Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Stop-Gap Post About The Politics Of Protecting Rapists And Paedophiles

Howdy dear availees...given the now multiple Rape 'allegations' related to Parliament House and/or the Liberal Party, it's been a very long fortnight...I know how much I've struggled, but I cannot imagine how traumatic it's been for Ms Brittany Higgins or Ms Chelsea Potter or the other un-named young women involved, or for the many, many people in our 'society' who have suffered re-newed and/or ongoing trauma after similar abuses, or worse, and had similar gross failures from authorities, etc, etc...for my part, I see a deliberate and very controlled male-dominated structure of denial and protection for Paedophiles and Rapists, particularly those in any position of influence and/or power...I have been absolutely triggered by the extraordinary similarities between the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and Ms Higgins experience/treatment, where-in literally everybody in a position of authority, upto and including the Prime Minister's Office and the Australian Federal Police, they all know, they all have known since Ms Higgins' Rape occurred in March 2019, and yet nothing has been done until the story has hit the media...

Regular availees will be well aware of the exhaustive efforts of us parents to get appropriate action taken against "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling who abused an entire class of Grade Two 7 year-olds in 2002, if not hundreds of junior primary children, going back into the mid-1990s...and at every turn, particularly in dealing with SAPol (police), we were warned about the increased trauma that out kids would suffer...and I say 'warned' because it was a thinly veiled threat smeared with intimidation and accusation, ie, if you continue forward then you're bad parents because you've been warned about how traumatising the system is to your children...and traumatising in the context that everything will be done to protect and excuse the perpetrator in a system that's set-up and geared-up and motivated to do exactly that, protect the perpetrator...we were put through this Blame/Guilt grinder many, many times by multiple agencies, but most regularly and specifically by SAPol...  

What Ms Higgins has encountered, what Ms Higgins has been subjected to, is not an unfortunately disjointed and clumsily dysfunctional 'System', this is a 'System' that is doing exactly what it is designed to do, to openly dissuade and if that fails then discredit complainants, de-rail investigations, deny accountability, and protect and distract away from 'The System' itself...

And I'm feeling thoroughly drained and deflated, but it too shall pass, so, in trying to keep moving forward, here's a link to an excellent piece by a well-known Rape 'survivor', Ms Nina Funnell...I urge dear availees to read through the 'Comments' as well because there are some unpleasantly illuminating 'misogynist' views expressed there-in as well...

And in context, for a markedly less confronting almost amusing change of pace, here's the link to an extraordinary piece about Energy Minister Angus Taylor by Pauline Poulter...and I say quite facetiously that it's a change of pace because it's the organised, multi-faceted corruption defined here-in that is a cornerstone of 'The System', of 'The Establishment', of the structures of Entitlement and Institutionalised Corruption that lead to and precipitate and arguably demand the sort of Moral-Less Self-Serving Pro-Rapist and Pro-Paedophile Culture that pervades/controls/defines all of our 'Upper Echelons'...and it's down the rabbit hole because (Ms) Poulter has done several pamphlets/articles about various Ministers/Acolytes/Stooges, including a 200-page piece on Treasurer Josh Frydenburg, and so I've included a link to her full site/page...

Tomorrow: I'll Try To Get To The Mt Gambier City Council Rampant Corruption Stuff

Regular availees will have noted that 'Ed' has been absent for the past 5-6 posts...given that 'Ed' is a confected literary device used to debate/discuss conflicting perspectives, and/or set-up jokes, etc, I felt that the recent issues of Rape and Sexual Assault and related Federal government Cover-ups, etc, were/are too serious for 'jokes', and as far as I'm concerned, there is no 'debate' to be had...when the Prime Minister stands there and repeatedly straight-out lies about his clearly definable role in the Cover-up of Rape because it was/is politically damaging, there is no humour, there is no debate...

It puts me in mind of something my Pops used to say, and he worked for decades as a staffer in South Australian State Parliament, and as a result had nothing but contempt for the 'political classes'...and it goes a little like this...if you really want responsible and accountable politicians and a just democracy, then every few years you need to get some of the really off ones (politicians) and put them up against the wall (euphemism for execute them), and you just watch how fast the rest move to act responsibly from there-on in, when they know there's I don't support Capital Punishment, but how's about a life sentence in hard labour, as meted-out by a non-corrupt ICAC, not the basely-corrupted bastardisation of an ICAC we have in South Australia...    

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

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