Sunday, March 7, 2021

Teachers Registration Board Victim-Blames 7 Year Old Kids - The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy dear availees...a very quick post to address the epidemic of Victim Blaming currently infecting the Australian media and some parts of politics with regards to the Ms Brittany Higgins Rape Case, and the Ms Katharine Thornton Rape Case...particularly with Ms Thornton the (usually male) journos have been flat-out casting aspersions about the 'mental health' of the accuser and how that impacts on poor old Attorney General Christian Porter, etc, etc...literally everything is being said/done by a cabal of rancid little men (and some women, particularly Liberal/National Party women) to discredit Ms Thornton and protect Porter, etc, and all carefully avoiding the very specific likelihood that Ms Thornton's health issues were triggered by being subjected to a violent Rape as a teenager...this is a typical 'The System' strategy to cover-up abuses and protect perpetrators, etc, denigrate the survivor/victim and undermine their story, etc, by using the trauma suffered due to the Rape/Assault against them...I have repeatedly stated how triggered/angered/traumatised I am by what's happened these last few weeks, but that I cannot imagine the suffering of victims/survivors...and today I'm going to quantify that trauma and why the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up has direct parallels to current issues...regular availees will remember most of this, but here it is...

In February/March 2003 several parents, myself included, petitioned the South Australian Teachers Registration Board to take disciplinary action against "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...Dorling was exposed in June 2002 for abusing most if not all 7 year old students in his grade 2 class at St Martins...he was removed from teaching on the June long weekend and never returned to the classroom, but sued the school for 'Unfair Dismissal', which the Lutherans did not contest so he received a $250,000 pay-out, all hidden behind 'Confidentiality Agreements', and he left the school permanently/officially in late was later alleged to us parents by Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs (late 2004) and Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan (early 2005) that the Lutherans had simply moved Dorling to Victoria were he was teaching in a Lutheran School...the SA TRB started their 'inquiry' in March 2003, interviewed several parents in May/June, and then 'suspended' their Inquiry twice, until eventually starting in June 2004...they then held 7 different hearing dates from June to November 2004, forcing us parents to repeatedly travel back and forward to Adelaide (450kms away)...with hindsight, these multiple adjournments/delays were undoubtedly about causing maximum stress and trauma to us parents...

In November 2004 the TRB completely exonerated Dorling, and sent us parents a 2-line letter, sans any actual explanation, and subsequently refused our multiple requests for any explanation and/or a copy of the TRB's 32-page long Reasons For Decision...but when several families tried to sue the Lutherans and Dorling, Dorling then used that TRB Reasons for Decision in his Affidavit...I was not directly involved, but when that attempted action collapsed due to the rancidly corrupt betrayal of parents by lawyers Bill DeGaris and Peter Humphries, DeGaris handed that Affidavit and other paperwork to myself and another parent...I recall he literally shoved it across the desk at us, told us it was all over, so sad, too bad, and couldn't get us out of his office fast enough...raging incompetent that he is, Bill DeGaris literally makes 'incompetent' a proper noun, we would likely never have accessed that TRB RFD if Dorling hadn't used it and then DeGaris handed it to was thusly revealed that Dorling had acknowledged the contacts that he was 'accused' of, but had actually blamed the kids as being out of control, that the kids had forced themselves on him and he couldn't stop them...he actually stated, 'if I hadn't been reported I was about to report it myself'...

This completely contradicted the evidence of Flinders Child Protection Unit/Services, who are quoted in the TRB RFD as stating that there were concerning contacts and "games" taking place in that classroom, and that they were instigated by Dorling...the TRB had also ignored 1) extensive other testimony from FCPU/S and their official report(s?), 2) the FCPU/S's reports of their interviews with several children, ie, the children's statements, and 3) the testimony of us parents about what our kids had said to us and/or what we had personally witnessed...all of that extensive evidence and testimony was ignored or dismissed by the TRB, who chose to believe Dorling's extraordinary defense of blaming the children...the TRB also called me a liar, stating that my testimony was "not honest recollection", and completely dismissed my eye-witness evidence as irrelevant...

And I remind dear availees that Dorling was represented in that Inquiry by lawyer Stephen Lieschke, the law firm partner of then Labor Minister and soon to be Premier, Jay Weatherill.

I also remind availees that the TRB panel consisted of then Liberal leader Rob Kerin's cousin Carmel as Chair, and majority if not entirely of Teachers Union members/associates...Dorling was the Teachers Union representative at St Martins.

I also remind dear availees that "text-book grooming paedophile" was how FCPU/S described Dorling to me in August 2002 when expressing their deep concerns that SAPol (police) had already dumped their alleged investigation in July 2002, and did so without even informing parents or FCPU/S, and that they were finding all that out via me...

Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, including professional reports/testimony/opinion/evidence, etc, etc, the South Australian Teachers Registration Board 'Victim Blamed' a class of 7 year old, grade 2 children for the litany of abuses committed against them by "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling.

The South Australian Teachers Registration Board 'Victim Blamed' 7 year abhorrent and vile as the current spate of politically expedient 'Victim Blaming' is, this is what was done to us and our kids by the TRB in 2004.  

There was also a litany of 'Victim Blaming' from SAPol, who repeatedly blamed us parents for their abject failure and repeated refusal to do any sort of investigation...they never formally interviewed Dorling, claiming to have 'spoken' to him but refusing to provide any evidence of that...they repeatedly blamed us parents for "not lodging official complaints" as an excuse for dumping their 'original investigation' in mid-July 2002, which was an outright lie because I and other parents had attended Mt Gambier Police Station numerous times, requesting to lodge complaints, provide statements, etc, but we were constantly refused doing so...SAPol then blamed us parents for dumping their fake alleged 'second' investigation, stating that we had been discussing it amongst ourselves and that denied Dorling fair process, etc...sound familiar? it's exactly what's happening with Porter...refer/defer to a fake police investigation whilst screeching about the 'alleged' perpetrator's rights, etc...

We were also repeatedly attacked by Pro-Paedophile Corrupt politicians, eg, the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen who initially promised to help us "fix a broken system" (August 2002) , but then backed out (late 2002) stating there was nothing he could that meeting in his office, he actually told myself and 3 other fathers that "it's your fault that your kids have been abused because you sent them to that school in the first place"...I still applaud those fathers that Rory got out of that meeting alive...the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Rory then attacked us on the front page of The Border Watch ( 6th May 2005) as being 'conspiracy theorists who think everything is corrupt', and had "actually hounded the teacher"...Rory knew the most intimate details of what our kids were subjected to, and he betrayed us and them to 'buy' his way into a Ministerial position with the equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Rann Labor government...   

And that's 'tip of the iceberg' stuff when it comes to the 'Victim Blaming' associated with the St Martins Cover-up, eg, the Lutherans openly and repeatedly attacked us few parents as "perpetrators of bad rumours", not least of all as stated in their school news letter in July 2002...Lutheran hierarchy were attending their precious Church and telling everyone that it was all just a few trouble-maker parents stirring-up trouble about nothing much...we were accused of just trying to get money from the school, accusations parroted in 'Comments' on this blog by anonymous stooge 'Dick Stretcher'...and on it went and on it goes...

But for all of that rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'Victim Blaming' of parents, and even compared to what's happening right now re Ms Higgins and Ms Thornton, is there anything more illustrative of the Pro-Paedophile/Pro-Rape System, or more grossly appalling, than the TRB 'Victim Blaming' 7 year old kids?...and yes, that is a bitterly sarcastic rhetorical question...

Tomorrow: Alleged Journalist Peter Van Onselen Victim Blames Ms Thornton To Defend/Protect His Mate Christian Porter

Appalling doesn't begin to describe his conduct, let alone that multiple media outlets/programs like the ABC's Insiders program have him on to spew his vile pro-Porter bias into our collective faces...Language Warning...fuck off back under your rock Peter, and take your fucking mate Christian with you...End Language Warning...I note that the Murdoch media, of which Van Onselen is one, they are running continuous multiple stories denigrating Ms Thornton and bleating about poor old Christian...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

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