give the anti-vaxxers any oxygen. That note even bobbed up in the daily talking points for Coalition MPs.

While Labor will zero in on the government’s myriad problems in question time and estimates, in a further twist to federal politics right now, Anthony Albanese is the leader under the most pressure, not Scott Morrison.

Yes, Morrison could and should have handled all of the above better than he has. To put it bluntly, he’s been out of his depth, seemingly determined to highlight differences between how he leads and how John Howard approached leadership. But Labor MPs will be watching Albanese very closely during the sitting fortnight ahead, mindful that if he can’t take paint off the government and the PM in these circumstances, what chance does he have in an election campaign?

So far Labor MPs haven’t been impressed with the lack of cut-through during opposition question time performances. “I don’t know where the bar exactly is set,” one Labor frontbencher says. “But he’s got to jump over it and stick his landing. Albo’s greatest strength right now is that those who want to replace him can’t settle on a candidate, and there are no guarantees any one of them would do better.”

A nicely worded quote for someone who sees themselves as a leadership option. The joys of anonymity’ there has been fair bit of that lately in Australian politics.

But the closer we get to the next election the risk grows that opposition MPs panic and make a move against Albo.

It is a perverse situation that so much can be going wrong for the government yet it is the opposition that has the most to lose from this sitting fortnight. It goes into it as the favourite and needs to come out the other side seen as the winner.

Which is not to suggest that Coalition MPs aren’t concerned with how they are travelling. They are. So is the PM and so is the cabinet. One minister noted that Morrison looks panicked in private, which isn’t something they have seen before: “Other than at the start of the fires.”

But he has time on his side. No one is challenging Morrison, no one is lining him up. His heir apparent is obvious, Josh Frydenberg, but the Treasurer isn’t counting numbers, not even close. The PM chooses the timing of the next election and remains in front in the polls. His federal director, Andrew Hirst, is the best in the business, having masterminded the come-from-behind campaign in 2019.

Not that polls worry Morrison anyway — he only won one poll in the previous term, the one that mattered. Election Day. If Team Morrison has anything to worry about, it is that it lacks a clear narrative for re-election beyond appearing a safer option than the alternative. It has a penchant for winning elections but little ideological motivation for staying in power beyond retaining patronage and keeping Labor away from the Treasury benches.

It’s not the best pitch for a fourth term in office I have ever heard.

At one level Morrison’s is an old-fashioned conservative ethos, made more potent by the fact the last election saw Labor advocating for controversial reforms. Labor’s failure to get an ambitious policy agenda across the line at the 2019 election threatens to usher in another era of policy timidity.

Of course, there’s much more to policy innovation than mere electoral politics. Only parts of the Hawke-Keating agenda of the 1980s were put to the electoral test. We shouldn’t expect political leaders to show courage — to use a term currently in fashion — when the electorate and the media reward a more conservative approach.

There is something to be said, though, for relying on the political advantages of incumbency and the extensive machinery of government to conjure the combination of policy ideas, political support and skill at implementation, which is essential to sustain political change. This gives political leaders greater control of policy debate in a media environment that rewards short-termism.

While hardly an example to inspire young political activists, the last Labor federal government did progress modest proposals on broadband and disability insurance.

On the other hand, when it came to carbon emissions trading, a bolder policy from the opposition couldn’t be sustained in government. Yet Labor in opposition doesn’t look particularly energised on any of these fronts.

Morrison in many respects embodies the limitations of contemporary Australian politics: spin as a first instinct, little policy imagination, and a risk-averse approach, even after a solid election win. Yet, along with the states, the federal government showed a good deal of policy flexibility when faced with the COVID-19 crisis.

Which adds up to tough political times ahead for Labor, notwithstanding the quagmire the government appears to currently be in.

***...absolutely fucking extraordinary!...with all of the rancid LNP corruption, upto and including multiple Rape Cover-ups, and it's still 'Labor Labor Labor'...and now Pete has gone even a step further down into the pro-LNP Murdoch cesspit by sharing/supporting another rancidly defamatory attack on Ms Thornton, this time from Janet Albrechtsen...I can't get the actual article because it's behind a's a deceitful manipulation, distorting the facts with selective publication of specific documents, ignoring the vast likelihood that Rape trauma led to the Mental Health issues, and all to try and perpetrate the disgraceful denigration of a person who cannot defend herself...and as many have observed, the same people like Pete who have decried a "trial by media" of poor old Christian Porter, they clearly have no problem with "trial by media" for Ms Thornton...they are collectively immoral scum, the lowest of the low, and everything they do and say about this only further confirms that Porter did Rape Ms Thornton, and that Scummo and the LNP know that, have known for quite some time, and so too the police, and all involved are complicit...

Here's the link to the This Is Not Journalism hashtag regarding Pete's latest effort...

Here's some of many comments that perfectly encapsulate what so many people are feeling and saying about Pete... 

*1) Van Onselen demonstrates the depths to which the gutter Murdoch press will go to support its mates in the #Bufocracy by publishing leaked documents cherrypicked to discredit dead alleged victim.

2) The ultimate humiliation for Kate. The thoughts of a vulnerable woman, in words & images, splashed on the pages of a newspaper. How did you & Janet Albrechtsen choose which pages of her diary to undermine & humiliate her with? This is beyond sad & tragic. It's unconscionable.

3) I’ve just unfollowed @vanOnselenP for or retweeting an article in the Australian that shows a page of Katherine’s writing when she was clearly not well mentally. What was the purpose of this article? To paint Katherine’s mental state as being so unstable, she must not be believed

4) It goes like this. Woman suffers severe trauma when she’s raped. Men who enable rapists say she can’t be believed about the rape because of the severe trauma she’s suffering as a result of it. This is how much they hate us

5) @Lisa_Wilkinson @theprojecttv Peter van Onselen must not be on the panel while the Porter rape allegation remains unresolved. He’s not a journalist, but a poorly biased friend who’s creating harm to not only the alleged victim’s family but all the women who have been assaulted.* 

Also many, many people tweeting that they will no longer be reading anything Pete does, and/or watching The Project, and calling for The Project host Lisa Wilkinson to call-out her co-host Pete live on air...and that if she doesn't, she effectively tars herself as complicit in his appalling conduct...

Tomorrow: Some New LNP Corruption Scandal

Someone was telling me that jolly japesters have been wittily quipping on social media that Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin will take his recent fourth pre-selection win all the way to the Prime Ministership, 'cos he's about the only Liberal left who doesn't have a Rape and/or other Corruption scandal hanging over I reckon I'll help Tony back into the LNP fold by detailing just exactly how complicit he is in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...have covered this stuff before here on TMGI, but it's currently relevant...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...    

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