Monday, March 15, 2021

Andrew Bolt Is A Vile, Immoral, Misogynist, Rapist Protector

Howdy dear availees, you will be aware that this is the same title as the previous post, just with the name 'Peter Van Onselen' replaced with 'Andrew Bolt'...Andrew 'The Blot' Bolt is just another in a long list of rancidly self-important, toxic Right Wing half-wits, wholly taken with a sense of his own wonder...he is deliberately notorious, and like so many of his ilk, takes genuine pleasure in the denigration and trauma he causes with his bigotry and, 15th March 2021, with 1,000s of people marching around the country about women's safety, etc, and particularly safety in Parliament House, Bolt chose to write and publish an appalling denigration of Ms Katharine Thornton, citing the lengthy document provided (by Ms Thornton's friends?) to PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison...he prefaces his rancid character assassination with insidiously disingenuous statements about concerns for Ms Thornton's family, etc, before launching into a litany of derogatory observations, repeatedly using the term "a very, very disturbed woman"...I'm not going to dignify this abhorrent piece of trash by quoting or even providing a link...if you must read it, just Interweb search 'Bolt blog 15 March 2021', under 'What The ABC Didn't Tell You'...and these clowns refer to Twitter as a "sewer"...  

And who is providing these rancid journos this document?...just now in Parliament, Scummo claims that he passed-on his copy to the Australian Federal Police, and didn't make and/or keep and therefore doesn't have a copy of who's giving this document to these arseholes like Van Onselen and Bolt?...and Labor leader Anthony Albanese is calling-out Scummo's extraordinary statement that the PM's office received the extremely critical document relating to the Attorney-General Christian Porter, but allegedly didn't retain a's a patently obvious lie...Albanese is now getting stuck-in about the Rape of Ms Brittany Higgins and Scummo's ludicrous assertions that no-one told him anything about it from the time of the Rape in 2019, until he (Scummo) heard about it when it was exposed in the media a few weeks's a patently obvious lie...and up jumps Peter 'The Nazi' Dutton to shut-down debate, "I move the speaker no longer be heard"...  

I remind availees that Scummo has repeatedly claimed to not have read that document but to have discussed it's contents with Christian Porter, who also claims to not know what was in it...but, despite neither knowing it's contents, they've discussed it at length and Porter had strenuously denied the allegations that he didn't know about, after Scummo, who also doesn't know what they are, put those allegations to him...and having discussed the issues that neither know about, Scummo fully accepts Porter's denial of the unknown allegations, and therefore, according to Scummo, Porter is "innocent" is self-evidently a litany of ludicrous lies...

And also today, Christian Porter has launched a 'Defamation' action against journo Louise Milligan and the ABC Four Corners program...whilst on 'Mental Health Sick leave', Porter's apparently bravely rallied enough to launch this farcically fake legal action...this is purely about 1) trying to shut-down the media reporting and discussion, etc, and 2) to simultaneously give Scummo et al the 'I Can't Comment Because It's In Court' strategy to hide behind and not answer questions, etc, and 3) also use that to continue to deny the perfectly appropriate Independent Inquiry that so many legal experts have supported but that Scummo flatly refuses to is in it's entirety an act of rancid political bastardry deliberately perpetrated on this Women's March day to deliberately demonstrate exactly how much contempt Porter and Scummo have for women en masse...Language Warning:...this is not 'having a deaf/tin ear', and/or 'not reading the room', this is Porter and Scummo saying loudly and clearly to the room, go fuck ya'selves you stupid whinging women...End Language Warning...

It is no coincidence that The Blot has launched his vile attack on Ms Thornton, and used her trauma to attack the ABC, on the same day that Porter has started his pathetic 'Defamation' case against the ABC...that is not a is no coincidence that his vile abuse column today opened with the same fake concerns for Ms Thornton's family that Porter spewed-out at his press conference on 3rd March 2021...these people are of an ilk, and it's a sickly corrupt misogynist ilk... 

And having refused to front the marchers in Canberra, a pathetically cowardly refusal to front-up to address genuine concerns and genuine anger, etc, and having offered instead to meet with a couple of them in his office so he could manipulate yet another pro-Scummo photo opportunity, and which they intelligently refused to do, Scummo stood at the dispatch box today in the Federal Parliament and said this...and be warned, as insane and vaguely threatening as it is, this is a direct quote, not my opinion or a summation, a is a direct quote from our Prime Minister...

"This is a vibrant liberal democracy, Mr Speaker, not far from here, such marches, even now, are being met with bullets, but not here in this country, Mr Speaker."

What an insanely monstrous thing to say...apparently Australian women should be grateful they're not getting gunned-down in the street by their own police forces...and just to close on a slightly less offensive note, I've pinched this bit from Twitter 'cos it sums-up Scummo perfectly...***

Yes Mr Speaker, hear what I say Mr Speaker. I’ve perfected the art of saying nothing Mr Speaker but at the same time convincing myself Mr Speaker that I truly am a legend in my own mind, Mr Speaker and I now ask Mr Speaker that no other members be heard Mr Speaker.

***Oh, and here's the link to the on-line record of the 'Defamation' case launched by Porter...thankyou to the Twitter champ who posted this...I encourage y'all to save and regularly review this page... 

Tomorrow: Liberal Tony Pasin's Support For Lutheran Paedophile Cover-up In Mt Gambier

Lest if be forgotten just how complicit Tony is in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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